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Chapter 545

Kosuidera Castle in Shiba County, the heart of the Mutsu Kingdom, was originally the city where the Oshu Shiba clan lived for generations. There is also the Shiwa Imperial Palace of Shiba Quannao in the castle. At this time, this city serves as the base camp of the Oshu Crusade Army, and troops from the Kanto region are stationed outside the city.

, 40,000 troops from all over Mutsu and 12,000 levied warriors gathered here. The huge army stationed here brought a lot of inconvenience to the samurai in the city. Shiba Senzhi was blocked in Shiwa.

In the Imperial Palace, you have to find a way to even go out for a walk and stretch your muscles.

As a relatively weak national lord in the central region, the construction level of Komizudera Castle is not as good as that of Kaizu Castle in Shinano Province. The narrow castle is sparse and backward, and the houses in the castle town are all thatched houses. There are no residents walking in the town.

One is clean and tidy, but the black clothes smeared on his face are so dirty that the original color cannot be seen. From a distance, it seems that every town citizen he meets on the street looks the same.

The Echigo samurai were very unhappy when they first came here. After living a good life, it was inconvenient to go to the poor countryside. Not to mention that there was no shochu in the pub, and even the sake that was usually used in the shrine was not available.

Some residents of the town brewed a very unpleasant sake, but the supply was limited, and even searching the castle town could not find enough wine for 40,000 people to drink.

There was nothing to drink and nothing decent to eat. Only samurai could enjoy rice, pickled radish root and miso soup. Peasants and soldiers only had brown rice multi-grain rice balls with pickled radish. In the summer season when the products are abundant, you can also get some kombu and seafood.

After eating pickled radish for half a month, the samurai complained incessantly and said that they couldn't live this life. Even recalling the bitterness and sweetness could not really return to the bitter days of more than ten years ago.

Komizudera Castle is really in such bad condition that travelers who first arrived here would probably not be able to associate this small ruined castle with the legendary Oshu Shiba clan’s imperial residence. Oshu now is just like Ashikagagi today more than ten years ago.

A series of adjectives such as poverty, stubbornness, and paranoia can be applied to them. Komizudera Castle is not an excellent city, and Mutsu Country is not a rich land.

Since the beginning of summer, the Oshu War has become more intense. Uesugi Teruhora personally led an army of 40,000 people out to attack Harumasa in the southern part of Sanhe Castle. On the way north, Oshu servants swarmed up. In the blink of an eye, the army numbered 40,000.

The number reached 60,000, and the peak of the army made the people of Oshu tremble and chilled the heart of Nanbu Harumasa who was huddled in Sannohe Castle.

Kindaichi Castle, three kilometers away from Sannohe Castle, is where Uesugi Kenshin's main formation is located. Hojo Tsunage, still wearing his military uniform, hit the table with a horsewhip and said: "His Royal Highness Kōkata's royal teachings urge us to destroy the Nanbu clan as soon as possible.

The endless war and the coming heavy snow are extremely detrimental to us, and we must make an early decision."

Yuuki Harukasa said: "The Oshu War has indeed dragged on for too long. It's time to end this endless siege as soon as possible. If it goes on like this for less than a month, I will still have to return to the garrison and wait until the spring flowers bloom next year before going out again."

We have to besiege the city again. Three to five months without any effect and another year has passed. This siege year after year is not an option."

Hōga Couture glanced at a group of Oshu samurai sitting upright in the corner of the evaluation room: "It can't be said that it is completely ineffective! At least the Lord of Kunohe Castle, Kunohe Sakon, will supervise the administration, Mikin Kunohe, and the Lord of Oura Castle

On the basis of Ukyo Ryo Oura's belief, the lord of Ichinoucho, the auxiliary political company of the military department, Shichinohe Kaguo of Shichinohe Castle, Kushihiki Kiyochō of Kushibiki Castle and other samurai families have surrendered."

"The Southern Grand Chef is unreasonable and tries to use his family's territory to fight against His Majesty's power. This is a way to die! We, the Oshu samurai, have always been grateful to the shogunate. Today we are fortunate to see tens of thousands of tiger warriors led by the governor of the palace.

Let us be more confident in obeying the orders of His Highness Kōkata." Oura Nobunobu is young and has an extraordinary appearance. He generously admitted that he only surrendered after seeing Kwantō Kōkata's power. "Ciluo" has a naked mentality of the weak obeying the strong, and still

Don't forget to add a few high-sounding words as a cover-up.

