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Extra 4: After the After

"How long will you be busy?"

A familiar voice came from outside the house, and Boluogo looked back. Through the gap in the door, warm light poured in, and he could vaguely see a figure walking slowly past.

The other party didn't care about her image at all. Maybe she had been restrained by this perfect image for too long today. She was eager to get rid of the restraint. After letting out a happy moan, she fell down on the soft sofa.

It purred like a cat taking a nap.

Boluogo turned back and focused on the documents on the desktop. His voice was raised a few degrees to ensure that it could pass through the walls and doors and reach the other party.

"There are only a few pages left, it's over after reading it."

Borlogo flipped through the documents carefully. Although today was an extremely important day, out of a professional's inexplicable sense of responsibility, which was like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, Borlogo still took some time to process these documents.

In the toilet, in the deserted corner of the corridor, in the interval between the emcee and the host, in the free time of carnival...

Boluogo felt like a thief, secretly flipping through these ordinary words, and under this strange pressure, he actually felt a strange sense of joy.

He felt that maybe there were too many things that happened today, which caused some problems with his nerves, which led to this inexplicable misjudgment.

Throwing away these messy thoughts, Boluogo focused on the words on the document.

The first thing that caught my eye was the information about the Kogadel Empire, but to be more precise, it should be called the old Kogadel Empire now.

Some time ago, the dilapidated Kogadel Empire officially announced its disintegration. After countless disasters, this behemoth finally fell, but its corpse still stands on the earth, and its remaining culture and influence remain in the world.

Echoing, like a broken remnant soul, wandering in the world.

Bologg attended the dissolution ceremony as the Supreme, but he only appeared as a mascot. Bologg was not good at politics, and he was too lazy to waste his energy on the quarrels between politicians.

Professional things must be done by professional people, and the same is true for the disintegration of the Kogadel Empire and the establishment of a new order.

Political and economic matters were basically taken care of by the Rhenish Alliance, while Bologger led the Bureau of Order and conducted a series of records and integration of the extraordinary forces remaining in the old Kogadel Empire.

Just like when the Bureau of Order was established, the Bureau of Order respects the wishes of these extraordinary forces who are still alive.

Turning to the next page, Bologo became attentive. The events of the old Kogadel Empire were just a boring movie for Bologo. He was tired of it all. The next information was Bologg's story.

Luo Go has been waiting for a long time.

Boluogo read the delightful lines.

The Bureau of Order's exploration of the ethereal world is still continuing, and the exploration of the end world Aurora is progressing as planned. Currently, with the assistance of the sublimation furnace core, several probes have been sent towards the coordinates of Aurora, and it is expected that more probes will be launched.

After a period of time, information can be sent back and the veil of this mysterious world can be revealed a little bit.

Closing the document, Boluogo raised his head and closed his eyes.

He was looking forward to that mysterious world and all the things that existed in the new world, whether good or bad.

Attracted by this goal, Boluogo often feels that the world he lives in, the current material world, has become pale and boring.

The feeling of alienation from the world slightly bothered Bologg for a few days, but soon, these troubles were gone, and there was only a deeper connection between Bologg and the world.

Thinking of this, Boluogo put the documents in the drawer, stood up, moved his stiff body, and then rubbed his face vigorously, trying to make the cold and numb nerves soft and warm again.


Boluogo lowered his head. He was so focused on his work that he didn't realize that he hadn't changed his clothes yet.

Wearing a black formal suit and a tie around his neck, he looked extremely solemn and solemn, as if he was going to an important occasion.

Bologg's appearance is almost the same as usual. As a guy who cares about his image, Bologg always dresses up whether he is going to a bar, going to work, or carrying a knife to kill.

Extremely decent.

But friends who are familiar with Boluogo can tell that he is different from ordinary people from some of Boluogo's details.

In ordinary times, no matter how serious and serious Boluogo dressed up, he still looked like a mourner, as if he was going to someone's funeral, and the time was very tight. He looked anxious, as if he was attending this person's funeral.

After the unfortunate man's funeral, he had to attend the next one.

Under the serious black, Boluogo carries a sense of gloom and chill that is difficult to resolve.

But this time it was different. There was a slight smile on Boluogo's face, and his whole body was extremely relaxed, like a loosened bow string, soft and light.

