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Chapter 421 Night Attack on Wishing Temple

On the evening of September 10th, Genjin Sugiura dragged his exhausted body back to Ganseiji Temple to rest. Today, more than a thousand peasants and soldiers were killed and wounded in the battle from early morning to evening. At first glance, the losses were much higher than yesterday's.

A substantial increase, but yesterday he only attacked for half a day and today he fought for a whole day. It was not that his commanding level suddenly improved, but that at the beginning of the attack, neither the troops outside the city nor the defenders inside the city had the strength to continue.

Only by continuing to fight can the battle losses be reduced.

Is it the second day of the attack that makes me so tired? Or is Zengshan City really difficult to fight? There are only two ways to go up the mountain. One is that the passage leading to Guishan City from the north of the mountain cannot be used, and the other is the passage from the south of Shanshan.

, the mountain road was very neatly maintained, but there were no roads for siege around the top of the mountain, and a steep Horikiri turned their efforts in vain.

Fortunately, the Kira army in the city was much more tired than them, and they stayed up until midnight before going to bed. At dawn, another round of attacks came. This rogue tactic really caused great trouble to the defenders in the city. Sugiura Gentoto

He was secretly proud of his performance and asked himself that his command was not much worse than the veteran generals of Kaga Kingdom. The only thing lacking was that his reputation was not loud enough, so he regarded this war as a battle to gain fame.

Korinji Hideo, Anyangji Ryotoshi, and Honmuji Junyuki were a bit slow in their actions today. They didn’t go up the mountain until Genjin Sugiura had dinner. At this time, the sky was already much darker, and maybe he had never eaten before.

The three great monks who had suffered so much began to get tired of this kind of midnight attack. On the first day, they happily led their troops up the mountain to attack the city. However, after enduring the mountain wind all night, they were bitten by many mosquitoes.

I don’t want to go up the mountain anymore.

However, the military orders were overwhelming. The three fat monks had no choice but to follow a large group of Kui soldiers up the mountain with a grimace and wearing the hats worn by women. The battle process was boring. There were no lights in Zengshan City, and the entire city

It was so quiet that no one was around, and the three monks didn't think there was anything wrong with it. They didn't even think about letting the ashigaru rush to the Otemon door and knock it down. Instead, they yawned and let the ashigaru shoot arrows at the city wall.


Tattered bamboo bows and cheap wooden arrows without tail feathers have the characteristics of poor stability, short flight distance, and unstable flying target. Basically, even the bow and arrow ashigaru did not know where they flew after they were shot. The three monks could not even deal with official business.

I no longer had any plans, I was still thinking about a comfortable bed and having a beautiful little novice to warm my bed.

Around the second watch, Honmuji Junyuki and Korinji showed off their feelings, and Anyangji Ryojun was thinking about retreating early. At this moment, the Otemon Gate of Masuyama Castle suddenly opened, and thousands of aggressive Ashigaru attacked.

They rushed towards the stunned 30,000-strong army with torches. The unsuspecting army was immediately thrown into chaos. The peasants and soldiers in the front row involuntarily surged backwards. The ashigaru in the back row could not see the movement in front and were violently shaken.

Squeezed into a ball.

It was originally heard that the wide mountain road was squeezed into a ball by thirty thousand troops. The red-eyed Kira army rushed into the army of Yixiang, and it was like waking up from a dream. These believers of the Yixiang sect from Kaga and Vietnam lacked basic knowledge.

With the will to fight and the basic fighting qualities of an ashigaru, the peasant soldiers in the rear camp saw that the situation was not good and ran down the mountain with their bamboo spears. The crowded peasant soldiers in the front camp could only cry and use their hands and feet to go down the mountain.

Climb, I don't know where to throw the bow, arrow and bamboo spear in my hand, I only have one belief in my heart to escape.

Korinji Hideo, Anyangji Ryojun, and Motoji Junyuki were immediately dumbfounded. The three of them were trapped and fat and moved slowly. They were unable to turn left and right while riding on their mounts. They were surrounded by a chaotic chaos of defeated troops.

No one would care about the safety of these three fat pigs. Seeing the Kira army getting closer and closer, the three of them were so frightened that they urinated and pooped out of their wits.