Ozeki Gaozou laughed and said: "Ukyo Ryo's words are wrong! His Highness Kōkata is not only strong in military strength and horse strength, but also has the power to rule in Kantō Kōkō. The warriors of the Eastern Kingdom must be in Hokuriku Kantō or Dewa Mutsu.

Unconditional obedience. The Nanbu Daisen-den’s attempt to separatize Northern Mutsu is in conflict with His Majesty Kamikata. The attack on the Nanbu clan is because the Nanbu Daisen-den disobeys orders. It is not His Majesty’s intention to humiliate the Oshu samurai with strong soldiers and horses.”

"That's it, I've learned a lesson from you." Oura Nobu nodded with joy as if he suddenly realized it. Unfortunately, all the samurai here were well aware of his naughty tricks. Most of Oura Nobu's thoughts were

He smiled disapprovingly. The people of Oshu do not believe in loyalty in their bones. The reason is due to history.

The people of Oshu, especially those in northern Mutsu, have always had a very weak sense of identification with the shogunate. The relatives of the Nanbu clan are almost the remnants of the Southern Dynasty. They followed the prince of the Southern Dynasty to overthrow the Kamakura shogunate, and then followed Nitta Yosada and Kitahata.

The Tōji family attacked Ashikaga Takauji, and the Kanari family followed the Kira Sadashi family to fight against several important stewards sent by the shogunate.

It can be said that the fundamental purpose of the Muromachi shogunate successively sent the Nihonmatsu Hatakeyama clan, the Shihonmatsu Ishibashi clan, the Oshu Shiba clan, the Osaki clan and his branch Mogami clan was to suppress the remnants of the Southern Dynasties in the Dewamutsu Kingdom, such as the ones in front of us.

The Nanbu clan we were dealing with had been harboring the Namiooka Kitahata family, a remnant of the Southern Dynasty. Another example is that among the relatives of the Nanbu clan was a Hachinohe clan, who changed their Miao name to the Nitta clan, and the current family governor is named Nitta Suma Suke.

Such a group of people don't have much respect for the shogunate. They only want to spend money to buy a name for the samurai family in Luoluo. Talking about those names has no effect at all. It's better to just show their fists as big as sand bowls to scare them.

, If you are not afraid, I will hit you if you are afraid. If you do not understand the rules, I will hit you if you know the rules. It is very violent but also very effective.

The Namioka Kitahata family is the authentic bandit leader of the remnant party of the Southern Dynasty. The officials in the imperial court still want to give them a few idle positions to appease the remnant party and stop causing trouble. The Namioka Kitahata family really has no ability to continue to cause trouble. In the fifth year of Eiroku, Kawahara Imperial Palace

When the revolution broke out, Namioka Guyun was assassinated by his uncle Namioka Guanyin, and his younger brother Namioka Rongbo killed his uncle Namioka Guanyin in revenge.

The generations of retainers in the family drew their swords at each other and killed each other heartily. Just like the Nizi family declined due to Haruhisa's handling of the Shingu Party, the Namioka Kitahata family also declined in this incident. Fortunately, there was still one person in the Namioka family who died early.

I left home and created my own one, that is, the three senators, Lieutenant General Ukonoe Hashiro Namioka Tōfō.

At this moment, Namioka Toubori was also sitting in the assessment room. Beside him was his thirteen-year-old nephew, Namioka Toubori. The child listened carefully to the conversation of the adult warriors with his eyes wide open. The young man who was still inexperienced in Yuanfu just now

For house supervisors, it would be a very good training opportunity to participate in several assessments of this scale.

Satake Yoshitaka snorted coldly: "The Southern Grand Dining Hall is stubborn and consciously defends Sanhe Castle until it snows to have a chance of winning. But he doesn't know that today is no better than in the past. His Highness Gongfang has obtained several gates from Nanman merchants.

The powerful artillery can blast open the Otemon of Sanhe Castle with just a few hits. By then, he will have no chance to surrender."

Hearing him mention the artillery that he was proud of, the people of Oshu had two completely different expressions. There were many people in Minamimutsu and several relatives of the shogunate had been severely repaired by Ashikaga Yoshitoki, especially the attack on Ishinomaki Castle Kasai a few years ago.

At the time of Harunobu, many Oshu people saw with their own eyes that the large sailing ship spewed fire and smoke, destroying Minamimutsu's famous fortified city in a few blows.

The people of Hokuritsu Province didn't seem to believe his boast, but they didn't believe it and didn't dare to say it. In the past two years, the arrogant Echigo samurai and Kanto samurai used the Oshu Plains as their racecourse, leading tens of thousands of horse teams.

