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Chapter 506

"Although we, as generals, can act expeditiously, we cannot easily decide the timing of the war. It is best to obey the orders of the general." The mature and prudent Kakizaki Keie did not agree with his proposal. The Hojo Army will definitely not be so easy to deal with, let alone

No one knows the actual strength of the Hojo Army. It would be embarrassing to rush in and be ambushed.

Saito Asanobu was so excited that he was not willing to give up easily. However, when he saw Kakizaki Kage's resolute attitude, he asked unwillingly: "Are we going to just sit back and watch this opportunity slip away from our fingertips? I Asanobu thought that the two armies would work together.

It’s not like there’s no chance of a fight! As long as the main force of the Hojo Army is defeated, we can take over Sagami Country in one fell swoop!”

The Kakizaki Kage family knew that Saito Asanobu wanted to establish greater merits, but he was a little too presumptuous, so he kindly reminded: "That's not appropriate! I, the Kage family, think it's better to wait, and so does Noshu.

Generals who are experienced in military affairs should know that the most taboo in marching and fighting is quick success. The more optimistic about the opportunity, the more likely it is a flaw. We, who have heavy responsibilities, should never act rashly at this time. If we do not respect the general's orders, we will win the battle.

He is also making a mistake. If he loses the war, he will be punished by military law. I guess Yezhou understands the majesty of the law!"

These few words, neither serious nor serious, finally woke up Saito Asanobu. At this moment, he remembered that his proposal was really too big. Twenty thousand versus twenty thousand, even with Kira's army's abundant military strength, it was not enough.

It proves that the Hojo family is a soft persimmon that can be pinched casually. Even if the Hojo family is really soft, it is not something they can pinch casually.

Previously, the Hojo clan did not dare to attack the Kira army, mainly because Terutora Uesugi led an army of 45,000 to invade Musashi country. It was so powerful and powerful that it could sweep across Kanto. The Hojo army had only 40,000 troops if all the belongings of the Hojo army were put together.

.Such a huge gap allowed the Hojo Army to fight tooth and nail.

The reason why the Hojo family sent troops at this time is not too difficult to guess. The situation around the Hojo family is gradually deteriorating. Several busy lines have either been defeated or defended in the city. The operating space left for the Hojo clan is much worse than half a year ago.

It's not surprising that under such circumstances the Hojo family is determined to give it a try.

The Kira Army withdrew to Tamawa Castle without hesitation, much to Hojo Ushimasa's dismay. He originally had a complicated strategy to deal with these two groups of Kira Army. The 20,000-strong force lying across the west bank of the Sagami River was also intended to lure the Kira Army across the river. However, the Kira Army's

The cunningness was far beyond his expectation. He obviously had absolute advantages in equipment, training, and fighting will, and his military strength was evenly matched. No one was afraid of anyone, but even with such an advantage, he did not dare to attack.

As time goes by, the Kira army on the other side of the river seems to have made up its mind to use the tactic of surrounding three palaces to force Hojo Ushige to death in Tamana Castle. The Hojo Ujimasa's anxious back and forth in the big tent is also increasing, and his temper is getting worse day by day.

The regiment tried to persuade him several times but with no good results, and his morale was declining day by day. If he couldn't take more actions, his main force might collapse first during the autumn harvest.

Hojo Ujimasa vented his anger, then sat down and sighed: "The Kira family is so difficult to deal with! They actually implemented the policy of separating soldiers and peasants, so that the Ashigaru could serve all year round without having to take care of the work in the fields, let alone

It will be absolutely useless if we continue to worry about the autumn harvest!

The samurai need to eat and the farmers need to harvest food. They only need to wait until the busy farming period before the autumn harvest arrives, and all military forces except the main force of the family will be disbanded. By then, what will the family use to fight against the Kira army? Have you arrived before?

I think the Kira Army is so powerful, but it wasn’t until I became the governor of the family that I realized that this family is not easy to be in charge of, and the Kira family is even more difficult to deal with!"

Ogasawara Yasuhiro felt that the governor would become decadent if he didn't put forward some suggestions, so he suggested: "Don't worry, my lord! How about ordering Hitachi Kaiden to lead the army to withdraw from Tamana Castle?"

"Let Hitachi Sukeden lead the army to withdraw from Tamana Castle! Harima Shoden is not joking, right?" Hojo Ushimasa seemed to have heard wrongly. He stared at Ogasawara Yasuhiro non-stop, fearing that his military advisor would really turn into a lunatic.

, the family members who were present also showed expressions of disbelief, and some young warriors showed disdain, as if they thought there must be something wrong with the strategist's head.

