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Chapter 268: Counting the Harvest Season

"As for those Chinese people in Central and Lower Vietnam who strongly demand to exchange grain types, I think that these samurai's oaths can be used in exchange." Hosokawa Fujitaka smiled slightly tiredly, and he has lost a lot of weight compared to a few months ago.

, he doesn’t look like the pampered and noble young man he used to be. He is dark and thin and looks like a country samurai.

"It's not urgent. Isn't it still early for spring sowing?" Kiragi said he didn't want to rush into this matter. Anyway, he had one winter to deal with it slowly.

The autumn harvest in Omi and two prefectures is in great shape. The strong wind and rain in Kamakura this summer and autumn had little impact on Omi. After two years of exploring the high-temperature composting method, it is gradually on the right track. The total stone height of the two prefectures has exceeded 180,000 koku, among which the Kira family

His direct leadership exceeded 90,000 dan, and he still maintained control of nearly half of the land. The annual tribute also reached 55,000 dan.

Unlike the situation in Echigo, only a small amount of new grain varieties are planted in Shiga County, and the planting direction is more research-oriented, including potato storage and planting technology, corn pollination and top dressing technology, and pumpkin rack top dressing technology.

Wait, how to fertilize alfalfa, grape planting technology, sugar beet cultivation technology and the best level of fertilization, etc. These are the main research directions.

With the acquiescence of Kira Yoshitoki, Matsui Masayuki was responsible for the survey, and Odate Harutada was responsible for the inspection. They also contacted Wang Dan from Hirado Port in Kyushu through connections in Sakai Town, and spent thousands of taels of silver from him to invite several agricultural experts.

Among them was a scholar who was proficient in agriculture. He was implicated because he came from a maritime merchant family and fled to Kyushu.

The Kira family promised to give each of them a salary ranging from 200 taels to 500 taels. They only need to study agricultural planting technology. The employment period is initially set at five years. After five years, they will consider whether to hire based on the situation. They will also be allowed to do so at that time.

He returned to the Ming Dynasty with seeds and planting technology. With the temptation of public and private interests, he finally persuaded the scholar named Li Ding to reluctantly agree to the agreement.

Kira Yoshitsune consciously built Omi-Sakamoto and Takashima counties into a test base for new grain varieties. Several high-yielding crops were opened on 20-machi-step test fields on plains and mountains according to conditions. Specialized farmers took care of each.

The farming methods in the counter-test fields are different, the fertilizers used and the fertilization methods are different, and the pollination process is also being explored.

In order to inspire the farmers' enthusiasm, the district inspection officer Oguan Qingzhong often stayed in the village to give explanations. For every 1% increase in the maximum grain yield, the farmer can be rewarded with twenty Guan Yongle coins. Farmers who have repeatedly performed well will be rewarded.

The combination of various measures such as land knowledge and practice, promotion to Su Lao land attendants, etc., greatly stimulated farmers' enthusiasm.

In the past half a year, some achievements have been made one after another. For example, there are certain requirements for the planting density of corn in spring and summer. Slightly dense planting density requires manual pollination of weaker plants. Local farmers invented

Use bamboo tubes to collect the pollen on the stamens and carry out pollination on a clear and windless day. At the same time, we consciously pollinate strong plants. At present, corn kernels are selected for breeding in the two seasons of corn. There is not much difference yet and we need to continue to follow up.

The development of agricultural technology is related to the foundation of human survival. Ji Liangyi consciously asked Ming Dynasty agriculture and forestry experts to intervene. On the one hand, he borrowed the excellent knowledge accumulation of intensive farming developed over thousands of years in the Ming Dynasty to find out more quickly.

He wanted to develop more scientific planting methods, and on the other hand, he also wanted these agricultural and forestry experts to bring these planting techniques and high-yielding grain seeds back to the Ming Dynasty. This was the only thing he could do.

In addition to the smooth development of agriculture, Sakamoto, Otsu, Katada and the castle towns near Azumikawa in Takashima County were connected during this year to form a free trade zone combining handicrafts and commercial trade. With the Kira family's system of attaching importance to industrial and commercial development, it gradually

It has matured and formed an emerging commercial center with Sakamoto Port as the center.

In less than five years, Sakamoto Port has transformed from a trading hub port to the third largest economic center after Kyoto and Sakai, attracting more than 12,000 industrial and commercial practitioners in this year.

People, the construction of new towns has not stopped for a whole year. If it were not for the red line drawn by the Kira family that the 12,000 towns of farmland in the two counties should not be encroached upon, the development speed of the two counties would only be faster.

The development of Zeniya is very smooth. With the influence of defeating the Miyoshi family, the trade volume of Zeniya in Sakamoto, Sakai Town and Kyoto has gradually increased. During this year, the Santiyaya owned by the Miyoshi family will also penetrate into Sakai Town.

, and also took advantage of the Sanhao family's ruling advantage to launch a currency sniper operation against the money house.

But their methods are too bad. No matter they use silver or gold, they can't shake the money house. The money house is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much silver you have, you can eat the money without fail. The more money you can exchange, the more money you can exchange.

The more I earned, the seemingly inexhaustible Yongle money gradually made Sandaiwu feel desperate. In the end, although it did not cause direct economic losses, it somehow supported the reputation of Qianwu.


Who would have thought that the Kira family not only defeated the Miyoshi family on the battlefield, but also defeated the Miyoshi family's royal store that dominated the trade of the four countries and the Seto Inland trade with its next storehouse, and cashed out 300,000 kan Yongle money in just half a month.

, eating millions of dollars worth of silver, this currency throughput is simply astonishing, even a little abnormal.

