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Chapter 335 Mutsu's Action

The Takeda family is troubled by the difficult Kira Army, and the Kira family on the other side is not having a good time. This time, the main force of the Kira Yoshiki headquarters is only 8,000 people, including 2,000 Etsu reserves, 2,000 Shinano reserves, and

In addition to the main force of 4,000 people, the only expansion in recent years has been the training of 2,000 new troops. It can be said that the speed of military training is still too slow.

Kira Yoshitoki also realized that he had misjudged the situation. He always thought that Kawanakajima would be attacked five times as in history. He had plenty of time to slowly train his main force, but he did not expect that Echigo has developed rapidly in the past few years. Almost every year

One year is a step. The national power increases and the people become rich and powerful. It has almost become the center of attention for the entire Kanto, Yuao, and Hokuriku. The number of merchants and tourists from all over the country has doubled. This snowball effect will gradually increase the strength of Echigo and other countries.

Pull open.

In order to give Nagao Kagetora peace of mind, Kira Yoshitoki took the initiative to take on the pressure in the direction of Shinano, with 8,000 main troops, more than 1,000 Kakizaki Keie, Usami Sadamitsu and other Echigo national troops, and about 8,000 Shinano troops.

The Chinese People's Army totaled more than 17,000 people.

In addition to the fact that the Kira Army is too powerful to ignore, the Echigo National Army is also very strong. Each family of the Echigo people such as the Kakizaki Kei family has hundreds of mounted samurai. For example, the Kakizaki Kei family has more than 300 riding equipment.

Excellent cavalry. In recent years, they have received guidance and training from the Shinano Reserve Corps. They have worked hard to get rid of the title of "mounted infantry" and become a cavalry with a good level. They can fight in this war.

Several Ashigaru generals glanced at the many samurai in the hall in bewilderment and asked: "How should we fight this war? Will we still use the methods we used three years ago? But will the Takeda family still be fooled?"

"Impossible! We can't fight in a short time, so let's rest first!" Honda Toki shook his head, turned to Kira Yoshi and said respectfully: "Before convening the military meeting, I specifically asked Murakami Habayashi-den

, Kakizaki Izumi Temple. The morale of the samurai below is very low. They have not yet recovered from the depression of losing their home. If morale cannot be boosted in a short time, it will be difficult to determine the winner of this battle as soon as possible. "

"Yes! I have observed that the Takeda Army camp at Chasu Mountain is very heavily guarded. If the Takeda Army decides to drag it down, it will be troublesome."

"And Hachimanhara is under the control of the Takeda Army. It's really not easy to handle!" Honda Toki was suddenly startled and said hurriedly: "The Takeda family doesn't really have this plan, does it?"

"Let's not talk about this for now." Kira Yoshihi shook his head and ordered: "How to fight if the morale of the army is not uniform? You should also focus on stabilizing the morale of the army! As for military adjustments, we will announce them later."

The whole process of the Takeda family setting up camp was closely monitored by Kira ninjas. Kira Yoshishi had first-hand information about the Takeda family, and he also knew that the Takeda army stationed on Chasu Mountain was very tightly defended.

He looks like he is winning. If he really needs to use delaying tactics, Kira Jun really can't afford to delay them.

So Yoshitoki Kira quickly made adjustments. The defender of Kaijin Castle was still Murakami Yoshikiyo, who led the Murakami Army, Takanashi Army, Inoue Army, Yashiro Army and other three thousand troops from the Northern Shinano Country as bait, and the rest

The 14,000-strong army gathered in Asahiyama Castle to reorganize and train, striving to improve the tacit understanding of cooperation in a short period of time.

The Takeda family on Chasu Mountain was not idle either. When the Takeda family became more and more convinced that the Kira Legion was difficult to deal with, Takeda Harunobu promptly changed his strategy. The first thing he loved was to take advantage of the great victory to gather the obedient local people in Shinano and occupy the Hachimangahara.

The Ohori Hall, Hirota Village, and Yokota Castle.