Many of the defeated soldiers were inhaled by the stench from their bodies, and they tried to stay away. Korinji Hide roared and swung his whip towards Kira's army, and was killed on the spot by several ashigaru with bamboo spears.

The horse was stabbed into a hornet's nest, Anyangji killed Shun, and Motoji Junyuki was so frightened that he couldn't even walk. He got off his horse and knelt down to beg for mercy. Unfortunately, it was difficult to distinguish their movements clearly in the dark night.

The Ashigaru who rushed in front didn't care so much. One shot would give them a chill.

The general was killed and their morale was shattered. The peasants and soldiers forgot about the formations they had trained for the battle, and did not remember that they still had weapons in their hands. They cried for their parents and fled down the mountain. But the worst part was that although the mountain road down the mountain was wide, it was very winding.

, you need to go through several turns and Senkoji Temple, and Seritani where Masuyama Hachimansha Shrine is located before you can return to Gansei Temple at the foot of the mountain. Along the way, the Ashigaru who fled were huddled together several times and were killed by the Kira army who followed.

The river flowed with numerous casualties.

The first wave of troops that fled within half an hour retreated to the Ganjoji Temple camp at the foot of the mountain. Sugiura Gento, who was sleeping soundly, was hurriedly woken up by Xiao Xing. He put on his shirt and walked out of the camp, only to see the bright firelight in the distant mountain forest lighting up the sky.

, the sounds of killing and wailing could be faintly heard in the howling mountain wind. The first wave of retreating troops knocked on the city gate in a panic, shouting nonsense such as running for their lives.

"This is... an ambush! How come we were ambushed! How did those three idiots lead the troops! They can't even do a routine siege of the city. How can they be ambushed in such a big place on the mountain! It's like they are 12 or 13 years old.

Your little baby is useless!" Genren Sugiura jumped up and cursed angrily, wishing he could curse the three monks to the eighteenth level of hell.

He was full of anger and depression towards those three useless monks. He thought that if Chaoshengji Miteru hadn't insisted on striking a balance and handed over all 50,000 troops to the leadership of their monks, nothing would have happened.

But the Kaga Ichikuki clan is that system. If a monk doesn't command troops, he will be abolished by the officials in minutes. From the rise of Kaga Ichikaku to the present, he has lost so many wars in the past sixty or seventy years and is almost useless.

The monk led the troops to hold back, causing the war that could have been won to be lost. The war that was originally a small loss turned into a huge defeat.

Seeing more and more blights pouring down from the mountain, the young people suddenly panicked: "Lord! What should we do?"

"How do I know what to do? No! You are all so confused! Why don't we wake up the boys and retreat quickly! The faster we run at this time, the better! We won't be killed by the Kira Army's night attack.

I want to cross the river! Hurry up and call someone!" Genren Sugiura wanted to kick all these stupid-headed guys down to work. I usually thought that the dull and honest guys were very easy to work with, but now I realized that the people around me were too

Stupid is cheating yourself.

Although Genjin Sugiura's cultural quality is really low, fortunately, he was forced to read some books on the art of war by Choshoji Miteru. He probably knew that this situation must not be entrenched. Who knows if the Kira family has a night attack force?

As a backup, even if there is the main camp of Chaoshouji Miteru on the west bank of the Shochuan River, it is not absolutely safe.

It is actually very dangerous for him to stay on the other side of the Shogawa River at this time. The elusive Kakizaki Kageie and Saito Asanobu have not yet appeared, and Uesugi Masatora's situation is completely unknown. Crossing the river and being left unable to move outside Yuancheng Temple is equivalent to turning yourself into a dish for others to eat.

Genjin Sugiura's movements were not slow, but Kira's army was faster. Following the retreat of Kaga, the troops chased down the mountain. Kenjin Sugiura gritted his teeth and blocked all the defeated soldiers who were packing their bags and preparing to flee, and ordered them to come out. The battalion blocked the Kira family's raiding force and ordered the troops to retreat immediately. He personally led the Hatamoto samurai to cut off the rear.

