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Chapter 263 Interrogation of the defeated

The Kira family's cavalry rushed into the Honjo army's main formation like a red gust of wind blowing across the field, exuding a terrifying momentum. Seeing that the situation was not good, the Dabaoji army hurriedly turned around and retreated. His five hundred men had not yet reached the edge. They lost nearly a hundred combat forces. Facing the wolf-like and tiger-like Kira army, they were simply seeking death by not retreating.

Without the support of the left wing, the Honjo army, which was fighting the Kira Army's Ashigaru Formation, became a turtle in the urn. The main force on the front was pinned down, seriously affecting mobility. Honjo Shigenaga could only grit his teeth and send all the mounted samurai to the two wings to block the red cavalry. assault.

Kira Yoshitsune pursued the cavalry roundabout assault tactic, never confronting the enemy force, especially not engaging in positional battles with Ashigaru. His tactical thinking was fully implemented, and the red cavalry attacked from the left and right and went down the mountain. The two wings of the Honzhuang army defeated by the fierce tigers were retreating steadily, and the two hundred horse-riding warriors of the Honzhuang army disappeared in a short time.

As the front line showed a tendency to collapse, Honjo Shigenaga could no longer sit still and hurriedly urged his horses to rush out of the formation, shouting: "The whole army attacks, we must stop the Kira Army cavalry!"

Dozens of our horseback samurai came out to bring the situation back to a slight disadvantage. At least Honjo Shigenaga personally went into battle to boost morale, but then the situation was quickly brought back. He moved his mount and rushed to the front line to directly confront Honzo Shigenaga.

"Honjo Bancho! Let me, Tokiyoshi Takigawa, finish you off!"

With the help of the powerful force of the charge of the war horse, Takigawa Tokiyoshi swung the sword in his hand and struck hard. The bloody smell and the coldness on the gun blade made his sweat pores explode. In the crisis, Honjo Shige Chang's reaction was extremely quick, and he turned sideways to avoid this fatal attack. The two of them looked at each other for a moment as they passed by each other, making Honjo Shigenaga experience the feeling of fear for the first time.

After another confrontation with the horse, Honjo Shibunaga suddenly felt that his clothes were soaked. It turned out that at some point he was shocked by the blow and broke into a cold sweat. He no longer cared about the dignity of the samurai, and hurriedly shouted: "Yaha Ichigojiro, Come and help me, Akira Uhei!"

"Yes!" Two of Honjo Nobunaga's confidants rushed over on horseback. At this moment, another attack from Takikawa Tokiyoshi also happened to arrive. Facing the three men wielding their big guns and stabbing at them at the same time, Takigawa Tokiyoshi exerted his strength with both arms. He violently waved his gun to block, and used brute force to forcefully knock away the three big guns. Honzo Nobunaga's reaction was the quickest. The moment the big guns bounced away, he pulled back the broken spears.

This moment of witty reaction saved his life, but the other two were not so lucky. Takikawa Tokimasu stabbed Yaba Gonjiro to death, and Ariake Taira Youbei was also killed by a sudden flying arrow. , Honjo Shigenaga caught a glimpse of Shikatsu, who was eyeing the island not far away, and immediately turned around and fled. At this time, there were only a few dozen samurai riding back around him, and there were not many left.

Takigawa Tokimasu stopped and shouted: "I have captured the enemy general, Yaha Ichigojiro! Sakon, please keep him!"

"I know!" Shima Tokikatsu bent his bow and clasped the arrow, and in an instant another arrow flew out, hitting the back of Honjo Nogecho's mount. The horse was shaken and staggered in severe pain. Takigawa Tokiyoshi took out the lasso and rode the horse forward. , trapping Honzo Nonchang, who had been smashed into pieces, and dragged him directly away from the battlefield.

"Honjo Shigenaga has been captured!" The news was like a storm blowing in all directions. Both the Mogami Army, which was advancing with great success, and the tepid and entangled Kurokawa Army, all retreated at the same time. As the main force of Honjo's coalition forces, , Honjo Shibancho's direct defeat to the coalition forces was a huge blow.

First of all, the Honjo army all laid down their weapons and accepted prisoners. Fortunately, this did not last long. The Honjo army killed more than 400 people in the battle, while the Kira army only paid the price of hundreds of minor and serious injuries without any casualties. Equipment, training and discipline

The gap was fatal. The Honjo army with different orders could not form an effective counterattack at all. The frontal conflict could not gain any advantage. The two wings were attacked again and did not collapse. It was already supported by the super resilience of the Echigo people.

After this defeat, the whole situation began to collapse. The Mogami army threw away the fat they had obtained and ran away. The Daihoji army had already been defeated. If he didn't escape now, he would definitely have no chance to escape again. The Kurokawa army wanted to retreat but was killed by Nakajo Fujizu.

He was restrained by death, and only Kurokawa Mori-mi was willing to cut off his tail to survive in order to escape, but the current situation was obviously no longer possible.

"Kurokawa Moromi surrendered! Honjo Shigenchō surrendered! The Mogami Army retreated, we won!"

The Kira family's red cavalry was still chasing the Mogami Army relentlessly. Although this was not of great significance, all the lives of more than a hundred people were turned around. The rebellion in Echigo ended with the end of the battle under Honjo Castle.

A full stop.

Two days later, the Echigo post-war evaluation meeting was held in Honjo Castle. People from all over Shimotsu came to hear the news. People from the Miura Party, Chichibu Party, Omi Party, and Sasaki Party all attended the evaluation meeting.

