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Chapter 62 A desperate struggle

The crowned one.

This highest level, which only exists in theoretical conceptions, has always been pursued by scholars to explore the boundless supreme realm. It is regarded as the ultimate manifestation of the power of the condenser. Its depth and mystery even make the devils obsessed with it.

Compete with each other.

The highest, the holy crown.

Only by wearing this heavy crown can we truly break through the critical point and get rid of the power system originating from aliens, and then free our individual will from the constraints and gain true freedom and liberation.

Once upon a time, this power was regarded as an unattainable and crazy fantasy, but now, it is truly unfolding before the eyes of the world.

The crowned person does not even need to exert any power, he just stands there quietly, and the weak power naturally revealed around him is enough to make everything around him feel suffocatingly heavy and oppressive.

"Power... pure power."

Sick, intoxicated voices echoed, accompanied by a burst of sinister laughter and the sound of heavy footsteps.

Every rise and fall of the sound made the broken ground tremble slightly, until the abominable figure walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire, showing all of him to the world without reservation, that grotesque and perfect posture.

Seeing the appearance of that figure, Boluogo couldn't help but hold his breath.

Today, Servais is no longer the shriveled and skinny appearance he had before. With the restriction of the One of Ten Thousands, the kingdom of slurry has fully recovered, and a steady stream of blood rich in the philosopher's stone is pouring into his body.

That is the blood full of golden soul.

The golden blood was injected into Servais' body, like a miracle. He seemed to have regained his youth, and his body expanded into a giant under the complex etherification.

The remains of the secret sword guided by Xilin are now deeply embedded in Servais's body. They are like evil centipedes, twisting and clinging to his flesh and blood, and they are like entangled vines between each other, completely enveloping him.


Previously, these sharp blades could easily cut Servais and tear his skin, but now, they are closely connected with his flesh and blood and integrated into one.

Covered by layers of intertwined sword blades, Servais seemed to be wearing a pair of rugged blade armor, with every edge shining with a deadly cold light, making people shudder.

Servais moved forward slowly, each step accompanied by the rustling sound of blade armor rubbing against each other, sparks flying, as if playing a terrifying symphony for his arrival.

His shoulders and back were filled with sharp swords. These swords were arranged in an orderly manner, as if he was carrying a heavy weapon rack on his back, or like a monster being besieged by countless hunters.

The spear and arrow feathers show wildness and ferocity.

The golden mask worn on Servais' face is now strangely and completely integrated with his face.

As his flesh and blood revived and expanded, the once brilliant and shining mask seemed to have been cursed by darkness and was shattered in all directions. Each fragment was like dried and broken soil, weakly attached to his face, reflecting his current situation.

The ferociousness and terror.

The original crown on top of his head had long since shattered and disappeared, replaced by a light-cast crown made of bundles of brilliant golden rays of light.

The diadem hung above Servais's head, and the light overflowed, surging like a golden torrent, illuminating Servais' current ferocious face and terrifying body.

Just as Servais said, in this supreme transformation, he has become the incarnation of the empire, but this empire is not the Kogadel Empire, but... the country of gel.


Servais shouted in a loud voice, clear ripples appeared in his voice, and spread out like a shock wave.

Xilin stood firmly in place, without wavering at all, but his eyes showed an unprecedented sense of solemnity, and his throat became a little dry, as if he was in a hot hell.

"Oh, and you, Boluogo."

Servais then looked at Bologg who was standing aside. Bologg also looked prepared. He had fought against many Glorious Ones and Devils, but this was the first time he faced the Crowned One.

"Do you want to continue? Everyone."

Servais smiled, and the gold inlaid on his face changed with the muscles, as if molten gold was poured on Servais's skin wantonly, and then cooled and solidified in the outline of his face, presenting a picture of both.

A weird and gorgeous gesture.

"The Crowned One...the Most High Crowned One."

Boluogo did not immediately respond to Servais's words, but mumbled a few words to himself.

Unlike Xilin, who had almost zero understanding of the existence of the Crowned One, Bologo roughly understood the meaning of the existence of the Crowned One from Leviathan... Hill.

The crowned ones are on the same level as the devils. The only difference is that the crowned ones do not have authority and original sin.