Ogasawara Yasuhiro ignored the doubts and ridicule of the retainers, bowed respectfully and said: "My lord heard it right! My suggestion is to ask Hojo Hitachisuke to lead the army to withdraw from Tamana Castle. Only this strategy can work."

When it comes to breaking the deadlock, the Lord must be worried that the current deadlock cannot be broken!"

"...A stalemate! It seems like it is really like this!" Hojo Ushimasa raised his eyebrows and carefully considered whether the delicate situation in front of him was really a stalemate. Kira's 30,000-strong army surrounded Tamana Castle, which was guarded by 4,000 people, and the fighting continued.

It's like playing house, which is completely different from Uesugi Teruhu's military habits. It can also be seen from this that Uesugi Teruhu attaches great importance to and fears the Hojo Army.

The Kira Army and the Hojo Army have not collided for several years. Since the Battle of Takayama, the Hojo Army has used a series of victories to bring back its morale. If you say that the Hojo Army is a group of parallel imports without any strength, no one will believe it. It’s just that

At first glance, the combat effectiveness of the Hojo Army is not as good as that of the Takeda Army, but the Hojo family has more methods and is more difficult to deal with. It is hard to say who is more powerful compared with the Takeda Army.

When there is not a big gap in strength, and there is no certainty of victory before the war begins, Zhuge Liang's clever tricks can only appear in operas. In reality, no general dares to make rash military decisions, even the so-called parallel importers.

The idiot Zhao Kuo actually had a very good command of troops, but he only encountered Bai Qi, the invincible killing god.

Uesugi Teruhora would not be so arrogant that he could claim to have 100% crushing of the Hojo Army with 30,000 men. The battle of Kawanakajima in the past few years was so smooth. In fact, it was because of Yoshitoki Kira's series of plans and repeated attempts.

A successful military adventure may lead to a great victory. If you try it again at another time and place, it may not be as successful. It is also very possible that a certain military adventure fails and suffers a big loss.

As the saying goes, think about defeat before thinking about victory. It is actually a normal mindset that Kira Jun does not dare to attack when he is not worthy. The concept of war seems very complicated, but in a nutshell, it is caused by the struggle between the two sides for their own interests.

Violent means, since war is a war in which each other is hostile for their own benefit. There will always be a situation where the two sides are evenly matched or one side is relatively weaker and the other is stronger.

The strong are more likely to use the tactics of Western peace and stability, and push forward in a straightforward manner as if drinking boiled water. Although it seems to be a very boring and stupid method, it is the magic weapon for winning that has been followed by everyone in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, but the weak side

He doesn't have the capital to engage in such tactics. He can only look for opportunities to make a sneak attack or set up a trap for the enemy to exploit. This is the righteous way to act. If you are strong, use the majestic and righteous way, and if you are weak, use the treacherous and treacherous way.

Teruhora Uesugi was unwilling to risk a low-probability victory. He only needed to drag it down and capture Tamana Castle to slowly push the Hojo family into a corner with a step-by-step suppression strategy. However, the Hojo clan was exactly the opposite of what he thought.

The choice before Hojo Ushimasa was very limited. Either go for a fight or be trapped in Odawara Castle and wait for death. There was no third way to choose.

When Hojo Ushimasa heard that Ogasawara Yasuhiro suggested that he abandon Tamana Castle and let Hojo Hitachiki Ujishige withdraw with four thousand defenders, his first reaction was that the strategist's head must be burned, or he must accept Kira

The family offered bribes to speak for the Kira family. The next moment, he felt that the latter was unlikely, and the former seemed unlikely. It was not until he heard the specific explanation that he realized the important meaning hidden in it.

Yamato Harutong said: "The suggestion of the Harima guardian is very good. This deadlock was brought about by the Kira army. The purpose is to further compress and isolate the activity space of our Hojo family. Although the step-by-step expansion tactics are inefficient, they can suppress us and others for a long time."

The morale and vigor of the samurai. With Kira's army besieging the city bit by bit, it is absolutely impossible for Tamana Castle to hold on until the end of the autumn harvest. I believe that Uesugi Tanshoden is thinking of gradually increasing the pace of the attack and slowly consuming Tamana Castle over time.

The will to resist until annexation."

Ise Sadun continued: "This kind of tactics is extremely detrimental to our Hojo family. Allowing this stalemate to continue will only push us into greater failure. It is better to take this opportunity to let Hojo Hitachi

The people in Tsukuru Castle were in disarray and morale was low. Taking advantage of the dark night, the Kira Army was leading the troops to evacuate Tamana Castle overnight. When the Kira Army reacted, they should have entered the city as soon as possible, and the next moment they should have pursued Hitachisuke Hojo.

