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Chapter 21 Chips

 After the loud roar, the outer wall of the bell tower was shattered, and even the big bell emitted a heavy mournful cry. Bailey tried to look for Boluogo's figure, but saw a figure leaping up in the air.

Bologger threw out his hook and swung towards the church steeple.

Boluogo was much more dexterous than Bailey imagined. Swinging up and down the hesitant road in the past few days had made him much better at using the hook.

Bailey is also more ferocious than Boluogo guessed. Judging from Bailey's ether intensity and his posture, it can be easily judged that he belongs to the secret energy school. This is a condenser of the Ascension School.


Most of the Sublimation Masters of the Body Ascension School have relatively simple secret energy properties, and they all act on their own bodies. This makes these guys just like simple minds and well-developed limbs. They don't have any cunning properties, but most of them are very difficult to deal with.


The skyrocketing muscles and brute strength were given to Bailey. He gradually lost his human form and turned into a violent beast. His hair also became more and more lush, just like a real beast.

What is even more terrifying is that there are large areas of weird tattoos on his body, which are intertwined with the glow of the alchemical matrix to form increasingly weird patterns.

Boluogo did not take it lightly. From the fact that these guys could summon the aura of the devil and cause the umbilical cord to stir, he could understand that these cultists were different from the cultists he had beaten to death at will. At least what these guys believed in was indeed

Really exist.

The devil can bestow "gifts" on debtors. No one knows what kind of blessings the devil will bestow on these fanatical believers.

"Palmer, you have dealt with cultists, have you made any new discoveries?" Bologo asked.

"Wait a moment!" An impatient voice came from his mind, and Palmer said in a panic, "I'm a little busy here."

"Need help? We are partners." Boluogo asked again.

The two of them are partners, and partners should act together, but for the sake of efficiency and destroying all enemies faster, they usually choose their opponents and then fight separately.

It's not that the two of them don't have a tacit understanding, it's just that they haven't encountered an enemy that needs to be solved together.

"That's not necessary, it's still under control."

"That's good."

Burlogo broke off contact with Palmer. Now it seems that everything is still under control. Looking at the bell tower at the other end, Bailey stared at him with scarlet pupils.

His strength and speed are extremely fast, but like himself, he is only a first-stage condenser. The effect of secret energy is not comprehensive. For example, after gaining strength and speed, he must be weak in some aspects.

While Bologo thought of this, Bailey launched another fierce attack. The glow on his body rose briefly and then was released. Bologg guessed that the reason why he could act so quickly was that he had added an etheric boost to further strengthen it.

Body strength and speed.

This time Boluogo did not dodge, but stood still and waited for Bailey's arrival. The distance between the two quickly shortened until they were in close combat.

From the time Bologna raided the church, Bailey knew that the two were field staff of the Bureau of Order... It was impossible to even think about it, because Palmer shouted too loudly.

Bailey couldn't figure out how these two people came to the door. They had obviously built a ceremony site. It was like an alternative, evil virtual realm that sealed the entire church area. Unless they were deliberately looking for it, it would be difficult for the outside world to find it.

Notice what's going on.

Out of vigilance, he did not take the initiative to expose himself. Instead, he used other cultists to test Bologo's secret power, until secretly, he gradually figured out Bologo's power.

In the past, Boluogo would rarely take the initiative to expose his secret power, but now Boluogo, on the other hand, actively uses his own secret power to fight, even if someone is secretly watching all this.

He was so vigilant before because Boluogo had too few trump cards, and secret energy was his only bargaining chip. But it was different now. This guy had multiple alchemical weapons, and the effects of each alchemical weapon were very deceitful.

With more chips in hand, gamblers became more unscrupulous in playing cards.

The most important thing is that if you take the initiative to expose your secret power, it will make the other party lower their guard to some extent, just like now, tempting Bailey to take the initiative.

If Bailey chooses to hide, with his status as a Sublime Master, if he wants to escape, it will be really difficult for Boluogo to catch him in a ghost place like the Great Rift, but now he has sold the flaw and given the opponent a chance to win.


The figures of the two people overlapped, and the roaring sound continued in an instant, and even the masonry of the roof was shaking.

Bailey swung a fatal blow. The sharp claws combined with his own powerful strength were like a falling giant blade, which could easily crush lives.

But now this always powerful blow was stuck in the air, and severe shock and pain were still being released from the flesh and blood.

Boluogo raised the horn hammer, and driven by the aether's increase, the horn hammer and the claws collided together.

The huge force was transmitted and sprained Boluogo's arm. He felt that his bones were broken, but Bailey felt even worse. Even with the protection of the secret energy, the shock force still poured into his arm.

What was worse was the gunshot wound in the chest. At some point, Bologo took out a short-handled shotgun. He calculated the distance and did not pull the trigger until the two were face to face and there was no longer any chance to escape.

The dense bullets hit Bailey's chest head-on. Large and small blood holes were all over his flesh and blood, and the bullets penetrated deep into it.