Thinking of this, Boluogo laughed self-deprecatingly. Even without authority and original sin, the crowned person is still an overwhelming presence to the glorious one.

Just like the Glorious One can kill the Glorious One, but it will never have any impact on the devil, the gap between the two is the grand boundary between the mortal and the extraordinary.

But... there is no hope of victory.

Since the previous attack by the One Thousand Ones on the Kingdom of Gel could interrupt Servais' coronation ceremony, then destroying the Kingdom of Gel may make Servais fall from the rank of crowned one.

After all, the way for Servais to become the crowned one is through the huge golden soul. Once the soul is exhausted, no one knows what the result will be.

Thinking of this, Boluogo was the first to respond, "I haven't killed the crowned one yet."

Before he finished speaking, Boluogo's own alchemical matrix seemed to turn into a bottomless black hole, roughly plundering the high-concentration ether around him, pouring them all into the ether, forcibly filling up his missing power.

Amidst the sharp sting caused by the etheric siphon, Bologo said sharply.

"You can be the first!"

The power of the Glory One soared and flew away. Boluogo's figure twisted and changed under the influence of this power, and disappeared in an instant, leaving only the air blasting sound caused by the high-speed movement in the empty duel field.


At the same time, Xilin was not to be outdone. The power of control he controlled once again turned into an invisible storm, sweeping across the entire duel field indiscriminately, further controlling, recruiting, and turning the already crumbling buildings and venues into his own.


Large swaths of masonry and flesh were lifted up under Xilin's will, intertwined and fused in mid-air, and formed into a deformed sword tens of meters long.

The great sword was dripping with blood and swaying with countless tentacles, as if it were a demonic soldier summoned from the abyss of hell.

Xilin used all his strength to drive the deformed sword to hit Servais with a thunderous force. The huge sword shadow flashed past, like a meteorite falling from the sky, and headed towards Servais with the momentum of destroying everything.


Facing this shocking blow, Servais seemed unusually calm. He stood on the spot, neither hiding nor evading. He just raised his hand and mobilized the pure ether in his body.

The supreme power of the crowned one stirs and surges freely in the alchemical matrix. If the glorious one is a patch of lake, then he is an angry ocean.

In an instant, the high-concentration ether torrent was as dazzling as the gushing sun. The pure energy brought pure destructive power. Its energy level was so powerful that it easily broke through the boundary of reality and turned into a dazzling light.

The white light completely covered the deformed sword.

In this bright light that was difficult to see directly, Xilin did not hear any explosion sounds.

Apart from the raging wind, the only thing that could be distinguished was the sizzling sound produced when matter was corroded, echoing in the ears. The sound seemed to be a strange piece of music from another world, which made people shudder.

After the light faded, the huge, deformed sword had long since disappeared without a trace, leaving only red-hot ashes falling in the air, dotting the entire duel field like gray snowflakes.

Servais stood among the gray snowflakes, as if surrounded by crows, with a contemptuous smile on his broken golden face, as if he was mocking Xilin's incompetence.

He was right to laugh. At this moment, Xilin was indeed an incompetent guy.

Xilin's tendency is to be extremely broad-minded, so he can easily mobilize thousands of troops, or use that suffocating field to mercilessly compress one enemy after another into a ball of scarlet rotten flesh.

Under this absolute power, Xilin is the overlord in the true sense, but when he faces an enemy who is evenly matched or even stronger than him, Xilin's power becomes mediocre.

Conventional control objects cannot harm Servis at all. In terms of ether hedging, Xilin, as the Glory One, obviously cannot compete with Servis as the crowned one, let alone use the field to launch attacks.

Servais said, "I can smell the fear and despair in you... just like your father back then."

Xilin's eyes suddenly froze, and he stared at Servais with a livid expression. Servais calmly pulled out a crooked sword blade from his back. The blade was attached to the ether, and the gap was filled with surging energy.

Fill, as if the physical blade and the etheric sword overlap together, as if it can easily cut through the hard rock.

"Do you know what he was saying before he died?"

Servais smiled ferociously, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly slashed sharply to one side, followed by the sound of a galloping explosion approaching.

He predicted the trajectory of Boluogo's attack and accurately intercepted him. Boluogo failed to attack and killed him, so he could only use his sword and ax to face the enemy.

