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Chapter 107 The Power of the Heart

Doichikaku has risen many times in the past hundred years. The most recent one was the Yamashina Honganji Temple Burning Incident. The Doichikō army from Yamashiro and Omi joined forces with the Hokke Ikoku army from Kyoto, Rokkaku Sadeyori, and Hosokawa Harumoto's combined forces to destroy Honganji.

The Yamashina Honganji Temple built by Renru himself burned into ruins.

Looking at the angry peasants and soldiers, Kira turned around with great satisfaction and said to his retainers: "Did you see it? This is the human heart! The human heart is the real power! Only those who control the direction of the people can control the war.


"I understand!" Both Mikawa and the samurai from Omi felt fear from the bottom of their hearts at this moment, as well as a deep sense of powerlessness. Yamamoto Tokiyuki repeated a sentence: "Where do people want to go? Control people's hearts.

The power of...?"

Stopping the endless crazy shouting of the peasants and soldiers, and after they gradually calmed down, they continued: "If we lose this battle, all the warriors standing on the stage will have their heads dropped to the ground. This is the fate of our warrior family, and we cannot protect it.

The land behind you can only use death to apologize! But what about you? What can you get? Even if some of you are willing to live in humiliation, survive the random arrests of the Mihaoshi family, and bear the humiliation of your wife and daughter, and then have to face

What are you talking about? Mihao's family's annual payment, land money, house money, arrow money, etc. are extremely taxing and miscellaneous taxes, and! Don't even think about avoiding this tax this year."

"What! How can you do this? He is trying to force us to death!" When the Omi peasants and soldiers looked at Kiragi in horror, they wanted to get an answer from the samurai master, but unfortunately Kiragi would not

To comfort them, the just-dead Keimi Imamura is an example. The followers of the shogunate collected land money once in April. In June, Keimi Imamura went to collect land money again, but met with fierce resistance from the underground people and caused a catastrophe.


"Because you are on the opposite side of Miyoshi's family, Miyoshi Changqing will eradicate all those who are hostile to him! No matter whether you are kneeling down to beg for mercy or resisting bravely, it is meaningless. As long as you are hostile to him, you must die! Kizawa Nagai of Hanoi

Government, fellow clan member Miyoshi Sozo, today's Hosokawa Harumoto and the shogunate, and tomorrow's you! A few days ago, in order to collect land money in Kyoto, Imamura Keimitsu of the Miyoshi family killed the retainers of the Hirohashi Grandmaster Nagon family.

Death, as long as you resist the Sanhao family, you will also be killed!"

"They can't do this! We have to resist the Miyoshi family! We have to resist! We must fight!" The shouts started again. The warriors had become increasingly immune to the word "Yikui". They were obviously much calmer than the commotion just now, and the courageous young people

The warriors huddled at the back of the team and laughed quietly, seeming to regard the roar of the five thousand people as a drama.

Part of Omi's Somura system has been preserved. For example, Takashima Nanato obtained the privilege of being exempted from the guardian envoys from the Rokkaku family. Enryakuji Temple in Mount Hiei not only has this privilege, but also has the privilege of being exempted from all taxes. If the local

If the lord does not have the foresight to infringe on their rights, these people will take up arms to form an army, defeat the lord's army, force or kill the lord, to prove that their privileges are not infringed.

Kira Yoshitoki wanted to use the farmers from Socun to constantly stimulate the anger hidden in their blood. Only angry farmers can burst out with powerful power. He suddenly shouted: "You have nothing! You have no way to retreat! When

When we lose this war, it will also be the countdown to your death! If you die, your wives, parents, and brothers will suffer humiliation and then be killed in resistance. We will die! And you will definitely be exterminated!

Tell me is this your choice?"

"Never!" The crowd of 5,000 people erupted in anger. Some timid people began to have a nervous breakdown. Soon they fell to their knees and soon smelled of urine. They muttered vaguely: "I don't want to die! Father!"

, my mother has passed away, and I still have younger brothers and sisters at home, so I really can’t die!"

The same thing happened occasionally in the crowd of 5,000 people. Some brave people will have timid people. This is human nature. He did not expect that each of the 5,000 peasants and soldiers would regard death as if they were going home regardless of everything, but the crisis at hand must be

We want these people to do things that they couldn't do otherwise. Otherwise, why would he fight for the Miyoshi family? How many of Omi's samurai believe that these five thousand peasant soldiers are really as elite as the Shikoku people of Shihe and Icun?

