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Chapter 737 The change of the back door

Xu Rou laughed while watching. Some netizens' comments on the photos of her godfather were particularly funny.

After Fang Tianfeng took a few glances, he continued to pay attention to Mi Qijing and Vice Mayor Qu, and found that the two of them left the elevator and did not go through the front door, nor even went to the parking lot, but walked towards the back door where there were fewer people.

Vice Mayor Qu scolded Mi Qijing in a low voice and asked her to leave, but she was afraid of Vice Mayor Qu's retaliation, so she followed closely and apologized in a low voice, so that many people nearby looked at the two of them curiously.

Vice Mayor Qu strode with Mi Qijing trotting behind, and soon exited the back door of the building and entered the backyard of the Second Hospital of the Medical University. Fang Tianfeng took Xu Rou's hand and walked quickly to the back door, and observed the two people through the air force.


Qi Bing had left Mi Qijing's mobile phone and flew above the two people's heads. Fang Tianfeng saw four reporters in the car outside the backyard gate, ready to rush out at any time, while Vice Mayor Qu and Mi Qijing were getting closer and closer to the four reporters.

The closer.

Fang Tianfeng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the female reporter: "When you see them walking to the door soon, you should take photos and videos immediately. They will have a little accident when the time comes. Don't panic. Take photos and leave as soon as you are done."

I'm responsible for everything!"

Vice Mayor Qu and Mi Qijing were getting closer and closer to the backyard gate. Suddenly, the doors of the two cars in front opened. One person was holding a camera to take pictures, and the other two were holding cameras to take pictures.

A gust of wind blew by, and the sunglasses and masks of Vice Mayor Qu and Mi Qijing were magically blown away, revealing their faces!

The two people were so stiff that they wished they could just hit each other to death. They hid all the way. Even the testing process went smoothly. Who knew that something happened when they were leaving, and the two of them were photographed walking together!

The two people were right next to the gate of the backyard. To the left of the gate was a plaque with black characters on a white background: The Second Hospital of Xidu Medical University!

Several reporters were extremely excited. On the day it was announced that Mi Qijing had AIDS, she was photographed leaving the Second Hospital of the Medical University. It was like mud falling into her crotch, and it was not necessarily yellow mud.

No matter how much Deputy Mayor Qu could endure, no matter how much the city government faced, he could not bear it anymore when it came to such a major event that was related to the future. He rushed to reporters and shouted: "Who are you! Who are you working for! Give me your cameras."

Put it down! Don’t infringe on civil liberties!”

Those reporters were all novices. When they saw Vice Mayor Qu's behavior, they knew he was not an ordinary person, so they hurriedly got in the car and ran away.

But the two parties were too close. And the person carrying the camera was too dedicated. He pointed the camera at Vice Mayor Qu, moved his butt backwards towards the car, and moved very slowly.

Seeing that Vice Mayor Qu was about to rush over, Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, and his air force passed over the soles of Vice Mayor Qu's feet. He was holding up his mobile phone to take pictures of Vice Mayor Qu.

Seeing Vice Mayor Qu slipping, a dog eating shit fell to the ground. Mi Qijing immediately rushed over and subconsciously shouted: "Mayor Qu!"

Vice Mayor Qu's fall was nothing, but when he heard Mi Qijing's cry, his vision went dark and he almost fainted. He was filled with grief and anger, and he didn't expect that his smooth official career would fall into the hands of a little star.

Moreover, she was tricked by Mi Qijing one after another.

The four reporters were also frightened by Mi Qijing's cry. It was not clear whether it was the mayor or the deputy mayor, but any mayor was enough to make these little reporters tired of walking around.

One of the female reporters who had seen Fang Tianfeng said immediately: "Run quickly, don't be afraid! There are people behind us! If something happens, someone will take care of you!"

The other three reporters had no choice and hurriedly got into the car, and the two cars sped away.

Vice Mayor Qu stood up with difficulty, secretly hating that he was unlucky. He was afraid that others would find out when he came here today, so he came to check alone. When he encountered such a thing, not only did he not have a helper, but he also met Mi Qijing, who was not very helpful.


"Brother Qu, are you okay?" Mi Qijing said with a sad face.

Vice Mayor Qu looked at the direction in which the two cars disappeared, knowing that he was going to be doomed. He looked at Mi Qijing angrily, and for a long time, he couldn't say a word through his teeth.


Vice Mayor Qu was about to get into his car when his cell phone rang.

Vice Mayor Qu stood by the car and answered his cell phone.

"Mayor Qu, it's bad! Photos of you and Mi Qijing were posted online! Mi Qijing also said on WeChat that you were her godfather, and the photo was a bed photo, and it went viral on the Internet."

"What!" Vice Mayor Qu was dizzy, swaying slightly, and hurriedly supported the car.

"You should think of a solution quickly, I don't know how to deal with it now."

"Okay, thank you, I'll think of a way."

Vice Mayor Qu was stimulated one after another, and his brain had become extremely slow. He couldn't understand why it was happening like this. He was very aware of the lethality of pornographic photos online, and any official who was exposed would not have a good end.

Vice Mayor Qu looked up and found Mi Qijing still standing there stupidly. Filled with anger, he hooked his hand at her and said, "Come here?"

"Oh." Mi Qijing walked over hesitantly, but before she could get close, Vice Mayor Qu suddenly rushed over, waved her hand and gave her a big slap in the face.

There was a crisp sound, and Mi Qijing fell to the ground and cried in grievance.

