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Chapter 73 Yagyu's Swordsmanship

Kira Manshomaru's little shady idea was quickly suppressed. According to the Yagyu family, his son has been very naughty since he was a child. He is famous as the king of children near Yagyu Village and is known as the number one strategist in Yagyu Township.

Fortunately, he still had some self-awareness and did not say that he was the number one in Tenjo County, otherwise the leader of the monk soldiers at Kofukuji Temple would definitely be very unhappy.

The father and son were about to perform a classic story about a loving father and a filial son, but were interrupted by a harsh suppressed laugh. The slightest movement in the quiet room was very jarring, not to mention Yagyu Sogan's six senses are keen and can detect even the slightest movement, so at that moment

Yagyu Soen stared at Zenjiro Yamaoka who was snickering, and Kira Manshomaru could only drive this idiot out and make him stand.

"Sorry, my servant is not very sensible, please continue."

"Well, it's okay..." Yagyu Kayan said with an easy-going smile that it didn't matter, and continued to talk about interesting things about his son back then.

The so-called interesting stories about Yagyu Sogan's childhood are nothing more than stories about the King of Children. This title is not unfamiliar to Kira Mansomaru at all. Isn't it just bullying farmers' children who don't dare to mess with him? No wonder Zenjiro Yamaoka laughs.

Come on, this guy has done this before, so of course he knows what the so-called King of Children is all about.

However, Zenjiro Yamaoka’s level is too low. The King of Kids is different from the King of Kids. In the future, Muneyan Yagyu will become a powerful swordsman in the world. How much achievement can Zenjiro Yamaoka achieve? At best, he is just a competent horseback rider.


Not to mention the bragging stories of the Yagyu family, let’s just say that Yagyu Souen’s courage is indeed extraordinary. At the age of fourteen, he dared to go out with a few surnames and went back home only once in a few years. It was because of the life and death of the family.

This kind of temperament is enough to become a great master. Compared with it, Zenjiro Yamaoka is a scumbag.

"This is the principle of comparing people to death, comparing goods and throwing them away! I think even if I let that idiot die now, he will not have any complaints!" Kira Mansumaru directly posted a "scumbag work" for Zenjiro Yamaoka.

label, but completely ignores that his own martial arts level is not even third-rate, and by the time Zenjiro reaches his age, he will be a scumbag.

Soen Yagyu left his family at the age of fourteen and went to the ice-covered Echizen country to learn swordsmanship from Toda Ittousai, who had just become famous under the Echizen Tomita clan.

He created his own Bell-maki style and became a master of the sect. He is still only in his forties today. It is conceivable that the level of Ittousai who just created Bell-maki style nine years ago is still a little behind.

Therefore, as the founder of Toda Ittousai's disciple, Yagyu Sogan was naturally trained by this master with all his strength. Unfortunately, this master Tomita-ryu swordsmanship did master the essence, but he had not yet fully understood the self-made bell scroll style, so when Yagyu

After Zong Yan studied swordsmanship with his master Toda Ittousai for several years, he felt that his master was nothing more than that. When he was thinking about how to kick this master, it happened that the Yagyu family was facing an attack by the Tsutsui coalition forces. Master Yagyu didn't even look at his head.

Return and leave Echizen Country.

Later, after the battle and the surrender to the Tsutsui family, Yagyu Sogan felt that there were more swordsmen in Kyoto, so he went to Kyoto to become a disciple of Shinto-ryu. He was a disciple of Shinjuro Kamitori who taught Shinto-ryu swordsmanship in the Kyoto dojo.

He worked hard to learn Shinto-ryu swordsmanship until this year when his father recruited him back home to take over as the family governor.

At present, Yagyu Soen doesn't look like a master at all. He looks very arrogant and rude. Later, I heard that Nakajo Hidetaka, whose pseudonym is Nakajo Deyusuke, is a swordsman from the Nakajo-ryu clan.

Unable to remain calm any longer, he stood up and directly challenged Hidetaka Nakajo regardless of the occasion.

"I, Yagyu Shinzaemon, challenge you, please give me your advice without hesitation, Your Highness Nakajo!"

"Okay! I, Hidetaka, accept Yagyuden's challenge," Hidetaka Nakajo sat up straight and replied seriously.

Nakajo Hidetaka is not very old, but his magnanimity is definitely higher than that of Yagyu Muneyan. Faced with Yagyu Muneyan's imposing challenge, he doesn't panic and can calmly straighten his clothes and stand up to challenge. In comparison, Yagyu Muneyan is just a step ahead.

It was much worse. He started attacking one after another from the beginning, with the wooden sword in his hand like acrobatics, and all kinds of fancy sword skills were ignored.

