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Chapter 269 Blood-stained Forbidden City

When the old man saw Wang Zhuo's stagnant figure, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy in his eyes. He had reached the peak of his strength, beating people like hanging pictures and killing people like cutting grass. As long as Wang Zhuo didn't have the strength to resist, he could kill him as neatly as hanging pictures and cutting grass.

Killed on the spot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The old man punched Wang Zhuo three times in the chest. Not to mention a human, even an old cow would have had its muscles and bones shattered on the spot, its internal organs would be shattered, and it would bleed to death.

Wang Zhuo's body was numb and he temporarily lost control. He could not dodge the old man's fist at all. He felt a spiral of silk-winding energy pouring into his body. This energy burst out instantly in his chest and then spread throughout his body. His body involuntarily retreated.

After taking seven or eight steps back, the stone slabs under my feet would be shattered with each step, leaving deep footprints and making a loud roaring sound. The stone slabs under my feet would become shattered one after another,

On the eighth step, Wang Zhuo finally stabilized his figure, his chest felt hot, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The true essence of his Dantian was suppressed by the rules and could not be used. Wang Zhuo was beaten by an ordinary old man until he vomited blood. He did not speak, and did not even wipe the blood from his mouth. He took a deep breath before the strength of his body returned. Not only that

, he actually felt a trace of true energy leaking from the sealed Dantian and integrating into his body.

The physical strength of three thousand kilograms has been slowly improved!

At this time, the old man and other worshipers came quickly, taking advantage of Wang Zhuo's lack of movement to kill the monster as quickly as possible!

Yes, they have never seen anyone who can crush a hard stone slab simply by stepping on the ground. If there were not a generation of Tai Chi masters today with the power of four or two kilograms, none of them would be able to survive.

They moved, Wang Zhuo rubbed his chest and got into a posture.

He once absorbed the Tiger King's soul and obtained the Tiger King's own Tiger Technique. When he was in Japan, he had fought with Hanaka and mastered a set of Tiger King Techniques, but later he relied heavily on magic weapons when fighting against the enemy. Suddenly,

Without these things to rely on, Wang Zhuo just felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that Wang Zhuo had regained his strength, the Tai Chi elder snorted in an awe-inspiring manner and deliberately pretended to be disdainful. He strode forward in the middle to face Wang Zhuo alone, preparing to attack Wang Zhuo just like before.

But when they fought again, he was the one who retreated. Wang Zhuo's hands were like tiger claws, and the strength of his body was sent from his hips and tail. He used his shape as a fist, his mind as his spirit, and his energy as a force. Especially his angry eyes, which were cold and chilling, even if

The old man Yida Grandmaster couldn't help but hesitate in his movements. Wang Zhuo's momentum was like an angry tiger coming out of the forest, his two claws rushing through the sword, axe, hammer and mace like a mountain.

At the moment of the collision, the strong man trembled and hit Wang Zhuo's head with the second sledgehammer. Wang Zhuo turned his body sideways to deflect the hammer, and punched the hammer with his right hand. There was a muffled sound and his fist knocked him out.

A large black hole, force was generated from the hammer to the man. The man groaned and was hit in the chest by the rebounded hammer. At the same time, Wang Zhuo's left hand mixed the calmness of his cat tribe and the violent aura of his tiger tribe, and stretched his fingers towards

Another sacrifice's throat. The sacrifice's mace failed to hit Wang Zhuo's move. He used too much force and had no time to dodge. But he had another mace in his left hand, and at this moment he moved the mace laterally to block his body.

At this time, Wang Zhuo's claws had arrived, sending out crackling electric sparks like pinching tofu to crush an iron mace. He grabbed the worshiper's neck and crushed all the bones in his throat with one claw.

What a pair of fine steel bones! What a set of tiger fists!

The old man's eyes widened, and he took the opportunity to hit Wang Zhuo's waist Qi Hai again, but Wang Zhuo was prepared for it, and he turned sideways to avoid the vital point. The old man didn't wait for the move to be used, he squatted down with his thighs and tightened his pants, making a chirping sound.

The sound of wind swept out, and the Tai Chi Sweeper's leg was still sweeping the joints with the wrapping force. The old man believed that as long as Wang Zhuo flew up, he could make this man unable to stand up again.

Wang Zhuo did not hide. When the two legs touched, the old man raised his head and glanced at Wang Zhuo. He found that the man's eyes were full of expectation and ridicule. The old man immediately felt a hint of ominous premonition in his heart, not good!


