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Chapter 184: Hieishan Incident

The raging flames in the middle of the night can be seen clearly from Sakamoto Castle at the foot of the mountain. The entire Mount Hiei turned into a sea of ​​red fire, like the terrifying Shizuka in hell describing the sea of ​​​​fire on the sword mountain. The faint cry from the mountain woke up the sleeping townspeople. , this mountain of flames can be seen from Otsu, Katada and even Kyoto in the distance.

People of all faiths were silently praying for the souls who died in vain on the mountain. Not long after, they saw the monks of Enryaku Temple who had narrowly escaped the fire and massacre running down the mountain. As soon as these monks arrived in the town, they The monks who were quickly controlled and frightened could not tell what happened. They could not say anything except describing the sea of ​​​​fire and killing. This disaster came too fast and too urgent, which was far beyond their expectations. anticipation.

The Kira family had clearly learned of the information before the Ichi-kui army swarmed up. As soon as the I-chi-kui army moved forward, the Kira family's troops rushed to their base camp, confiscated all the money, food, supplies, weapons and equipment, and left behind. The family members of the Ichikuzu in the lair and all the people involved in the case were all detained in a different place. At the same time, Hoshino was ordered to order the people of Takashima to be on guard against the indiscriminate escape of the Ichiku troops from the direction of Takashima County.

The vicinity of Sakamoto Town was surrounded by Kira's military forces. Even the townspeople voluntarily joined in the defense of the castle town. At the beginning of the third watch, Mount Hiei lit up with a red light. The soldiers and civilians of the Kira family stared nervously. The movement on the mountain, as the fire became more and more intense, the shouts of killing became louder and louder. This time, even the business travelers temporarily staying in the port near Sakamoto Town were awakened, including some cultural people gathered in the town to discuss in low voices what happened. What's up.

After more than an hour of shouting for death, the noise on the mountain was getting closer and closer. Unidentified people appeared one after another on the approach to the mountain from Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine and fled toward Sakamoto. Kira's army immediately captured these unidentified people. Another half an hour later, a group of soldiers appeared. A team of one hundred people. They also saw Sakamoto Town, which was full of torches, standing ready. Without saying a word, this group of troops turned around and fled north. Kira's army did not pursue blindly, but still chose to wait under the town.

Until about four o'clock in the morning, a group of broken soldiers escaped from the valley. Some of them were holding flags with the words "We are tired of leaving the filthy land, and we are happy to seek the pure land", "Namo Amitabha" or "Swastika". These broken soldiers seemed to want to march towards Sakamoto. They moved closer to the city, but before they had gone far, the iron artillery team deployed in the castle town fired a volley to scare them back. So the group of broken soldiers also turned around and fled north.

As the defeated troops fled north, a long string of torches appeared at the mouth of the valley one after another. They saw Kira's army outside Sakamoto Castle pause for a moment, and immediately a monk ran over and shouted aggressively: "You see deserters. Where did you retreat to?"

Kira's army seemed very calm about this, and pointed to the disappearing fire in the north and replied: "To the north! You can still see the torches! It's too late to chase them now! We also captured many unidentified people and handed them over to them too. you!"

The monk waved his hand and trotted back to deliver the order. Within a moment, the monk soldiers from Mount Hiei chased towards the north. After a while, a pair of monk soldiers came to pick up the unknown person detained by the Kira family, and the Kira army followed suit. After disbanding and going back to rest, Kiragi didn't even leave the castle tower at all. He just rubbed his eyes and watched the fire on Mount Hiei for a while before lying down and continuing to sleep.

It was not until the afternoon of that day that news came one after another that Omi's troops set a fire at Enryaku Temple in Mount Hiei, North Ridge. The number of people burned to death has not yet been calculated, but the death toll is expected to exceed 2,000. The First Army also left 800 corpses and fled north towards Omi. The area burned by the east tower of Enryaku Temple exceeded the area of ​​​​Jinbai Town, and the fire burned until noon before it was basically extinguished.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Kira Yoshitoki. He just sent people to express condolences, sent medicine and food worth several hundred kilo, and then nothing more happened. The influence of this incident can be said to be huge, and this is regarded as Tsukuru was an act of provocation by the Ichiko clan against the Kinki Five Mountains. The burning of Enryaku-ji Temple, the "Mother Mountain of Buddhism," was comparable to killing the Ashikaga Yoshinori and immediately caused a major earthquake in the Kinki area.