Everyone knows that is impossible, but no one is willing to say it. If the warriors' fighting will is not firm, how bad will the fighting will of these peasant soldiers be? If they were defeated in a wave of assault, he

You can pack up your bags and go back to Mikawa when Kira Yoshi is done.

"Of course you don't want to die! I don't want to die either! The trapped animals in the cage still know how to fight to the death, but we, as the spirits of all things, face the threat of death, why don't we take up arms and resist bravely?" Kira Yoshitsune's tone

He suddenly raised his head and shouted sternly: "Do you know when wild beasts are most likely to be killed? It's the moment they escape! Fighting to the death does not necessarily mean death!"

"Yes...yes!" The five thousand peasant soldiers were shocked.

Kira Yoshihi suppressed his excitement for a while and asked loudly: "The people standing here are all from Shiga and Takashima. Do you all know each other?"

The peasants and soldiers were a little overwhelmed by the sudden rise and fall of the rhythm, and they could only nod along mechanically. Some warriors began to quietly pat their chests, as if they were out of breath from this series of roller coaster-like processes.

But Kira Yoshishi did not give them a chance to breathe, and said: "But when a coward appears among you, when he is afraid of the gun array in front of him, the rain of arrows splashing in the sky, or the enemy's mounted warriors rushing over, abandon it.

The moment you turned your back and fled, when these selfish cowards ruthlessly abandoned their comrades because of their own selfish interests, causing the strict formation to completely collapse, what should you do?"

"How...how to do it?" The peasants and soldiers were speechless. It is human nature to be timid. One moment they can be impassioned, and the next moment they can abandon their comrades and run away. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and they do not

Knowing what to do, everyone looked at the young body on the stage with burning eyes, begging him for an answer.

"You must not understand what military formation strategy is! It sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple! You are all farmers and you must know that if a branch is broken lightly, a bundle of branches cannot be broken by the woodcutter, no matter how strong he is.

Right? This is the principle of the military formation! A scattered military force is like a scattered tree branch that will be broken by the enemy as soon as it is broken. Only the grouped branches can rely on the strength of the team to resist foreign enemies!

But one of you is a shameful coward. In order to escape alone, he broke through the tight formation and caused the formation to collapse. What will be the final result? Everyone, including the forced escaper, will die! Because

Two legs can't outrun four legs. How can you outrun the cavalry wearing armor? Those cowardly cowards never thought about this, so when he ran away, everyone was killed!

A despicable coward can turn an evenly matched battle into a one-sided massacre! Originally, 3,000 people could have survived, but only 300 escaped with their lives. The reason for the coward is that I am alive and cannot die for others, but pick up the

For whom do you, armed with weapons, die for? Not for others!

You died for the land and farmland behind you, for your parents, wives and children! Because of the coward’s despicable heart, everyone’s homes were broken and relatives and friends were killed. Tell me, do you hate this coward? If there is such a thing among you

Coward, how should you treat him?"

Kira Yoshi suddenly emphasized his tone and asked sternly: "Tell me! What should you do?"

At this moment, a child's voice, which was not majestic, roared out, but it made all the samurai present feel a trembling feeling from their souls. The samurai including Yamamoto Tokiyuki couldn't help but change their expressions. The samurai in Omi even turned pale with fear, and some

People's whole bodies were shaking like chaff because they saw a terrible scene in the audience, like five thousand devils in hell.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The peasants and soldiers with red eyes raised their weapons high and roared with all their strength. The roar of five thousand people shook the stage into chaos. The warriors present were distracted by this terrifying momentum, and they all opened their mouths.

They looked at the peasants and soldiers in the audience in disbelief. Are these still the honest and honest peasants they knew? Some warriors could no longer stand. They took a few steps back and sat down. They looked at the young family governor with eyes full of

Horror and incomprehensible fear.

"Crazy! They're all crazy! They're all crazy!" All the Omi warriors thought of this sentence in their hearts at the same time, but they could no longer stay away and could only tremble with the terrifying tsunami.


PS: In the new week, Wu Mei needs everyone’s support! I’m asking for favorites, clicks, recommendations, and all kinds of requests here!

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