There was a fierce collision between metal and metal, and dazzling sparks splashed and flickered.

"Oh, actually I can't remember exactly what he said."

While Servais was talking to himself, he swung his sword with one hand and suppressed Boluogo with the force of a rock, making him unable to move.

Boluogo tried to use the infinite sharpness to break through Servais's defense again, but this time, Servais was already prepared, and the ether collided together, causing ripples of distortion.

Servais laughed wildly and suddenly raised the blade of his sword, "Anyway, everyone's words before death have almost the same meaning."

Boluogo just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had a chance to breathe, but the blade instantly adjusted its position and struck down fiercely again.

The blades collided again, with a deafening sound. Although Boluogo's sword and ax did not break, his hands holding the sword and ax bent strangely under the impact of this huge force.

Boluogo felt that his bones were broken and his internal organs seemed to have been shattered. A fishy-sweet smell surged out of his throat, causing a sense of suffocation.

Taking a step back, Boluogo tried hard to stabilize his body that was about to fall, and then quickly activated the gift of the Axis of Time in an attempt to restore his broken hands.

Before his hands could fully recover, Servais's voice sounded again.

"They are all saying, I don't want to die, please spare me, I want to live..."

The words were like a vicious curse, echoing in Bolog's ears. He raised his head in a daze and saw Servais calmly taking off another rough sword blade from his back.

Although Servais's movements were not very fast, every inch of his movement was clearly reflected in Boluogo's eyes. Even though he could see so clearly, he still could not avoid the fatal blow.

The sharp blade penetrated Boluogo's chest without any hindrance, completely piercing his body.

Due to the height difference, Servais directly lifted the sword blade and lifted Boluogo high. Blood flowed along the blade and fell to the ground in drops, staining a large area red.

"Look, no matter how great a hero is, he will panic like a child when facing the cruel end of death."

Servais's voice became deeper, as if he was mocking everyone involved in this deadly fight, or as if he was justifying his own cowardice.

The heavy field collapsed from all directions. Xilin's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He manically launched a series of attacks on Servais. The invisible force was like a heavy hammer, beating him repeatedly, but it was difficult to shake his figure.

Every bit.

Servais stood like a god, with blue arcs of electricity dancing around him... That was not an arc, but a crack in the ether that was constantly breaking and healing.

His power is too heavy for the material world. As long as it explodes slightly, it can easily crush reality.

"Cowardice is cowardice. You talk a lot of nonsense!"

The sound of curses was accompanied by the cold light from the sword tip, and within seconds, Boluogo's hands had miraculously healed.

He did not choose to break away from the sword blade that penetrated his chest, but with a decisive gesture, he raised the sword and ax in his hand again, gathered all his strength, and slammed it down towards Servais.

Servais's eyes were burning with brilliant golden flames. He stared at Bologg, and a deep chill rose from the bottom of Bologg's heart and quickly spread throughout his body.

In the face of this inexplicable force, Boluogo suddenly found himself unable to move, as if he was tightly bound by invisible shackles.

Waves of unbearable pain erupted from his body. Boluogo watched helplessly as his skin began to appear strange bulges, as if some kind of terrible life force was crawling. They drilled out from under the skin, and dense patches of granulation went crazy.

The ground grew and spread, swallowing up Boluogo's entire arm at an alarming rate.

These are the blood seeds left in Bologo's body by the Blood Crystal Sword. Inspired by Servais's power, they were instantly detonated. Groups of granulations were like parasites, wreaking havoc and tearing apart Bologo's body.

Touching his body.

In the blink of an eye, most of Boluogo's body was stained red with blood, and pain and anger were intertwined in his heart.

Boluogo was not knocked down by the pain, but relied on the uncontrollable anger in his heart to resolutely wield the bite in his hand and completely cut off his entire mutated arm.

The severed limb flew out with blood, and the saw ax held tightly in his hand hit the ground heavily, and the ax blade was deeply embedded in the hard earth and stone.

Servais twisted the blade. As the crowned one, he had power beyond imagination.

The blade just turned in a circle on Boluoge's chest, smashing the flesh and bones, forming a bloody hole. Then the blade suddenly pulled outwards, tearing Boluogo's body into pieces.