After untying his tie and hanging it to the side, taking off his coat and hanging it on the back of the chair, Bologna pushed open the ajar door and walked out of the study.

Pausing for a moment at the door, Boluogo glanced around. Everything still looked familiar.

There are still some differences.

After some "public-for-private" operations, Bologo bought the apartment he had lived in for many years...not just this one, but the entire building.

Burlogo did not fill up the entire building with his own room, as Palmer had said, and sleep in one room every day, not the same for a week.

On the basis of the original apartment, Boluogo opened up several walls and expanded the area of ​​the apartment several times. After subsequent secondary decoration, it can be said that this place is completely a small palace hidden in the building.

But even if it can be called a small palace, the scope of activities of Boluogo is still the original part of the apartment, and it still remains the same, just like in the memory. The only difference is that originally Palmer

The bedroom was converted into a study by Boluogo, which is where he just worked.

As for Palmer, after his wedding to Vosilin was held in Morrowind Stronghold a month ago, Palmer moved out.

He said he moved out...

Bologg lowered his head and glanced at the ground beneath his feet. Bologg could clearly feel several weak ether reactions coming from the first floor.

Palmer moved downstairs to live with Vosilin. In theory, he was still Boluogo's roommate, but the scope of the shared apartment changed from a normal apartment to an entire building. He could usually say hello.

You need to shout.

Not bad, Boluogo is still with his friends, but there is some appropriate distance between them, and more importantly, they all have their own lives.

"Speaking of which, I thought you would return to Morrowind Stronghold. The environment there is much better than this."

During today's dinner, Boluogo was still talking to Palmer about this.


"What's wrong?" Bologg asked again, "Didn't the relationship between you and Vonn ease? Why are you still unwilling to go home?"

"This has nothing to do with rapprochement."

Palmer put on a melancholy look and explained patiently, "My dad and I are only suitable to be friends, not father and son."


"We can still miss each other even if we don't meet each other normally, and we can chat happily if we meet once in a while. But once he and I are in the same space for more than a week, we start to dislike each other.

That’s when trouble broke out.”

"It's like a male lion suddenly appeared in a pride of lions... Maybe everyone is not fighting for the distribution rights of the lioness, but they simply don't like each other."

Palmer shook the wine glass and said, "So distance creates beauty."

After saying that, Palmer smiled sincerely, patted Boluogo on the shoulder hard, and whispered.

"Don't think about these boring things, Boluogo, it's time to enjoy your wedding."

Wedding, yes, wedding...

Boluogo blinked. It was clear that he had not consumed much alcohol today, and as the Supreme Being, he could not be easily affected by alcohol. However, he still felt a little hazy, like a dream.

, everything now has an unreal feeling.

"Are you in a daze?"

The voice broke into Boluogo's mind. Boluogo turned his head and saw Aimu lying lazily on the sofa and sticking his head out.

Although Aimu looked tired, she still had a slight smile on her lips. She had taken off her heavy and troublesome wedding dress, revealing a light and close-fitting skirt. In order to make herself more comfortable, she opened her back

zipper, the skirt is half hanging on her body.

The high heels were casually taken off to the side, and her hair was simply tied up. Aimu turned over. In order to maintain her dignity today, she felt like she was wearing a heavy set of shackles, and her whole body ached.

Fortunately, this tedious etiquette was finally over, and I was spared. I fell on the sofa, my consciousness hovering between wakefulness and deep sleep.

"I...I kind of..."

Burlogo belatedly responded that he was indeed a little sluggish, like a slow-responsive child.

He's not usually like this.

Borogo sat down next to Aimu. He tried to accept the softness of the sofa, but his body was still inexplicably straightened, and all the muscles in his body were tense together, like a stiff corpse, with blood coagulated in his body.

Unable to move.

The sound of gentle breathing sounded beside Boluogo. Aimu changed his posture, took out the remote control from the gap in the sofa, and turned on the TV.

A few seconds later, a slightly noisy voice broke the tranquility, and colorful shimmering lights were projected from the screen and fell on Boluogo's body.

Boluogo relaxed a lot. He accepted the tranquility, and just like before, he fell down lightly, raised his feet, and rested on the coffee table in front of him.

Under the glass layer of the coffee table, there is still the war sand table brought by Boluogo, but now what is depicted in it is no longer the sand table of the Fall of the Holy City, but a miniature model of the Oath City Opos.