If there was a high-speed camera present at the moment when the two legs came into contact, it would have been possible to film that the old man's calf was first broken open at a weird angle, and then pieces of bone jumped out of the flesh until it broke.

When the old man couldn't help but cry out in pain, Wang Zhuo opened his mouth.


I saw that he didn't care about the other priests kicking and beating him, and his body of several kilograms sat directly on the old man's belly like a tiger attacking a rabbit.

Thousands of kilograms of weight plus gravity, the old man felt his lower body go numb and heard countless snapping bones, and his lower body no longer had any contact with him.

"Ho! Ho!"

Wang Zhuo's eyes were red, bloodthirsty and terrifying. He opened his palms like claws and attacked the old man's throat like crazy. The old man's throat flesh, flesh and bones were all broken into pieces with three or two blows. However, Wang Zhuo still kept moving until the old man's throat was broken.

The neck disappeared, and a few strands of the gray braids were blown up by the wind. The old man's head was completely separated from his body, and Wang Zhuo raised his head.

He stretched out his hand to hold a spear and broke it with a little force. The remaining offerings looked at Wang Zhuo with frightened expressions on their faces. They were hesitating whether to turn around and run away when a slight shaking sound was heard on the ground.

Several of the worshipers looked at each other, and then struck Wang Zhuo like crazy.

While Wang Zhuo was dealing with them, he turned around and took a look. There were at least thousands of knights in the dark night, and countless infantrymen holding bows and spears were coming quickly.

I made a mistake. I was afraid of accidentally killing the emperor and letting him escape. In fact, I should have controlled him as soon as possible. But this is fine. Every time these worshipers hit me, a trace of true energy will come out of the sealed Dantian and merge into the flesh. If I were there

Everyone attacks me with all their strength. I believe it won’t take long for me to recover to the strength of hundreds of thousands of kilograms. By then, I will still be the strongest in the Zhongqian World.

The people here are flesh and blood, and they can fight and escape. Wang Zhuo no longer thinks of it as a game. The heroic spirit of the human tiger and his always calm character create a surge of pride. He meows again and kills several worshipers, and then his figure

Like lightning, smoke and dust flew towards thousands of knights.

The knight at the head had already raised his spear, and when he was about to make contact with Wang Zhuo, the horse under his crotch could not stand Wang Zhuo's murderous intent and was frightened. It raised its front hooves high and whimpered in fear.

Wang Zhuo's expression remained unchanged, he grabbed the horse's hoof and stabbed it into its throat, causing the horse to die instantly. The rider fell down and was crushed to death by his own horse.

Wang Zhuo picked up the knight's spear and pointed the tip of the spear diagonally at the ground, making a tiny scraping sound on the stone slab. He waited for the thousands of knights in front of him to attack.

On the turret in the distance, Qianlong, who was over fifty years old, looked at Wang Zhuo's figure holding a gun alone, and then he spit out blood.

The eunuch beside him hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe him. Emperor Qianlong stretched out his hand to push the eunuch away and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. He knew that the killing god who suddenly appeared was not the kind that could be cut into two pieces with one blow.

Even though he was the only enemy, he still felt that this person had the ability to kill him among thousands of troops. He did not dare to be as disdainful to Wang Zhuo as before, and asked the guards to kill him with murderous intent.

Instead, I remembered what this person said when I first met him.

Could it be that he is really an expert hermit who came to the palace to serve himself?

Wang Zhuo's footsteps at this time were like war drums on the battlefield. Every time he took a step forward and landed, he would let out a loud shout: "Kill."

Each killing cry was louder than the last one, and the sound made when each step landed was also louder. The roar and shouts of killing even drowned out the voices of the knights and infantry. The feeling was like the earth

She also trembled under his steps.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The leader of the Forbidden Army seemed to see the disappointed and angry look of his master behind him. His face turned red as if he had suffered the greatest insult in his life. He asked his subordinates to shout out to increase their power, and then asked the cavalry to speed up and surround him. All the infantry followed closely and made sure to kill him.

Shot on the spot.

The murderous aura of thousands of soldiers made all the hair on Wang Zhuo's body stand up. The tingling sense of crisis on his skin and the expectation of unlimited pleasure merged in Wang Zhuo's body, making his excited muscles tremble.

Cats are elegant hunters who hide in the dark, but once they become mentally ill, they will roar and go up to scratch them to death, no matter how high they are.

"Wha...!" The continuous bow strings pulled down countless sharp arrows and struck Wang Zhuo with sharp winds. Such a huge amount of arrows was no more than a hundred people shot before. Wang Zhuo could not avoid it no matter how superior his five senses were.