The intense pain made Boluogo's consciousness blur. He was thrown out heavily and fell to the ground, with blood gurgling out.

Under the etheric suppression of the Crowned One, of all Bolog's own defenses, only Moment Soul Critical could hold on for a while, while other lines of defense would be easily penetrated.

Boluogo struggled a few times. He tried to stand up, but his body seemed to be out of control and he couldn't move.

Servais held both swords and strode towards Boluogo. Xilin repeatedly launched attacks on one side, but it never had much impact on him.

The light of the scarlet cross appeared repeatedly, and Xilin tried to buy some time for Boluogo, but Servais seemed to be able to detect their intentions and see the trajectory of each slash clearly.

Xilin's violent and violent offensive was resolved one by one under the slashes of the two swords. It was even said that Servais still had the energy to fight back. He thrust his sword into the scarlet cross that had not yet been closed, and the sword blade passed through the barrier of space.

, and cut open Xilin’s abdomen.

After another scarlet cross flashed, Xilin knelt down not far away, holding a sword in one hand and covering the wound on his abdomen with the other.

Xilin could feel that Servais was fully capable of inflicting serious injuries on himself, but he seemed to be teasing himself... He not only wanted to kill himself, but also wanted to defeat his own mind.

The Crowned One... This supreme power is like a throne made of steel. No matter how much you slash it with your sword, it will only leave mottled scratches.

Servais glanced at Xilin, then he raised his sword and walked towards Boluogo.

The coercion of the crowned one spread without reservation, and the high-concentration ether flow ruthlessly hit all the materials it touched, forming a realm of death around Servais.

Boluogo tried hard to lift his body. He knew very well that once he was hit by the crowned person with all his strength, not only his body would collapse, but perhaps even the alchemy matrix would be severely damaged.

In the past, such horrific injuries were not a big problem for Boluogo. After all, he was an immortal and would always come back.

But things are different now. Once he dies in the hands of the crowned one and is killed by this supreme power of the same level as the devil, Boluogo may really be erased and immortal... Even if he is not erased and immortal, according to the time

If the power of the Axis of Tracing wants to reshape and resurrect itself, it will take an extremely long time.

After the long period of waiting for resurrection, perhaps everything in the material world has long been wiped out.

You can't fall down, at least you can't fall down here.

Boluogo stretched out his broken arm with difficulty, and the strap of the saw ax penetrated into his flesh and blood, clinging to the bones. Although the arm was broken, the bloody connection remained, like a slender line, connecting

Borogo is connected to the Sawaxe.

Blessing and dedication to fighting.

An engine-like roar erupted from Boluogo's body, and dense jagged blades grew under the cracked and damaged wounds. The body that should have fallen stood up again strangely under the control of this violent force, scarlet red.

The leather straps quickly contracted, and the saw-axe rose into the air and landed steadily in front of Boluogo, entangled with his bones that pierced his flesh and blood.

Although the sin of wrath has disappeared, it is the will that has disappeared, not the power. This original sin still exists in the world and is controlled by Hill.

Seeing Bologo's shaky figure standing up again, Servais quickly approached. His offensive was not fancy, just simple slashing and piercing. But it was such an ordinary attack, with the blessing of the power of the crowned one.

But it can open up the world.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed, and Boluogo tried to take a few steps back to distance himself. In his current state, facing Servais again, he had no chance of winning.

Seeing Boluogo in a desperate situation, Xilin in the distance hit the pillar of royal power at his feet without hesitation.

With rounds of violent shocks, the duel arena collapsed piece by piece and collapsed downwards. Under another violent blow from Xilin, the entire ground completely collapsed, and the collapse quickly spread to the two of them.

The soles of Servais's feet suddenly became empty, and his figure swayed, falling directly towards the endless darkness below. The spreading crack suddenly stopped in front of Boluogo, and was precisely controlled by Xilin.

At this critical moment, the radiance of the ether suddenly erupted. Servais jumped high from the shattered crack, and the sword blade in his hand suddenly fell like a guillotine with a sharp sound of breaking wind.

Boluogo knew that this trick would not be able to delay Servais, but he did not expect that the opponent's speed was so fast, with almost no delay.