Rampant in their territory, but the news of the rebels was like a swarm of sharks smelling the smell of blood. The Wu family who did not believe in evil would either turn into withered bones in the grave, or they would curse a few times when they were not paying attention.

Then he returned to the city.

In fact, the people of Mutsu Province had long been frightened by the Kanto Ashikaga clan. Nanbu Harumasa had long wanted to surrender, but Ashikaga Yoshitoki was unwilling to allow him to surrender peacefully. He had to hand over half of his land, Tomoyuki, before allowing him to surrender.

The reason for beating him was also very high-sounding. He did not attend the inauguration ceremony of the Kanto shogunate. In recent years, he had repeatedly bullied the Oshu Shiba family, who were also neighbors, and refused to accept the royal teachings issued by the Kanto shogunate. This had offended the samurai family.

According to the laws and regulations, you deserve to be hit.

Of course, these reasons cannot be confided in by Nanbu Harumasa and Ippo Daiichi. Their defense letters are delivered one after another to the distant Edo Castle and further Kyoto, in an attempt to bypass the Kanto government and invite Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

He came to mediate in exchange for peace. This smart move made Ashikaga Yoshitoki very angry.

As for Ashikaga Yoshitomo, he was afraid of his complaint letter. Even if Nanbu Harumasa's complaint letter was sent to Nijo Imperial Palace, it would not have much effect. Ashikaga Yoshiteru was worried about Ashikaga Yoshitomo not to jump out and cause trouble. The defense of Kyoto still relied on Sakamoto.

His intimidation power made the Sanhao family dare not act rashly, so why would they fall out with him at this juncture?

Ashikaga Yoshitoki was very disgusted with this kind of smart samurai. When he learned that he was complaining everywhere, he issued an edict to Kanto Yuou's imperial teacher. The effect was that Minami Harumasa, a native of Oshu, had repeatedly disrespected the government, and the Kanto Shogunate had reason to suspect

He had the intention of causing rebellion, so he specially ordered the Utsunomiya clan to transfer the title of Rikuzhong to replace the original Nanbu clan leader in Rikuzhong territory.

This move is called pulling fire from under the cauldron. What the Nanfang clan is proud of is the control over the land of three households in the mainland for more than three hundred years. Since he is disobedient, he will take away the land of the three households and replace it with others. The so-called royal family.

That's what it means to be kind to the public. The reward needs to be exchanged for the public. Heaven will not drop the reward into their mouths.

This is like when a long-term worker receives a reward from a landlord, he has to provide services to the landlord. If he does a good job, he will increase the reward for the long-term worker. If he does not do well, he will reduce the reward for the long-term worker. Even worse, he will simply kick the long-term worker away and replace him with another long-term worker.

It's the same thing to come here to work. If the landowners can't reward the landowners for their good work, the landowners will be united by the landowners to fire the landlords. In the former case, many imperial family members were kicked out, and in the latter case, the Kamakura shogunate was also kicked out.

It is the core of the contractual relationship of the feudal system.

The Nanbu clan is about to be kicked out by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. Don't mention to him the status of the imperial family in the Kamakura period or the Nanbu clan, the son of Kagami Tokami. It's meaningless to use clichés from hundreds of years ago to lie to yourself. Ashikaga Yoshitoki You won't sympathize with them just because they can't win. No matter how powerful your ancestors are, they can't be used as alchemy tickets. There is no such thing as a death-free gold medal in the Wu family society.

Uesugi Kenshin's attitude towards the Nanbu clan was mainly punishment and supplemented by appeasement. It was not that his head was opened up and he learned to be more black, but that Ashikaga Yoshi had discussed with him his opinion on how to deal with Oshu, and he had to give Oshu a beating once. The Chinese people have borne this in mind for hundreds of years. Purely using power to suppress them will not have the effect of using force to deter them. The best way is to combine the two methods. Only by dealing with the local snakes in Yuao and Austria can good results be achieved.

Silently chanting sutras over and over again, only faith can calm his mind and enter a state of no thoughts and no waves. Behind Uesugi Kenshin is a flag with the word "囧", which is used to replace his usual The "Nagao Taira Sankei Tiger" flag seal is used together with the bamboo bird pattern of the Kanto governor and the Gosantong pattern flag seal given by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. The main pattern is still the bamboo bird pattern, and the secondary pattern is the two sets of flag seals.

A firm believer in the Shingon sect and the Buddhist war god Bishamonten, Uesugi Kenshin's whole person's temperament was somewhat majestic and sacred. He opened his eyes and asked in a low voice: "How long will it take to deliver the artillery?"