Taking this opportunity, Qianwu joined forces with the Yodogawa people and the Kira family ronin to work together to promote Kinai freight security, Yodogawa area water transportation insurance and other businesses. As long as the merchants pay a certain premium, they can provide them with water transportation insurance, ranging from small things to armed forces.

Various security services.

Even wealthy merchants in Kyoto and Sakai Town invested in the armed security business. Soon this new force spread throughout the entire kiwi. Armed groups under the banner of "Kirara Doshin" were active in various countries in the kihon, causing everyone in the Miyoshi family to feel very distressed.

As the copper houses and iron cannon houses gradually moved eastward, Kunitomo Benebu finally decided to move the Kunitomo village to Echigo collectively. The reason was due to a conversation with the clockmaker Kronberg, although there were two people who did not understand the technology in the process.

He is a scumbag translator, but the two of them are proficient in technology and only need to draw sketches and cooperate with the scumbag translator to understand what the other party is roughly saying. At his age, the pursuit of fame and fortune has become very weak. Only technological innovation cannot be given up.

It was his greatest wish to develop a new type of flintlock gun during his lifetime.

Even though Kronberg had eight hands, he was still very slow to make things without assistants. After receiving the support of a group of elite craftsmen in Kunyou Village, the first dog-lock flintlock musket was produced in the autumn, which was roughly as envisioned.

Roughly the same as the other, this flintlock gun has a simple and beautiful shape.

In this era, Spain already had the most primitive flintlock gun, but the gun mechanism of the dog-lock flintlock gun was completely different from that of the Genji flintlock gun. The dog-lock gun machine used a sear with a spring instead of a wedge wheel.

A small hole is made behind the hammer. Inside the small hole is a sear with a sear spring that is linked to the trigger.

When the hammer is pulled up to the position of the sear brake and then the hammer is held in the ready-to-fire state, the trigger is pulled down to retract the sear and release the hammer. The hammer releases the kinetic energy of the main spring and strikes the fire curtain downward.

The hot iron filings generated cause the black powder in the primer pot to burn, ignite the black powder in the primer port next to the primer pot, conduct it to the explosion chamber, explode and expand, and eject the projectile.

The working principle of this firearm is that the hammer is pulled upward to the sear brake position and then the hammer is held. The fire sickle is lifted back to the firing position. At the same time, the fire sickle is linked to the reed and is automatically locked and held still. Pull the trigger to link the fire gun.

The sear releases the hammer and moves downward to strike the fire curtain, scraping off hot iron filings to ignite the black powder in the primer pot.

Finally, the black powder placed in the primer pot is ignited, and the propellant in the explosion chamber is ignited through the primer hole to eject the projectile. With the pot cover, the matchlock gun can continue to exert its due power under conditions such as rain and snow that are not conducive to the use of the matchlock, eliminating the need for a matchlock.

This is a dangerous and inefficient method of igniting fire. Switching to a dog-lock bolt action is already a great innovation.

The results of the test firing of this musket were very good, including the tests by Kunitomo and Zaemon, Takikawa Masushige, Nomura Naotaka and other iron cannon masters, and the results were very satisfactory. The power of the new matchlock gun was fully maintained, and at the same time

Taking into account the effect of rapid shooting, you only need to take out the purge bar to clean the gun chamber after the shooting, insert lead bullets and press them, and finally load the gunpowder to continue shooting. A skilled iron cannon warrior can fire four shots in one minute.

However, the mass production of this gun is still a problem. The dog-lock bolt mechanism is too complicated. At the same time, in order to improve the shooting efficiency, the smoothbore barrel also faces the problem of standardized production. In short, although this prototype gun has been produced, it is still far away from mass production.

It's far away, and Kronenberg is still not satisfied with this prototype gun. He thinks there is more room for improvement. No one knows how to mass-produce a standard dog-lock musket.

The vast land and large forests of Echigo are completely different from the narrowness of Omi and the two counties. The copper house was moved to Echigo and work resumed soon. The application of biogas was originally prepared for official use. Later, an explosion caused by a biogas leakage, although it only caused

The two people were slightly injured, but they still reminded the followers that they are still testing to prevent backfire of the biogas valve.

In one fell swoop, Biwaya surpassed the status of a money house and became a comprehensive commercial house of the Kira family. In addition to dealing in bulk purchases and retail, it also sells everything from iron cannons and horse armors to small needlework and clothes. There are three stores in Sakamoto, Sakaicho, and Kyoto.

The entire Pipa House has been replaced with a three-story building in the style of the Ming Dynasty. This iconic building can be seen from a few streets away and is comparable to the flagship stores of later generations.

The civil construction business undertaken by Sanhewu Construction has also developed greatly, including the reconstruction of Shengryuji Castle, Ci Zhaoji Temple, Luyuan Temple, and even the repair of Ouchi Palace, etc., which has brought thousands of profits to the company. Both the imperial court and the shogunate have paid great attention to Sanhewu.

The construction standards of the co-housing craftsmen are highly praised.

More nobles began to choose Sangawu to undertake the construction of new buildings, including the construction of facilities in Kyoto City by the imperial court and the shogunate, and the construction of the military residences of the ministers. It is said that the orders received by Sangayo have been lined up until the next year. (Unfinished)

To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: Let me explain here that there is a slight difference between Oku and Kita. Kita Shinano is relatively large, including Kozumi and Saku counties. They are both included in Kita Shinano. Oku Shinano refers only to Kawanaka Island and several northern counties. Of course, they are all

There is only the north, but one is more narrow and the other is broader.

This chapter has been completed!
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