His big feet stepped on the ground, and a stone slab as tall as a person was blown up by Wang Zhuo. Before it landed, Wang Zhuo punched it open and blocked it in front of him along the stone mouth. It sounded like a continuous rainstorm in his ears.

The sound of hitting the ground.

The leader of the Forbidden Army sneered, and with a wave of his hand, several soldiers pushed the eight-round red cannon to his side without making any sound.

Even though the combat effectiveness of the Qing soldiers during this period was reduced, they were not as replenished with gunpowder and aim as they were after decades of opium consumption.

After asking the emperor for instructions, the leader saw a sky lantern placed in the sky from a turret in the distance, which was exactly what he meant. The leader looked at the murderous god holding a big gun and standing among the cavalry and infantry as if he was in a deserted place, and rushed

The soldiers beside him nodded.

Wang Zhuo's eyes were red as bright and intense as the sunset, and his originally crystal-white skin turned pale due to his high concentration and bloodthirsty energy. More and more true energy was transformed into power and moved quickly, breaking through the constraints of rules and reaching unprecedented levels.

The strength of the spear in his hand turned into a thousand spear shadows. Although he had never used a spear, both the Tiger King Technique and the magical power of One Stick Raising the Sky contained exquisite spear skills. One shot could kill an outsider.

No one was spared.

The second round of sharp arrows arrived, and Wang Zhuo hid in the stone slab again. The two knights behind Wang Zhuo couldn't help but feel ecstatic when they saw that his back was defenseless. They silently came behind him with their guns and fired with all their strength.

The shadow of the gun flashed.

The situation in front of the two knights suddenly changed. A two-foot-long spear suddenly shot out from Wang Zhuo's left waist. First, one man was swept away, and then the spear head pierced the other man's face.

The knight had no time to take care of his companion who was swept away five or six meters away. He had been frightened out of his mind. In the critical moment, it was too late to figure out how Wang Zhuo changed his moves. The long spear in his hand was locked with Wang Zhuo's big spear, hoping to block the big spear.

When the two spears met, the knight felt the endless power of Wang Zhuo's spear.


Under the metal sparks, the knight's spear was knocked away and stabbed another companion beside him to death, while his own face was deeply pierced by the spear. Wang Zhuo stirred up red, white and yellow bits along the tip of the spear with one hand.

Flowed out.

The leader of the Forbidden Army has stretched out his hand. As long as his hand falls, he believes that the red cannon will definitely blast Wang Zhuo into scum. But at this moment, a horse leaps out from behind the leader. The horse is two meters high. It is the tribute of the barbarians from the outside world.

The emperor's Western horse was only two meters tall. It was late autumn, but it was still wearing a waistcoat. It had thick shoulders and exposed arms. It was strong and strong. It held a cleaver and did not even say hello to the leader. It rode quickly towards Wang Zhuo.

The guards around him were trying to stop this man, but the leader shook his head and said, "Let him go. It's time for me, the best warrior among the Eight Banners, to become famous as the one who can kill a hundred people with his bare hands."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strong man was already in front of Wang Zhuo. His eyes and ears were blindfolded on his horse. This was exactly the precaution he had taken when he saw Wang Zhuo scare the horse and cause the man on top to be crushed to death. With the help of horse power,

With its own strength and gravity, the sword was struck at the head with the sound of wind.


Sparks erupted from the contact between the big spear and the saber. Wang Zhuo took three steps back, each step digging into the ground deep into his ankles. The war horse of the Eight Banners' first warrior stepped back more than ten steps, and finally fell to the ground with a cry.

, the strong man jumped to the ground when the horse fell. He pulled off the war horse's mask with heartache. He saw that his beloved horse was bleeding from all its orifices and had been shocked to death. The strong man roared and turned back to glare at Wang Zhuo.

At this time, all the knights and infantry were restrained from attacking, and they all shouted angrily to cheer for the warriors. I

Wang Zhuo put the big gun on his shoulder and stood there like a god, staring at the warrior for a moment.

The brave man roared angrily, and within ten steps he was about to reach Wang Zhuo with his sword.

"Come die!"

Wang Zhuo's voice overwhelmed the warrior and the entire audience, and the shot was silent and fast as thunder. Before the blade struck, the gun tip had arrived. The warrior was horrified and quickly held the knife in front of his head.

The two weapons made a harsh clang under the raw power of nature.

The warrior took another ten steps back, no matter how hard all the Imperial Guards tried to encourage him, it was useless, and they stood motionless.


