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Chapter 772

"That's what you said." Chen Yuewei wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously. He was afraid of being scolded by Li Dingguo, but the result was good, which meant that if the Yuan clan leader wanted to personally deal with Fang Tianfeng, Li Dingguo would definitely stop him.

Li Dingguo smiled and said: "He has helped me a lot, and he has also helped you a lot. It's okay for you to ask for some benefits for him. You are not afraid of giving him benefits, but you are afraid that he will not be able to take them."

"You can never be wrong about people."

"Are you just praising yourself in a roundabout way?"

"Old leader, you have a sharp eye."

The two laughed.

After ending the call, Chen Yuewei looked out the window quietly. The white clouds were gathering and dispersing, and the blue sky was like a curtain.

Chen Yuewei suddenly showed a helpless smile and said to himself: "Maybe it won't be long before no one can benefit him."

The phone rang suddenly and Chen Yuewei answered it immediately.

"Hello, Secretary Chen, I am Wu Hao, deputy director of the Yunhai City Public Security Bureau. Due to an emergency, I have to ask for instructions from you. With the help of Master Fang, we have found the hiding place of the terrorists. Please give us instructions! "

Chen Yuewei immediately knew that this call was 100% made by Fang Tianfeng to Wu Hao. Fang Tianfeng was obviously asking Wu Hao to "beg for an official position" in this way.

"You personally lead the team to be responsible for the arrest! If the arrest is successful, I will apply for first-class collective merit for your Yunhai Municipal Bureau!"

"Yes! Leader!" Wu Hao, holding his mobile phone, saluted involuntarily.

Wu Hao was extremely excited. As long as he did this well, he would be promoted soon.

Wu Hao quickly called Fang Tianfeng: "Master Fang, thank you for letting me contact Secretary Chen. This time it's up to you! Can you capture him alive?"

"No problem, keep in touch."


Fang Tianfeng sat in the Yujiang Hotel to strategize, using Qi soldiers to help Wu Hao, and quickly caught other killers who did not participate in the battle, and killed all the people who came to kill Prince Said this time, completely solving the hidden dangers.

Fang Tianfeng looked at Prince Seid with his Qi-gazing technique. The national destiny of the United States was no longer concealed, and he saw the real destiny this time.

The dark green disaster energy above Prince Seid's head is thick. He will definitely be in bad luck in the near future, and a trace of death energy has already appeared. The death energy is not translucent, but a real death energy!

Fang Tianfeng secretly sighed in his heart. If there was translucent death energy, Fang Tianfeng could easily resolve it as long as Prince Said provided enough energy treasures. But if there was substantial death energy, it would require the power of the eternal energy treasures, and Fang Tianfeng would also be deprived of it. The impact is not worth the loss.

Fang Tianfeng looked at the little princess Anna again. She was still sleeping quietly, holding Fang Tianfeng's neck instinctively and not letting go. She was afraid that Fang Tianfeng would leave her.

Little Princess Anna also has disaster energy, and it is as strong as Prince Seder's disaster energy. But the difference is that not only does she not have death energy, but she has a trace of pseudo-dragon energy.

In this case, it is obvious that Prince Seid will die, and Anna will most likely inherit the throne of King An and become the female king. However, this is only the highest possibility. Any accident may make Anna's pseudo-dragon energy disappear. .

Both brothers and sisters have strong religious luck. Prince Said has a thick-handed Buddhist teaching, while little Princess Anna has a thick-handed Buddhist teaching. The Anshen Sect is different from the Tianshen Sect. The Anshen Sect basically obeys the orders of the Tianshen General Sect. All high-ranking personnel must be canonized by the Chief Sect, and even a certain proportion of Westerners must be retained as officiants.

In the hearts of the people of the Anshen Sect, the eldest princess and the little princess Anna are equivalent to saints, so even if Anna does not believe in gods, she still has strong religious luck.

Both the brother and sister were blessed by Anguo's national destiny. It was impossible to kill them with the strength of the second prince alone, but when the American nation's national destiny intervened, the two of them were almost powerless to fight back.

In terms of air force and naval power, all other countries in the world cannot defeat the United States. The only thing that the United States cannot suppress in the world is its army.

Fang Tianfeng is consuming his energy to calculate and think. Should he fight for his own best interests among the three countries of China, America and Anguo?

Anguo borders Gui Province of Huaguo. It was a vassal state of Huaguo in ancient times. Many people can speak Chinese and most of them have Chinese ancestry.

Anguo's GDP ranks around 30. If the military and the government were not at odds, the National Games would be stronger.

If you can control Anguo in your hands and get the blessing of the entire Anguo's national destiny, you will be even stronger than the Yuan family and can't touch Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng thought for a long time and made up his mind.

Fang Tianfeng was about to talk to Prince Seid about his and little Princess Anna's fate when he suddenly heard scolding coming from outside.

"How does your Yujiang Hotel protect its guests? Why did Prince Said have no problem going to other hotels, but he was assassinated in your hotel! Look at your appearance, what kind of qualities you have!" A majestic voice roared outside the door.

"Yes, I'm sorry, boss..." The waitress outside the door was so frightened that she started crying.

"Why cry? If crying can solve the problem, everyone doesn't have to do anything, just sit at the door and cry together! I'm here to apologize to Prince Seid immediately, I didn't make you cry! Where is your general manager? Right now

Come with me to see Prince Seid!"

