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Chapter 50 Burning

Before embarking on the journey, Bologo had sketched in his mind the tragic scenes of the battlefields of the Kogadel Empire. However, no matter how much he fantasized, Bologo could not have imagined that the kingdom of jelly would evolve into this shocking scene in front of him.

A chilling sight.

The entire land has been given a forbidden life, twisted and weird, and every inch of soil seems to be soaked in blood, exuding a disgusting stench.

Under the surface, underground rivers surge. It is not clear water, but thick blood. They travel silently underground, nourishing countless evil creatures on this land, causing them to continuously flow from the Scarlet Land.

Born out of.

Even though Boluogo had used the eyes of a canary to peer into this blood-stained land from a distance, he could only understand this place when he actually stood here and personally felt the rich smell of blood in the air.

of cruelty and madness.


This word echoed in Boluogo's mind. It was not just a description or metaphor, but the most direct and true description of the scene in front of him.

Looking around, there are crazy war scenes everywhere, with flames and gunpowder smoke intertwined. There is no trace of pure land on this land, and every inch of the land has been trampled to pieces by the iron hooves of war.

Xilin's figure stands in mid-air, like an immortal god, exuding a majestic and majestic aura.

With five fingers waving lightly, Xilin is like a conductor of an orchestra, leading a shocking symphony. The secret swords controlled by him shuttle flexibly through the earth like snakes, cutting, tearing, and tearing flesh and blood.

The melted earth has opened deep scars.

Hundreds of flesh-and-blood creations disintegrated and were destroyed in front of this force. They appeared fragile and were easily cut off by the secret sword, turning into a mess of ruins with blood mist surging.

But within a moment, these dead flesh and blood merged into the earth bit by bit, disappearing as if they had been swallowed by the land.

The intense heartbeat sounded from the ground.

When the scarlet arms dug through the soil and crawled out of the graves again, these monsters killed by Xilin were bred once again, endlessly.

Xilin has long been accustomed to the tenacious vitality of these monsters. Without any pause, the massive ether rolled and roared in his alchemy matrix, once again bursting out with the mighty power of the gods.

The earth trembled painfully.

Secret Energy·Kingdom Territory.

The soil layer on the surface was like an iron sheet lifted up by a huge force. One corner was forcefully lifted open, and then the entire land was torn apart and lifted up, like an island floating in the sky.

A piece of earth weighing hundreds of tons rose high, with countless flesh and blood creations wrapped in it. Xilin calmly threw it out again, throwing these ruins into the vast sea of ​​​​fire under the mountain.

Fireworks disturbed, blood exploded, and under the continuous bloody battles, the entire mountain peak became pitted and broken, like a rickety ship that was about to completely disintegrate in the storm.

When the explosive heat waves passed over Boluogo's cheeks and burned his skin, he seemed to have come to his senses and took a few steps forward.

The ground suddenly became soft and crawling, as if something was struggling underground and trying to get out.

Boluogo noticed it, but ignored it. Then, a ferocious head suddenly emerged from the ground, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, and bit directly at Boluogo's ankle.

Just when the monster's blood mouth was about to touch Boluogo's ankle, an invisible force burst out instantly, like an indestructible wall of annihilation.

The manic ether invaded the monster's body mercilessly, ruthlessly destroying every cell in its body and cutting off every nerve.

In an instant, the monster's ferocious head began to squirm violently, as if it was suffering unbearable pain. The flesh and blood on the surface quickly withered and fell off, revealing the rotten tissue inside. The necrotic cells continued to gather, forming a gray dust that floated around.

in the air.

As the ether continued to erode, the monster's head was broken layer by layer, finally revealing its white skull.

The skull aged rapidly, as if it had experienced thousands of years of weathering, and was covered with cracks and holes. Then, the skull could not withstand this powerful force, and began to collapse and shatter, turning into fine dust together with the flesh and blood.

Within a few seconds, the monster completely disappeared in the blazing wind, leaving not even a trace behind. Boluogo still looked ahead and moved forward firmly, as if he had just crushed a dry leaf.


"Palmer, help them hold on to their Reality Anchor."