These three castles happened to include the entire Hachimangahara within the monitoring range. Any military force attempting to land on Hachimangahara would be discovered immediately. In order to improve the defense against invasion, the Takeda clan's diggers began extensive repairs and expansions. Three cities were built, and eight thousand troops were sent to garrison the three cities.

These three castles can not only ensure a strong defensive position, but also play a very strong offensive role. Takeda Harunobu intends to use these three castles as an opportunity to strengthen his achievements and penetration of Kaizu Castle, which hangs alone on the south bank of the Chikuma River. , he knew very well that as long as this branch city could be eliminated, the Kira family's control over the south of Sai River would decline rapidly, but this strong city with three thousand defenders was not as easy to pull off as imagined.

Haijin Castle is located in the valley of Xiangshan Mountain. On the west side is the famous Wife Girl Mountain. Among the peaks stretching from Xiangshan Mountain to the west to Wife Girl Mountain are Zhushan Castle, Tiancheng Castle, Angu Castle, and Tangqi Castle. On the east side The Nisu City on Nisu Mountain is also in the hands of the Kira army, and the entire south bank of the Chikuma River is controlled by the Kira family.

Kaizu Castle in front of the Chikuma River has strong enough support and strategic depth. Once the Takeda family makes any move to attack Kaizu Castle, the Kira navy deployed in the Chikuma River basin can easily cut off the Takeda army's path back to Hachimanhara. Therefore, Several tentative attacks were easily resisted by Murakami Yoshikiyo, and the stalemate did not end.

In Aizu County in the remote Iwashiro region of Mutsu Province, a dark military force appeared outside Kurokawa Castle. This army was so serious and impressive that thousands of people could be seen at a glance. Several leading generals showed off their power to greet the Ashina family. The samurai were so overwhelmed that they could not lift their heads. Several other samurai were hiding in the team and looking around at Kurokawa Castle in the hinterland of Aizu, next to Inaashiro Lake.

"This is Kurokawa Castle! It looks good! It's even more developed than Yonezawa Castle." Date Terumune clasped the reins with both hands and looked around. As the heir of the Date family's governor, he was pampered by his father since he was a child. Dai retainer carefully trained him to become an outstanding samurai. At only fourteen years old, he had already participated in several battles. This was his first time participating in the Echigo war.

Date Huizong was a proud young man. He was raised as the heir to the family governor since he was born. It can be said that he grew up with a golden spoon. Years of pampering made him develop a proud and proud temperament. He never considered himself to be a playboy. Having been on the battlefield and killing enemies, one cannot be associated with a playboy.

He has set a lofty ambition since he was a child, determined to surpass his grandfather. He wants to fulfill his father's dream, the dream of unifying Mutsu. His father Date Harumune has clearly told him that after this war is over, he will Giving him the heir to the family governor, he still remembered Date Harumune's encouragement to him before leaving: "If an eagle wants to soar in the sky, it must flutter its wings and fight the wind and clouds. The future of the Date family belongs to you, work hard." Seize the opportunity in front of you and establish your own prestige.”

As the envoy of the Ashina clan, Matsumoto Shosukejisuke personally welcomed the Date family's army. As the governor of the Matsumoto clan, one of the four Ashina clans, the lord of Funaoka Castle in Onuma County has been involved in the affairs of the Ashina clan for generations, so he naturally knows the fate of his lord. Regarding Qi's situation, the astronomical chaos that caused so many troubles in the past few years was caused by this family. He did not dare to neglect the visiting troops of Ida's family without having to be represented by the master.

"It's an honor for us to praise Date-den in a remote place! You must be very tired from the long journey! Please go this way, we will be there soon!" Matsumoto Ujisuke led the Date family samurai with a smile on his face.

Enter the city.

Entering Kurokawa Castle, Date Terumune enjoyed the highest courtesy. Ashina Mori personally hosted a banquet to entertain the future governor of the Date family. As an ally and relative of the Date family, the Ashina Mori clan was also a powerful member of the Date family. The Ashina Mori clan

His aunt is the principal wife of Date Aizong, which means that Date Aizong is the uncle of Ashina Mori.