This was done by Boluogo himself. With the world's top control power, he would often play with many small objects and carefully carve them into extremely exquisite miniature models.

This made Bologg very relaxed and gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Although the living room still remains the same, with Palmer moving away, there are still many familiar things missing. But apart from that, Bologo can still see many familiar traces, which makes him feel reassured.

Aimu squinted his eyes and looked at the programs on the TV. Boluogo felt that the atmosphere was a little too quiet, so he tried to bring up the topic.

"Do you like this show?"

Bologo's way of provoking the topic was still crude.

"No," Aimu confessed, "I just think it's too quiet and I want to make some noise."

After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Boluogo, "You should have a similar feeling, right?"

"What does it feel like?"

"The loneliness after the carnival."

Aimu looked serious, "Everyone gathered together to celebrate something and cheered. It was such a great time... But such time will eventually end, and everyone will go back to their homes, leaving behind

People have to deal with the mess left behind and then enjoy the afterglow of this carnival.”

She blinked, "It is said that people often feel lonely and sad after such a happy aftertaste. It's really strange... What do you think?"

"A little."

Boluogo took a closer look at his own mood, and in that mess and complexity, he vaguely felt a little sadness, but soon this sadness was replaced by another emotion.

"But... speaking of the mess..."

Boluogo frowned, looking distressed. He seemed to want to accuse something, but thinking of today, this extremely important day, he forced himself to be more tolerant and sighed helplessly.

"Oh, right, and all that mess."

Thinking of the mess, Aimu's expression twisted together, "It's so late, there shouldn't be any cleaning, right?"

"I'll hire a cleaner tomorrow," Bologg complained in a low voice, "Damn Sere, he spoke so beautifully when he left, I thought I wouldn't see him for at least a few hundred years..."

When he said goodbye to the Undead Club, Boluogo felt a little sad about parting, but no one expected that on the day of the wedding, Sere and the undead would suddenly arrive like uninvited guests.

Yes, times have changed. Thousands of years ago, people relied on horse-drawn carriages to travel, and letters were needed to communicate. In that era when information exchange was extremely scarce, the world was extremely vast.

It's hopelessly vast.

But things are different now. Progressive technology has brought people all over the world closer together. The once vast world has now become extremely small, with people standing crowded together.

After the solemn wedding, according to the procedure, Boluogo invited everyone to his home to start a more relaxed celebration, and Sere lived up to expectations and vomited all over the floor while drinking with Palmer.

Boluogo felt sorry for the carpet he had just bought, and even more worried about the floor that collapsed and collapsed due to the crazy carnival. At the climax of the joy, someone stepped on the floor and cracked it, and several unlucky people fell down.

In the next level.

That's the way it is with Sublime Ones, every move they make will have unpredictable effects.


Thinking of what happened not long ago, Aimu couldn't stop laughing.

As if being infected by the smile, Boluogo also laughed twice and said with emotion, "Thank you so much Palmer."

Palmer held the wedding before Burlogo, who was also officiated by Nathaniel. Taking Palmer as an example, Burlogo successfully avoided many tedious links.

This is true, after all, Palmer comes from an ancient extraordinary family, and there are inevitably some red tapes. Bologna and Aimu are both afraid of trouble, and under their strong request, everything is kept simple.

Nathaniel was a little disappointed by this.

"You are the only supreme person in the world, the absolute master. As long as you move your fingers, you can easily bulldoze the city. With a arrogant order, you can change the throne of the king..."

Nathaniel used all his words to describe Borogo's power and nobility.

"Boluogo, if you want, you will become the true and only master of this world."

"so what?"

Boluogo had no feeling at all about all this, not even a momentary heartbeat.

"So, I think that as an important being like you, the important occasion in your life should be something more grand, a century ceremony..."

"Okay, okay, stop it quickly!" Boluogo couldn't stand it anymore, "What do you want to do? By the way, make a documentary for me and let the TV station play it on a loop?"

"Actually, it's not impossible."

"Stop it! Nathaniel!"

Boluogo felt that Nathaniel was just teasing him...or maybe he really planned to use himself to advertise his wedding company.

You are worthy of being a member of the Order Bureau, and the professionalism in your work does not depend on the industry.