Boluogo spoke, his voice devoid of any emotion, as cold as a piece of metal condensed with dew.

Palmer behind him nodded stiffly, his face turned red by the burning flames and blood. He looked back at the way the two came from. The anchor of reality was nailed in place, and the gap between the two worlds seemed to be solidified.

Standing in place like lightning.

Xilin has been besieged for some time, and it is hard to imagine what kind of cruel fighting he has experienced during these days.

Palmer briefly searched around. Except for Boluogo and Xilin, he couldn't see anyone else on this broken mountain peak. He didn't know whether the King's Shield Guards had evacuated or were still there.

Die in this bloody hell.

"Huh... calm down, Palmer," Palmer said to himself, "just protect the real anchor."

Wisps of breeze wrapped around Palmer's side. Gradually, the airflow became stronger and erupted into a sharp whistling sound, as if countless birds were circling around Palmer and singing in unison.

The fragile ground began to squirm again, but this time the flesh-and-blood creature had just emerged from the ground when a high-pitched and harsh sound came to its side.

As smooth as a hot knife cutting through a block of butter, the head of the flesh-and-blood creation rose directly into the air, and the protruding limbs were smashed into pieces. The broken flesh fragments were scattered on the ground, and then seeped back into the ground like rain.

Palmer's face was livid, he clenched the dagger and rapier in his hands, and his field expanded little by little, bringing all the surrounding territory into his attack range.

There is no need for Palmer to use his sword, those roaring wind blades are enough to kill the monsters from hell.

Devoting himself wholeheartedly, Palmer suppressed his breathing, and his whole body was as tight as a fully drawn bow string. Under his vigilance, one monster after another sprung out like bamboo shoots, and then they were all reduced to blood.


With high vigilance, Palmer suddenly noticed a faint sound of breathing coming from not far away. He suddenly looked in the direction of the breathing sound, and a crisp iron whistle sounded.

In the flickering firelight, a scarred Silver Knight appeared in front of Palmer's eyes. It stopped in place, and there was a deep dent in the breastplate, which was just cut by the Wind Blade.

Blow scars.

After being promoted to a defender, Palmer's various abilities have been greatly improved, and his aggressiveness has become more terrifying. The wind blade not only stopped the Silver Knight's pace, but also penetrated its breastplate.

Deep in that narrow indentation, you can see the darkness behind it.

"Silver Knight?"

Palmer was a little surprised and did not continue to attack the Silver Knight.

Once upon a time, the Silver Knight was Palmer's opponent, but now it has become his ally, assisting Xilin in his quest for revenge on the throne, and... to save the world.

However, what Palmer found a little strange was that what was exposed under the crack in the breastplate was not a complex mechanical internal structure, but a dark cavity.

The Silver Knight stumbled towards Palmer. It looked extremely tired. After stumbling, it knelt down clumsily beside Palmer.

Palmer heard the breathing hidden under the armor.

The Silver Knight said, "I remember your name is Pa...Palmer, right?"

Palmer took a step back, became extra alert, and whispered, "Long time no see, seat three."

"Ha ha."

A desolate laughter sounded from under the breastplate. The silver knight raised his chest with difficulty, and a large amount of exhaust gas overflowed from it, carrying a fishy smell.

This move seemed to make the Silver Knight feel a lot better. It stood up straight unsteadily and raised the blade full of gaps and cracks. No one knew what kind of battle this sword had gone through before it became strong.

Chop it like this.

"What the hell are you?"

Palmer wondered curiously. In the past, his rank was not high and his perception of ether was very slow. But now that he has become a defender, many vague things have become clear, such as the third seat itself.

Through the awareness of the weak air flow, Palmer was able to determine that there was actually a vague breathing sound coming from the Silver Knight's breastplate, as if there was some kind of different kind of creature living under the armor, and that was the third seat.


"You won't like it."

The third officer declined Palmer politely, but Palmer still observed as he spoke. Under the crack in the breastplate, a bloodshot eyeball flashed and glanced at him.

Palmer didn't say anything more, but asked, "Are you the only one left among the King's shield guards?"