The shiny blade of the sword reflected Bologg's enlarging face. Bologg knew that he would never be able to block the blow, but he still stubbornly picked up the sword and axe and made this last fight.

At this critical moment, a sharp whistling sound came from his side. Bologg glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a cyan trajectory speeding towards him at an alarming speed.

That's Palmer! At this critical moment, the roar of the sonic boom echoed through the sky, and at his limit, his speed was actually a few points faster than Servais.

"Damn it!"

Bologg exclaimed in his heart. Ever since the battle with Servais began, Palmer has been wandering around the edge of the battlefield, harassing the Silent Ones.

In Burlogo's view, Palmer should continue his work rather than get involved in this battle with the crowned one. In this confrontation of supreme power, even the glorious one can hardly protect himself, let alone him.

The keeper.

However, Palmer still rushed forward without hesitation, and his figure became clearer in the howling wind. This time, Palmer was not here to attack, but to rescue Boluogo.

"Don't come!"

Burlogo tried to shout to stop Palmer, but his throat was filled with sharp blades, and his voice was broken into wisps, making it difficult to distinguish.

Servais also noticed Palmer's gallop. He jumped up in mid-air and quickly threw his sword at Palmer. With the crowned man's full strength, every move he made was enough to trigger a mysterious energy.

Shocking effect.

The cold light struck the galloping figure. Servais could have predicted that scene. The blade roughly penetrated Palmer's body, and then under the influence of Palmer's own inertia, he cut himself off.

Into a sticky mess…

Suddenly, Palmer seemed to have stepped on something, and his ankle twisted in a strange direction. Then, the speeding cyan figure staggered a few steps.

Servais was stunned for a moment, and Boluoge was also a little distracted by this scene.

Palmer's speed dropped sharply, and then his whole body lost balance and fell heavily to the ground. Under the influence of inertia, he rolled at high speed.

The sword blade hit the ground and shattered a piece of solid stone.

In the lingering sound of rumbling, Palmer was knocked out of the smoke unscathed and somewhat embarrassed. After staggering a few more steps, he stabilized his balance and ran quickly.

Palmer hugged Boluogo and led him out of Servais's attack range at high speed.

An astonishing ether reaction expanded and exploded from behind the two of them, and the chaotic air currents stung their skin.

Palmer seemed completely unaware of the danger he had just been in. He shouted excitedly, "I found out that my luck today is surprisingly good!"

Boluogo was led out of the duel field by Palmer and jumped into the sky. Looking back, Servais still wanted to pursue, but was entangled by Xilin who reacted. The ether roared and was about to melt.

A new round of storm broke out in the ruined dueling arena.

"You...you are indeed very lucky, especially today."

Boluogo nodded blankly, confirming Palmer's miraculous luck. Any other defender would have died by Servais's sword long ago, but this bastard actually used such a ridiculous

way to escape.

The melodious cry of whales sounded, and Boluogo followed the sound and saw that the entire Pillar of Royal Power had turned into a scarlet pillar covered with tentacled vines. It stretched out endless blood threads, like devil's claws.

Generally speaking, all the people are tightly bound together.

The two behemoths were close together, and the screams and howls on the pillar of kingship continued one after another. The crowd also let out bursts of screams, repeatedly mobilizing a large amount of ether, casting it into the fatal light spot, and then releasing it.

Astonishing explosions continued one after another, and the glow of ether flashed repeatedly.

The One of Ten Thousands was gradually parasitized by the Pillar of Royal Power. While sucking blood, the One of Ten Thousands of People was constantly attacking the depths of the Pillar of Royal Power. The continuous ether bombardment had already carved holes in its solid flesh and blood barrier.

A deep burning hole appeared. Inside the bloody hole, something huge was undulating, and there were waves of fluctuations.

Boluogo blinked hard, and after barely seeing what was deep in the blood hole, he shouted in surprise, "I know how to kill him."

"How to do it?"

Palmer led Bologg gliding in mid-air, and while flying rapidly, he did not forget to avoid the scarlet tentacles that were shooting towards him.

"Punch through that heart, the heart that controls the country of jelly. As long as it is destroyed, the coronation ceremony can be terminated. In this way, Servais will lose the power of the crowned one!"

