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Chapter 665 Fang Tianfeng Tathagata Buddha

Although the Daoqiang headquarters only has eight floors, it occupies an extremely large area. It stands out from the crowd and outshines all the surrounding buildings.

Fang Tianfeng looked at the headquarters of Daoqiang Company, turned off his mobile phone, and the surging vitality in his body was sent along his arms into the Buddha's relics.

Only Fang Tianfeng could see it. The teachings in the entire Buddha relic spurted out, flying into the sky like a white fountain, and then formed a giant Buddha hundreds of meters high.

The Buddha is sitting on the lotus seat, like the sun hanging in the sky. Behind him is emitting infinite amounts of golden light, illuminating all things. Petals are falling from the sky, Sanskrit sounds are bursting, and the shadows of countless monks and believers appear in front of the Buddha, hanging in the sky.

Half empty, stretching for hundreds of miles.

The whole world seems to have turned into a Buddha land.

Compared with yesterday, the face of this giant Buddha was no longer blurry, but very clear, so that Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a while.

The face of the Buddha in the sky is clearly that of Fang Tianfeng, and is no longer the outline of Sakyamuni.

"All Buddhas are Tathagata. Since this Buddha is no longer Sakyamuni Buddha, let's just call him Tathagata."

Fang Tianfeng thought in his heart and suddenly closed his eyes, but his eyes did not turn black. Instead, he turned to the perspective of the Tathagata Buddha in the sky, sitting in the void, looking down at the world.

At this moment, Fang Tianfeng is the Tathagata Buddha.

The cloud of luck in the Daoqiang Company immediately rolled violently, like a wild beast encountering a natural enemy. It was extremely vigilant, and quickly converged and condensed, eventually turning into a fist of luck as big as Fang Tianfeng Tathagata Buddha.

The Fang Tianfeng Tathagata Buddha in the sky opened his left hand, with the palm of his hand facing up, and saw a dark green comet of Wanlian disaster energy appearing in the palm of his hand.

Fang Tianfeng stretched out his middle finger and thumb, like Buddha holding a flower. He pinched the disaster comet and threw it to the powerful company.

The color of the dark green comet remains unchanged. But on the surface, there is a thin layer of rays of light. This light is obviously very thin and light, but it gives the disaster comet an air of immortality and indomitable spirit.


The powerful fist in the sky immediately attacked the disaster comet, but Fang Tianfeng Tathagata stretched out his right hand and tapped the giant fist lightly.

The sound of the Buddha roared, the golden light was brilliant, flowers were falling from the sky, and the vitality was surging. The powerful giant fist of luck was easily knocked back by Fang Tianfeng, and was then bound in place by the thick white luck.

Then the teaching luck in Fang Tianfeng's hand changed, and a wooden mallet was formed to knock the wooden fish. The mallet was aimed at the giant fist of luck and knocked down.

Dong, Dong, Dong Dong Dong...

The giant fist of luck, representing the strength of the entire Daoqiang Company, was struck by Fang Tianfeng without any resistance, like a motionless wooden fish.

Every time Fang Tianfeng strikes, the Great Luck Fist will make a crisp knocking sound, and the entire Great Luck Fist will shrink by one circle, and Fang Tianfeng Tathagata itself will also shrink by one circle.

Dong dong dong...

Amidst the sound of the wooden fish, Fang Tianfeng Tathagata Buddha and the Daoqiang Heyun Giant Fist are slowly shrinking.

The giant fist of luck struggles desperately, trying to seek help from the Yuan family for luck. But at this moment, a hundred miles around has been transformed into the Buddha's kingdom of Fangtianfeng Tathagata. No matter how strong the luck is, it can't compete with the supreme treasure of Buddhism that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is completely

Lost contact with the outside world.

In the sky, Fang Tianfeng Tathagata is fighting with Daoqiang Company's combined luck, but underground in Daoqiang Company, Wanlian's disaster comet has no obstacle and begins to show its power unscrupulously.

A ring of disaster gas centered on the disaster gas comet, expanding in all directions, and then the entire land, together with the company's office building and everything in the building began to tremble slightly.

Subsequently, people within a ten-mile radius of the entire Daoqiang Company clearly felt the earthquake.



Countless people left the office building and ran to the open ground outside.

However, the earthquake was just a cover-up.

In 1831, when a group of British soldiers were crossing Broughton Bridge in Manchester, their use of goose-stepping caused the bridge to resonate and cause the bridge to collapse.

Now, all the electronic equipment within Daoqiang Company, whether it is storage equipment such as hard disks and optical discs, or communication equipment such as optical fibers, including computers, mobile phones, etc., have begun to form incredible resonances.

At the same time, a stream of electric current was controlled by the disaster comet and sent to all electronic devices.


As the first crisp sound sounded, various electronic equipment in the Daoqiang Company building began to erupt with fierce and dense bursts. Whether it was the headquarters or the data center behind it, whether it was a personal computer or a server, they were all resonating and

Continuous explosions occur under the dual action of electric current.

The technical staff of Daoqiang Company were horrified to see strange scenes.

One LCD monitor after another suddenly exploded with arcs, and then the entire monitor was shattered into pieces.

One after another, the inside of the chassis made a crackling sound like exploding beans, and then puffs of pungent smoke spewed out.

Everyone's mobile phones went into vibrate mode, vibrating wildly, then making random noises, the screen of the mobile phone was shattered, and a faint smoke came out of the phone.

The computer room of the data center was the most spectacular. There were servers set up there like a library. But at this time, it became a carrier of flames and electric light, exploding one after another. The hard drive in it was the most severely damaged and turned directly into dust. There is no longer any.

Any means can restore the data in the hard drive.