Ashina Mori himself, not long after inheriting the position of governor, married Date Harumune's daughter, who was his aunt's cousin, as his wife. In this way, Ashina Mori himself became Date Harumune's cousin and

The brother-in-law is also the cousin and uncle of Date Terumune. This kind of kinship relationship makes the covenant and relationship between the two parties much more stable than the so-called covenant between the Ashina clan and Dewa Mogami and Kai Takeda.

A feast was held in Kurokawa Castle. When he was half drunk, Date Terumune suddenly stood up and said proudly: "Repair the Palace! There must be no problem with this action to carve up Echigo? My father is looking forward to the results of this action.

I specially sent 3,000 elite members of my Date family to help out, and I have initially set the goal to capture the entire Shimotsu. If everything goes well, it will be great to capture Central Vietnam as well! I wonder what the repair hall thinks?"

"What a shameless statement!" Ujikatsu Yamauchi muttered in a low voice, but Shimito Tomita glared at him and closed his mouth.

The Ashina retainers seemed completely unaware of Date Terumune's provocative actions. They just paused for a moment and then continued to eat and drink as if nothing had happened. Their retainers could not interfere in such household matters, even if they continued

I dare not speak out if I am dissatisfied.

Ashina Mori just fluttered his eyelids and had no other reaction. His legitimate son, Ashina Morihoshi, had just entered the Yuan Dynasty and was younger than Date Terubune. A child who was ignorant could not understand this cousin and future son.

What the brother-in-law was saying was clapping along with him.

As early as five years ago, Ashina Mori made an agreement with Date Harumune to find a daughter-in-law for his legitimate son, Ashina Morihei. This wife was Date Harumune's fourth daughter and Date Terumune's biological sister.

The relationship between family members is unimaginably complicated, which explains why Ashina's retainers didn't react at all.

"Haha... I am so impressed by Date-don's lofty ambitions!" Matsumoto's assistant picked up the wine cup and said with a smile: "We should talk about some pleasant things during the banquet. Don't be busy beforehand! Don't be busy first!"


It's nothing if Date Terumune was slightly disrespectful towards the Ashina Mori family in his words. It's normal for a young man to be angry and rude, but the Date family couldn't do without any expression. Date Mimoto had a terrible headache.

I wiped this kid's butt and tried my best to ease the tense atmosphere.

The cunning Ashina Mori was still aware of the flaw in his little nephew's character, and in a few words he went around posting notices for the entire Kanto area. His words showed awe for Kira Yoshi, which soon aroused the anger of Date Terumune.


"The promise of repairing the palace has been successful! In my opinion, Huizong, the garrison general is not worthy of his name. It is really unreasonable for a samurai family from Kyoto to want to interfere in our Mutsu affairs! Oshu has its own samurai leader, and there is a Mutsu shou from the imperial court.

On the Oshu issue of the shogunate, it is simply a dream for a general who has abandoned the garrison for two hundred years to become the master of Mutsu." A look of disapproval showed on Date Terumune's face.

"Haha! You can't say that." Ashina Mori said with some meaning: "That person is the governor of the Ashikaga family, the shogun's new royal family member. We and other foreign ministers should be more respectful."

As expected, Date Terumune fell into the trap and said angrily: "It doesn't matter if it's a famous family. Dongguo has always been the Dongguo samurai family's own business, and it's the same with Mutsu. It's a big mistake to try to use the general of the garrison to suppress us."


The pride of Date Terumune comes from the Date family. Since his grandfather Date Aizune, he has successively won the honors of Dr. Sakyo and Oshu Tentai. He successfully sent his adopted son to the former Oshu Tentai and the Oshu clan of Dr. Sakyo. In his eyes,

The entire Mutsu belongs to his family, so why does a garrison general mean anything, why can he dictate to Oshu, and why should he call on them to take up arms against the alliance. This is simply a joke.