About five or six seconds later, the warrior fell to the sky. A little blood redness spread rapidly between his eyebrows, and blood gushed out like spring water. His eyes widened, but there was no trace of life in him anymore. He loosened his grip on the saber, and rolled the sword aside.

It makes a faint collision sound with the ground.

Wang Zhuo stood with a gun, hundreds of corpses lying quietly on the ground beside him, blood seeping through the stone slabs, reflecting a strange red color under the light of the bonfire.

All the voices in the audience were silenced at this moment. The nine thousand cavalry and infantrymen and the leaders of the imperial army, including the emperor who was watching the battle from the corner tower in the distance, looked at Wang Zhuo with eyes full of fear for him.

The Forbidden City is stained with blood, this man is the reincarnation of the devil.

The leader of the Imperial Guard finally couldn't bear it anymore and stretched out his hand to strike down.


The guards around him shouted, and the soldiers and horses surrounding Wang Zhuo fled quickly, and some of the slower ones began to howl miserably.

There was a sound of artillery, and the iron sand shells were wrapped in air currents and poured out like huge waves. The Forbidden Army on both sides who did not avoid it were like trees that were destroyed by it, and their severed limbs were dancing in the sky with blood, covering half of the crescent moon.

When Wang Zhuo heard the sound of the cannon, he knew something was wrong. Without his true energy, he could not defend himself against the cannonballs with his body alone. He quickly backed away and raised his head with a wry smile. These bastards actually fired cannonballs in all directions around him.

"Master, I want to go out!"

Wang Zhuo shouted and opened his eyes wide as he watched the cannonball about to hit his face. Death that he had not experienced for a long time struck again.


Wang Zhuo's body disappeared from the spot, and the shells smashed a deep crater into the ground where he was.

Qianlong in the distant turret smashed the railing angrily and said silently: There is no way the God of Death will come to seek refuge with me. Who can control such a person!?

When Wang Zhuo opened his eyes, he found that he was in his own training room in the Tianling Temple of Erlong Mountain. Bai Jing was holding tea and looking in the direction of Hu Feifei behind the screen, but there was no focus in his eyes and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I wanted to leave and let Duobao come and take care of you, but I didn't expect that your life would be in danger in just half an hour."

Wang Zhuo took off his suit stained with dust and blood in front of Bai Jing, and said with a wry smile: "I forgot that there were artillery in the Qing Dynasty. I was really careless." As he spoke, he found that he originally had 600,000 kilograms when he moved his Dantian.

His strength actually increased.

Bai Jing had no pity for Wang Zhuo's concern for his life, "Generally, monks who obtain the Zhongqian World where the Heavenly Dao flows out use it as a place to hone their Dao heart, or simply experience the local customs. They don't have you.

The bad idea is that it is not enough to regard Shenzhou as your shepherd's bag for collecting luck. You have to add a few more percent. Even if your lucky cat's status is special, it is just a little spirit under the Japanese divine court. Even if you will

Upgrading it to the full level will not be of any benefit to longevity. After you entered, I have been thinking that you must have a supreme magic weapon that can use your luck. You don't need to tell me what magic weapon is so unnatural. I only tell you

You, even if you collect enough luck to help you become an immortal, it is useless. Unless you continue to absorb the luck of immortals in the immortal world, your realm will never make any progress from now on, and you will still die after the five declines of heaven and earth."

Wang Zhuo smiled and said: "Of course not. I have known since I was a child that the shortcut to success is hard work, and the rest are all crooked ways. Even if the master doesn't tell me, I will not put my luck on increasing my cultivation."

"That's good." Bai Jing stood up and threw a jade slip to Wang Zhuo, "There is the use of spiritual consciousness inside. You can go in like you did just now. Someone must look after you outside before you can come out. Remember to adjust the time.

If you dive in just in time for the end of historical time, you'll be dead."

Seeing Bai Jing was about to leave, Wang Zhuo hurriedly said: "Master, there are still a few things I don't understand."

Bai Jing stood still after hearing this and listened to Wang Zhuo: "The first is whether I can bring others or goods in, and the second is whether I can bring out the people or things from Zhongqian World."

"Well, does the kitten want to be a profiteer so soon?" Bai Jing said with a slight smile: "You can bring people and goods in. If you want, you can contact a hundred thousand fully armed troops to go in and unify Australia. The people inside

I definitely can't bring it out. As for the things, I haven't tried them, but you can be covered in blood, so I guess it's about right. Okay, take care of your junior sister, I have to leave beforehand." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature for more novel updates.

Good to update faster!)

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