The physical body has been strengthened to a certain extent, but it is only a certain degree of strengthening.

Such information flashed through Boluogo's mind. Bailey in front of him was like a majestic giant bear. Many of the secret powers of the Body Ascension School are like this. They use beasts as the cornerstone to strengthen the human body into that savage posture.

, and has the same power as it.

Severe pain engulfed Bailey, but it was not enough to knock him down. He let out a deep roar, and the sound waves hit Boluogo, setting off a roaring gust of wind, which also destroyed the masonry of the roof.

The shock wave even pushed Boluogo back several meters. In the chaotic vision, Bailey's figure overlapped with the giant bear.

Secret power: The posture of a roaring bear.

The secret power of the Ascension School can give the condenser the power of a roaring bear, greatly enhancing strength and speed, as well as strengthening his own flesh and blood, and he can release a short-term impact through roaring.

In the chaos, a hook shot through the air and nailed Bailey's shoulder accurately. The next second, the evil spirit's figure broke through the flying bricks and went straight to Bailey's face.

"So I really hate the Ascension School."

Boluogo muttered, the shock hammer and short-handled shotgun in his hand were no longer replaced by two crossed folding knives.

His sword is very fast, and with the ether amplification, the double sword will only be faster.

A pale cross exploded in front of Bailey's body, and then a slender wound opened along the chest. The horizontal slash touched the shoulder, and the vertical slash cut across Bailey's nose and chin.

If you divide it, you can split his head.

Bailey let out a painful gasp, and tried to fight back with a punch, but the sharp claw missed the moment before it intersected with the folding knife.

It wasn't that Bailey missed the point, but that the folding knife was one step ahead of him. Driven by the secret power and the hand of recruitment, it twisted into a strange thorn, directly piercing Bailey's wound, trying to take root in it.

The Sublime Masters of the Ascension School have a brutal and direct fighting style, and it is difficult to kill them with external injuries. On the contrary, internal injuries are extremely fatal to them.

The iron thorn deftly sank into the flesh and blood, and Bailey quickly pulled it out, but there was still a large amount of blood mixed with the minced meat, erupting out.

Bailey had an indescribable feeling. The Ascension School, which was supposed to take the initiative on the battlefield, was now being suppressed and beaten. Every time he tried to fight back, he would be met with violent counterattacks, leaving him without a breather.


The alchemy matrix burst out with a blazing light, and Bailey gave up his defense. With the increase in ether, he devoted all his strength to slamming Boluogo in front of him, like boxers fighting each other in the ring.

Bologo's attack is indeed fierce, but he does not have a body as strong as his own. As long as he hits him once, this guy will definitely die.

For other Ninghua practitioners, Bailey's decision would be no problem, but no matter what, he never imagined that he was facing a debtor now.

A debtor burdened with immortality.

The sharp claws tore open Boluogo's clothes, revealing the iron-wearing suit underneath. The effect of this armor was very good, but the power still passed through the protection and acted on the body, and the cracking of bones could be vaguely heard.

The body leaned back. Logically speaking, Burlogo should retreat at this time, so that Bailey could continue to pursue him and beat the prey to death completely.

But Boluogo firmly grasped the hook that was nailed into Bailey's shoulder, then suddenly raised his hand, discarded the folding knife, picked up the horn hammer, and swung his twisted arm to hit Bailey.


The vibrations coupled with the aether's amplification roared in.

For a moment, Bailey felt as if he had been hit head-on by a truck. The place where he was hammered had dents in his flesh and bones, and even the roof under his feet was shaking and almost collapsing.

Bailey was a little confused. Wasn't this guy afraid of death? He was like a stubborn dog that would bite him hard even if he risked his life.

Looking at Boluogo, he was pulling on the hook, the hand holding the hammer dropped under his body, and his blue eyes were filled with strange fanaticism.

"You don't look like you'll die that easily."

Boluogo clearly sensed the devil's unique madness. This power lingered on Bailey's body. At the same time, Bailey's cut chest, the flesh and blood squirmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and healed on the


"It just so happens that I'm not that easy to die."

The broken bones were reset under the squeeze of the muscles, and the blood flowed backwards. In Bailey's numb eyes, Boluogo raised the horn vibrator high, with a hint of joy in his voice, as if he had found a beloved toy, regardless of whether he

No matter how much you smash it, it won't be bad.

The horn hammer fell and turned into a violent storm, breaking arms, legs, chests, and even heads.

The majestic body collapsed in an instant. Even though Bailey had strong self-healing ability, his self-healing seemed futile under the constant trauma of Boluogo.

While hammering, Bologo was also stabbing out silver spikes one after another. Bailey didn't know where this guy took out so many weapons, but soon his body was covered with

The long nails were like prisoners being executed. Under the final blow of the hammer, the roof collapsed and fell into ruins.

This chapter has been completed!
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