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Chapter 49 Entering Tsushima Town

Tsushima Town is a town that developed around Gyuzu Tenno Shrine. It is located between the three countries of Owari, Mino and Ise. To the southwest is Kuwana County of Ise Province, and to the northwest is Yoro County of Mino Province.

Located at the confluence of the Tenno River and Sumamata River, tributaries of the Kiso River, a triangular area is formed here that is independent from the mainland. Tsushima Port is more than 650 meters wide.

Not far to the northeast of Tsushima is Katsuhata Castle. Katsuhata Castle was the former residence of Oda Nobunaga. When Oda Nobunaga was born, Oda Nobhide was only one of the three Oda monks and served as the guardian of the Oda Yamato family.

The retainer acted as an official in the prefecture, and later he was able to defeat the Yamato shogunate and seize the power of the four lower prefectures. It was because his residence, Katsuhata Castle, was close to Tsushima, and he could easily control Tsushima's Tsushima Port, which made Oda Nobuhide

His finances are abundant and he can easily recruit large armies.

On August 30, Kira Manshomaru led Kira Kamiro's army into Tsushima Town. After entering Tsushima Town, they received news from Mikawa Kingdom that the Imagawa family's Suruga clan and Toe clan totaled twelve thousand.

The most surprising thing about the news that the army was marching out from Okazaki Castle was that the people of Mikawa Province almost unanimously supported the Imagawa clan.

Regardless of the aloof status of Ryo Kira Kamikata, or neutrals with ambiguous attitudes such as Chujo, Suzuki, and Miyake, they all cooperated with the Imagawa army to attack Anxiang Castle. Unknowingly, the Imagawa family formed a powerful army of 18,000 people.

, its influence is far-reaching even beyond the Battle of Adzaka.

Oda Nobuhiro seemed to be desperate. He did not send anyone to contact the Mikawa people. He even refused to allow the Mikawa people to station themselves in Anxiang City. He just drove them to various branch towns to serve as cannon fodder. In this case, the Oda family could still hold on.

? Almost everyone can be sure that the Imagawa family will undoubtedly win, and the Oda family will of course face another disastrous defeat.

This news may seem encouraging, but in fact it is not necessarily a good thing. For example, Oda Nobuhide finally remembered that the Kamiro Army of the Kamikira family was staying in the territory, so he immediately sent people to Tsushima to intercept them. However, the Tsushima people are not vegetarians either.

Yes, freaks like Tsushima, who combine congregations and villages with relatively developed commerce and agriculture, don't care much about what Nobuhide Oda, the ruler of the four Owari lower counties, thinks.

What's more, Oda Nobuhide has suffered successive defeats in Mino and Mikawa in the past two years, and has already lost all the prestige he accumulated. In the Battle of Kanaguchi the year before last, 12,000 troops were stationed in Inoguchi Town, and he was forced to change the law by a monk who had not yet become a monk.

Saito Toshimasa, No. 3, killed more than 3,000 people. Oda's troops drowned more than 2,000 people when they fled. Five thousand people died in the blink of an eye. Such a high death rate would be disastrous in any era.

The serious crime of humiliating the country and demanding beheading shows how Oda Nobuhide has declined.

Oda Nobuhide, who suffered a stuttering defeat in Ghana, was eager to regain his position and establish a collapsed image, so last year's battle of Azukizaka ended with 4,000 versus 10,000. Taiyuan Xuezhai ambushed him with superior force and suffered a slight loss.

In exchange for an almost catastrophic defeat, more than 2,000 people were killed on the spot, and hundreds more were drowned across the Yahagi River before barely escaping.

This series of catastrophic defeats knocked out the spirit of the Oda family. Since that defeat, Oda Nobuhide returned to Koto Castle with his remaining soldiers and defeated generals. In order to save the precarious family business, he had to fight with his old rival.

Saito Toshimasa reached peace, and then there was the story of his legitimate son Oda Nobunaga marrying Saito Toshimasa's daughter Kuicho.

The Oda family is like a phoenix that has lost its feathers and is worse than a chicken. In the past, Oda Nobhide's prestige has dropped to a pitiable level. This time, seeing that the Oda family is about to be defeated again in Anxiang City, Jin

The Shima 15 family was afraid of him. The 300 troops sent by the Oda family also knew their situation. After the two sides faced off outside Tsushima Town for several days, the Oda side's troops began to retreat, and this small-scale conflict was eliminated.


