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Chapter 132 Echoes of War

Chapter 1040 Echoes of War

According to the calculations of scholars, as time goes by, the material world will gradually overlap with the etheric world, and a large amount of ether will be injected into the material world, forming ether vortex points. They will pierce the material world like sharp knives and destroy the world.

The mortal world was riddled with holes until it completely shattered and collapsed, falling into the endless nothingness of the etheric realm.

From a conventional perspective, this must be a doomsday scenario.

Palmer is not a person who is used to overthinking, but because Burlogo is often anxious about the future, he is somewhat influenced by Burlogo, and from time to time he fantasizes about the ending of the world.

One after another, ether vortex points erupted, setting off a series of extraordinary disasters that mortals could not resist. The entire continent fell apart under the ether storm. The ether world was like a hungry monster, feasting on the remains of the material world.

Mountains and rivers collapsed, seawater surged, volcanoes erupted, and clouds and smoke mercilessly engulfed the city. From the Rhine League in the east to the Kogadel Empire in the west, up to the ridges of the mountains, down to the abandoned lands, no one could stay away, and no one could

Pure Land can avoid...

Palmer had watched many disaster movies and cut and pieced together the horrific clips to create a doomsday fantasy in his mind.

Originally, Palmer thought that the end of the world would be like this at most, but now, on the ruins of this desperate royal city, Palmer clearly realized how barren his fantasy was, and how huge the gap between movies and reality was.


First there was thunder and darkness, and then there was fleshy hyphae growing out of the cracks in the bricks. Palmer was not sure what had happened to Borogo, but he was a professional and had nothing to worry about. On the contrary, he had just

Escaped from the wolf's mouth and entered the tiger's den.

"Run quickly!"

Palmer screamed while guiding the strong wind. He and Xinda ran one after another in the collapsing corridor. Behind them, the scarlet hyphae formed a wall of flesh. As they advanced rapidly,

Take the substances along the way into your mouth.

Against such a terrifying existence, conventional attack methods were completely ineffective. The two of them could only avoid its sharp edges and flee blindly in the crumbling palace.

"I don't want to be caught by this damn thing," Palmer almost burst into tears. "I will definitely be chewed into a pulp. Not even a body will be left."

Xinda asked doubtfully, "Can't you be optimistic?"

The two of them still maintain a certain distance from the flesh and blood hyphae, and there are no foreign enemies here. Judging from the physical fitness and ether volume of the power bearer, they can run around the flesh and blood hyphae for a whole day.

"Have no idea!"

Palmer showed the dice in his hand. Each number on each side had a crystal embedded in it. When the light flickered, the crystal on one side had completely dimmed. That was the number that Palmer had just rolled out with great success.

one side.

"I am a very unlucky person, or in other words, very conservative."

Palmer waved his hand, and the surging wind turned into an invisible blade, knocking open the half-open door in front of him.

"In other words, once you get lucky, you will definitely have bad luck!"

The two of them walked through the gate, and suddenly, a dense sizzling sound sounded, as if a group of snakes were surrounding them, swallowing their messages.

Before Palmer could look around, he felt a sticky, stinky smell of blood under his feet. He saw that the fleshy hyphae had completely occupied the space, and the hard wall turned into a soft stomach wall.

The extremely corrosive liquid precipitated from the surface and gathered into puddles.

"Look! That's it!"

As Palmer screamed, he released his secret energy with all his strength. The roaring wind and waves cut through the thick mycelium and blew away the strong acid. He then drew out the thin sword from his waist, and the skirt of the strong wind bloomed behind him.


Xinda realized the horror of Palmer's blow. She slowed down decisively and distanced herself from him. Then heavy ripples covered the tip of the sword. Palmer rushed out quickly, the sound cone in the flesh and blood.

A clear path was drilled out, and after the rumbling sound, several walls in the depth were also smashed through by Palmer.

At the end, Palmer's figure was swaying. He turned around and shouted, "What are you still standing there for?"

Only then did Xinda react. She quickly followed Palmer's footsteps and moved along the path he had split. As soon as she ran past, the hyphae behind her were filled in again.

"Aren't you very strong?" Xinda said.

"Strong? To be honest, after you have experienced a life full of drama like mine, you will also doubt your own abilities!"

As Palmer spoke, he knocked open another wall with his sword. There was no safe space behind the door, but a dense mass of flesh and blood.

"Damn it, have we strayed into their lair?" Palmer complained endlessly, "I said we were going to be in trouble!"