Those who had watched the American movie "X-Men" even suspected that Magneto was coming at this moment, and more people rushed out of the office building and looked up at the sky, suspecting that it was a short earthquake and abnormality.

Strange solar storm.

Under the data center of Daoqiang Company, there is an underground computer room built in accordance with nuclear anti-nuclear standards, which is enough to withstand a magnitude 10 earthquake, but in the face of a disaster comet, it is no different from fragile paper.

All this came and went quickly. In just ten seconds, the equipment that cost billions to purchase was reduced to pieces, and all the company's data and information were destroyed in one fell swoop.

Meanwhile, netizens across the country were angry.

"To paralyze me, I'll just say that Daoqiang Company's server is Xiaobawang. I finally got an orange item, but it got disconnected! I was only a second away from picking it up! It's just because I can't stand Penguin's disconnection city.

How can you only play the game of leading the strong with weak warriors and deceivers?"

"My post! It took me more than half an hour to write it, and I clicked to publish it. Now tell me what does the connection failure mean?"

"I was defrauded out of money by a phishing website with a lot of poisons, so I used Daoqiang. Why can't I use Daoqiang to search for things?"

"I'm going to the Daoqiang complaint forum to complain about them! Damn it. The complaint forum can't be opened either?"

Soon, jokes ridiculing Dao Qiang appeared on the Internet.

"It is reported that Li Yong, the president of Daoqiang Company, privately used the company's server to download Fuso high-definition blockbusters, which resulted in the complete suspension of all services of Daoqiang. I would like to ask Mr. Li to please be kind and stop downloading."

"It is said that each person in a certain department of Daoqiang Company received a year-end bonus of 200,000 yuan, which led to a general strike in other departments."

"Don't worry, everyone. I just heard outside the principal's office. President Daoqiang has asked us for help, and the principal has promised to send our school's best technical personnel. I will also go to Daoqiang Company to help them. I won't say more.

.Remember, if you want to learn computer technology, come to Lanxiang!"

The headlines on major portal websites were immediately replaced, especially the opponents of Daoqiang Company, who began to use their full efforts to blackmail Daoqiang.

On the road outside Daoqiang Company, Nie Xiaoyao drove seriously to the starting point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

After a while, Nie Xiaoyao heard Fang Tianfeng snoring slightly, and turned around to see that Fang Tianfeng had fallen asleep with his neck tilted.

Nie Xiaoyao secretly glanced at Fang Tianfeng's face. Even when she was asleep, there was still a charm that made her heart flutter.

Nie Xiaoyao stopped the car, took off his coat, covered Fang Tianfeng, then looked at Fang Tianfeng's sleeping face again, smiled sweetly, and continued driving.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Nie Xiaoyao didn't even look at it and immediately pressed reject. Then he looked at Fang Tianfeng worriedly and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Fang Tianfeng was still sleeping soundly.

Nie Xiaoyao took a closer look and saw that the call was from He Changxiong, and realized that the caller was looking for Fang Tianfeng. She looked at Fang Tianfeng's peaceful sleeping face, immediately turned off her phone and drove seriously.

Not long after, Nie Xiaoyao parked the car in the parking lot and did not get out of the car. Instead, he sat in the car and looked at Fang Tianfeng quietly.

Fang Tianfeng was still sleeping soundly, breathing steadily.

Nie Xiaoyao smiled softly and whispered: "Like a child."

Fang Tianfeng is still sleeping soundly.

As if possessed, Nie Xiaoyao kept staring at Fang Tianfeng, unable to get enough of it. After a while, she realized that she had been staring for too long, her face turned red, and she turned to look ahead.

However, within thirty seconds, Nie Xiaoyao couldn't help but turn around and look at Fang Tianfeng.

"I just want to take a look, nothing else." Nie Xiaoyao said to himself in his heart something that even he didn't believe.

Looking at Fang Tianfeng, Nie Xiaoyao couldn't help but think of the scenes of his acquaintance with Fang Tianfeng, from the time they met when they first entered the company, to the small conflicts, and then the feud, and finally Fang Tianfeng's resignation. Then Jiang Feifei went to the company to find Fang Tianfeng in the rainy morning. Nie Xiaoyao

I felt sorry for Jiang Feifei, so I called Shen Xin and found Fang Tianfeng.

Thinking about it, Nie Xiaoyao remembered the day when Fang Tianfeng took over Yuanhai Building from Mr. Duan and beat the manager violently for the second time. Nie Xiaoyao was angry at the time, but now that he thought about it, Nie Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

"Deserved it."

Unknowingly, Nie Xiaoyao was completely on Fang Tianfeng's side.

Soon, Nie Xiaoyao remembered how she was saved by Fang Tianfeng on the bus. She often recalled the scene that day. Every time she remembered it, her gratitude to Fang Tianfeng became deeper, and the image of Fang Tianfeng in her heart grew taller.


Since being rescued by Fang Tianfeng, and the previous misunderstanding was resolved, the kind side of Nie Xiaoyao's heart has been stimulated, and she has been thinking of ways to repay Fang Tianfeng. At that time, she just thought that Fang Tianfeng was a good person.

After Fang Tianfeng came to the capital, he often spent time with Fang Tianfeng. Nie Xiaoyao got to know Fang Tianfeng better and better. At first, he was just shocked by Fang Tianfeng's changes, but later, Fang Tianfeng helped her again and again instead of doing it for her like other men.

Because of her beauty or ulterior motives, she even dared to oppose the Yuan family, which gave Nie Xiaoyao a special feeling.

Because Nie Xiaoyao's mother became pregnant out of wedlock, she was almost abandoned by everyone. As an adult, Nie Xiaoyao was stigmatized as a bastard and lived completely in darkness. She prayed for a hero to save her from the sea of ​​misery almost every day.

To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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