"I guess so."

The third person answered vaguely, his voice a little confused, "Many people died, and many others evacuated... This is the battlefield of gods and demons. They can't change anything by staying here, they just increase the casualties."


Palmer murmured, "Is that so?"

The third person didn't say much, but Palmer could already feel the cruelty of the war from these few words.

Under the leadership of Xi Lin, the Shield Guards of the King once launched rebellions in several provinces and attacked in front of the Pillar of Royal Power. If the country of jelly had not blocked their progress, Xi Lin might have already reached the throne.

It's hard to imagine what they have been through during this time.

"Our job is to keep it, right?"

The third seat glanced at the Reality Anchor, and the flashing bright light illuminated his field of vision in a blazing white.

"Oh? Then this job is quite simple."

As the third seat spoke, he waved the sword in his hand and struck the ground on one side accurately. The ether shook, and there were waves of whimpering sounds from under the surface. The monsters were shaken by the third seat before they could crawl out of the ground.

Died in the soil.

He aroused his etheric reaction to his heart's content, and his strength increased steadily, like a rising flame, and finally stopped at the defender's level.

A faint sigh sounded from the cracks in the breastplate, and the third seat complained, "I have tried to be promoted to the Glorious One."

"Then what?"

Palmer channeled the hurricane, and the converging air currents whipped up wildfires into deadly firespouts.

"Then? There is no then," the third seat's voice was full of helplessness and bitterness, "You can also notice that I am obviously very different from ordinary people, and this congenital defect limits me."

"It's nothing."

Palmer vaguely guessed and agreed calmly. They were once mortal enemies, but now they stand together.

Now, Palmer somewhat understood the grandeur and insignificance described by Bologna. In front of this world-destroying powerful enemy, all the hatreds in the past disappeared.


Palmer shouted a warning.

The ground beneath the two of them shook violently. Under the long-term siege, the entire Red Peak had been completely transformed into flesh and blood by the corrosion of the kingdom of coagulation.

Violent earthquakes tore through the earth, and with deafening roars, countless flesh-and-blood creations crazily emerged from the cracked gaps. They were similar in size to humans, and their numbers were as large as an ox's hair, densely covering the entire field of vision.

When Palmer witnessed this horrific scene, he felt an indescribable shock in his heart. They roared and roared with a disgusting stench, as if they were going to swallow everything up.

What shocked Palmer even more was that among this endless tide of monsters, there were actually several giant worms that emerged. Their bodies were so huge that they were like mountains of flesh wriggling, and every inch of their skin was full of twists.

and evil.

"We call those bugs tunnel-digging bugs," a voice from the third seat sounded from the side. "Although they are huge and terrifying, they are actually nothing powerful. Their only use is to dig roads deep underground and assist in the process of slurry."

The country is just spreading it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the third tiger jumped into the cracked gap. The defender's power exploded, and he swung the broken sword in his hand and split a giant worm in half with one strike, causing thick blood to fly.

Soon, Palmer could no longer see the figure of the third seat, but he could detect the etheric reaction of the third seat and the sweet sound of metal tearing flesh.

The third seat went to attack those tunneling insects. Palmer stayed alone on the ground, guarding the real anchor. Boundless flesh and blood creations emerged. Palmer did not hold back and detonated his own weapon with all his strength.

The ether is roaring and boiling, constantly resonating with the infinite ether that is vented from the etheric realm after being anchored in the real world.

Condensate, stir, gather, burst out!

Palmer's alchemical matrix was operating at its limit, and the field expanded to the extreme. The secret energy surged like a flood, without any reservation, and exploded in full force.

Secret Energy·Wind Passes!

Palmer shouted lowly, and in an instant, countless wind blades gathered together, intertwined and merged with each other, turning into deadly cyclones.

Driven by the excitement of the ether, these cyclones rapidly expanded and became manic, rising like giant dragons and turning into tornadoes that supported the heaven and earth.

Countless flesh and blood creatures roared and screamed, swarming towards Palmer. However, before they could get close to Palmer, they were swept into the tornado by the strong wind.