There were no twists and turns, everything ended so smoothly today. Thinking of this, Bologo felt relieved and his tense nerves relaxed.

Aimu suddenly said, "I thought something unexpected would happen today."


"It's nothing, I just feel that this period of luck is a bit too good, and the good luck is a bit unrealistic and unreal. According to the law of conservation of luck mentioned by Palmer, the unlucky moment should be around the corner."

Aimu changed his tone and smiled, "But now it seems that good luck is still protecting us."

Boluogo said, "Well... maybe when we wake up tomorrow, we will be in bad luck?"

"That's only a matter of tomorrow. It's enough that everything goes well today."

"You are so optimistic."

Boluogo took a long breath, and the two of them became quiet. The only sound in the room was the sound coming from the TV.

It's already late at night, most TV programs have ended, and the ones still playing are boring and even some sleep-aid programs.

"It is indeed a bit unreal."

Boluogo said slowly, "Who among us could have imagined that our lives would reach this point?"

"It's okay, I think everything is still going according to plan." Aimu showed a sly smile.

"Ha ha."

Boluogo laughed twice, and then remembered what Aimu had just mentioned, "The loneliness after the carnival... I often felt like this before."


Aimu's eyes sparkled, "I thought your daily life was like that of an ascetic, and there was no so-called carnival."

"No, my understanding of 'carnival' is different from what everyone knows."

Burlogo followed his thoughts and said, "When Palmer and I were together, we would often watch movies together."

"I know that."

"Some movies are so bad that we long for them to end and curse while watching them, but some movies are so great that they make us cry and we wish they would never end."

Burlogo sighed, "But the movie will always end, and when the whole play finally comes into view, both Palmer and I will feel a little sad."

"And this kind of sadness is not limited to movies. Even books can bring the same feeling. It seems that everything that can temporarily pull ourselves away from 'reality', when it ends, when we return to the real reality,

We will all feel reluctance and sadness."

Aimu tried to understand Boluogo's words, "It's like saying goodbye to a group of good friends."


"But you have to know, Boluogo, even if the movies and books are over, you can still look back on them and watch them again countless times as long as you want."

"But the end of the story is right there. No matter how many times I start over, everything in the story is still fixed. There is no way forward and no destination behind."

Bologg stretched out his hand and gently hugged Aimu. The two were close to each other, feeling each other's warmth. Amidst the gentle breathing, Bologg looked at the TV, and the two people were faintly reflected on the screen.

human posture.

"But, fortunately, life is completely different."

Boluogo murmured to himself, "The movie is over, the movie is over, but our lives will continue. The carnival now is over, but in the near future, there will be more carnivals waiting for us."

"When I think of this, I comfort myself that the current loneliness is for the more crazy joy later. At the same time, I also fantasize that those ending stories are not really over, somewhere I can't see

, the people in the story, like us, are still continuing their lives."

Aimu was slightly surprised and looked at him curiously, "I didn't expect you to be so optimistic."

"Palmer told me, he said... He said that at the end of the etheric world, he saw countless worlds, worlds that were completely different but somewhat similar.

Palmer didn't feel anything at the time, but later, he fantasized that maybe there were many worlds and many lives out there that we couldn't see, and they were still moving forward steadily."

Boluoge walked out of the loneliness bit by bit, with a smile on his face, "After knowing all this, I will feel very comforted, knowing that everyone is still living happily, and the tired and heavy body will also become lighter."

You have to lighten up."

"It's great, like a beautiful expectation."

"Yes, it's not just an expectation, but also a blessing. Even if we can't see or touch it, we still hope that the beauty of the world will come to each other."

Aimu looked up at the sky, but the dim ceiling blocked her sight.

"Bologo, in fact, from other people's perspective, we are also a group of friends who have been bid farewell," Aimu thought, "just like Sere, he must be a little reluctant to leave when he leaves. Even Palmer,

Even if he lives very close, he will probably miss the joy he just had."

She said, "When we feel sad about loneliness, others will feel the same emotions for us."

"I agree with your idea, but there is one thing I need to correct," Boluogo said with a smile. "Sere and Palmer should still be sleeping now, and they will probably wake up tomorrow morning... Speaking of which, this is alcohol.

The purpose of it is to help everyone avoid the stage of random thoughts after the carnival. When you wake up, except for the headache, it is a brand new day."

