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Chapter 216 The First Battle of Kawanaka Island

In the 21st year of Tianbun, Kanto has become very peaceful. It cannot be said that it is completely peaceful. At least the war is still burning. However, the situation has changed from the eastern country allied forces besieging the Hojo family to their own internal strife. The Yuuki family and the Oda family have completely fallen out.

, Yuki Masamori united with Hitachi Kingdom's anti-Oda clan people to attack the Oda clan's home city. The Oda clan was not willing to be outdone and asked for help from its ally, the Satake clan. At this time, Oda and Satake were still allies, so the Satake clan had to send some troops.

Horse meaning means.

Shimono Country is also fighting, and the Utsunomiya family's civil strife has not ended yet. Hōga Couture planned to murder Mibu Tsunfusa and took the opportunity to seize Utsunomiya Castle. This loyal minister completely risked his life for the Utsunomiya family's family business, and poisoned and murdered rumors.

Various methods were used in endlessly, and finally Utsunomiya Hirotsuna was finally sent back to Utsunomiya Castle using both soft and hard tactics.

But the war in Shimono Country was far from over. In order to avenge the former head of the family, the Utsunomiya family began to prepare for war and attack the mortal enemy the Nasu clan. Of course, the Nasu clan was not easy to mess with. He immediately invited the Satake clan of Hitachi.

As reinforcements, the two sides started fighting again in Shimono Country.

Satomi Yoshiyao had a very unhappy life, because he was repaid for his deception of Furukawa Kōkō. The flaw of the card that he did not have in his hand was exposed. Furukawa repeatedly disrespected Satomi Yoshihaka.

He issued an order to attack the Satomi clan, not to mention that the empty name was indeed useful. At least the completely honest Chiba clan had been suppressed by the Satomi clan. The Hara clan began to make trouble again, and even the Maritani clan also

I can't get along with Li Jian Yiyao.

What's worse is that fires began to break out in Satomi's house. Some veterans of the Satomi clan who had been suppressed for a long time jumped out to raise a rebellion. The reason was that Satomi Yoshiyao had assassinated the Satomi clan's direct descendants, and they also found witnesses to accuse him of the original incident.

That matter was said clearly and logically, but Yoshiyao couldn't sit still now. He could only be busy putting out the civil strife in his territory, and he had no intention of caring about the affairs of the Musashi Kingdom.

The four countries of Kanto, namely Shimono, Shimosu, Uamisu, and Hitachi, were all caught in the whirlpool of war, which also gave Hojo Ujiyasu a precious chance to breathe. Musashi Country experienced more than two years of baptism of war, with countless villages burned down and farmers fleeing the land.

The city was desolate, the city was in dilapidated condition, and the towns under the castle were burned to the ground. Although he finally won the war, he also paid a heavy price for it.

First of all, due to the continuous war between Sagami and Izu, the citizens of Sagami and Izu have been burdened with heavy military service, military service and general service. In some places, there has been a trend of political instability. The people are rioting, and there are panic rumors everywhere, such as Hojo

Shiyasu is an evil spirit that eats children's hearts.

Such true and false rumors gave Hojo Ujiyasu a headache. It was easy to defeat the Ichiku army, but it was a headache to appease the people. This forced him to give up his plan to continue to expand and seize territory, and focus on restoring the stability of the people in the territory and rebuilding Musashi.

In order to maintain the country's economic order, we can only go to the countryside frequently to get close to the frontline farmers, and we are exempted from many taxes and servitude, and appear to be close to the people.

After more than half a year of hard work, some results have been achieved. Although he missed the opportunity to continue to expand, it was still a last resort. Hojo Ujiyasu hated Furukawa who had brought him endless troubles, and he was even more concerned about Furukawa's mysterious death.

However, the investigation by the Fuumas was unsuccessful and they never found the mastermind behind the incident. They only found out that the castle tower of the Furukawa Imperial Palace caught fire on the night of the incident, causing a commotion and Ashikaga Haruji fell into a well and drowned.

He has always suspected that Kai's Takeda Harunobu is causing trouble. This guy is even more sinister and cunning than his father. In terms of intelligence, he is no worse than Hojo Ueyasu, and in terms of ruthlessness, he may be a little better. Especially his ruthlessness, unrighteousness, greed and excessive greed are even more touching.

, If his cousin Yoshimoto Imagawa hadn't suddenly joined forces with the Hojo family and joined forces with Takeda Nobutora to cause chaos in Kadong, he and his father would have really planned to join forces with the Imagawa family to completely attack and destroy the Takeda family.

While the war in Kanto continued, the cunning Yoshimoto Imagawa finally sent a marriage envoy. Since the great changes in Kinai a few months ago, the Imagawa family's original proposal for a marriage had been silent until Yoshimoto Kira fought a battle in Katsuraikawa.

After a classic battle in which the Miyoshi family was completely defeated, Imagawa's attitude changed another 180 degrees.

The marriage envoys this time included not only the old acquaintance Sekiguchi Chikinaga, but also the public minister Reizumi Weikazu, who had been hanging out in Sunfu for a long time. They brought the autographed letter of Imagawa Yoshimoto, in which he enthusiastically expressed his love for Kira.