Like falling into a meat grinder, these flesh and blood creations were strangled crazily by the overlapping wind blades in the tornado, and instantly turned into pieces of delicate meat, splashing in the air.

The scarlet mist rose up, but quickly dissipated under the strong wind.

Dozens of tornadoes raged past, invincible, passing through the mountains and forests, rolling up the clumps of wildfires and throwing seas of fire into the air.

Countless ferocious figures struggled and cried in the strong wind, but were ruthlessly overturned and thrown away. Burning corpses fell from the sky like raindrops, crackling on the ground, and were torn apart, which was too horrible to see.

Palmer stood in the wind, with the light of the alchemical matrix flowing around him. The terrifying wind field perfectly defended the anchor of the real world and maintained the stability of the passage between the two worlds.

At the same time, a terrifying ether reaction erupted from the front.

In the vast sea of ​​​​fire that stretched for several miles, Boluoge picked up his sword and axe, and stepped on one cyclone after another to reach Xilin's side.

Xilin was still happy to overturn the earth, lift up the terrifying floating islands, and smash them into the sea of ​​​​fire ahead. Seeing Boluo Ge coming in person, his face was filled with an evil smile.

Before Xilin could say anything, on the other side of the sea of ​​​​fire, the Glory Ones, who were eyeing eagerly, stepped forward, and the roaring ether rolled up a heat wave and came towards them.

Bologo calmly slashed out his resentful bite, and the high concentration of ether was wrapped in the blade, turning into a fatal ether impact, colliding with the heat wave, causing shock waves to hit the burning earth.

"Why do so many Glorious Ones appear in the King's Secret Sword again?"

Boluogo looked at the glorious ones approaching step by step in front of him, his voice was cold.

"They are not from the King's Secret Sword...at least not originally."

Xilin answered slowly and threw out another giant floating island in his hand. The shadow that covered the sky and sun enveloped the two glorious ones, and then they were shattered into countless pieces in a burst of etheric riots.

The rocks hit the ground with a clatter.

"During this period, I fought with them many times and successfully killed a Glory One. His alchemy matrix seemed a bit old and did not seem to belong to our era."

Xilin moved his wrist while recalling the details of the battle.

Lifting a huge boulder, he threw it at the approaching Glorious Ones. As soon as the shadow of the huge island covered the two of them, it was torn into pieces by the manic ether. Countless falling rocks fell like meteors, causing continuous shocks.

The sound echoed in the night.

This attack method is quite effective against those large-scale flesh and blood creations, but it can only cause some shock to the Glorious Ones, but cannot bring substantial damage.

Xilin stopped this futile attack, spread his palms, as if summoning something, and at the same time, he continued.

"I guess they may be debtors collected by Beelzebub over the long years, just like those guys in the Immortal Club. So, theoretically, they should belong to the Orangutan Sect..."

Xilin's voice suddenly stopped, and he smiled helplessly, "Forget it, it's time like this, what about the Orang Fu Sect and the King's Secret Sword? Anyway, kill them all, and the problem will be solved.


Boluogo nodded slightly to express his approval. In the final analysis, whether it was the King's Secret Sword or the Orangutan Sect, they were all Beelzebub's pawns.

A loud and sharp sound came from a distance, and Boluogo immediately looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a burning fireball quickly approaching the two of them.

When the bolide approached Xilin, he grabbed the blazing fire. The flames weakened slightly in Xilin's hands, and a burning fire sword appeared.

The Supreme Secret Sword: The Sword of Core Flame.

Xilin glanced at Boluogo provocatively, but Boluogo showed no sign of weakness. The swords and axes in his hands intersected rapidly, and sparks burst out from the harsh iron sound, flashing with dangerous light.

The sparks were fleeting, and during this brief intersection, the blazing fire on the ax blade and the sword's edge burst out. The blazing fire spread crazily, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the air, forming heat waves that were suffocating.

Bologo glanced back at Xilin, stepped on the condensed cyclone, stepped across the burning sea of ​​fire, and drew his sword towards the rushing Glory Ones.

This chapter has been completed!
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