Boluogo said with joy, now he understands why the One of All has been continuously attacking the Pillar of Kingship. From the beginning, the purpose of One of All was to destroy the core heart and terminate the kingdom of slurry.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, Ten Thousand Ones first used a large-scale plague of decay, and then came to fight on their own. Even if this series of actions failed, the rift in the ethereal world opened by Hill was also swallowed up little by little.

The Pillar of Kingship banishes the core heart into the ethereal realm, interfering with the operation of the kingdom of slurry.

It's just the last resort. It will take some time to completely engulf the Pillar of Royal Power, and within this short time, Servais is enough to kill everyone.

As if his thoughts had been opened up, Boluogo shouted towards the ruined duel field and towards Xilin who was fighting with Servais.

"Xilin, hold him back! Find a way to put pressure on him and let him use his true power!"

Boluogo continued to shout, "The Crowned One is an existence on the same level as the devil. It is an existence that cannot be accommodated by the material world. As long as he uses all the power of the Crowned One, he will inevitably be exiled to the etheric realm."

Xilin quickly dodged round after round of Servais' fatal slashes. Among the disintegrated gravels, he tried hard to listen to Boluogo's words.

"As long as Servais is exiled to the etheric realm, his connection with the Kingdom of Gel will be interrupted, then the coronation ceremony will be terminated, and he will fall back to the Glorious One again!"

This is the possibility deduced by Boluogo. It is not that easy to be promoted to the crowned person. At the moment, Servais has the supreme power and is simply burning this endless soul.

If Servais wants to truly wear this supreme crown, then what he needs is the sacrifice of the entire Kogadel Empire.

Fortunately, the Kogadel Empire is large enough. Even if the country of slurry kills the entire population, it will still take a long time to condense the huge philosopher's stone into the core heart.

It sounds extremely cruel, but it is also one of the few good news.

"Is that so?"

Xilin took a deep breath and felt the severe pain caused by the exploding gravel as he retreated one after another. These fragments shot towards him like sharp arrows, leaving some bruises on his body with each blow.

Servais' figure was shrouded in burning ether. He looked like a majestic god, but also like a demon alienated from the abyss of hell.

His existence itself seems to be a formidable force that makes people unable to look directly at him.

As the last bit of support collapsed, the entire duel arena suddenly collapsed toward the next floor. The black stone throne, which symbolized supreme power, fell aside and was buried by endless rubble.

At this moment, it looked no different from an ordinary piece of debris, and its former glory and majesty disappeared in an instant.

Xilin stared at the figure of Servis, who was attacking again, and murmured to himself, "Hold him, or force him to use all his strength... You really trust me, Boluogo."

Boluogo's request seems simple, but for Xilin it is tantamount to a life and death test.

"It's okay...it's no big deal."

Xilin's eyes gradually became fanatical, as if he had lost his mind.

Only the burning murderous intention and the rage of revenge were left in his mind. For this day, he had already sacrificed too much...dedicated his soul and became a servant of the devil.

Compared with what Xilin had paid, the so-called death was a bit too cheap in his opinion.

The ether is burning, and the alchemical matrix is ​​in full operation.

Xilin roared, no longer hiding blindly, the scarlet cross bloomed directly in front of Servais's eyes. Servais thought that Xilin was planning to use some conspiracy, but never thought that Xilin's figure appeared directly from the light, and Xilin's figure appeared directly from the light.

The flaming sword struck him hard.

Servais shouted, "How long are you going to struggle!"

"The moment I die!"

Xilin responded, and in the furious ether, the devil's power was released without reservation.

Blessing, sucking the soul and usurping the soul!

Xilin cannot be as infinitely sharp as Boluogo, and can disintegrate the opponent's defense from the microscopic and etheric level, but he has the protection of jealousy and the power of conquest and plunder.

Frequent use of protection will make Xilin's mind go dark, and will even make his alchemical matrix on the verge of collapse under the high-intensity ether erosion... But at this time, who cares about this?

The ether around Servais surged violently under the plunder of the devil's power. Xilin roared angrily, and his alchemical matrix seemed to turn into a bottomless black hole at this moment, wildly devouring the surrounding ether.