Honjo Sano pressed his brows and replied tiredly: "If everything goes well, we can arrive within three days."

At only fifty-five years old, he already has white hair and looks like an old man in his sixties. In contrast, the Kakizaki Keiye of the same age is still rosy and energetic. In order to appease the Echigo people, he integrated into the Ashikaga family as early as possible in these years. system, the ones who work hard look a bit older than the Kakizaki Kei family who don't have to worry about conquering.

"Thank you for your hard work for a few more days, and I will launch a general attack in three days."

Three days later, a 60,000-strong army formed outside Sanhu City. All the horse teams in the formation were ordered to dismount and walk. The horses that were afraid of the sound of artillery fire were placed in the rear formation for proper disposal. Such a careful arrangement was also based on the lessons learned from the previous times. A few foolish generals placed the cavalry next to the artillery.

As a result, the cavalry team was all blown up when the cannon went off. Some warriors who were caught off guard were thrown off their horses and trampled to death by their mounts on the spot. It was good to have their legs broken and their arms broken, and they were completely disabled. Some unlucky ones broke their necks and died on the spot. After training hard for many days, A 20-year-old mounted samurai did not die on the battlefield but was kicked to death by his own horse. This huge accident taught the samurai a vivid lesson. Never get close to it if you don't know how to play.

The nine-and-a-half-pound snake cannon imported from England is extremely powerful. The sound of the cannon is like thunder, and the birds within a few miles are frightened and dare not fall down for a long time. Excluding several unloaded calibration shots, the live ammunition attack only requires one shot. The cannon collapsed the Otemon gate of Sanhe Castle. Under the huge force, the nine-pound lead shot was pushed out at a terrifying speed, turning into a meteor that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and smashing open the Otemon gate. It also smashed several earthen fences one after another. It is embedded straight into the earthen wall surrounding the Honmaru.

The Oshu people who were watching were shocked. The iron cannons were real objects that they had seen from the Kwantung Army a few years ago. Such big artillery would scare them all to death. The timid samurai would really They were so frightened that they fainted. Some of them had weak legs and smelled of urine. The best performer, Oura Nobubu, was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was dumbfounded.

The Kanto samurai despised their poor performance. These years of dealing with the Oshu people made them realize that the Oshu people always like to make some strange remarks. It seems that they always feel that they are more tenacious in the bitter cold north than living in the country.

The people in the warm south should do whatever they want. This kind of argument makes the Kanto samurai feel disgusted. They are so tenacious that they fight like this. If there is a battle with thousands of people all year round, it is considered powerful. In the past hundred years or so of Kanto, thousands of people have fought

There have been countless battles, I really don’t know where their sense of superiority lies.

The best way to crush the sense of superiority is to speak with facts and let these arrogant guys understand that they are too far behind the times after sitting in a well and looking at the sky for hundreds of years. Just look at the food, clothing and weapons of the Kwantung Legion, and you will know that they

Using a low-quality bamboo bow with a range of no more than ten meters, a broken bamboo gun, rotten body pills, and hidden brown rice balls were so backward. The explosion of this cannon shattered their self-confidence and what little persistence they had.

The Nanbu clan in Sannohe Castle was also frightened on the spot, watching helplessly as the Kwantung Legion broke open the broken city gate and swarmed in. Seeing that the situation was not good, Nanbu Harumasa begged for surrender to the Kwantung Legion, and was willing to commit seppuku in exchange for a clan.

For the peace of the family, Uesugi Kenshin agreed to his request and refused his invitation to watch him commit seppuku. It was a bit perverted to let others watch him commit suicide. Uesugi Kenshin had killed many samurai, but it did not mean that he was a pervert.

Nanbu Harumasa sacrificed his life to win the surrender of all the Nanbu clan, such as the Ichinohe clan, the Sihu clan, the Sixth clan, the Seventh clan, the Eighth clan, the Nine clans, the Northern clan, the Southern clan, and the Eastern clan also lost the will to resist.

They opened the city one after another to welcome the entry of the Kanto Allied Forces. Uesugi Kenshin still arranged for the Nanbu clan according to the request to reduce the seal a few years ago. From the Nanbu clan, all the resisting samurai families were reduced in half and transferred to Hirosaki, the northernmost part of Mutsu country.

, the Nanbu clan, the hegemon in northern Oshu, surrendered, marking peace across the board in Oshu.