Then the deadlock will break down."

Hojo Ushimasa said without saying a word: "Then it's settled! Let's implement it as soon as possible!"

Just when the war in Higashi-Sagami was in full swing, Satake Yoshiaki summoned his ministers to hold an appraisal meeting in the Ohiro room of Ota Castle in Hitachi Province. Satake Yoshiaki's direct son Satake Jiro Yoshigeage was present as the successor to the family governor. This was already

This was not the first time that Satake Yoshige attended the evaluation meeting. Although he was not yet fifteen years old, he had already completed the first battle of his life in the attack on Shimonu Kingdom a few months ago.

Ever since the Kwantung Allied Forces were having trouble fighting in the Shimo Kingdom, the Satake family had transferred their main forces back from the Shimo Kingdom to continue to strengthen their penetration into the central Hitachi Kingdom. Especially when the Kira Army captured Musashi Country with lightning speed, giving

The enthusiasm of the Satake family to enter Kanto was poured cold water on, and at the suggestion of the house governor, they quickly decided to change their focus to the advancement of Hitachi Junior High School.

Yoshiaki Satake's face is not very good. He was born with a weak body and would suffer from minor illnesses from time to time. If he were not well-groomed and well-dressed, no one would mistake his identity. His sallow complexion and skinny appearance would really look like a malnourished country man.

Farmer Yoshiaki Satake coughed slightly and said: "Look, gentlemen, this is a royal letter issued by His Highness Koga Koga to my family. It says that I am asking my family to send troops to the country of Sui to jointly resist the arrogant and cruel Kira Army. I don't know.

What do you think?"

Wada Sabu Sukeaki hurriedly said: "My lord, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this! The Lord of the Prefecture is an invincible Echigo military god. He has not suffered a single defeat in his life since the first battle twelve years ago, and

Today, I personally led 60,000 strong troops into Kanto to seize the territory of the Musashi Kingdom in an instant, and lightly immigrated 300,000 people into the Musashi Kingdom. Such unpredictable methods are definitely not something that our Satake family can resist!"

The Satake Family Genealogy Representative Group also showed deep approval. In just a few months, the Kira family was able to get rid of the Hojo family that had bullied the Kanto people for decades. All the samurai here could not help but break out in a cold sweat. This power was so powerful.

The strength is definitely not something that the Satake family can deal with. Running over to fight against the Kira family now is simply seeking death.

Aki Nao, the guardian of Funaoyama Castle, pondered: "What Sobu Sukeden said is correct. I think it is best not to get involved in the muddy waters between the Kira family and the Furukawa family. In the final analysis, it is also a fight between the Ashikaga clan.

We, as subordinate retainers, will gain nothing by rashly participating in the quarrel, not to mention the fact that there are many generals in the town and their momentum is like a rainbow. We really shouldn't rush into hostility!"

This Funaoyama castle keeper Akinao is not a descendant of the Satake family. He is originally a clan of the Iwaki clan, a powerful member of the Southern Mutsu country. He became a subordinate of Satake Yoshiaki because of his opposition to the family governor more than ten years ago and worshiped Satake.

Yoshiaki's "Sho" became the general of the Satake family, and from that time on he served as the leader of the military strategy for Mutsu. His opinion in the Satake family was very important, and he was also highly valued as a general who knew the military.

Chief Enforcer Nemoto Kii Moriyuki continued: "The Yamashiro Wardens mentioned that Duke Jinfu is so powerful that we cannot resist it. I would like to mention that the current Imperial Palace of Lord Furukawa is not a virtuous master! Since

Since the decline of the Furukawa Imperial Palace during the Tianbun period, the Furukawa Imperial Palace has been controlled by the Sagami Hojo clan, and it has become increasingly unsatisfactory as a distinguished His Majesty the Imperial Highness. Not only did he fail to call for the crusade against the Hojo army for us, the Kanto people, but

On the contrary, he has become closer to the Hojo family and is willing to act as a vanguard against Kira. This behavior makes me and other Kanto people feel really chilled when they see it!"

The family members of the Genedai family were all talking about the bad behavior of Lord Furukawa, such as the Hojo family who had forgotten their ancestors for many times and killed their two underage brothers without hesitation.

Harusuke Neda, the appointment of the unidentified Matsunaga Michi, the launch of the anti-Kira alliance, and the hasty ending that ended in an anticlimax, etc., brought many negative sensory evaluations to the people of Kanto.

The people of the Kanto Kingdom are famous for their lack of moral integrity. In other words, all samurai families in the world, except for a few samurai who are worthy of national treasures, are all without moral integrity. However, they still have a very high opinion of the shogunate's public servant and the famous shogunate's Koga Koga.