The anger of Prince Yao Zunbo, the leader of the Tendai sect, was a great shame. Even the Ashikaga Yoshinori did not dare to burn down the Enryakuji Temple. This group of lawless soldiers actually dared to risk the disapproval of the world. A group of monks of the Tendai sect They couldn't sit still anymore. They glanced at the vacant seats in the main hall. The owners of these seats were chatting and laughing with them yesterday, but today they were buried in a sea of ​​fire or be killed by the thugs of the Yixiang Sect. This made them want to hurt their own kind. Feel.

So the fastest decision in the history of the Tiantai Sect was drawn up in only a quarter of an hour. Prince Yao Zunfa issued a decree to attack the Yixiang Sect in the name of the Tiantai Sect Master. All the Yixiang Sect forces in the prefecture were within the attack range. The Honganji Temple in Ishiyama Gobo Zheng Ru was shot while lying down. This was also the second time that Ichigo Mun was accused of being an "enemy of Buddha" after his great-grandfather Honganji Rennyo.

Not only that, Prince Yao Zunbo also went out to the mountain in person, leading a group of monk soldiers to carry the shrine with the authority of the mountain king, and complained to the shogunate, forcefully demanding that the shogunate send troops to destroy Ishiyama Honganji Temple. Kyoto was shocked and Kinki was shocked. Within a few days, Enryakuji Temple was destroyed. The incident of burning people to death for no reason spread all over the world like it had wings.

People from the Tiantai Sect in Kinei also swarmed up. They raised the banner of respecting the law and fighting against rebellion, and raised up the Tiantai Yikui Army. Tens of thousands of troops from Omi Kingdom instantly swarmed up, and nearly 10,000 Yikui natives from Yamashiro Kingdom joined in. The huge Yikui Army gathered in the blink of an eye, and almost The monks at Honganji Temple were frightened to death, and Prince Yao Zunbo's decree was spread throughout the area. Even Miyoshi Chokei and Hatakeyama Takamasa also received the decree, but these two families were so happy that they had no time to deal with the matter.

Honganji Shogyo wrote a letter to defend himself. He invited his clan member, Hino Hino Dainagon Seimitsu, to make peace with him, but the effect didn't seem to be very good. Although the emperor had a good impression of Honganji Shoryo, he was angry over there. Enryakuji Temple, the Gozan Daiji Temple, which shares the same hatred, and even the sworn enemy Kofukuji Temple also expressed support. Enryakuji Temple is also a world-famous mountain gate, so if you just say it, burn it down. What will happen to these Kyoto Buddhist temples in the future? All the temples in Kinai suddenly came to the side of Enryaku-ji Temple, and no one knew what to do at this time.

However, Honganji Temple is not a vegetarian. With the powerful network of Honganji Temple, they immediately found out the ins and outs of it. Kaga Ichikumune just went to Omi Kenta to do activities. There was so much weirdness in this that they had no time to deal with it, so they could only take advantage of the situation. The responsibility was passed on to Kaga Ichikazu, who entered the territory without permission and burned the Daigaran, the mother mountain of Japanese Buddhism, which was a heinous crime.

So Honganji Temple immediately issued a general order to break down all the temples of the Kaga Ichiko Sect. At the same time, they also singled out Echizen, Koga, and Echichu Ichikui for repeatedly violating the order of Honganji Temple and the "Three Ordinances" of Renyo Shonin, and ordered Some temples in Echizen and Echichu were destroyed together, and the illegal military forces gathered in the above temples were immediately disbanded.