"Shut up!"

Xinda realized that Palmer was indeed very strong, and his luck was also top-notch.

"I'm just used to using words to relieve stress!"

Palmer summoned the storm again, but this time before the storm broke through, the ground beneath their feet began to squirm strangely, the masonry shattered, smelly blood overflowed from the gaps, and it was covered with hairy mycelium.

Before he could avoid it, the hyphae immediately grabbed hold of Palmer's ankle and wrapped around him heavily. The end of the seemingly soft and slender hyphae suddenly became as tough and sharp as a steel needle, burrowing directly under Palmer's skin.

Drilling into the flesh and blood, devouring the flesh and blood.

"Damn it!"

Palmer cut off the hyphae with his sword, but the broken hyphae did not die. They were still fully active, sucking Palmer's blood like leeches.

The ground completely collapsed, and Xinda and Palmer fell into the next level together. The glow of ether suddenly rose, and in the dim light, everything that could be seen was scarlet blood.

"This...are we being eaten?"

Xinda frowned. The ground under her feet, the surrounding walls, and even the ceiling had turned into flesh and blood, turning into slowly wriggling stomach walls, secreting thick acid, and groups of flesh-and-blood hyphae and tentacles extended.

Come out and watch eagerly.

"It looks like this."

Palmer took a deep breath, clutched the lucky dice in one hand, praying that he would be lucky again, and clutched the rapier in the other hand. Even if he was unlucky, he couldn't die without resistance, otherwise it would be too funny.

"It's a pleasure working with you, Cinda," Palmer said.

"I'm very happy too," Xinda nodded while holding the dagger tightly, "although you guys are really weird."


Palmer smiled to himself, "It sounds like a different kind of compliment."

"That's right."

The acid flowed over the shoes, and the corrosion sound continued. Both of them held their breaths, and the aether was ready to go, preparing for the final desperate fight. At this crisis, a vague ringing sound came from behind the flesh and blood stomach wall.

, the sound is getting closer, getting clearer and sharper.

Palmer was confused for a few seconds, and then grabbed Xinda and pulled her over. The next second, high-pitched ether accompanied by a roaring tearing sound traversed the flesh and blood nest. The flesh and blood instantly burst and collapsed, and was beaten into pieces.

The delicate blood mist sprayed on the faces of Palmer and Xinda, leaving behind a large area of ​​dense red dots.

The two of them stood there honestly, like students waiting for the teacher to scold them. But where they had just stood, a cold spear came through the air and was nailed into the ground. The huge impact was not only

It shattered the surrounding flesh and blood, and the terrifying ether was silently vented. Even the hungry hyphae huddled back, not daring to move at all.

Palmer swallowed and looked at the direction in which the spear was coming. It seemed to have penetrated several walls and flesh in one breath, and a hazy light shot out from behind the layers of gaps.

There was a sound of flapping wings, and a falcon glided in from the gap and stepped on Palmer's head very deftly.

When Xinda saw this falcon, she was completely stunned. Obviously, this falcon was Xinda's animal companion. However, the intensity of the actions in the Land of Eternal Night was far beyond her imagination. Later, Xinda simply couldn't

There is no room left to care about them.

"Oh haha, I finally found you two."

The falcon flapped its wings and opened its mouth to speak.


Xinda's expression was completely frozen, and she crowd like a rooster, "Ahhhhhh?"

Damn it, was it an illusion? Or was it some kind of secret power from the enemy? The Falcon actually spoke, and...and its voice sounded so familiar?

"Stop, stop shouting, it's me, me! Wei'er!"

The Falcon stamped its feet anxiously, and stepped on Palmer's head with its sharp claws, making him grimace in pain.


Xinda was a little unable to react. She gestured blankly with the shape of the kitten, and then gestured with its current appearance.

"This is its immortal nature. The will and soul can shuttle between animals. If it dies, it will be replaced by another one," another voice said, "Thankfully you have your animal companion, otherwise in this damn place, Weier would probably

Resurrected as a mouse hiding under the ruins."

The roaring wind came towards us, and the sound became clearer. A tall figure jumped over from behind the gaps, grabbed the spear, and danced it casually a few times. The glorious man's power burst out, sweeping the surrounding flesh and blood into pieces.

Meat paste.

Perhaps too many unexpected things happened today. After seeing Bode's terrifying skeleton body, Xinda's mood was unexpectedly calm, as if she was numb, and she easily accepted the reality.

