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Chapter 111 The Terrifying Three Good Army

At dawn on August 5th, the 10,000 cavalry troops belonging to Tokawa Ichitumi broke out of camp. The Kira family on the other side of the river got the information first, and ordered the navy to wait for the retreating 2,000 troops in the evening of the previous day.

The requirement was that they must land at Tobahara at noon. The Jinfu did not recruit any more, so they would not be needed regardless of victory or defeat in this battle.

When the first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, the Miyoshi Army began to cross the river. There were densely packed boats on the river one after another. Ten thousand troops crossed the river by boat one after another. The first to cross the river were 3,04 soldiers who had calmly reorganized their troops on Fushimi Tobahara. Then they crossed the river.

The first one is Settsu, the Miyoshi Army and other people led by Izumi, then the allies of the Hatakeyama family, and finally the two thousand people of Ise Sadataka's mountain castle.

Corresponding to the massive landing of the Miyoshi family, the Kira army also took countermeasures at the same time. Five thousand troops stood up and lined up to prepare. There are many valleys at the foot of Fushimi Momoyama. The most famous place is Jin in the Heian period.

The Fukakusa Imperial Tomb of Emperor Tomorrow is surrounded by dozens of large and small valleys.

The entire mountain forms a large semi-arc with Mount Inari in the north, like the two wings of a white crane. The wings in the south are Fushimi Momoyama, and the wings in the north are Mount Inari. The wings are spread out and surrounded by each other.

At the Fushimi Toba area, five thousand troops formed a layer-by-layer fish scale formation along the mountain. This formation is known for its solid defense and is the preferred formation for offensive battles.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, most of the Miyoshi family's troops had already crossed the Kamogawa River and lined up. The military taiko drums beat like thunder. Everyone's breathing and heartbeats unconsciously merged with the thunderous taiko drums. A huge three-level

The five-nailed flag was erected high, and there was also a public cypress fan flag flying high. The former is the family crest of Sanhao's family, and the latter is the family crest of Shihe Yicun, who wears a large regular script.

Riding a magnificent Oshu horse, he stared quietly at the flags fluttering in the distance.

"I am sent to the capital on the orders of Sanzhu. This battle aims to defeat the shogunate army and attack Nakao Mountain! Gentlemen, we will win!"

"We will win!" Thousands of troops roared and tens of thousands of horses screamed in unison, with an astonishing momentum.

At the Kira family's main formation on Fushimiyama, everyone's hearts became tense when they heard the warm cheers from the Tobahara-based Miyoshi Army.

"When will the sailors arrive?"

Yamamoto Tokiyuki replied: "Information from half an hour ago has entered Kamogawa Pass."

The Sanhao Army was obviously still waiting for the last batch of troops to cross the river. At this time, a burst of shouts suddenly broke out from the Sanhao family's main formation: "Look! Whose boat is that?"

I saw fifteen seki ships coming from the Yodogawa River in the south, and dozens of Kozai ships. Each of the seki ships was flying one Ashikaga, two flags, and two flags. When these ships saw the returning ships coming and going from the Kamogawa River, they fired a volley without saying a word.

The dense sound of iron cannons shook everyone like thunder, and screams and wails could be heard on the river. Several returning boats that had not had time to escape were beaten to the bottom of a sieve on the spot.

The other returning boats saw that something was wrong, and quickly turned their boats to go north to escape. There were still two thousand people from the mountain city on the west bank who were isolated on the other side of the river. Then the archers in the early morning rained down a shower of arrows, causing the formation that had just gathered on the east bank to rise again.

It became scattered. Shihe Yicun shouted loudly to reorganize the army. He realized that the military drum had stopped at some point, and immediately shouted: "We can't wait any longer! Beat the drum to organize the army! Get out of the battle immediately!"

"Yes! Beat the drums! Get out!" A dozen cavalrymen galloped around to deliver the general order of Tokawa Icun. However, after a while, the military drum sounded again. Tokawa Icun led a horse and rushed to the front, shouting: "But there is no way to kill Kira." Those who are righteous will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold and five thousand stones of knowledge and practice!"

"Ha!" Ashigaru, who had the third-order Hishigo-nailed flag and the public cypress fan flag on his back, raised the long handle in his hand and roared towards the opposite military formation.

"Order Saijo Bei and Akabei to guard the two wings tightly and never allow the Miyoshi Army to break through!"

"Yes!" The people nearby got on their horses and spread the command with them.

The Kira Army's main formation, Ashikaga Niubi, was under the two banners. Kira Yoshi, wearing the smoked purple Weiwei body pill, sat in the formation and looked at the tidal force of troops at the bottom of the mountain. He sighed: "This is the only way we can do it! Survive with a short tail." As expected, Shihe Yicun led 8,000 men to attack our formation, it’s up to you whether you can stop them or not!”

Yamamoto Tokiyuki, wearing a set of lusty and majestic belly scrolls, pointed to the navy that was shuttled back and forth on the river to drive away the people from the mountain city on the west bank, and said: "Master, don't worry, the river has been blocked by me, the troop transport ship will be here soon, it should be There won’t be any problem.”