Iami's application performance in the Battle of Katsuragi, and he was also very interested in the superb military qualities displayed by the Mikawa Corps. Then there was the matter of the marriage between the Imagawa and Kira families. Master Jiro, the daughter of the Ii family, was killed by Imagawa Yoshimoto.

She was adopted as an adopted daughter and given to her mother, Imagawa Jugini, who was born in the Gongqing family, to teach her.

Then he said that the process of teaching etiquette will last for one year. At that time, someone will be specially sent to send the adopted daughter to Sakamoto, and then the representative of the Imagawa family, Sekiguchi Chikinaga, and the representative of the Kira family, Yamamoto Tokiyuki, and Myounji Temple will preside over Kuaichuan.

Shaoxi and Lengquan, the governor of the Lengquan family, jointly witnessed the marriage contract. This also indicates that Kira and the Imagawa family have established a close relationship. Not only can Kira Yoshitoki be able to serve in the shogunate with peace of mind, but Imagawa Yoshimoto can also

You can safely subdue the people of Sanhe country.

Nagao Kagetora went out to Echigo again in late August with an army of 6,000 people. After joining Zenkoji Temple with the 2,000 troops of Northern Shinano, the number also reached 8,000. Takeda Harunobu, who received the news, did not dare to neglect at all.

The family's seven thousand troops set off from Saku County and set up their main battle formation at the newly captured Yantian Castle. Iito Toramasa led the special forces to station at Muroga Castle in the north. At the same time, he summoned the Shinano wealthy family to serve as servants.


The Shinano wealthy clan who served as the vanguard were defeated by the Nagao Army without any suspense. The Nagao Army did not stop to carry out random arrests, but chose to directly cross the Hachimangahara and captured Arasato Castle, which was just across the river from Katsurao Castle.

When the Takeda family's main formation not far from Aratori Castle felt like it was facing a formidable enemy, Nagao Kagetora gave up his attack on the Takeda's main formation and instead crossed the Baba Pass to attack Aoyagi Castle. His purpose was obviously to enter Azum.

Ye, the target is the former Ogasawara clan's territory and the newly built Fukashi Castle.

Just when the Takeda family's army was in turmoil, the wily Takeda Harunobu made a move. He chose to attack Arasato Castle at night to cut off the Nagao Legion's food route, and then crossed the Baba Pass to attack the Nagao Legion who was attacking Aoyagi Castle. He planned to attack Aoyagi Castle here.

Let's close the door and beat the dogs, and completely wrap up the Nagao family's military strength.

And Nagao Kagetora's response was also a masterstroke. When he received the news that the Takeda Army was rushing towards Aoyagi Castle, he immediately led the Nagao Army to change direction and cross the Baba Pass, heading straight for Yantian Castle, the temporary camp of the Takeda Army.

After receiving the information, Takeda Harunobu was shocked and worried. He could only stop the advance immediately and led the army back to Yantian City to defend the city.

What he considered was that once Nagao Kagetora captured Yantian City, it would take away the ordnance and food stored in the Takeda Army's temporary camp. The Nagao Army, which had obtained a large amount of supplies, would be unstoppable. He would inevitably detach part of the main force to march straight in to sweep Xiaozhen and even Saku.

Waiting for the county, but at this time, the people of Saku and Xiaozhen are still participating in the Takeda army, and the rear is empty and lacks the main force to guard the city. If he attacks the southern part of Shinano, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Takeda Harunobu's abandonment brought the two sides back to the starting point. Nagao Kagetora recaptured Arataki Castle that the Takeda family had abandoned, and had no intention of repeating his old tricks of crossing the Baba Pass to attack Minami Shinano. Takeda Harunobu was also haunted by Nagao Kagetora.

Tactics was shocked, and he also wanted to wait and see what happened, without making any further plans.

Neither side was very willing to fight. This awkward confrontation lasted until the end of the autumn harvest in mid-September. The Chihisa family of Ina County in Minami-Shinano raised a rebellion, and Akiyama Nobyou was alone and worthy of asking for help from the Takeda family on the front line.

, Takeda Harunobu had no choice but to send an envoy to negotiate a peace agreement with the Nagao family.

The Nagao family was also very satisfied with this raid. Now that the autumn harvest was over, there was no need to stay. After some bargaining, the Takeda family took the lead in announcing their withdrawal in late that month, and then Nagao Kagetora also announced his withdrawal. Both sides held

They agreed to lead the troops back home without fighting.

At Zenkoji Temple, Nagao Kagetora persuaded Murakami Yoshikiyo to temporarily abandon the construction of Kuzuo Castle, and then ordered people to build Kaizu Castle on the original site of the Kiyono clan's Kaizu Hall. He also ordered Yoshie Keizi, Yasuda Keimoto, and Kakizaki Keie to station in Yashiro Castle respectively.

, Shiozaki Castle, Aratori Castle, and Murakami Yoshikiyo are in charge of Kaijin Castle in the rear area, shouldering the responsibility of providing assistance at any time.

