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Chapter 105 The Land of Eternal Night

Chapter 1013 The Land of Eternal Night

Boluogo and Sere stood in front of the tomb. They were silent. No one spoke to break the silence. There was only the faint sound of breathing in their ears, the breeze stirred the leaves, and the sound of waves.

It's long overdue.

What is Sere thinking about now?

Boluogo tried to figure out Sere's heart. This Night Clan lord had an extremely complex and contradictory mind. Even if his heart was cut out from his chest, he still wouldn't be able to see the truth clearly.

Is Sere reminiscing about every moment between himself and Elsa? Or is he praying to Elsa, longing for some help?

Suddenly, Sere asked, "Bologo, do you think I am a coward?"

"I have no idea."

Boluogo said frankly, "Human nature is complex and multi-faceted. A single word is not enough to describe all of a person, it is too superficial."

Sere asked, "Are you comforting me?"

"That's right," Boluogo said without mercy, "You are the key to the next action. In order to ensure that everything goes smoothly, I need to keep your emotions stable."

"Hey, that's really something Bologg can say."

There was a slight smile on Sere's face, as if he was relieved, and he continued, "Maybe... maybe because I was born undead, I seem to be very slow to many things. Can you understand this?"

"for example?"

"For example, in many things, the biggest difference between Aisha and I is that Aisha was once a human being, a living human being with a soul. She truly felt the beauty of the world and looked directly at the high-hanging blazing sun.

But I am different, Boluo Ge, I am born undead, Night Clan, I have never looked directly at the blazing sun, and I have never lived in a human way... I have also tried to put myself into it, but there are some things

, which cannot be imitated even if you work hard.”

Sere frowned and raised his hand to touch his chest, "It's like I have been lacking something extremely precious since the birth of my life, and at the same time, something like a curse has been imposed on me... deep into my bones.


Boluogo didn't speak. He was thinking about Sere's words like a philosopher. Sere's voice also paused, as if he was trapped in a maze of self-shaping.

Amidst the soothing sound of the waves, time passed by minute by minute until Bologo spoke first to break the silence.

"Are you done confessing?"

Sere asked, "Why is it confession? Couldn't it be prayer?"

Boluogo shook his head disdainfully, "What's the difference between the two?"

Sere grinned, this deliberate smile hanging on his face like a mask. Sere turned around and shouted to the people sunbathing on the beach.

"Everyone! It's time to go!"

Sere took a deep breath and winked at Boluogo, "Returning to your hometown after a long absence is inevitably stressful."

Boluogo didn't respond. He raised his hand and put it on the hilt of the sword. The snake scales slowly squirmed under his clothes. The saw ax had already been unsealed from the suitcase, and it was covered with bandages.

Seal the cloth strip and wrap it around to seal it.

Weier walked over quickly, jumped on Bologo's shoulder, and grabbed his clothes firmly with her claws. After Aimu adjusted his condition, he also strode towards Bologo, and the two faced each other.

They glanced at each other, stretched out their hands to each other, and held each other tightly.

In the golden stream of light, the two figures overlapped completely, and a golden halo rose from the outer edges of Boluogo's pupils.

Palmer rubbed his sleepy eyes. After relaxing from the tense state, people will inevitably become messy. Hinda followed behind Palmer. At this time, she had released her animal friends.

When she came out, the hounds followed her, and the falcon stood on her arm.

From the previous discussion, we learned that Sere cannot use power rashly in the Land of Eternal Night. Once the blood aura of the Night Lord is spread, it will immediately arouse the full vigilance of the disobedient royal court, and even say, it will attract the Night King's


Under the suppression of the bloodline power, Sere had no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation with the Night King, so he could only try to assassinate the Night King through other methods.

Therefore, when Sere is subject to certain restrictions, Xinda, who is good at hunting, is effective. Her animal companions are able to smell the traces of the Night Clan without the need for induction between the Night Clan blood.

"What's its name."

Palmer stroked the hound's furry head. It was several times larger than a regular hound, like a giant wolf.


Palmer repeated doubtfully, "Little Red?"