"You bitch! Infecting me with AIDS doesn't count, but you posted my photo online and said I was your godfather! Who gave you the instruction? Tell me!"

Mi Qijing was almost scared out of her mind. The photo was clearly on her phone, so how could it be posted online?

"I didn't! I really didn't!"

"Look at your meagerness, look at it yourself!" Deputy Mayor Qu yelled.

Mi Qijing shivered and took out her mobile phone from her bag. After opening it, she hurriedly browsed through her meager account. When she saw the system prompting tens of thousands of reposts and comments, she had a bad feeling. She hurriedly looked down and saw that

In several photos, she looked pale, angry and scared, and her whole body was trembling.

Soon, Mi Qijing reacted and hurriedly tried to delete Weibo, but an invisible force of energy passed by, causing the phone's battery to be damaged and the phone to shut down automatically.

"I..." Mi Qijing was so frightened that she burst into tears. She knew she was finished.

Vice Mayor Qu wanted to beat Mi Qijing to death, but in the end he did not do it again and left with a low curse.

Fang Tianfeng put away his cell phone, took Xu Rou's hand and walked towards the main entrance, while calling Qian Yangbo who was far away in the capital.

"Yang Bo, do me a favor. Regarding this Yunhan Media matter, please help me to prevent the higher-ups from sealing it and issuing a ban."

"Isn't it? A few of our friends were chatting about this in the group just now, saying that in the future, when looking for female celebrities, they must first take an AIDS test. By the way, the Xiaoyuan family has been in bad luck one after another. Not only did they have a leg broken in the layout of the Internet, but also in the

The layout of the cultural industry has been delayed, so it was you who did it? Those celebrities really have AIDS?"

"Of course there is. I'm at the Second Hospital of Medical University in Xidu City, and she's not the only one. You can wait and see the news tomorrow. By the way, you haven't seen Mi Qijing's meager Weixin letter yet? Hurry and check it out, maybe

It was deleted immediately." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go check it out right away!"

After a while, Qian Yangbo opened his mouth and said: "What the hell! Master Fang, you are too cruel. That godfather should not be of a high level. Anyway, I don't know him, but the pictures of a few group photos are so shocking! Not only

There is the son of the old Zhu family, and the daughter of the Gui family, who is famous for liking beautiful women. These two families are close friends of the Yuan family. The key is half of Yuan Han's face. It's so cruel! You are so cruel

Now! Even the leader of the Yuan clan will scold Yuan Han! Haha, the Yuan family will be embarrassed now!"

"I originally didn't want to be so cruel, but Yuan Han hindered me from investing in the film. He still cares about my woman. If I don't give him a hard time, he won't know how to restrain himself!"

Xu Rou was on the side, stretched out her fist, lightly hit Fang Tianfeng on the shoulder, and said shyly: "Who is your woman? I hate it!" However, her eyes were full of joy, because it was the first time for Fang Tianfeng to do this.


The few men passing by were all envious.

Qian Yangbo was stunned for a while and asked tentatively: "Movie? Your woman? I've heard that voice next to you. Damn it, Xu Rou won't be by your side, right? That's the lover of my dreams! I remember Yuan Han

You have been chasing Xu Rou, you are obviously trying to steal his woman, right? You are so confident in dealing with other women, you are worthy of Master Fang!"

"How can this be called cheating on someone else's woman? Xu Rou has never promised him. Let's get down to business. Can you stop the higher-ups from posting and deleting these messages?"

"You have already spoken, so I can't say anything to make this series of news banned! In fact, this matter does not touch the big red line, but the faces of those few people have to be mosaic, otherwise no one can do anything, after all, any child can do it

One day, generally speaking, children will not be involved, unless it comes to a life-and-death situation, such as the son of the person two years ago."

"I understand. Mi Qijing's godfather is the executive deputy mayor of Hengcheng. His face must be shown?" Fang Tianfeng said.

"It turns out it's him, so that's no problem. In fact, as long as it doesn't involve the high-ranking officials themselves and their children, you don't have to worry about the affairs of a small mayor. Banning him would only give face to the Yuan family, and there's nothing they can do if they can't. After all, there are more than thirty people in China.

There is not much that the Yuan family can control over each province, city and region. For example, if you ask someone to publish news in the "Yunhai Morning News", what can the Yuan family do to you? The morning newspaper is under the control of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Yuan family cannot reach out, even if it is in

What's the use of the ministries and commissions in the capital making small moves and writing small articles? If we really want to deal with the people in the Morning News, can Secretary Chen Yuewei agree? Can other people in the capital agree? Don't worry, as long as you have a good sense of proportion, Yuan Han will definitely be beaten.

I swallowed it in my stomach. In fact, the people in the newspaper office also knew very well what lines should not be touched and what lines did not matter."

"Well, I'll leave you with this matter. I'm going to send some Lingquan fish to Aunt Gao in a few days. You haven't eaten it either, so I'll give you two by the way."

Qian Yangbo was shocked: "Lingquan fish? Fish raised in Youyun Lingquan?"


"This is so luxurious! It's better than Black Sea caviar or top-quality truffles! You must try it! Don't forget me!" Qian Yangbo said happily.


Fang Tianfeng called Yang Peida again and asked him to contact other media reporters to spread the pornographic photo incident, but he had to mosaic the faces of certain people to prevent them from being banned.

After everything was taken care of, Fang Tianfeng and Xu Rou got in the car.

Xu Rou stared at the news and soon saw a piece of news and asked: "Brother Xiaofeng, was it you who broke the news about this person's drug abuse?"

This chapter has been completed!
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