Perhaps he was inspired by Genjin Sugiura's bravery, and because his bravery was unexpectedly powerful, he single-handedly slashed and slashed his way out of the camp with great momentum. Tens of thousands of troops behind him filed out one after another, and the military's morale was suddenly high. Inspired by this, tens of thousands of broken troops regrouped and attacked the unexpectedly attacking Kira Army, and actually suppressed the Kira Army's momentum.

Such a violent reaction was beyond Numata Yumitsu's expectation. The army he led only had 5,000 men, and they were all tired from long battles. They relied on their strong physiques from years of training and the resentment of two days of sleepless attacks. Chasing and fighting all the way consumed a lot of physical strength. At this time, he suddenly encountered Sugiura Gento's back attack and was very uncomfortable.

Our 5,000-strong military division is exhausted, and the enemy's newly defeated army still has enough strength to fight again. Moreover, the army on the east bank of the Shogawa River is ten times larger than Kira's army. Once Kira's army shows some timidity, Sugiura Kenhito notices and fights back. , these five thousand exhausted soldiers may not even have a chance to escape back to Masuyama Castle. The danger of the entire army being destroyed is like the Asama Volcano erupting at any time, which makes Yumitsu Numata feel uneasy.

At midnight, the banks of the Shogawa River were lit with flames. Thousands of warriors lit torches and fought to the death in the dark. The warriors of the Kira Army were all brave and courageous, but their bodies were not made of iron and it was impossible to maintain victory despite being outnumbered. , the army gradually lost its foothold and retreated backwards, and the situation began to turn into an unfavorable situation for the Kira Army.

This was the critical moment when the momentum of both sides reversed. Numata Yumitsu knew that if he didn't do something at this time, he would be killed on the spot. He immediately shouted: "At this moment of life and death, it is the samurai like us who die for the Ashikaga clan. At that time! All of you, listen to my general orders! Form an arrow formation! Follow me to attack! There will be death but no life, no advance but no retreat!"

"Hey! Assault!" The samurai of the Kira clan faced the cold forest of guns without any fear. They raised their sharp swords and followed Numata Yumitsu as they rushed towards Kaga. They kept shouting. There was no fear or cowardice in their eyes. The Wu family's concept of honor and disgrace is based on the emphasis on honor and respect for life and death. People can die but their dignity cannot be humiliated.

Two hundred years after the collapse of the Kamakura shogunate, it will not erase the glory accumulated in the blood of samurai. Finding a wise master will always be the most common thought among samurai. Encouraging samurai to die for the family is the most motivating method. This is the same as winning the war. There is no contradiction in getting merit and rewards. There is a factor of obedience in human nature, just like the saying that Genji in Kawachi has the noble race of Genji. This is the result that the Bando samurai strongly pursue.

Before the charge even started, the bows and arrows in the back row raised their long bows and fired out a dense rain of arrows. More and more bow strings trembled from behind them, and the sharp arrows cut through the night with a low whistling sound. It pierced through the simple armor and clothes that had always been used by soldiers, and penetrated into the flesh and blood. A handful of blood spurted out from the desperate face.

Kagami Ichikui ushered in the first round of the Kira Army's outbreak, and suppressed the fierce and fierce attack rhythm to a standstill. Facing the fierce Kira army who was not afraid of death, he faced the gun attack, and Kagami Ichikui's head fell into a trap. Briefly confused, they didn't understand why Kira's army dared to charge so fiercely, as if their own side had the upper hand in morale, strength, and physical strength, as if they were about to win.

The rain of arrows continued to throw deadly rain of arrows. As the Kira Army advanced, they also continued to follow up with the arrows. They took a dozen steps forward, stood still, fired, and then advanced a dozen steps forward to shoot. The soldiers of the Kira Army were shot. The strength of his qualities is vividly displayed, with a muffled sound like the continuous autumn rain beating on the plantains, like a sonata with a strange rhythm, and every melody exudes enchanting and magnificent blood flowers.

Numata Yumitsu rushed into the formation at the first moment. He raised the tachi in his hand and slashed open the spear forest in front of him. He slashed at the stunned ashigaru with his sword. Even half of the head of the jinkasa was cut open. A poor-quality formation cannot provide them with effective life protection, and its effect will be infinitely close to zero under the sharp sword.