If there is no skin left, the hair will be attached. The Oshu Nanbu clan’s arch-enemy, the Queen Anton, was also frightened. After seeing Nanbu Harumasa’s turmoil for several years, he still committed seppuku and was punished by having his seal reduced by half and transferred to Hirosaki. Anton loved

Ji is already aware of the treatment he may encounter in the future. He hesitated for so long and cooperated with his arch-enemy Nanbu Harumasa to fight against Kantō Gongfang. It was for the sake of the wealth that the Anton family had accumulated through hard work.

Nanbu Harumasa committed suicide for that small amount of money, and he could not keep that wealth until his death. Anton Aiji felt that he would not end well if he continued to cause trouble. Maybe Nanbu Harumasa's today will be his Anton Aiji's tomorrow.

After thinking about it, I felt that although reducing the seal was painful, it was much better than reducing the seal after being killed. On the tenth day of Kaicheng's surrender in Sanhu City, Anton Aiji made the most difficult decision in his life.

The city surrendered.

The Minato Anton family and the Hiyama Anton family, which are divided into two parts of the Anton family, each had their seals reduced by half. Anton Aiji's younger brother, Anton Shigeru, became a monk on the grounds of being weak and requested the Kanto General Palace to allow his brother Anton Aiji to transfer the Minato family and the Anton family.

The Hiyama Anton family merged into one. This was the only way the two brothers discussed to ensure that the stone height remained at 150,000 koku.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki quickly issued the permission order. It would be foolish to continue to dwell on trivial matters to this extent. The merger of the two Anton families is their own business. Besides, the merger is only ten years old.

Seventy thousand dan is not too much, and it is really not a big problem compared to the Nanfang family that still has 200,000 dan after the seal reduction.

The surrender of the Anton family means that clowns like Yuri Twelve Heads will lose their support, and their comrades, Rokugo, are also members of the National Autonomous Alliance.

The dissatisfied family was wiped out on the spot by the Kwantung Army who came after hearing the news. The whole process of changing the seal and removing the seal went quickly and was not too smooth. There was no need to bother to comfort the small country people. If they didn’t, the couple would just bombard them with iron cannons, arrows and siege hammers.

City Gate, this simple and crude tactic is absolutely effective against small country people.

Among the messy small country lords who had their titles reduced, only a few of them had the climate. The Asari clan and the Tozawa clan quickly took refuge early and successfully escaped the guillotine of reducing their titles. By this time, the entire Dewa Kingdom and Mutsu Kingdom

All lords of the country were brought under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Shogunate, and they would be placed under the jurisdiction of foreign lords to bear the corresponding taxes and increases in taxes and servitude, just like Date Terubune.

Heavy snowfall occurred in Mutsu in late October. The snowfall this winter is relatively late. It is a warm winter that is rare in decades. If it were not so profitable, we would not dare to send troops to fight in the danger of snowfall. We are stuck.

The perfect opportunity was that after half a year of siege, the Mutsu people had already eaten up all the food reserves in the hands of the Mutsu people. Taking the opportunity to blast open the city gate with artillery to make them realize the absolute gap was the most likely way to eliminate the will of resistance of the Nanbu clan's subordinates.

The 60,000-strong army circled most of the circle in Oshu Yushu, and then disbanded the Oshu people on the spot, and brought the Kanto Army back to the Mutsu garrison before the snowfall to stand by. Ashikaga Yoshitoki took the army one step ahead and returned to Edo by boat.

The city overwintered, leaving Uesugi Kenshin behind to stay in Oshu to calm people's hearts.

Before leaving, Ashikaga Yoshitoki issued an order to keep the East Kingdom quiet: "Today we are in the quiet place of East Country, and we are waiting for you. The two prefectures of Kanto, Hokuriku, and Uao are in agreement with each other, and the ceremony of mutual separation has been heard.

When summoned, the pursuit can be carried out, and the enemies can be attacked first. Both sides can stop each other with bows and arrows. Wait carefully, and do not have any objections to the ceremony. If you violate the clan, you can make success or failure."

The general meaning is to tell the Kanto Yuao lord that if you want to expand your territory or other ambitions, you should clean up and go to bed early. If you think too much and do wrong things and violate the order of nothing, it is not like raising the board high and letting it fall gently. This time it will be reduced.

The purpose of the seal is to beat the people of Yuao Kingdom so that they know who is the master of the Eastern Kingdom and learn to respect the shogunate. If they don't obey next time, it will not be as simple as beating them, but they will be cut off with a tachi.

PS: Bow and thank book friend Hattori Masashige for the reward.

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