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Chapter 628 Oranges and Shorting

Wangquan Mountain is located in the northwest of the capital, where many retired patriarchs live.

As a retired patriarch, Fang Lao likes to write calligraphy and occasionally paint a few landscape paintings.

At this time, Mr. Fang was standing in front of the desk, with a set of calligraphy on his left hand. He was copying the calligraphy on the left with a pen in his right hand. He was concentrating on it and his wrist was steady and strong. There was no trace of him being an old man.

Next to Fang Lao's table stood the white-faced middle-aged man who had just returned from the Beijing Public Security Bureau. He waited quietly.

Fang Lao slowly finished writing the four words "Longevity and Longevity". He stared at his own handwriting for a long time, then looked at what others had written. He sighed softly and said, "Xiao Duan, compare these two words."

Secretary Duan walked over, looked at it carefully, and said: "In terms of the sophistication of the calligraphy, yours is a bit inferior, but in terms of the momentum and the simplicity, the other party is obviously not as good as you. Your calligraphy looks grand."

Unexpectedly, Fang Lao said angrily: "Running script is about flowing clouds and flowing water. How can it compare with momentum? Guess how old the owner of the calligraphy on the left is."

Secretary Duan said in surprise: "Mr. Fang, you attended the calligraphers' gathering of the Calligraphy Association yesterday. When you came back, you shouted that you stole a good calligraphy from Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, and ordered us not to allow Mr. Wang to do so within half a year."

Sir, come in and get this calligraphy, have you forgotten?"

"I asked you to guess how old the person who wrote this calligraphy is. If it was written by Xiao Wang, do I need you to guess?" Mr. Fang continued to stare at the calligraphy.

Secretary Duan, who has been serving in the office for many years and has studied calligraphy and painting appreciation, took a closer look at the calligraphy and exclaimed: "Look at the first character, the pen is sharp and sharp, it seems that he is a young man. But the second character is restrained.

A lot. By the third character, this character has become the climate, and the fourth character has become the style of a master. It would be impossible to write this without sixty or seventy years of fire."

"Hmph, did you make a mistake? The person who wrote this calligraphy was in his early twenties! Xiao Wang deliberately brought this calligraphy to the party, saying that he had met a new genius brother who was better at writing cursive script than him. As soon as this calligraphy came out

, which stunned us old guys. We kept asking who it was, but he refused to tell us. Before I left, I took off this calligraphy and ran away. I don’t care who it belongs to. Let me cover it up for half a year first.

." Fang Lao smiled slightly.

Secretary Duan wanted to roll his eyes. It was unimaginable that a retired patriarch would snatch something and run away in front of so many people. It was so embarrassing, but the elder was still a little proud.

Secretary Duan coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Fang, I went to the police station, but found that things were different from before, so I called and asked others. I will tell you in detail, and it is up to you to decide."

"Say." Fang Lao slowly copied the unknown calligrapher's calligraphy while listening to what Secretary Duan said about Fang Tianfeng and the Xiang family.

From beginning to end, Mr. Fang didn't say a word, which was completely different from his attitude when talking about calligraphy.

It's just that Fang Lao's calligraphy is worse than the last.

When Secretary Duan finished speaking, Mr. Fang's hand stopped in mid-air.

"I understand." After saying this, Mr. Fang continued practicing calligraphy as if nothing had happened.

After a long time, Fang Lao sighed softly and asked, "Xiang Zhili really hired a murderer to kill people? Does Xiao Xiang know?"

"There will be no problem with the intelligence of the military and national security. According to my guess, Xiang Lao acquiesced to Xiang Zhili's actions."

"Based on my friendship with Xiao Xiang, it doesn't matter if he takes advantage of me once. It's just that he is confused!"

The study was quiet except for the sound of Mr. Fang writing.

In the interrogation room of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, all the police officers took notes carefully, for fear of angering Fang Tianfeng, because they all knew that the suspect was angry and should not be trifled with.

After finishing the transcript, Deputy Director Cai immediately shook hands with Fang Tianfeng and thanked Fang Tianfeng for cooperating with the police. His attitude was even more enthusiastic than that of the victims.

Fang Tianfeng walked out of the interrogation room, but Director Cao had changed into civilian clothes and was waiting outside.

"Mr. Fang, have you finished taking the notes?" Director Cao said with a smile.

"Well. Deputy Director Cai, let's come too. Anyway, the guest is Prince Said. He is a real rich man." Although Fang Tianfeng was unhappy because Li Yong and Ai Zijian wanted to seize the water plant, he didn't take it too seriously at this time.


"Okay. Xiao Cai, you can come too." Director Cao said with a smile.

"Then I'll go change some clothes and I'll be there soon." Deputy Director Cai trotted away.

Fang Tianfeng and Director Cao walked out of the city bureau together. No one knew who shouted something, and everyone cheered and gathered around, asking for help.

Ning Youlan and An Tiantian are also there.

Fang Tianfeng didn't expect these people to be so enthusiastic, so he said it was a misunderstanding and told everyone not to worry.

Prince Said first gave Fang Tianfeng a warm hug, and then said that he had booked a large private room at the Beijing International Hotel, in order to thank Fang Tianfeng and to celebrate his escape from death.

Fang Tianfeng was not interested in this luncheon. What he really cared about was how to bring down Li Yong and Daoqiang Company, and then return to Dongjiang to solve the trouble of the Ai family after the case in Beijing was settled.

However, Fang Tianfeng still went to the hotel for dinner with everyone.

The atmosphere of the luncheon was great and everyone was chatting happily. Some people said they must buy some after learning that Fang Tianfeng was the owner of Youyun Lingquan.

