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Chapter 27 Difficult Assessment

I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the Kira family to do such a big thing, but a reward should be rewarded. After all, it was not easy for Hattori Masakiyoshi to go all the way to Kanto to steal the Murasame Maru for him, and he stabbed such a big thing.

The hole wasn't his original intention, and besides, it didn't fall on the Kira family in the end, so shouldn't he be rewarded for accomplishing the task?

Without much hesitation, Kira Mansomaru directly approved a reward of 200 kanwen, saying that it was a reward for taking such a big risk. This middle-aged man, who had originally thought that he had to receive a penalty, burst into tears with excitement, and knelt down without saying a word.

He went down and vowed not to pay for anything, saying that no matter what others did, Hattori Masakiyoshi and his descendants would always be loyal to the Kira family, and those who violated the rules would be punished by gods and Buddhas and be thrown into hell.

"Speaking of it, loyalty in this era is really cheap. Two hundred dollars can buy loyalty for the next life. You don't earn much from this investment!" Kira Manshomaru really didn't feel pain in his back when he stood up and talked, completely ignoring this money.

The huge sum of money can arm a hundred Ashigaru, exchange the loyalty of ten Mikawa samurai with excellent martial arts, and buy more than a hundred grains of white rice, which is enough to feed a hundred strong samurai for a year.

He hadn't laid down for a while when Hattori Bouchou, who was in charge of the Monogami Banner, hurried over. No need to ask, he knew why he came here. As expected, he asked about Hattori Masakiyoshi as soon as he opened his mouth. Kira Manshomaru could only admire this family member.

Isn’t it a bit overwhelming that the brothers didn’t tell each other for a long time? Finally, after thinking about it, I finally told the ins and outs of Hattori’s trip to Kanto.

"Is that so? No wonder such strange news suddenly came out of Kanto. I have always suspected that it was my younger brother who caused the trouble. It seems that it is really the case!" After knowing the inside story, Hattori Chief bowed down with a stiff face.

, looking very conflicted inside.

Kira Mansomaru could also understand his mood at this time. If someone else knew that his brother had made such a big mistake in Kanto, he should be prepared to remove his head with a knife, but it seems that Hattori Chief is not that impulsive.

He just remained silent for a long time and then said respectfully: "The safety of the master of the hall is very important, so I, the security chief, request that Shiro and Wulang be placed beside the master of the hall to serve you."

"Eh? Why did I suddenly switch to sending my son off? Did I miss something?" This change is a bit fast, and Kira Mansomaru can't keep up with the rhythm. If you think about it carefully, you shouldn't have missed anything, and the two Hattori family

One of the boys should be the famous Hattori Hanzo, so he nodded and said, "I agree with your proposal."

"Thank you, Master! I take my leave!" After saying that, Hattori Hanzo took two steps back, turned around, and exited the castle tower. His movements were smooth and fast, and he almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A few days later, news came from Okazaki Castle. Taiyuan Xuezhai came to Okazaki Castle quietly, and took less than a hundred followers to sit in the Matsudaira family. The so-called internal strife in the Matsudaira family was like a bubble.

Broken, it was not until the news spread that I noticed that the 5,000 Suruga people had quietly entered the eight counties, and the following 8,000 Enjiang people had also set off one after another. The Imagawa family seemed to have turned into a high-speed machine.

Pressing towards the Three Rivers Kingdom.

On the sixth day of August, the day of the January evaluation meeting came. In Honmaru’s evaluation room, all the retainers and people belonging to the Kira family gathered together, and the spacious and bright room was packed to the brim. Of course, there were also some who were originally swayed between Kira and Matsudaira.

Among the Chinese people, such as Kojima Soina Tadaki.

Ever since his son Ina Tadashi joined the Kira family and was born, this old man has decisively joined the Kira family camp. He cannot eat anything that is immoral. The entire Hatzu County is surrounded by the Kira family. The old man said that he is under great pressure.

In the past, it was okay to serve as a vanguard under the name of the Matsudaira family, but now it is not surprising at all to switch to the camp at the right time.

Hatzu County is basically under the direct jurisdiction of the upper and lower two Kiraras. There are only a small number of retainers and Japanese people who have a small territory. Most of the Japanese people are from Bihai County and Natsuda County. They are more or less related to the Matsudaira family or the Honjoji Temple of the Ichigo sect.