"Date-don is a young man who has accomplished so much. His ambitions are astonishing! I, Mr. Sheng, agree with this view. Only the Mutsu samurai family has a say in matters involving Mutsu." Mr. Ashina talked with the young man for a while, then gradually turned the topic to dispatching troops.

, Date Terumune was still vigilant and kept his mouth shut, and Date Mimoto followed suit. As for the powerful retainers of the Date family, they were either drinking and eating vegetables, or talking quietly to themselves.

"It seems that Date Kyōsho has something to predict!" Ashina Mori immediately guessed the cunning Date Harumune, who showed great prowess during the Astronomical Rebellion and forced the first-generation British lord Date Aizune to live in seclusion.

Although the Date family's vitality was greatly damaged by this, and its power was reduced by nearly half compared to the time when his father Date Aizong was in power, from the perspective of revitalizing the family business, his approach was extremely correct.

The Date family has built up a huge kinship network through many years of marriage, which is only stronger than the twelve sons-in-law of Nagano Imasa. This big network covers half of Mutsu, Deha, Shimono and even Echigo, front and back, left and right.

They are all relatives of the Ida family. When neighbors fight for more territory, they will bring lawsuits to the Ida family. Who says that their relatives have more face?

His father, Date Aizong, was indeed a remarkable figure, the number one cultural figure in Yuao. In the fourth year of Tianwen (1535), he wrote "Dongshi Diary", and in the fifth year of Tianwen (1536), he wrote "Zang".

"Fang Naipun", "Chenjiji", and "Duan Shao's Ancient Account" were written in the seventh year of Tianwen (1538). The systems related to national laws, financial and tax accounts, taxation, and military service were further strengthened. The daimyo's power was centralized.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and if you have face, you will lose it. When you are the leader of the alliance, you have to occupy the moral high ground. At the same time, you have to work hard to maintain this network of relationships. If you have nothing to do, you will help relatives in fights. Mediating disputes will inevitably offend people. Arbitrate both parties.

The land dispute will either offend you or him. If both parties do not offend the alliance, it will damage the prestige of the alliance leader. In short, in the eyes of Date Harumune, this is a thankless behavior.

Date Harumune believes that today is different from the past. Back then, the Date family was weak and could not survive without marrying off their daughters. However, the situation is different now. How can the Date family expand and become the leader of an alliance when they are surrounded by relatives?

It would be wrong to be complacent about being the nominal master of Mutsu. Instead of wasting one's strength in never-ending mediation, it would be better to simply tear this net open.

It can be said that Date Harumune had already had the intention to tear through this net. He had been holding back since he became the governor of the house, until his father proposed to send Toki Munemaru (now Date Mimoto) to Echigo as Uesugi.

The adopted son of Sadami will also send a hundred powerful retainers of the Date family as assistants, and hundreds of horseback warriors as direct reserves.

The Date Aizhu's starting point was good. They used the powerful clan to inherit the position of the head of the Echigo Kingdom and sent out powerful retainers and horse-riding samurai as a military deterrent. At least they would not be treated as soft persimmons and destroyed at will.

This proposal was strongly supported by the leader of the Yangbei clan, Nakajo Fujizu, because his sister was the biological mother of Date Tokimunemaru.

But most of Echigo was not happy about an outsider interfering in Echigo's affairs, so when Date Aizune proposed this intention, he was immediately fiercely opposed by Nagao Harukage and another big leader of the Yangbei clan, the head of the house. Nagao

Harukage also wants to be the adopted son of Uesugi Sadami, how can he tolerate the king of the country slipping into the hands of outsiders? The head of the house is the father of Honjo Shigenaga. As another giant of Yangbeizhong, of course he cannot allow Nakajo Toshi to rise to power.

, maybe let the Nakajo family annex the entire Yangbei clan in one fell swoop.

While Echigo put forward fierce objections, Date Harumune also made fierce objections. He could not allow his father to do such a stupid behavior. Date Tokimunemaru was just a commoner, but he wanted to inherit the powerful territory of Echigo.