The mechanical sword swings cut open the body of Shigaru Ichigaru again and again. Hearing the crisp sound of broken bones seems to be a wonderful illusion. When the knife penetrates those Ichigaru who has suffered a mental breakdown, it is like a sharp object piercing the defeated body. The sound of cutting is the most fascinating. Numata Yumitsu, who is concentrating on killing the enemy, has forgotten when, where and who he is. The only sound in his head is the sound of cutting bones. There are also the accompanying sounds of crying and wailing. and painful moans.

The battlefield in front of Yuancheng Temple is filled with a faint layer of blood mist. Bright blood-colored flowers bloom from time to time. When a broken corpse is opened, the body will twitch a few times before falling down. Yin Hong's blood spurts out like a spring. He poured it all over Numata Yumitsu's body, dyeing his black armor bright red. The bright red blood soaked into his face along the gaps in the armor, and the smelly blood made his whole body wet. It was very uncomfortable, and the ground beneath my feet had formed a flowing dark red stream.

Genjin Sugiura tried his best to maintain the broken formation. He knew that it would be a matter of time before these broken troops, which were no better than a mob, could not stop Kira's army. The ever-changing fate seemed to be playing tricks on him, giving him a false hope just now. You can hold on for a while and get a chance to turn defeat into victory. But in the blink of an eye, it turns into a rout.

He did not intend to rush to the front to resist the attack for these soldiers who collapsed again. Looking back, he saw a long golden dragon coming down from the foothills of the southeast. Sugiura Kenhito sighed: "It is indeed the Kira family's reinforcements. No wonder it is daytime today." The attack on Li Zengshan City was so inactive, but it turns out there is still one hidden in Anchuan City on standby. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, I still have to keep my usefulness!"

Sugiura Gento quietly turned his horse around and headed straight for the Goseiji Ferry without saying a word. His subordinate Hatamoto samurai cleared a passage for him early and followed the general's footsteps, taking advantage of the hazy night to quietly leave the Goseiji main formation. , there were several small boats parked outside the Yuancheng Temple ferry waiting for them. His main army evacuated very quickly without abandoning their baggage and food, and he was the last group of people to retreat.

After another quarter of an hour, when the army of more than 10,000 people could no longer maintain their position and began to retreat, they realized that the general had disappeared into the long night. Suddenly, the morale of the army was in chaos. Numata Yumitsu found that the army of the people had suddenly become helpless. The rules were in a mess, and he immediately realized that the flag that always commanded the central army had disappeared, so he shouted: "Sugiura Kishou has escaped! Whoever catches Sugiura Kishou will be rewarded heavily! No matter life or death!"

Several district officials discovered that Sugiura Gennin had indeed run away without making a sound, and they secretly resented that this guy didn't pull them along when he ran away without any sense of loyalty. However, they didn't want to think that Sugiura Gennin had escaped secretly. If they were called, That's not called escaping secretly. If you call him, you have to call him and then pass it on ten to ten. Then it will change from escaping to retreat.

In desperation, they had no choice but to take the troops of each family and fight and retreat towards Yuancheng Temple Ferry, trying to find a ship to transport them back. With five thousand tired soldiers, they killed and dispersed the enemy's army several times their own in head-to-head confrontation. The entire Kira army was full of energy and momentum. They showed their strength and drove the defeated army towards the Shogawa Kanjoji Temple crossing.

There were approximately 25,000 Japanese troops who were driven to the bank of the Shogawa River. When these troops arrived at the Gonjoji Ferry, they were disappointed to find that there was not even a sampan left on the side of the ferry. Sugiura Gento had mobilized earlier. The purpose of transporting his main force by boat seemed to be to prevent Kira's army from taking the opportunity to seize the boats to cross the river. Genjin Sugiura simply moved all the boats to the west bank and anchored them. As for the fate of these defeated troops, he could not control them for the time being.

Looking at the surging river, the officials of the Kagami clan jumped to their feet in anger and cursed Sugiura Gennin for being ungrateful. They couldn't blame him for running away without saying a word, but it was too much for you to get all the boats to the other side of the river. Damn it, the peasants and soldiers under my command, who had always teased the peasants and soldiers, started to stir up trouble and gradually began to show signs of disobeying orders, which made the officials scratch their heads anxiously.