High expectations. This kind of expectation is like the mentality of expecting someone to come out of the mire and remain unsullied when you are covered in filth.

It is understandable that I have no moral integrity because they are country lords. The Ashikaga clan and the Ashikaga clan of the generals must not have no moral integrity, because you are the example of the samurai family and cannot be less moral than ours. The two hundred years of rule by the shogunate have made the Ashikaga family's

The brand is deeply embedded in the hearts of all martial artists, and even if they don't admit it or don't realize it, they can't express this mentality.

The same is true of the so-called Shangluo. The dominance of Shangluo symbolizes the supreme authority of the acting shogunate, which is essentially another support and affirmation of the shogunate's authority. After all, after two generations of shogunate's baptism of hundreds of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the trickle of time

The trickle is enough to fill the ravines in the hearts of all warriors, at least judging from the current situation.

Yoshiaki Satake seemed not to have expected that the opposition of the clan's retainers group was so unanimous. In the past, there would always be a few retainers or nationals who stood up to oppose the unified argument, but this time around the invitation of Lord Furukawa, it was surprising.

Unification, this also made him realize that the Kira family seemed to be not only powerful in the military, but also the means of spreading money and diplomatic propaganda had unknowingly won the hearts of the people.

He frowned and thought for a while and was about to speak when he saw his eldest son Satake Jiro Yoshitaka saying loudly: "No matter how powerful the Kira family is, they are not Kanto samurai. No matter how bad Furukawa is, he is still the co-leader of my Kanto samurai family. I, Yoshitaka

I don’t think you can show cowardice just because the Kira family is strong! The Hojo family was also very powerful back then, do you think the Satake family was ever afraid of the Hojo family?”

"This is different..." Wada Aki still wanted to explain, but Ueno Hideunaga pulled down his sleeves beside him. Only then did he realize that the lord Yoshiaki Satake seemed to admire the silly and bold legitimate son, and he cursed secretly and lowered his head to pretend that it was bad luck.

He acted as if he was silent.

Satake Yoshiaki coughed for a while and said softly: "Everyone knows that Lord Jinfu is a prominent figure in the world, and he also knows that Lord Jinfu has the ambition to swallow up Kanto. Behind the Ashikaga family, there are His Highness Kanbai from the imperial court and His Highness Kōkata from the shogunate. They sit down again.

It is indeed difficult to resist with tens of thousands of elite and powerful troops, but we, the Kanto warriors, stand between heaven and earth with our faith. How can we be afraid of power and hesitate to move forward? How can we sit back and watch His Highness Koga Furukawa in danger and be unwilling to rescue him?"

The members of the Satake family tree were stunned by the righteous speech of their lord. They could not understand how the ruthless and black lord turned into a great and upright loyal and brave general of Kanto. He became the "conscience" of the Kanto samurai and was suddenly willing to do something.

The "loyal minister and good general" of Furukawa Imperial Palace's loser.

The family members whispered to each other for a long time, but they still couldn't understand. Some smart samurai seemed to see some clues, secretly guessing whether there was a reason mixed in, which would make Satake Yoshiaki, who has always been far-reaching and resourceful, make an incredible decision. Of course, there are more

The family members were still very dissatisfied with the attitude of the family governor.

Wada Akira was responsible for receiving the diplomatic activities of Asayama Nichijo. He once accepted a large gift of money from a monk who spread wealth and was deceived by the monk's rhetoric. He became the vanguard of the pro-Kirara faction in the family out of cannibalism.

Most of the samurai in the retainer group had received "gifts" from Asayama Hichijo, and they all had some influence on Oyakirō.

When Wada Akira heard these words from the family governor, he couldn't help but cursed secretly: "My lord, did he eat something unclean today? He was talking nonsense and it was completely different from his usual behavior... I think it was when Mr. Fuji was here."

When Furukawa Imperial Palace was in trouble, why didn't I see that my lord was willing to lend a hand to rescue him? There must be something wrong with this!"

Yoshiaki Satake coughed for a while, and then said slowly: "Actually, what I want to say is that Lord Furukawa intends to appoint our legitimate son as the heir to the family governor of the Furukawa family. After careful consideration, I feel that this is a very attractive option.

The conditions are that once the legitimate son of the Satake family becomes the governor of the Furukawa family, and becomes the Furukawa family in the future, it will be a successful leap for the Satake family, and you will definitely understand the meaning!"

PS: Thanks to book friends Hattori Masashige, Thor Mitsunari, Hejian Gravel, and Jane Eyre the Devil for their rewards, thank you!

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