Xinda said, "Hmm, do you have any opinion on my naming?"


Palmer scratched Xiaohong's chin vigorously and said fondly, "I also have a dog, which is also a cultivated alchemical creature. Its name is Laika."

Time was tight to return to Fengyuan Highlands this time. Palmer had no time to find his beloved pet, and he didn't know what the giant dog was doing while everyone was fighting bloody battles.

"Speaking of which, we all perform our duties, but what about you? What did you do here?"

Xinda moved her eyes away from Palmer and looked at Church, who had no sense of existence.

As a hunter, Xinda is very wary of her colleague who has a thin sense of presence. It seems that as long as she doesn't see Church, Church will completely disappear in front of her eyes, not only visually, but also from the outside.

The memory was peeled off... Xinda realized that Church was also a hunter, and a much more terrifying hunter than she was.


Church still has that indifferent temperament, and I don't know if he will be like this when he gets along with Afia in private.

"Qiu Qi has already greeted me. Once we arrive at the Land of Eternal Night, we don't need to worry about him. He has his own things to do."

Bologg spoke in time to relieve Church. He didn't know exactly what Church was going to do, but thinking about Church's ability to walk in narrow spaces and the suitcase he was carrying, Bologg guessed that Church was also

As a part of assassinating the Night King, the difference is that Church should exist as an insurance mechanism.

There was a burst of clapping, and Sere held an umbrella and stood in the bright sunshine, attracting everyone's attention.

"get ready."

Sere said, took out a key from his pocket, and inserted it into the bare door standing on the beach behind him. This was the door through which the previous people came out.

Turning the lock cylinder and twisting the door handle, Sere opened up a turbid darkness. Different from the squirming winding path before, this time Sere smelled a strong smell of blood... He didn't know if this was an illusion.

At this point, there was nothing to hesitate. Sere showed that deliberate smile again, stepped into the darkness without saying a word, and disappeared.

Boluogo turned back to look at the remaining people and followed closely behind.

The members disappeared into the Winding Path Door one by one, until Church, as the last person, closed the door and closed it. At this point, the restlessness on the island completely calmed down, and time here seemed to have frozen, leaving only

The wind blows the leaves and the waves roll.

Just like many previous long-distance winding paths, after a brief strange feeling and blurred vision, Boluogo's consciousness gradually returned, and the ruins around him came into view.

"Where are we?"

Palmer held on to the wall in pain. He wondered if he had some kind of "allergic" reaction to the winding path. Otherwise, why would he react so violently every time?

Xinda observed the surroundings vigilantly. This team was a new one for her and she needed some time to get used to it. Weier held onto Bologo's clothes tightly and used Bologg as a mount.

Church simply disappeared on the spot. Everyone knew that he had not gone far, he was just no longer observed.

"If I remember correctly, this is a wine cellar and the basement of my house."

Sere opened his mouth and said, the dark dress tightly wrapped his body, covering up all the ether and blood. From the outside, Sere was no different from an ordinary person, and could not detect any extraordinary power.


"But as you can see, this place has become ruins."

Sere smiled bitterly, "After learning of my betrayal, my father ordered my palace to be destroyed, my statues smashed, and my city completely razed to the ground."

Bologo said, "So you hid this secret passage in the ruins."

"Yes, can a place that has been destroyed before be destroyed a second time?"

Sere looked around and found that the place was even more dilapidated than when he left. Many passable roads had been buried under rubble, and several people seemed to be trapped deep underground.

"If I remember correctly, it should be this way."

Sere stood in front of a buried corridor and said, "This will trouble you, Boluogo, but remember to stay hidden. I haven't been back for too long, and I don't know what happened here after the disobedient royal court took over.

What changes have occurred?”

Boluogo complained to Sere, "Then what use do we need a local like you?"

Sere smiled, "At least I'm pretty reliable in other aspects."

Boluogo raised his hand to control the ether, trying hard to keep the ether shielded while controlling the matter along the way, modifying the shape of matter within a small range to avoid causing changes in the outside world and observation by others.