They crowded into a group and jumped desperately into the cold river water, trying to cross Zhuangchuan by swimming. However, the armor they wore was too heavy. After struggling for a long time, they sank into the rolling Zhuangchuan River and jumped into the river like dumplings. There were 2,000 people in the river, but less than 500 successfully swam to the other side of the river. These people were either better at swimming or had to take off their clothes. The successful people in front of them gave them great inspiration. The peasants and soldiers, who had always been cautious, immediately took off their clothes. Soumaru jumped into the Shochuan River. This would cause harm to those who couldn't swim.

Someone shouted: "Look! It's the Kira Army from Yaskawa Castle! Everyone, jump into the river and swim across!"

Looking back, I saw that it was indeed the shadowy Kira Army coming from the direction of Yasukawa Castle. Now even the landlubbers couldn't help but get ready to make a move, but at this moment, dozens of small boats suddenly appeared from the lower reaches of the Shogawa River, facing the people swimming desperately on the Shogawa River. He has always punished defeated armies with a hail of arrows, wiping out the last hope of these defeated armies.

Numata Yumitsu took the opportunity to surround the Kanjoji Ferry and shouted to the troops like quails: "There are interceptors in front and pursuers in the back. Why don't you surrender quickly? Those who surrender will avoid death! Those who don't surrender will jump into the river by themselves. Bar!"

Several road officials gave a bitter smile, gritted their teeth and shouted: "We surrender! We are willing to surrender!"

On the other side of the Shogawa River, the main formation of Choshoji Temple Miteru also fell into a commotion. In the middle of the night, a large wave of retreating troops suddenly came in. The noisy movement woke up the sleeping soldiers. The monks of the Kaga Ichiko Sect did not understand this. What was the matter with the troops that had withdrawn, but Genjin Sugiura never showed up, and a few of the officials who were captured also mumbled about a night attack, and they didn't know what the situation was. This made the great monks very angry. If your sleep is disturbed and you feel comfortable, you will have ghosts.

Around the fourth watch, Genjin Sugiura finally arrived at the camp. As soon as he came, he was surrounded by a large group of monks questioning what he had done. Genjin Sugiura pointed at the blood-stained armor and shouted: "You can't see the stain on me.

Are there bloodstains on you? How could I withdraw and fight with you when there is no fighting ahead? If the military situation is urgent, please get out of the way for me! If you miss the important military situation, be careful, the monk will use your heads as a cuju to kick you!"

The chattering monks were frightened by the loud-voiced Gennin Sugiura. Only then did they realize that the samurai next to him were all covered in blood, and there were many samurai with tattered armor and bandaged wounds. The strong smell of blood was everywhere.

Chong immediately ordered the monks to disperse, and Sugiura Gento's Hatamoto samurai spat at the mouth, showing extremely disdain for these guys who knew nothing but eating, drinking and having fun.

A moment later, in the Chinese army's tent, Miteru Choshoji looked at Sugiura Gennin with his clothes on, and asked coldly: "You, Yamaura Ikimori, are not a teenager. At least you have experienced several big scenes in Echizen."

You have made many achievements, how come you have fallen to this bottom? If you retreat when encountering a night attack, what is the use of having so many troops? What is the use of a general like you?"

Genjin Sugiura, a seven-foot strong man, looked like a junior in front of Choshoji Miteru. He didn't even dare to raise his head, and he didn't even dare to have the slightest thought of refuting in his heart. This was the Kaga Buddhist Kingdom forty years ago.

The Buddhist kingdom of the Kaga Sanji Temple has become the Buddhist kingdom of their Chaoshoji Temple since the Great Ichiku. Perhaps Chaoshoji Miiteru’s voice in Ishiyama Honganji Temple is not strong, but he still has great authority in Hokurikudo.


Moreover, Choshoji Mitaru showed Sugiura Gentoru a kindness of knowing him and supporting him. Ever since he emerged in the war with the Asakura family in the late Tianbun period, Sugiura Kento has been favored by Choshoji Miteru and promoted to his side.