, has never been very respectful to the Kira family, and often procrastinates when paying taxes. The reason why he came so enthusiastically this time is probably because the Imagawa family is about to go into battle, and he wants to hear about this decision that affects the fate of the family.

Kira Mansomaru is wearing a black hunting suit made of silk with the Ashikaga Futiki family pattern printed on it. Although he does not have a Yuanfu and cannot wear a black hat for the time being and cannot be awarded an official position, as a member of the royal family and a member of the Minamoto clan, the Kira family has been a member of the family for generations.

Heirs who have underage family governors can also enjoy the privileges of those who are promoted to the palace.

This is the reason why the Kira family has been promoted vigorously by the Kōhoden in the past dynasties since the time of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in the Rokuen Garden. It is also the reason why the Kira family has the highest status among the Ashikaga sect.

The people of the Mikawa country are obsessed with these names, and everyone in the Kira family from top to bottom regards this as their greatest honor.

There seemed to be seventy or eighty people in the dark assessment room. These people came from various wealthy families close to the Kira family. As the governor of the Kira family, Kira Mansomaru was sitting quietly on the main seat with a folding fan in his hand.

He had been sitting on the clay-wood sculpture for half an hour, but the noise in the evaluation room never stopped.

A guy wearing a plain coat of low-quality fabrics and a strange hat on his head, tall and thick-set, who looked more like a farmer, shouted loudly: "Master Otate really plans to go to Luo? Isn't it because Taiyuan Yuki of the Imagawa family is going to go to Luo?"

Zen Master Zhai, are you so scared that you want to run to Kyoto?"

The dark ugly face had a big mouth and spit foam wildly, causing the Chinese people who had done it twice to dodge sideways involuntarily. However, this one was still unconscious and spoke in a Mikawa dialect, which made the Kira family retainers immediately frown.

He raised his eyebrows.

Tsunao, Tsuneki Sato, a retainer of Kira's family, scolded: "Nakai Ozenryo, please be careful with your words! This is my family's evaluation room, not your farm in the countryside! Don't bring the rumors of those rural villagers to our evaluation meeting.


"I'm not talking nonsense! I've heard it from many people! These words have spread to Anxiang and Okazaki! Now in Nishi Mikawa, who doesn't know that Zen Master Taiyuan Xuezhai of the Imagawa family is coming to Mikawa, and Master Mikan is running to Kyoto at this time?

You must be scared to go! I bet that Zen Master Taiyuan will know about the news that Master Yuguan is going to Luo tomorrow!"

"Inuzaburo, do you know how the old monk in Okazaki Castle knew about this? Could it be that you went to Okazaki Castle to report the matter?"

A group of people from Eda County immediately burst into laughter. The noisy scene made the Kira family retainers feel angry. Several young retainers irrationally scolded them for their disrespectful behavior towards the Kira family. Then both sides drew their samurai swords for no apparent reason.

Then there was a flash of white light, and dozens of bright samurai swords were raised in the assessment room.

"Nakai Inuzaburo! If you don't shut your mouth, I will cut off your head and hang it on the Otemon gate!" Yamaoka Awaji Moriyaomoto is a member of the Kira family tree, and he is also the leading warrior in the family.

, the small evaluation in the past few days did nothing because of his inferiority in resourcefulness, but when it comes to cutting off the head with a knife, this man is a good hand. He raised the sword in his hand and gestured in the void to cut off the Mikawa Village.

The husband's head scared these Chinese people.

As one of the few samurai in the palace who did not draw his sword, the chief eldest son of the Kira clan, Tajima Morisada Kawauchi, finally stood up unbearably, pointed at a group of noisy samurai, and scolded: "Look what you are doing? When I, the Kira clan's evaluation meeting

Is this a competition ground for your village boss? Why don’t you put away your knife yet!”

"Yes!" These reckless Mikawa people also woke up and turned around to see Kira Manshomaru still sitting there with a calm expression. Only then did these wealthy people realize that Lord Odate was still there, and quickly sheathed their swords and sat down. Kira

Wansongmaru's face looked very ugly. He knew that the people of Mikawa were always unruly, but now it seemed that he had underestimated the ability of these people to cause trouble.

PS: The Japanese pronunciation of "人" is "oh leiwa". I believe everyone has heard it, right?

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