At the same time, Usami Sadamitsu was also asked to find Murakami Yoshikiyo with a secret order, and asked him to work with Usami Sadamitsu and the generals of Echigo to suppress the people of Northern Shinano. All the wealthy families who resisted Echigo's military power must be eradicated, and at the same time,

He also ensured the safety of those who surrendered to the wealthy clans. This was also the first step for Nagao Kagetora to seek change. Kira Yoshitoki's letters gave him great inspiration.

Later, Nagao Kagetora also found Kurita Kanyasu, the benefactor of Zenkoji Temple, and told him that the Kawanakajima area where Zenkoji Plains is located will soon start a war again, and Zenkoji Temple will inevitably be the main point of contention between the two families. Legend has it that Takeda Harunobu is cruel and greedy, and in Odai

In the original war, he massacred 3,000 people and built a Kyoto temple, and even sold all the civilians as slaves. For the sake of Zenkoji, he suggested to overtake the enemy in one fell swoop first, and then move back to the original site after Shinano was pacified.


Nagao Kagetora also told Kurita Kanyasu that Takeda Harunobu carried Suwa's dharma belt over his head in order to gain the title of commanding the Shinano people. The military flag also had "Suwa Daimyojin" written on it on one side, so he was very likely to obey Suwa.

The influence of one lineage persecuted Zenkoji who had turned to the Nagao family. In fact, it was said that Kurita Kanyasu should go to Echigo to build a Zenkoji, and invite Zenkoji's important treasure "One Light and Three Amida Tathagata" to Echigo.

Go later.

Although Kurita Kanyasu is reluctant to leave his hometown, he is still very worried about the comfort of Zenkoji Temple, especially the three glazed absolute secret Buddha statues that are the most important treasure in the temple. They are his lifeblood, because the historically tyrannical samurai family took away the Buddha statues in order to force Zenkoji Temple to surrender.

Occasionally, it happened, so he decided to accept Nagao Kagetora's invitation to build a new Zenkoji Temple in Sekikawa, Echigo, and Naoetsu, close to Kasugayama Castle. For this purpose, Nagao Kagetora specially presented a thousand guan in tribute.

With the impact of the migration of Zenkoji Temple, people in Northern Shinano and even the entire Shinano, Ueno, Echigo, and even the entire Hokuriku and Kanto regions have had a huge impact. No matter the daimyo, the people of the country, the merchants, or the farmers are very concerned

The reason for this incident is that Zenkoji Temple has a unique status, especially its influence on Shinano Province is even greater than Suwa Taisha Shrine in Minami Shinano.

Zenkoji is a non-sectarian temple. It was born before the separation of the Nakayuan Buddhist sect and was founded in the third year of Emperor Kogoku (644 AD). The foundation of Zenkoji was built by Emperor Kogoku. It enshrines Amida Tathagata, Guanyin Bodhisattva and

The three Buddha statues of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. The reason why these three Buddha statues are so precious is that they are the absolute secret Buddhas brought from afar from Baekje. Their precepts are so strict that even Zenkoji Temple’s special monks and eminent monks of all generations cannot see all of them.


According to the legend when Zenkoji was burned down in the Kamakura period, these were three glazed Absolute Buddha statues. Although the original Zenkoji Temple was burned down, the three glazed Absolute Buddha statues enshrined in the main hall’s glazed altar were preserved. Later, after Zenkoji was rebuilt, Zenkoji continued to

Don't regard these three absolute secret Buddhas as something more important than life.

The so-called MiBuddha is an extremely rare form of worship in the Ming Dynasty. Due to different beliefs and precepts, MiBuddha is a non-public Buddha statue, and due to different doctrines and regulations of each sect, there will be a certain period of public worship, but it is absolutely

A secret Buddha refers to a Buddha statue that is completely closed to the public. No one can see the Buddha except for external force to snatch it.

Zenkoji Temple holds a public worship ceremony once every seven years, which is also called the grand ceremony of the Okaizho in the East. The three Amida statues unveiled in the Okaizhu are not the original Buddha statues, but Buddha statues that imitate the original Buddha. In Japan, they call it

This is a substitute Buddha statue enshrined in front of the cabinet of the main Buddha.

There is usually a golden curtain in front of the glazed altar. The curtain is only lifted during ritual activities in the early morning and noon of a certain day at a specific time. At that time, you can only visit the gozendashi in the golden glazed altar. In the Japanese Buddhist community

Its status is extremely high. If it weren't for the sectarian ideals and its location in the Shinano Mountains, far away from the capital, its status would be five mountains higher.

Nagao Kagetora's persuasion, both soft and hard, caused Zenkoji to move to Naoetsu, under the Echigo Kasugayama Castle. Under the influence of moving Zenkoji, the originally shaken Northern Shinano people once again turned to the Nagao side, and the Shinano people who originally turned to the Takeda side began to

They were shaken, and except for a very small number of Shinano people who firmly supported the Takeda family, many people began to have careful thoughts.

At this time, the noisy people in Minami Shinano were also more joyful, including the Kiso family in Fukushima Castle, which began to become unstable. Suwa County and the Matsumoto Basin were shaken to varying degrees, which made everyone in the Takeda family feel very distressed. (Unfinished)

to be continued.)

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