Prince Said is a relatively outgoing and lively person. Although he is over thirty, he looks like he is in his twenties. At the banquet, he expressed his gratitude many times and said that he would designate Youyun Lingquan as the royal family of Anguo.

Drinking water exclusively, and said that if Fang Tianfeng's branch opened in Anguo, he would personally advertise for Fang Tianfeng.

During the dinner, Prince Said learned that Fang Tianfeng was unmarried and said that he would marry his sister to Fang Tianfeng in two years when she reaches adulthood.

As soon as these words came out, many people present were envious, because the beauty of the little princess of Anguo is world-famous, and she is known as the first princess of the royal family of all countries. There were some photos of the little princess of Anguo on the Internet, which attracted countless praises. Especially when they saw the little princess of Anguo when she was a child.

After seeing the photo, countless people shouted that it was so cute.

Prince Said said that he did not dare to go to Dongjiang now, but he would definitely go in a while, and invited Fang Tianfeng to visit Anguo as a guest.

Because everyone kept chatting, the banquet ended from noon until 7pm. Before leaving, everyone exchanged business cards or contact information.

After the meal, Fang Tianfeng, Ning Youlan and An Tiantian returned to the villa.

He Changxiong was waiting in the living room. Ning Youlan and An Tiantian went upstairs to take a shower and fell asleep. What happened on the plane was so thrilling. The two of them had been worried about Fang Tianfeng all day and were exhausted.

Fang Tianfeng and He Changxiong went to the study room and used the computer to check the contents of the USB flash drive.

He Changxiong was on the side and noticed that Fang Tianfeng was reading the information at a speed exceeding one eye and ten lines, turning a page in one second without stopping at all.

He Changxiong looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he secretly exclaimed that Fang Tianfeng was indeed a pervert.

After reading all the information about Li Yong and Daoqiang Company, Fang Tianfeng closed his eyes, leaned on the back of his chair and thought, looking for the weaknesses of Daoqiang Company.

Not long after, Fang Tianfeng suddenly opened his eyes and asked: "Daoqiang is listed on NASDAQ in the United States. If Daoqiang has a major problem and causes the stock price to plummet, we know in advance and can we make money, right?"

"Yes, Nasdaq stocks can be shorted." He Changxiong said.

"I have no research on the stock market. What does short selling mean? Please give me an example that I can understand." Fang Tianfeng said.

He Changxiong thought for a moment and said: "For example, oranges are now ten yuan per pound. I think the price of oranges will fall in the future, and some people think that the price of oranges will rise in the future. Then, I borrow a pound of oranges from him and agree to pay them back in two days.

Give him a pound of oranges. After I borrowed the oranges today, I sold them for ten yuan. Two days later, the price of oranges dropped sharply to five yuan a pound. I bought a pound of oranges for five yuan and returned them to that person. Then, I

It is equivalent to making five yuan, which is a successful short sale. However, if the price of oranges rises two days later, for example, to twelve yuan per catty, then I will have to spend twelve yuan to buy the oranges and return them to him, losing two yuan.

The short sale failed. Can you understand this?"

"You can probably understand. But, is anyone really willing to lend you that pound of oranges?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"There are many such companies in the United States, such as Merrill Lynch, which was famous during the subprime mortgage crisis. However, it was later acquired by the Bank of America. Moreover, there are many companies in the United States that mainly engage in short selling. A while ago, a U.S. fund wanted to

I shorted the stock of 365, a company that does anti-virus browsing, but the short short failed. There are still people who succeeded, do you know John Paulson?"

"I don't know." Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said.

"John Paulson is a billionaire who is famous for his short selling. During the subprime mortgage crisis, he shorted and made almost 8 billion U.S. dollars! Of course, after deducting various expenses, he definitely didn't get that much. How much money does Paulson have now?

I don’t know, but three years ago, he was ranked 45th on the list of the world’s richest people. I also read a biography of him called “The Greatest Trader”. His nickname is Wall Street God, the number one hedge fund man.

, the short-selling level is very powerful. Even Soros and others back then were far inferior to him."

Fang Tianfeng nodded, pondered for a moment, and asked, "You should have a way to short a stock in the United States, right?"

He Changxiong looked at Fang Tianfeng hesitantly and said: "There is a way, but it is very troublesome. The various handling fees and taxes will be very high, but this is not a problem. The problem is that I don't know much about the American stock market, so I don't know much about it.

I don’t know which stocks are going to fall, so I can’t go short.”

Fang Tianfeng smiled calmly and said, "I am responsible for making Daoqiang Company's stock plummet, and you are responsible for short selling, how about it?"

He Changxiong's eyes lit up, it was the look of a predator after smelling food.

"What can you do to make Daoqiang's stock plummet? Although I don't pay attention to Nasdaq technology stocks, I also know that Daoqiang's business is booming and is on track to become the fourth giant in the Internet. At least in the next two years, Daoqiang's

Stocks will only rise, not fall."

Fang Tianfeng said: "I didn't know whether it would fall, but after reading your information, I am convinced that Daoqiang Company will suffer irreparable serious losses in the near future, and its market value will plummet wildly."

"Are you really going to take action against Daoqiang Company?" He Changxiong looked worried. Let alone him, even if the entire He family tried their best, they might not be able to win Daoqiang Company. There are people from ten major families behind Daoqiang.

"Well, I just felt that I was not satisfied with just defeating Dao Qiang and Li Yong. I also wanted to make some money on the way, so I came to you." Fang Tianfeng said. (To be continued...)

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