, the territory of the Uesugi family and the Echigo Uesugi faction even exceeds the entire territory of the Date family. If Date Tokimunemaru is allowed to digest this territory, and then in turn interferes in the government affairs of the Date family, wouldn't his clan be doing it for others?

Wedding clothes.

Date Harumune's unilateral objection was enough. The problem was that the family members and even outsiders generally opposed the family governor's decision. To remove a hundred powerful warriors at once, plus hundreds of elite horseback warriors, was equivalent to a

Sex drains one-third of the blood from a person's body, and if you are not careful, your entire family will be destroyed.

The relatively moderate group proposed cutting the share in half, at least not causing the Date family to bleed to death. The other group proposed a choice between two, either sending retainers instead of mounted samurai, or sending mounted samurai.

Instead of sending retainers, a more radical proposal was to send only twenty or thirty retainers and fifty or sixty mounted warriors.

After all, Date Yuzong served as the governor of the family for thirty years. Years of smooth sailing made him develop a character that speaks the truth. The requests made by the family members were completely rejected. The objections of Date Harumune were also rejected, and the result was that the remonstrance failed to achieve military remonstrance.

, the moderates were also forced to go to Liangshan, so there was a reason for the Tianwen Rebellion.

The forces that supported the Date Yizong during the Tianwen Rebellion were either the confidants that the Date Yizong had cultivated for many years, the retainers who had given favors, or the son-in-laws with whom they had a close relationship. They were all from the Date family.

The powerful sect, genealogy, and the brothers who were dissatisfied with the Date Aizong, and the daimyo who were forced to adopt heirs, etc. In the end, this astronomical chaos ended with Date Qingzong's victory and Date Aizong's abdication.

After succeeding to the throne, a large-scale political change spread throughout Mutsu, Dewa, Echigo and other large areas, which lasted for six years. Date Harumune gradually grew from a young and energetic young man to a wily and scheming tycoon.

When you impress your former rival Date Mimoto, you can see that his scheming is as unfathomable as Lake Inaashiro.

After a confrontation and no gains were made, Mori Ashina felt that the banquet had become boring, so he said a few hasty remarks and ended the banquet on the grounds of exhaustion.

After quickly arranging accommodation, he went into hiding to discuss the idea of ​​​​the expedition. After some discussion among the members of the family, Ashina Moriji finally made the decision and proposed the strategic idea of ​​​​the expedition. His theory is to "choose the opportunity to act", and invade Echigo.

Don't be impatient, slow down when encountering a strong enemy, defend the camp when the enemy is weak, and take advantage of the enemy's situation to pursue the victory.

Ashina Mori's idea is more realistic. The road from Yuo to Echigo is not ordinary. It has to cross high mountains and overcome many obstacles. It is not easy for the daimyo of other countries to conquer half of Echigo in one fell swoop. Without the help of a traitor to lead the party, there is a high probability that it will be impossible. Nine is about to return home in vain.

"I have thought about swallowing Echigo at a young age. This ambition is commendable but unrealistic! If everything in the world is so simple, why should I and the samurai family work hard for hundreds of years? In the end, it is still He is still young and is far worse than his father!" Mori Ashina held two walnuts and turned them around in his hands, thinking in his mind how to get benefits from this war.

At the same time, in a quiet room in the Kurokawa Castle Annex, the samurai of the Date family sat cross-legged to discuss countermeasures. The reaction of the Date family was basically contrary to the will of Date Terumune, or in other words, to the thoughts of Mori Ashina. After arriving at the same place by different routes, Date Miyuan and several retainers looked at each other and then said: "Young Master is still too reckless. Repair Hall has been married to my Date family for several generations, and he is also the lord's sister-in-law. Young Master should respect Repair Hall more. temple."

"I know! I will pay attention to it in the future." Date Terumune frowned for a moment, but still accepted Date Mimoto's advice.