Soon, a narrow passage opened between the ruins. Boluogo walked at the forefront, and the others followed him. After a short advance, Boluogo cut through the heavy masonry, and the dim light fell.

Coming down, the moist and cold air filled my mouth and nose.

Palmer shook his body and muttered in a low voice, "I'm starting to miss the sunshine and beach just now."

"Undetectable external etheric reaction."

Aimu's voice sounded in Bolog's ears. Bolog sniffed hard and said, "Did you smell it? The strong smell of blood."

"Hmm...it doesn't smell like it belongs to the Night Clan, but to ordinary people." Serei squinted his eyes, like a connoisseur of fine wine. "It's so rich, it seems that a certain size of blood people have been formed here.


When the blood people were mentioned, the expressions of everyone present were a little more serious. With the deepening of their understanding of the Night Clan, they all understood what the so-called blood people were, and their feelings towards Sere became complicated. However,

The Night Clan lord obviously had no self-awareness. He turned sideways and walked around Boluo Ge.

Just when Bologo wanted to stop him from being so reckless, Sere had already returned to the surface on the gravel, and the sound of him stretching his waist could be heard from above.

"It's been a long time since we last saw each other. It's even more dilapidated than when I left last time," Sere sighed. "Their hatred for me is so deep."

Boluogo and others emerged from the ruins one after another. Looking up, the sky was covered with thick clouds, like a huge curtain blocking all light. The temperature was humid and cold, and raindrops fell from time to time.

Even the supernatural phenomenon of the Raging Sea cannot completely cut off the sunlight. Boluogo understands that what covers this world is the dark iron curtain. It has been covering this land since the birth of the Land of Eternal Night.

The land of sin allows the remaining Night Clan to survive here.

Similarly, rather than assassinating the Night King, destroying this eternal dark Iron Curtain is the primary goal of Bologger and others.

As long as the blazing midday sun passes through the clouds and warms the land again, Boluogo and others can kill swarms of night tribes without bloodshed and completely purify the land of eternal night.

"The destruction was really thorough, there are no traces of the past left."

Se Lei stopped and walked among the ruins, looking at the dilapidated city while searching for the location of other Night Clan, but after walking for a certain distance, not to mention the Night Clan, not even the Blood People could be seen.


"Oh! That!"

Sere noticed the dark outline in the hazy mist, and the thick blood energy was coming from there along with the air flow. Boluogo followed and spied on the appearance of the building from a distance.

"what is that?"

"I guess they are the ruins of my palace," Sere took a few steps forward, "but it looks like they were transformed into a blood tax station."

Before anyone else could ask questions, Se Lei said first, "Yes, the blood tax station is exactly what you imagined, a... a mandatory blood donation center."

After saying that, Sere laughed hoarsely. He liked this cold joke, but others only felt chills running down their spines.

"I guess they regard this place as a place where blood people are kept in captivity, just like humans keep livestock in captivity..."

"I know, I know, I won't bother you to explain."

Boluogo interrupted Sere's words. Anyone who knows something about the Night Clan knows about the blood people and the blood tax station.

Since Sere returned to this land of eternal night, it was as if he had regained the evil in his heart, and his whole person had taken on a hint of madness.

Xinda let go of her hound, and the giant wolf-like hound sniffed and searched among the ruins. The falcon on her shoulder also silently jumped into the sky, alert to the surrounding movements.

Borlog asked, "Where should we go next?"

"Go to the Blood Tax Station first, see if you can find a few unlucky guys, and ask them about the specific situation here."

Sere pointed forward, and after noticing Boluogo's eyes, he added, "Don't look at me with that look. Finding someone to ask for directions is the most efficient thing, isn't it?"

His voice became serious, "The blood people are an extremely precious resource. Now that all the blood people raised here have disappeared, something big must have happened within the Disobedient Royal Court."

Boluogo asked, "For example?"

"Such as blood sacrifice."

Weier, who was lying on Boluoge, suddenly said, "Thousands of blood sacrifices awaken the sin of wrath."


This chapter has been completed!
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