Yamaoka Shichang, wearing red uniforms, came to report: "The Three Good Army has begun the assault!"

Kira Yoshishi frowned and asked: "Who will be the general in the first formation?"

"It's Takashima Uhei of Takashima Bei, and the second formation behind him is Asami Daizen Ryo of Shiga Bei..." Yamamoto Tokiyuki quickly reported a list of names. These Ashigaru generals followed him for more than two months. The name has long been familiar.

"Pray for them!" Kira Yoshitoshi held the military fan in his right hand, and the rosary wrapped around his left hand extended to his forearm. Praying before going into battle is a tradition of the martial arts, but it has another meaning in his heart.

"These living beings, when they are alive and dead, will benefit greatly and will not fall into the evil paths. If there is a dying person, family members, or even one person in the family, if they chant the name of the Buddha loudly for the sick person, this person will die, except for the five Wujian All sins and retributions of karma will be wiped out. Even though these five uninterrupted sins are extremely serious and will last for hundreds of millions of kalpas, they will never be recovered. When Chengsi was about to die, others chanted the name of the Buddha for him, so the sins were gradually eliminated. It will be destroyed. Not to mention that all sentient beings claim to have thought on their own, which will bring them immeasurable blessings and eliminate their immeasurable sins."

Watching Kira Yoshishi silently reciting "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra" with rosary beads in hand, Yamamoto Kansuke stood up and issued an order: "Beat the drums! The troops are ready to join the battle!"

"Dong, dong, dong..." Huge drums sounded, and the originally turbulent military formation gradually consolidated, with each well-prepared general shouting: "Fight!"

"Fire the arrow!"

There was a "buzzing" sound of bow strings trembling, and the dark arrows were like dense locusts, piercing the sky with a sharp whistling sound, and falling towards the charging Sanhao army. The screams that came from time to time did not interrupt. Disturbing the rhythm of Sanhao's military offensive.

Takashima Ubei, who was standing at the front of the Kira army formation, faced the charging Miyoshi army. He turned around and raised the katana gun in his hand, shouting: "Remember your oath! Everyone, follow me and recite it! May gods and Buddhas bless me. Defeat Sanzhu and protect the land and hometown!"

Omi's peasants and soldiers raised their long handles and shouted crazily in front of the charging Miyoshi army: "May the gods and Buddhas bless me to defeat Sanzhu and protect the soil and hometown!"

Groups of Miyoshi Ashigaru carrying messy flags on their backs rushed towards them like pigs. The roar of bows and arrows could be heard from time to time. Rows of black raindrops fell on the armor, making a clanking sound. From time to time, there were There was a dull sound of breaking leather, and several people would fall to the ground without saying a word.

"The battle has begun! The opponent is the people of Settsu and Izumi!" The noise below reminded me that the black Miyoshi army collided with the red Kira army, and the shouts of killing rushed into the sky and almost suppressed the sound of the military drums.

Omi's samurai relied entirely on their physical bravery and numbers, and their eliteness far exceeded their own in order to fight to the death against powerful enemies.

The Miyoshi Army is the first formation of Settsu, and although the number of people from the Izumi Kingdom is only two thousand, these people are the first to follow Miyoshi Chokei and experience the battles at Taiheiji Temple and Shariji Temple. Their morale and combat effectiveness are quite high.

Not bad, but Omi's reserve team has only been training for a few months, so no matter how they compare, they are still far behind the enemy.

Omi's reserve force was broken open by several huge cracks in just a few minutes. The formation collapsed and was divided into several small pieces, which were eaten away bit by bit by the blue-black torrent and disappeared. Roaring and wailing sounds could be heard all the time.

, when there was a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, many Omi samurai chose a strategy of mutual destruction.

"May gods and Buddhas bless me to defeat Sanzuku and protect my homeland!" The blood-covered ashigaru rushed towards the rushing Miyoshi samurai like crazy, tore open his horin face, and bit his neck.

The samurai's companions refused to let go despite being stabbed with swords and spears.

"Takashima Heitao! He was begged by Akutagawa Katsunosuke!"

"Takashima Ubei! Shiota Sanbei has taken it! The first line is beginning to collapse!"

"The entire army was destroyed in the first wave! The Lord commanded all the following troops to pieces!" Ji Liangyi recited the Buddha's name loudly, his hand holding the rosary beads trembling.

Two quarters of an hour later, news came: "The second formation is engaged!"

"The second battle of Tahara Goemon to kill Akutagawa Katsunosuke!" There was a commotion among the horsemen. The strength of the Miyoshi family was far beyond their imagination. Omi was unable to withstand two quarters of an hour in front.

"Tahara Goemon is begged to die!"

"Asami Daizen Ryo is being sought for death! The second formation begins to collapse!"

Nakajo Tokihide finally couldn't sit still anymore. He raised his sword and bowed to Kira Yoshitoshi: "Master, take a rest for a moment! I'm going to the battle line to supervise the battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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