"My lord's arrangement is very clear. We don't seek merit in this battle but seek no fault. Although it always seems to be a loss of face, this is the situation we are in! The main purpose is to fight against the autumn wind and gain some advantages. You must know how big Echigo is. It is many times larger than it was five years ago. With the three thousand troops of the Date family, at most they can only take a bite when they see the opportunity, so they must not be impulsive and act heroic!"

"Yeah! I know." Date Huizong felt unhappy but he still endured it. The first reason was because this battle was the first transnational war and the first important battle he had experienced since Yuan Dynasty. It is not a good thing to have a disagreement between the general and the deputy general. If it really causes any trouble, even if he returns home with fruitful results, these generations of retainers may spread rumors to disgust him.

On the other hand, he could not contradict his uncle Date Mimoto, because Date Harumune personally designated the general for this battle. As a deputy general, he must obey the command of the general. There is no distinction between high and low on the battlefield. Disobeying military orders is even a matter of high status. Even Date Huizong was inevitably in trouble, which was not a pleasant thing.

In addition, several elders of the Date family were sent to accompany them to supervise. It can be said that it was a major assessment to examine the level of the successor of the family governor. This was his father's last test for Date Huizong. How the war went is anyone's guess. How the governor performed was another matter. Such a test forced him to brace himself and treat it cautiously.

Date Mimoto and several family elders are the eyes and ears of Date Harumune. Perhaps there are more people secretly watching his every move. If he does not perform well, he will definitely be disappointed by many generations of family members, which will have a great impact on his future. Serving as the governor of the house has a very negative impact. If the performance is worse, it will even shake his status as the heir of the house governor. He will never allow this to be messed up.

Seeing that the young master finally calmed down, Date Mimoto was very pleased and told him that the results of this battle were actually second to none, because Date, Ashina, Mogami and other Japanese people were able to gain some advantages as partial troops, and Kai and Sagami meant to give The sweetness of their three melons and two dates helps them share some of the offensive pressure, so the pure benefit of beating Echigo is not much.

Another point is that the Date family is not as good as Mogami. The Ashina family borders Echigo. The relationship between the Date family and the other two families is quite subtle. The competitive relationship in the same area cannot be explained by words such as close relatives. Even if

It wouldn't make much sense for these companies to take over an enclave in Echigo.

Their main purpose is to rob people, food and important talents who are in short supply. Now the whole world knows that Echigo has developed agriculture and rich products. In a few years, it has grown from a poor country to the most prosperous place in the world.

Absolutely no one believes that this is not due to the rule of man. Therefore, the anti-Echigo alliance can be successfully promoted this time. The carving up of Echigo's land wealth is one aspect, and the abduction of a large number of political talents is also an important reason.

As long as the Date family can obtain some talents, not to mention turning into another trumpet Echigo in three to five years, quadrupling the total economic volume will be a great event. The development of the Date family will be at a high speed in less than ten years.

On the fast track of development, I was worried that the future governor would have a knot in his mind if he had any prejudice against them. Date Mimoto had to persuade Date Huizong to change his mind.

Seeing that Date Terumune's mood was not too high, Date Mimoto suddenly smiled and said: "After this battle, we will go to Yamagata Castle, the home of Dewa Mogami, as a guest, and by the way, we will visit Young Hall's fiancée Mogami Yoshihime. Young Master

Haven’t you, Master, been in love with this most beautiful girl in Deyu for a long time? I wonder what you think of the marriage contract being concluded this time.”

"Ah! That's great. I've wanted to see her for a long time... Ahem! Actually, I mean it very well! I agree very much! I couldn't agree more!" Date Huizong's whole mood was like a roller coaster, turning from anger to joy.

, I wish I could grow a pair of wings and immediately fly to Yamagata Castle to visit my fiancée.

It is said that Mogami Yoshihime is the most beautiful woman in Deyu, and even the most beautiful woman in Tohoku. Date Terumune is also a person who loves beauty and is very satisfied with Mogami Yoshihime as the candidate for the main wife. Although she can see this beauty from the picture scroll

He has begun to take on an all-powerful appearance, but looking at a painting is not as good as looking at a real person, even if he just looks at it from a distance for a while. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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