The first was to punish Honjo Nobunaga and Kurokawa Morimi, who directly led the rebellion. The two were tied up and escorted into the hall. Facing the familiar faces in the hall, either with sympathetic or mocking eyes, the two defeated soldiers

The general's face was very ugly, especially the Kira family's habit of disrespecting the captured general made them very angry.

Honjo Nobunaga said angrily: "Why do you have to tie us up? Even if we are defeated, we still have dignity!"

"Dignity? Do you have such a thing?" Kira Yoshitoki sneered, gestured to Takigawa Tokimasu and Shima Tokikatsu, and kicked them down. The two shouted loudly: "What dignity do you have?"


At this time, Kurokawa Mori was also angry and cursed: "We are not the retainers of Wuweidian, why do you treat us like this? You bastards, please help me!"

The "bastards" that Kurokawa Moromi said were the Shimogotsu people in the hall, but who would help them at this time? Irobe Katsunaga of the Chichibu Party, Ayukawa Kiyonaga turned away directly, and Kachi Harutsuna of the Sasaki Party

, Takemata Keizuna, Shinhatada Tsusada, and Igokono Hiroie carefully appreciated the expressions of the two people with the mentality of watching a good show.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared outside the evaluation room. Tsunasada Nihatada happened to catch a glimpse and immediately exclaimed: "Eh? Hojo Tango Mamoru?"

"Yes! That's me!" After a few days of mental torture, Hojo Takahiro became several times thinner than his previous strong figure. The original bandit face full of flesh also became more angular, but the aura on his body

The gangsterism is still not gone.

Many people were keenly aware that he seemed to have some strange changes. Before they could think about it, they saw an astonishing scene. Hojo Takahiro glanced at the many Shimogoshi samurai in the hall, stepped forward and leaned down and said: "Hojo Takahiro is late!

I’ve kept the owner waiting for a long time!”

"Lord Master? What's going on?" Not only were the people of the Shimoyoshi family in the hall shocked, but even the samurai of the Kira family were a little surprised. Only Kira Yoshi, who was sitting high on the throne, smiled.

"I'm so relieved that Gao Guang and Xingyue are here! How do you think Gao Guang should deal with these two people?"

"We must not tolerate those who are ungrateful!" Hojo Takahiro was clearly prepared. When he saw Kiragi, he nodded to him, immediately walked over and held down the heads of Kurokawa Moromi and Honjo Shigaraki, and said sternly: "Look clearly Who is the person on the main seat? Are you still stubborn?"

"Hojo Takahiro! Are you crazy! Let me go!" Kurokawa Moromi was shocked and angry. Why was this guy so crazy today? He became like this in the blink of an eye. He was the most dishonest person in the past. people.

In contrast, Honjo Shimancho was even more arrogant. Even when his head was pressed to the tatami, he cursed mercilessly: "Hojo Takahiro! Let me go! Otherwise, I, Shibancho, will definitely kill you!"

"The master of the hall is here, who are you going to kill! Idiot!" Takigawa Tokiyoshi, who had retreated to the side to watch the show, became furious. Shima Tokikatsu hugged the angry Takigawa Tokiyoshi and hurriedly shouted at the stunned Takigawa Tokiyoshi. Nagasaka Nobumasa winked: "Come quickly and stop him!"

"Oh!" Nagasaka Nobumasa ran over and the two fierce generals worked together to hold down the brute force Takigawa Tokimasu. Seeing the moans coming from under the tatami between the three people pulling, the people in Shimotsu couldn't help but feel sad. At a young age, Takigawa Tokiyoshi overthrew two generations of powerful men, Hojo Takahiro and Honjo Shigecho, old and new, and his future achievements would be unimaginable.

"Hojo Tango doesn't have to be a bad guy, let me do it!" Honda Toki was watching the heat, so he stood up and looked at the two prisoners who looked like dead dogs with a smile, and said loudly: "I have always been with the Ashikaga family. Rewards and punishments are fair. Those who have meritorious service will be rewarded without hesitation, and those who have made mistakes will naturally not be punished. Rebellion is a first-class crime determined by our host. Considering the special situation of Echigo, my host temporarily takes over the position of the leader of Echigo. , so the punishment is particularly lenient.”

Honjo Nobunaga asked angrily: "Why should we be punished?"

"Why?" Honda Tokimasa sneered, glanced at the Yue countryman, and then said slowly: "Because of your duty as a minister of the Taira Chichibu Party and the Miura Party!"

"What?" These words were not as simple as surprise. Nakajo Toshi, Irobe Katsunaga and other countrymen all frowned, and they couldn't help but wonder what the Wuweidian meant. They had promoted the autonomy of the Northern People for hundreds of years, regardless of the country No one can shake the ruler of the country. Since the Oshu Tenbun Rebellion broke out more than ten years ago, the confrontation between Nakajo Fujishi and the head of the house made the originally monolithic Yangboku people begin to split.

It was the beginning when Nakajo Fujishi first surrendered to Nagao Kagetora. Later, the people of Shimotsu either actively or passively surrendered to Nagao Kagetora, but they did not really obey the dragon of Echigo. In the first battle of Kawanakajima, Nagao Okatora repeatedly wrote letters to urge Irobe Katsunaga to lead the army out into battle, and even did not come to participate in the bimonthly appraisal. This shows how self-indulgent and undisciplined this group of Shimoyue people were.

Nakajo Fujisaki couldn't help but ask: "What does Wu Weiden mean?"

"What I mean is..." Kira Yoshito slowly stood up and said with a smile: "Of course I want to give orders to Echigo in the name of the Ashikaga family!" (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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