The current governor of the Ohashi family, Ohashi Shigenadao, is a loyal elder in his forties. He threw a banquet with great enthusiasm and invited the governor of the Tsushima Fifteenth Party to entertain Kira Manshomaru and his party. During the banquet, he expressed his willingness to

Purchasing the seventy-five stones of refined sea salt at a preferential price was very easy with the financial resources of the Daqiao family. Even after the banquet, someone specially sent 340 coins of good quality.

In addition, he promised Kira Manshomaru that he would help them contact the Kiso River and pass through the Kiso River smoothly. There is a reason why he dared to talk so much about the relocation of the bridge. In Tokaido, almost everyone knows about the Tsushima Fifteenth Party, which was subordinate to the Southern Dynasty.

It is widely spread that the Tsushima Fifteen Party members worked together to fight against Shiba.

The Ohashi family is the number one family in the Tsushima Fifteenth Party. It was originally from the Kanmuhei family. Because the Northern and Southern Dynasties were subordinate to the Southern Dynasties, they received special attention from the Southern Dynasties. Therefore, the fifth grandson of Emperor Go-Daigo was called Tsu.

Izumi Morigen Nobushige of Shimadai Nagan inherited the Ohashi family business. Since then, the Ohashi family's reputation has grown day by day, becoming a veritable elder of the Tsushima Fifteenth Party.

The former governor of the Ohashi family, Ohashi Juichi, was actually a member of the Ohashi family. Ohashi Juichi's father, Ohashi Mototsuna, was also the son-in-law of Tsushima Ohashi Nobushige, so Ohashi Juichi was also Tsushima Ohashi.

Ohashi Nobushige's biological grandson, Ohashi Mototsuna's sworn brother, is Ohashi Nobushige's legitimate son, Ohashi Sadahiro.

When it came to the generation of Ohashi Tadahiro's son Ting'an, Ohashi Mototsuna's son Ohkouchi Shigenichi was brought over to be his adopted heir, and he was renamed Ohashi Shigeichi. This Ohashi Momotsuna is the current governor of the Okouchi family, Okouchi Nobuchi.

Sada's great-uncle, the relationship is just like Kira Manshomaru and Kira Yoshitomi. Ohashi Shigeichi, the former governor of the Ohashi family, was his uncle Nobuzada Ohashi, so the relationship between the Ohashi family and the Ohashi family was very close.

The current governor of the Ohashi family, Ohashi, married his daughter to Okawachi Kunitsuna, and the two families became more closely related. That's why Ohashi Nobuzada asked his nephew Okawachi Kunitsuna to follow Kira Mansomaru.

There is also an intention to rely on the Ohashi family. With the financial resources of the Ohashi family, there is no problem in spending some money every year to support the son-in-law. This is a way to ask questions.

After the banquet, Kira Mansomaru decided to rest for a few days near Tsushima because he had to wait for Oda Nobuhide's army to go to Mikawa Country to rescue his idiot son. Otherwise, even if he wanted to leave, Hattori Tomosada would not dare to trick him into Kiso.

Since we are not leaving for the time being, we can only find a place to live first. The Kira family's army was arranged to camp in a field outside the town, and the craftsmen of the family were arranged to live in the town. Kira Mansomaru naturally lived in the bridge resettlement.

In Nuye City, he was accompanied by two hundred horseback warriors and nearby soldiers.

Because Tsushima is very prosperous, it is even called Tokai Sakai Town. Not only does it have a huge commercial town with complete facilities, but there are thousands of townspeople living in the town. It is really densely populated. The business in the town is booming and pedestrians come and go almost every time. After passing through a town, you can see a Buddhist temple. Both the Kinai Gozan sect and the new Zen sect that flourished in the Kamakura period have branch temples.

Of course, the largest among them is the branch temple of the Ichixiang Sect and the Lotus Sect. Hundreds of believers come to worship Buddha every day. There are also many ronin, merchants, and pilgrims who come and go from Tsushima to these two branch temples. However, the relationship between these two families is very bad, because the Yamashina Honganji Temple burning incident made the two sects become mortal enemies. Most of the conflicts that often occur in Tsushima Town come from the conflicts between the believers of these two sects.

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