The ether poured into the matrix like a violent torrent. Although fatal gaps were opened in the trajectory of the light, Xilin had no intention of stopping.

Within a few seconds, Xilin's ether was filled to the extreme, and his body seemed to have returned to its peak state, exuding suffocating power.

The power of control fully exploded in Xilin's body, shaking the world once again. Amidst the roaring vibrations, Servais felt as if the whole world was pressing on him, but he showed no sign of bending down.

, but stood firmly.

In the rolling smoke and dust, the location where the two were standing collapsed again.

Exquisite paintings, expensive handicrafts, majestic statues, everything that symbolizes the glory of the Kogadel royal family are constantly heading for destruction.

"Even the devil is not eternal, so why do you still try to live forever?"

Xilin fell into madness. He clenched the Core Flame Sword with both hands, raised it high above his head, and then slashed it down like lightning. Repeatedly, the sword roared like thunder and the sea of ​​fire was wanton.

Xilin tried his best with every blow. Under such a hysterical attack, his own ether was soon on the verge of exhaustion again. At this time, Xilin launched his protection again without hesitation.

Blessing, sucking the soul and usurping the soul!

Xilin tried his best to plunder Servais's ether and weakened his power as much as possible. Even though this repeated extraction had made his alchemical matrix full of cracks, even heated up, and almost melted down, he did not

No intention of stopping at all.

The furious sword power set off continuous anger, surging like a tidal wave through the layers of courtyards.

Boluogo, who was outside the Pillar of King Power, noticed the terrifying etheric reaction of Xilin. He could not imagine how Xilin was able to maintain his high-intensity etheric output, and it could be seen that,

Xilin was already fighting for his life.

"Hold on, Xilin."

Boluogo muttered something in a low voice. He and Xilin did not have much communication, but the same goal of revenge and similar lives made them resonate in many aspects.

"Forward! Palmer!"

Boluogo signaled to Palmer, who simply raised a tornado and cut off the many bloodshot threads that struck in mid-air.

"Hurry up!"

Palmer shouted while accelerating in mid-air. Like a bird, he leaned down and rushed under the One of Ten Thousands. The fatal gap created by the One of Ten Thousands repeatedly bombed toward the scarlet blood hole.

Break out.

The two of them approached the blood hole at high speed, and the Pillar of King Power itself seemed to be aware of the approaching threat. Blood jets all over the sky erupted, rolling towards the two of them like a tsunami.

In order to maintain high-speed travel, Palmer no longer has the extra strength to deal with this threat. Not to mention, as a defender, can he really have the ability to destroy such a large area of ​​​​bloodshot blood?

Boluogo is still in that weak state. Even if he buys time and the Axis of Time has healed most of his body, the blood seeds rooted in his body are still like stubborn diseases that are difficult to remove, let alone

, Boluogo's ether has been consumed more than half.

"Keep moving forward!"

A sudden roar fell from the sky, and along with the etheric reaction of the Glorious One, a sharp flash of light flashed across, instantly cutting the bloody threads in the sky into pieces.

In the swirling blood, Boluogo saw the other party clearly. Albert's figure stretched freely in mid-air. Even at this time, he still wiped the blood on the saber unhurriedly.

"You go and deal with that heart, and leave the rest to us!"

As soon as Albert finished speaking, a blazing white sun expanded and exploded, exploding along the blood-drenched surface of the Pillar of Royal Power.

In this daylight, countless speechless people jumped up, and the continuous ether reaction set off a new round of heavy rain.

The crazy melee spread from the duel field to all directions. Bologna and Palmer fell heavily to the ground. Without waiting for a moment, Bologo immediately stood up, dragging his sword and ax towards the depths of the bloody hole.

His heart raced away, followed closely by Palmer.

As the two of them rushed towards the heart of the core, the endless pursuers were intercepted by Albert and Nathaniel outside the blood hole.

Nathani was breathing heavily, trying hard to mobilize the few ethers in his body, while Albert gracefully raised his saber and stood in front of him.

"Time really doesn't spare anyone."

Albert sighed softly. On the bright blade, his appearance had aged a lot, and his pale hair extended from his temples.

"But... the time is just right."

Albert acted like a fierce tiger and swung forward a deadly blade of light.

This chapter has been completed!
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