At this moment, the nature of the incident changed. The aristocratic and cultural people in Kaga who had always been making trouble in Kyoto could not care about it, but they went to Mount Hiei to kill people and set fires. In the long run, where is the majesty of the imperial court and the shogunate? No one can Let's burn some fires. Today we will burn Mount Hiei, tomorrow we will burn Mount Kuashan, and the day after tomorrow we will burn Kyoto. Where is the dignity of the major mountain gates in Kinki?

Only then did the Kyoto nobles, who were belatedly aware of it, get angry and turn over the old accounts of Kaga, which had always killed the guardian Togashi clan and established itself as a country controlled by the people, making Kaga a human Buddhist kingdom independent of the shogunate. And asked the court and shogunate to severely punish these gangsters.

In the past, who would have cared about what happened between the rich and peasants of a distant country, whether it was the Ichiku riot in Kaga country or the Kuzuryu River battle fought by the Echizen Asakura family, it might not even be considered as a topic for conversation after dinner. Where can I talk about the past and present, study singing, tea ceremony, or Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting?

This time has changed. Whether they are followers of the Tendai Sect or not, everyone is very concerned about the burning of Mount Hiei. Moreover, more than half of the followers of the Tendai Sect in Kyoto come from the imperial court and the royal family. Once the matter falls on them, these nobles feel that they have always been What the sect does is so dirty, and it repeatedly uses the power of the local people to launch attacks. It is a despicable and dirty sect.

In desperation, Ishiyama Honganji Temple has repeatedly stated that it was kept in the dark, but Honganji Temple still bears unshirkable responsibility, especially since their teachings actually encourage people to become a Buddha without reading Buddhist scriptures and chanting the name of the Buddha. This is simply a fallacy. This fallacy has been exiled by the imperial court before. This time the Enryakuji Temple burning incident became the trigger, and the wave of condemnation of Honganji Temple became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Ichibashi also panicked and began to ask for help but with little success. Some of the head officials who were not clear-headed shouted at the top of their lungs: "Why don't you use Ichiku!" Honganji Shogyu was almost angered by this bastard. Damn, you are still initiating this shit at this time. If you do it again, it will solidify the reputation of the cult. In the future, let alone mobilizing believers, it will be good if the warriors do not drive them into the sea to feed the fish.

Honganji Shogyu's crisis public relations did indeed play a certain role. Some people in Kyoto sympathized with Ishiyama Honganji. Among them, many ministers had contacts with Honganji Shogyu, and they also received many gifts from Honganji. I feel that the character of this temple is quite good, and the Buddhist scriptures say that there is no tendency to be a cult at all. Of course, I cannot say this explicitly, and I can only slowly turn the situation around by saying good things to them.

The aftermath of this huge "Hieizan Tribulation" has not dissipated for a period of time. Ichibuki Mun, who was shot for no reason, still received a positive response when he appealed everywhere. After more than half a month of crisis public relations, and the Honganji Otani family's The clan, among which Hino Harimitsu was an intermediary, decided that the imperial court should be more lenient towards Ishiyama Honganji, lift it up high and put it down gently, and the danger of the Honganji family being destroyed again was gradually eliminated.

For the sake of the court, Prince Yao Zunfa decided to spare Yi Xiangzong, but the master of Tiantai still did not intend to spare them lightly. Prince Yao Zunfa first demanded compensation from Yi Xiangzong, and then offered him a gift worth 300,000 Guan Yongle money. A huge fine was imposed. At the same time, the Honganji Temple burned the Ishiyama Honganji Temple's garland and immediately withdrew from Kinki. It announced in a high profile that the Ichiko Sect was strictly prohibited from engaging in preaching activities in the Kinki, otherwise the Tendai Sect would be punished.

Honganji Zhengru was innocently shot and died, but what could he do? Beiling Enryakuji was too powerful and he didn't dare to offend him. Back then, Master Rennyu was accused of being an "enemy of the Buddha" by the Tendai Sect, and then he ran away. He left Kinki to preach in the remote areas of Hokuriku. He did not want to make the same mistake as his great-grandfather and go to Hokuriku to hide. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Fifth update! Please subscribe!

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