"Ah...is that so?"

Aimu recalled the weak appearance of the two when they left. It seemed that Boluogo was right. These two guys needed at least one night to wake up.

Tranquility once again descended on this tranquility. Boluogo felt a little sleepy, and he guessed that Aimu was too.

Boluogo was about to get up, clean up briefly, and then fall asleep, but then Aimu suddenly asked.

"Suddenly I had a strange feeling."

"What does it feel like?"

"Well... how should I put it? After tonight, when we open our eyes again, everything will be completely different."

"Really? I don't think there is any difference," Boluogo gently rubbed the ring on his finger. "This is a ceremony. It uses clear rituals and oaths to prove the close relationship between you and me, so when we

When we open our eyes again, we may be different, but I think more of it will still be the same."

"Can't you just say that we are married?"

Boluogo's expression was dull for a moment, and he said sheepishly, "Ah? You know, I'm a little reserved and shy."

"So, you need to use these ambiguous, strange, and incomprehensible words to explain your shy and reserved thoughts in a roundabout way?"

Aimu said dissatisfied, "This will only make people confused? It's like discussing some philosophical issue with a neurotic."

"Okay, okay, I will try my best to change it...probably."

Aimu stretched out her hand, spread out her five fingers, and looked at the ring that Boluogo gave her. Plans 1 and 2 were both worn on the ring finger, but they did not appear cumbersome or crowded.

"I have heard from many people that everyone is more or less afraid of marriage, as if they are bound, and as if they are showing their most vulnerable side to others. On the one hand, they enjoy this intimate relationship, and on the other hand, they bring

Be a little wary, for fear of betrayal and harm from the other party."

"Really?" Boluogo shook his head, "I don't know much about this."

"I don't understand either, I just listened to what others said," Aimu turned to look at Boluogo, "Besides, your reaction is really calm."

"What's wrong?"

"There is no uneasiness or fear, and there is no obvious ecstasy. It's just like going through the motions."

"I rarely express my emotions," Bologo disagreed. "Furthermore, I feel that the relationship between us has actually been established and has been established for a long time. Today's things are just of secular significance.

This is just my complete recognition of this relationship."

Aimu said loudly, "Look! Look! You're talking like this again!"

Boluogo looked embarrassed. Although he said he wanted to change, his personality has been like this for many years. Even a professional would find it difficult to change his occupational disease in a short period of time.

So Borogo continued to elaborate on the idea in his own style.

"So for me, what I am experiencing has started a long time ago. Even if I am scared and excited, I have experienced it a long time ago."

Boluogo paused and looked at the TV screen in front of him, as if talking to himself in front of the mirror.

"Yes, everything started a long time ago and was completed a long time ago. After what I have experienced today, the reason why I am so calm may be because I feel that I have a chance to win."

"Ha? Ha!" Aimu complained, "Why did you issue a declaration of victory!"

"Sorry, sorry," Boluogo said with a smile, "I'm sorry. I'm not as happy as a monkey today. You must be very disappointed."

"Well... that's not true. After all, you are such a guy. If you go further, it will be a bit difficult for you."

Aimu sighed helplessly. Neither of them moved. They still fell leisurely on the sofa in a comfortable posture. After a long time, even the midnight program ended and it turned into a vast expanse of white.

Snowflakes, leaving only the quiet and low noise echoing.

She asked curiously, "What will it be like tomorrow? Bologna."

"As always, we may be happier or sadder, but we will still move forward unswervingly."

"What about the day after tomorrow? What about next week, next month, next year?"

This time Aimu didn't wait for Boluogo's answer. She started asking questions and answers to herself, "You said before that you would imagine what happens to the characters in the story after the story ends. In fact, I have thought about similar things, but not in the story.

It’s the people around me, even the people on the street that I don’t know.”

"I imagine, what will they do next? What will they experience?"

Aimu paused, looked into Boluogo's eyes, and asked, "What's our story after this?"

Burlogo replied curtly, "Day after day."

"What about after that?"

Boluogo was silent for a moment and answered seriously.

"We will continue to be like this in the afterlife, until we become part of eternity in this long and short time."

"Is that so? It sounds much more reassuring."

Aimu closed his eyes as he spoke, moved to the sofa, and whispered, "I'm sleepy."

"Good night."

Boluogo said and closed his eyes.

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