The next seven or eight years went smoothly and he became one of Kaga's most respected generals. This kind of kindness must be remembered by Genjin Sugiura.

Chaoshengji Mitaru vented his anger and felt that it was a little too much. He also knew that the situation on the other side was indeed beyond his expectation. The Korinji Hideo, Anyangji Ryojun, and Honkaji Junyuki he sent were indeed successful.

If you are not a bastard who is easy to expose, this war will be lost to these three unjust monks.

But the problem is that the internal rules of checks and balances in Kaga are that the chief official and the monk are combined. The strategy of using the chief official as the bones, the monks as the organs, and the believers as the flesh and blood has been used for several generations. The first time the Kotoku Temple was sent out

Aiding Vietnam and China is a matter of urgency. When sending out the army this year, it was balanced by two people, Kotokuji Noriken and Sugiura Gento.

Genjin Sugiura is sent to lead an army of 20,000, so the corresponding monks must be matched with more generals as a balance. However, most of the monks under him are fat-headed losers, so it is impossible not to arrange monks. He himself is the leader of the monks.

The leader cannot betray his own class. Without the support of many monks, the Chaosheng Temple Family would not have such strong control.

The most capable people are in Echizen and western Kaga to resist the attack of the Echizen Asakura family. After all, on the frontline battlefield in Echizen, there are both military exploits to be gained and military power in hand. It is much better than staying in Kaga country to eat and drink, which is a bit

The monks who were more capable or ambitious all left for Echizen Province early. The ones who stayed in Kaga Province to serve Chaoshoji Miiteru were just waiting to die. After a long selection, they chose three monks who looked very reliable. The result was that

Still so deceiving.

It's a pity that such a young talent as Kotokuji Noriken has repeatedly made mistakes and wronged Chaoshengji Miteru. This time, Hannyain Shinru came back and blew some pillow wind, so he decided to take advantage of this defeat to deal with him. Now that I think about it, it's still too much.

To put it simply and crudely, if one of Guangtokuji's virtuous people could be spared and allowed to serve his crime, he would definitely be better than these three losers, and he might even achieve good results.

It's useless to think too much. Chaoshengji Mikaru felt that the harsh words just now would be effective, so he comforted him: "Forget it! The poor monk also knows that he is too harsh on you, but you have to understand how much the poor monk has high expectations for you.

, you should also know how unfavorable the current situation is to our Kaga Ichigo sect. Omotoyama has already made a motion to replace the general of Kaga Ichikuichi. If we don’t estimate that the power of the poor monks in Kaga is too strong, I’m afraid

It has long been replaced by someone from the lower house to do this. General Kaga Ichikui.

It should be noted that there is a king and a minister, and if someone from the lower house is the general, he will inevitably suppress a general like you. How can you be given the opportunity to command an army of 20,000? Even if he does not change your position and

Is it to transfer you back to Echizen as a town general? Will you still have a chance to be a leader in the future? They won't give it to you. Only a humble monk can give it to you, so you have to fight for your own strength and not always lose. This will embarrass the humble monk.

It’s also very bad for you!”

Sugiura Genjin lowered his head and whispered: "Yes! I, Genjin, will definitely keep this in mind and dare not let down the great monk's kindness!"

Chaoshengji Mizhao caught a glimpse of Hannyain Zhenru slowly walking up to him with a bowl of soup and clinging to his side. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he looked at the young monk with something that could only be seen between men and women.

Feeling tender and affectionate, Genjin Sugiura hurriedly turned around to avoid their intimate scene. In the past, fellow officials had invited him to play with this kind of thing, but Genjin Sugiura sternly rejected them. He always felt that it was better than

Men whose women are more like women are monsters.

Hannyain is like a woman serving her own man, feeding soup spoonful to Chaoshengji Mito to eat. From time to time, the two of them come and create sparks, which makes Sugiura Gennin want to vomit. This

After a heartwarming meal of soup, he fed Hannyain before turning around and leaving with a smile. To Choshoji Mitaru, the scene seemed warm and happy, but to Sugiura Genjin, it was an embarrassing and cold scene.

After the young monk floated away for a long time, Chaoshengji Mitaru came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly and asked: "Tell me what happened tonight?" (To be continued...


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