Nakajo Hidetaka was not in a hurry to fight back, and patiently dealt with Yagyu Mune. The two sides fought back and forth for twenty rounds. Nakajo Hidetaka, who had been taking his time, saw the opportunity and suddenly swung his sword to deflect Yagyu Mune.

Yan's sword force and a thrust knocked him to the ground. The trial ended with Nakajo Hidetaka's victory.

"Why did I lose so miserably!" Soen Yagyu wiped the sweat from his forehead and threw away the wooden sword unwillingly. Seeing Nakajo Hidetaka's face not red and out of breath, he angrily chased after him and shouted.

: "Nakajo-den! Why did you release the water just now? What you did was against the dignity of a military strategist! Please tell me! Why did you do that!"

"Shinjiro! Come here! Don't you think you're embarrassed enough?" Yagyu Kayan hurriedly stood up and grabbed him. Unfortunately, his son had a bad temper, and there was no way this old man could pull him back.

Ignoring his father's scolding, Yagyu Muneyan still stubbornly asked: "Please give me an explanation!"

"Yagyūdon's swordsmanship is too impetuous. Although every sword move is very exquisite and the moves are erratic and full of tricks, it seems that Yagyūden has understood the importance of swordsmanship." Hidetaka Nakajo explained patiently: "It's a pity.

Yagyu-den has not yet understood a truth. It is too fancy for a strategist who is proficient in swordsmanship. The more changes there are, the more flaws there will be. I just spent 20 days observing Yagyu-den's swordsmanship to find out what Yagyu-den's swordsmanship is.

If you change your tactics, you can win with one blow."

Nakajo Hidetaka was very polite, but did not tell the whole truth. Yagyu Soen's swordsmanship was not useful. He pursued novelty swordsmanship too much and ignored the basic skills. If he didn't even lay a solid foundation, practicing would be in vain. That's why he

A gentle reminder, the more you change, the faster you will fail.

"Hmph! Isn't the art of war all about pursuing exquisite sword skills? Why do I have more flaws the more I change? This doesn't make sense at all!" Yagyu Sogan retorted unconvinced.

At this time, his father, Yanagi Yagyu, who was not proficient in swordsmanship, had completely understood. He sighed and said: "Shinjiro! You are a child who is very talented in swordsmanship, so I allow you to go out to learn the art of war, but you

I have been studying the art of war for almost ten years, and have I obtained even one exemption certificate? As a layman, I understand what His Highness Nakajo means. Why do you, a child with outstanding talent, insist on trying to get the best of you? Have you forgotten Toda Ittousai?

Has His Highness ever written you a letter? People who only think about learning unique skills and ignore the basics will never become a master of the art of war!"

"Those who only want to learn special skills and ignore the basics will never become a master of the art of war!... Is this what the letter from the teacher to me meant? Was it wrong for me to leave Toda Teachers School?" Yagyu Muneyan was confused by this sound.

The quiet shout was completely shocked, and the whole person fell into a strange state of talking to himself. He ignored the guests in the hall and just walked out while repeating this.

Nakajo Hidetaka hesitated and said: "Is there really no problem with Yagyu-don's behavior like this?"

"Ah! It's okay! This situation is like a nightmare! Just ask the doctor at Kofukuji Temple to prescribe some soothing decoctions and it will be fine!" Kira Manshomaru said calmly that there was no problem.

"I see, then on behalf of my son, I would like to thank His Highness Saijo! Thank you His Highness Nakajo for the reminder! Without His Highness Nakajo's help, my son would still be immersed in fancy swordsmanship and unable to extricate himself. I, the Yagyu family, would like to thank you both!"

It is indeed not easy for a person in his fifties to lean down and thank a half-year-old child. This is the power of father's love.

Kira Mansomaru shrugged and said that he didn't mind. This trip was definitely in vain. The level of Yagyu Munehan was not as good as Nakajo Hidetaka. No wonder in history, this master lived in seclusion until his later years before he became a master of swordsmanship. With his current situation

If you continue to maintain your backward thinking, you will not be able to wake up after ten or eight years. By then, your foundation will have been crooked. If you want to straighten it out, you will have to spend several times more time and energy to correct it until you are successful in your later years.

Not so surprising.

After leaving Yagyu's house, Kira Manshomaru's journey to Yamato Country ended. He originally planned to go directly north to Yamajo Country and then return to Sakamoto along the Yodogawa River, but this guy Zenjiro Yamaoka reminded him that he could not go back directly to Kinki because His Highness Ashikaga Yoshito arranged it.

The task is not completed yet.

"I forgot such an important thing! Damn it!" He had to go to Settsu Country to see the Miyoshi family's army, so he had to turn back to Hanoi Country. Kira Manshomaru scratched his head in distress: "Why bother going back and forth?

Come on, if I had known earlier, I should have completed the errands before coming to Yamato."

This chapter has been completed!
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