"A brief introduction, this is Bode, a senior member of our Undead Club," Weier waved her wings, "The statue he is carrying behind his back is another of our members, Scott...

Wait? Scott, what did you bring him here for?"


Bode said and took Scott out from behind. Bode used chains to wrap the statue heavily, and the other end of the chains was wrapped around his hand.

"I just think Scott is very useful...don't you think so? He's so hard, he seems to be able to smash anything."

Weier could already imagine the scene where Bode threw Scott like a meteor hammer, and the enemy's flesh was crushed into pulp by the impact of the statue.

Xinda stood helplessly among these freaks, just hoping that this nightmare would end soon.

Above the piles of ruins, under the Tower of Origin where demons danced wildly.

Boluogo looked at the fighting giants not far away. Their battle was so fierce that every blow tore huge wounds from each other's bodies, spraying tar all over the sky, as if they were each other's blood.


Bologg looked at that scene in horror. The illusory umbilical cord emerged from Bologg's abdomen, twisting and extending in mid-air. Under the close connection with the devil and the influence of the Origin Sin Arms, Bologg almost instinctively understood the game.

The state Zong is in at this moment.

In order to combat the sin of pride without awakening the true sin of wrath, Sai Zong took the power of authority and completely dedicated himself to becoming the scourge of this world of wrath.

A war that never ends, never dies out, never ends.

The battle of eternity.

All the weapons that have ever been born and used in human history are all present on the body of the giant. Like the embodiment of weapons, killing, and war, he is completely distorted into a terrifying posture.

Endless sword slashes, tons of artillery bombardments, and every time there was a confrontation, the giant would chop off large pieces of tar and severed limbs from the other behemoth.

The two collided together slowly, the sword collapsed, and the legs were broken. Sai Zong and Sin of Pride seemed to have lost their physical incarnations. The two huge figures merged together, biting and cutting each other.

In the terrifying posture, the power of evil in this world continues to explode, which is the power of eternal battle.

The loud and distant sound of the horn resounded through the etheric realm, and the invisible hostility spread wantonly. All materials it touched were chopped into pieces by invisible swords. All beings with intelligence who heard the sound of the horn were trapped in a trap.

In a crazy killing state, they fought together without distinguishing between each other.

War, war, war!

Sai Zong's power mercilessly swallowed up everyone, even himself. Even if they did not hold the source of sin weapons, the people present still noticed the unknown anger emerging from the bottom of their hearts, and this anger became more and more intense, almost bursting their chests.

Bologg tried to keep himself awake, but the furious horn kept lingering in his ears, and the saw-axe in his hand was also whispering, trying to make Bologg sacrifice everything he had.

Looking at the others in pain, Sere and Olivia were not feeling well. Even Holt frowned and looked at the Regent with feverish eyes.

Similarly, the Regent was also affected by this force, with sharp fangs exposed from his lips. The Night King behind him was restless. Even though he no longer had a sound mind, he was still affected by this almost instinctive influence.

Boluogo struggled to stay rational and murmured, "No wonder Sai Zong doesn't want Samuel to wake up... Once he wakes up, it will be a catastrophe for the whole world."

From the current point of view, Sai Zong does not have the intuitive lethality of the Night King, but this does not mean that Sai Zong's power is very weak. On the contrary, the power Sai Zong shows now, in Boluogo's opinion, is far more powerful than Sai Zong's.

The Night King is a hundred times more deadly.

No matter how powerful the Night King is, his darkness can swallow swords, lives, and even cities and kingdoms, but this darkness cannot destroy people's will and spirit, nor can it erase the unity of mankind.

But Sai Zong is different. His existence itself is the sound of war, like a huge source of pollution. In Sai Zong's vast domain, all life will be dominated by rage, and there will no longer be any reason.

The Eternal Battle may not be able to destroy an army in one fell swoop, but it has the power to break order. From a fundamental level, it can completely defeat the original system and make the entire society and all human beings, regardless of gender, age, or position,

They plunged into this whirlpool of fighting together.

Boluogo can already predict how the sin of rage has manipulated the course of human history in the past. He doesn't need any conspiracy. He only needs to show his power a little to turn gentle people into hysterics.

His war madness caused the fire of war to crack the earth.

Slaughter and killing.

The two forces of rage and arrogance are entangled with each other, and the endless ether gathers here and is incorporated into the vortex of world destruction.

Boluogo looked away from them with difficulty. As a high-level condenser, he would not fall down so easily. The same was true for everyone present.

Sere suddenly asked, "Bolog, can you still use Light Burn?"