The official's voice was so loud that it woke Anna up.

Anna slowly raised her head, let go of Fang Tianfeng, rubbed her eyes with her little hands, and found that she was actually in Fang Tianfeng's arms. She was stunned for a moment before remembering the experience just now, smiled shyly, then yawned involuntarily, and hurriedly used her hands to

Cover it up, it’s extra cute.

"It's so noisy outside, uncle, you look so bad. Aren't the bad guys gone?" Anna looked at Fang Tianfeng doubtfully.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Are you awake? Can you come down now?"

Unexpectedly, Anna hurriedly wrapped her white and tender arms around Fang Tianfeng's neck again, shook her head desperately at Fang Tianfeng, and refused to come down.

"Uncle, can you hug me again? Anna is very good!" Little Princess Anna looked at Fang Tianfeng with her big, beautiful blue eyes and begged in a low voice.

Fang Tianfeng said helplessly: "Then I will hold you for a while."

Anna immediately smiled proudly, then turned to look at Prince Seid, showing off to her brother that she had successfully occupied Fang Tianfeng's arms.

Prince Seid secretly gave Anna a thumbs up, and then followed Fang Tianfeng outside.

Prince Said's bodyguard immediately opened the door, and the official's voice outside the corridor became louder.

Fang Tianfeng walked out with Anna in his arms and said in a cold voice: "This leader has such great authority! Everyone is busy dealing with this matter, but you just found a waitress to vent your anger! Are you referring to Sang scolding Huai, or a drunkard?

It's not about the wine! Who gave you the power to say that to my men?"

The person who cursed was a senior official in police uniform.

Fang Tianfeng felt that this person looked like someone he knew. He used his aura technique to see that this person turned out to be You Zehua's father, the newly appointed deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

Back then, You Zehua was greedy for life and almost killed Lu Yingna. He also made trouble for Fang Tianfeng. As a result, he was severely injured by Fang Tianfeng. In the end, he apologized and was forced to leave Dongjiang.

Deputy Director You saw the change in Fang Tianfeng's expression and hurriedly explained: "Master Fang, don't get me wrong, I didn't know you were here."

"So you think you can vent your hatred on my men?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"No, I really didn't mean that!" Deputy Director You cursed in his heart. He was not responsible for the security mission of receiving Prince Seid this time, but he was nearby when the gunfight occurred, so he was the first to arrive.

of senior officials.

As an old bureaucrat, Deputy Director You naturally knew who was most important. After asking Prince Seid's whereabouts, he went straight to the presidential suite without caring about the life or death of the grassroots police officers.

On the way, Deputy Director You remembered that the owner of Yujiang Hotel was already Fang Tianfeng, and also remembered that his son had been taught a terrible lesson by Fang Tianfeng, so he planned to take the opportunity to shift the responsibility to Yujiang Hotel, and finally let Prince Said stay away from Fang Tianfeng.

However, since this matter was not under his jurisdiction, his subordinates only said that the assassination of Prince Said occurred at the Yujiang Hotel. They did not know the role played by Fang Tianfeng, let alone that Fang Tianfeng was in the presidential suite.

Even if Deputy Director You believed that Fang Tianfeng was not here, he did not dare to point his finger at Fang Tianfeng, so he scolded the waiter. He was not afraid even if he met Fang Tianfeng, he was just a waiter.

As Fang Tianfeng experienced more things, he was no longer the young man who had just left school. When he confirmed the identity of Deputy Director You, he thought that he was going to frame Yujiang Hotel, and scolding the waiter was just the beginning.

Fang Tianfeng refused to give in and said sternly: "What were you doing when those ordinary policemen were in the hail of bullets? What were you doing when I was fighting the killer? When these waiters were serving Prince Seid under the threat of the killer

, what are you doing again! You came here without investigating first, and without staying down below to maintain order, but you came here to scold the waiter, Deputy Director You, I am ashamed of you! You are simply insulting those who are fighting at the grassroots level.

Police on the front lines!"

When Deputy Director You heard that Fang Tianfeng had labeled him, he knew something was wrong. He knew Fang Tianfeng's methods very well, and what he would face next would definitely be a thunder strike.

Deputy Director You immediately said: "Master Fang is right. I apologize to everyone and to this waiter. I will go downstairs to direct the scene."

Fang Tianfeng thought to himself that this guy was really a seasoned guy. He didn't care about the identity of the deputy director when he saw something bad, so he ran away.

Fang Tianfeng was thinking about whether to keep someone, Prince Said snorted and said with a little anger: "Master Fang, what you said is absolutely correct. This person is just causing trouble. If you hadn't recognized him, I would have thought he was

Together with the terrorists."

Fang Tianfeng turned to look at Prince Said, and smiled secretly in his heart. This prince was indeed unusual. He saw the contradiction between the two of them, so he helped him immediately. Moreover, this frame-up was much more cruel than Deputy Director You's method. He even talked to Terror Bu

molecules are connected.

Deputy Director You turned his body halfway and quickly turned back. When he heard the words "terrorist", his feet became weak with fear. He looked at Prince Said with a sad face, thinking how could Fang Tianfeng's friends be as ruthless as Fang Tianfeng?

When this big hat is put on, let alone a deputy director, even the deputy director will cry.

This chapter has been completed!
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