"I remember you told me that you used light to burn and cooperated with the massive ether in the ethereal world to successfully burn the herd-devouring beast to death," Sere continued to ask, "Can you still do it?"

Boluogo vaguely understood what Sere was going to do, and he affirmed, "I can try, but I'm not sure..."

Sere's voice became tougher, "There's nothing uncertain about it. Just answer me, can you or can't you?"

Boluogo hesitated. The reason why he was able to kill the herd-devouring beast before was not only relying on the power of the light and the etheric realm, but also the array system left by King Solomon. After the refraction of the layers of crystals,

Focusing all the light together, it turned into a sharp sword like the blazing sun.

"Yes," Boluogo said with confidence. "Other than yes, what else can I answer?"

"That's good."

Sere smiled at Bologg, but then his smile turned cold and he said solemnly, "I will find a way to hold back the Night King, but you need to find an opportunity to kill him."

Bologg nodded. This was a difficult choice, but it was also the only choice. After successive battles, Bologg was in a very bad state. Coupled with his own rank, he was not strong enough to face the Night King. This time

This battle can only be left to Serre.

No, even if Bologo has the ability to participate in the war, Sere will refuse. This is Sere's revenge and involves his dignity and oath.

Sere held his breath and concentrated. The annihilated bone blade in his hand shattered, and then two brand-new bone blades protruded. Like Boluogo, Sere also suffered from the dual impact of the Eternal Battle and the Origin Sin Armament, but he did not

Excessive restraint of furious desires, but guiding him.

Rage is a double-edged sword, it can make people lose their mind, but it can also give people great power.

It's just that now is not the time to let rage dominate your mind.

There was fire in Sere's eyes, and the power of the Glorious One was ready to be unleashed. At this moment, Olivia suddenly came over and stood with Sere. She held the red dagger and looked like she was advancing and retreating with Sere.


"what are you up to?"

"What else can be done?" Olivia stared at the Night King closely without moving her gaze at all, "This is not only your revenge, but also mine."


Sere wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Olivia, "I can take care of myself...don't forget what my secret power is."

Secret power?

Of course Sere remembers Olivia's secret power. The most outstanding thing about the Shadow of the Curtain is that it has strong concealment and protection. With the free change of etherization, almost no one can kill Olivia with one blow.

Via, and this is the secret power Sere chose for her.

The sound of gurgling water echoed in Sere's mind. It was the sound of the ice between him and Olivia melting. He was not sure whether Olivia had really forgiven him, and whether he really had the so-called

It took a lot of courage, but Sere felt that he must be on the right path.

Holt tore off his tattered shirt and looked at the regent with a serious expression. Holt didn't know what the terrifying force of the two confrontations in the distance was, nor what happened in the royal city. He

He only has eyes for the Regent.

"Have you picked your opponents?"

Holt raised his secret sword and assumed a stabbing stance, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Before he finished speaking, Holt's figure twisted into a blurry shadow. As the youngest and most powerful Glory One, the gap between Sere and him was highlighted at this moment.

The Night King dominates the infinite darkness and raises towering black walls to protect himself and the Tower of Origin. In addition, looking in all directions, more and more darkness rises from under the ruins.

, like a series of dark columns supporting the sky and the earth.

But these darknesses couldn't stop Holt at all. Before they could condense, the darkness was covered by Holt's secret energy and stagnated slowly in mid-air. Holt relied on his own rapidity to move through narrow spaces one by one.

Passed through the gap.

The dark particles spilled into the air and blended with the vast snow dust. The deep world became gray, as if it was covered with a filter.

Olivia turned into a shadow and disappeared into Sere's shadow. Sere followed the gap that Holt slowly made and crossed the defense lines of the black walls.

The Regent stood in front of the Night King, his expression full of disdain and boredom. When he saw Holt attacking him, bursts of smiles actually appeared on his face.

"Yes, that's it, Holt, come on."

The Prince Regent raised the Shadow Blade, eager to try, "Take me away from this damn oath quickly."

Secret Energy·Mirror Realm Duel.

In an instant, the Prince Regent and Holt disappeared from the same spot. Without the cover of the two of them, there was no longer any obstruction between Sere and the Night King.

Boluogo watched their running and fighting from a distance, while he himself was accumulating strength on the spot.

"It's the last chance..."

Boluogo closed his eyes. When he opened them again, hot light filled his pupils, and thousands of ethers around him were summoned by him.

Ether siphons, regains its strength.


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