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Chapter 21 Judgment

Norm took a deep breath, slowly let go of his hand, put down the suitcase in his hand, held the pistol in one hand, and took out the short knife from his waist with the other hand, and positioned himself like a falcon ready to pounce.

This scene was like a stage play. Bologg smashed through the ceiling, and the dim light fell through the fog of the great rift, illuminating Norm just right.

The audience in the darkness gradually woke up, the sound of bloodthirsty breathing continued, and the strong aura of decay almost filled every corner.

Norm remained calm on the surface, but there was a storm in his heart. He was not a demon, but a healthy human being. Once these demons wake up, these hungry monsters will attack indiscriminately along the delicious food of the soul.

Hold yourself.

This weapon was originally used to hold back Boluogo, but now it got him into a quagmire.

As for Boluogo, Noam already has a lot of guesses in his mind. Judging from this brief contact, Boluogo has a certain degree of hiding ability, allowing him to easily blend into the darkness, and even he can hardly detect his location.

, on the other hand, is Bolog's destructive power.

Thinking of this, Noam's eyes moved up slightly. He never thought that after being unable to open the door, Boluogo actually chose to tear down the wall and break into the room.

This was an oversight on his part, but it was also important information. Bologg's power could not open the special iron door, but it could smash the fragile building. This gave Norm a rough estimate of Bologg's power.

"It's not that bad."

Norm comforted himself. He already had a vague overview of Bologg, but now Bologg knew nothing about himself and the power he possessed. This was his advantage.

"Are you from the Bureau of Order? When did the Bureau of Order recruit people like you? I remember that they are always wary of secrecy in their actions."

Norm looked around at the darkness around him and did not act rashly.

In my memory, the field staff of the Bureau of Order are like the silent god of death. They never talk nonsense. They are like cold tools, executing orders. When you see them, you are already dead.

"I just joined the job today."

When the response sounded, Norm didn't hesitate at all. He immediately raised his pistol and fired in the direction of the sound. After the gunshot, the sound of metal collision slowly came back.

"You just joined today? Are you so impatient to perform the task?" Norm knew that the shot missed, so he continued, "You are really dedicated."

"You do what you do and love what you do... To be honest, I quite like this job."

Boluogo knew that Nomu was testing him, and Boluogo was also testing him.

The two of them are in light and darkness, just like a hunter and prey, but the difference is that as long as there is a slight mistake, the hunting roles will be reversed.

Looking at the glowing lines on Nomu's body, Boluogo knew very well that it was the "Alchemy Matrix" without any explanation, and the Nomu in front of him was a Condenser.

So what is his "secret power"?

Boluogo thought, he could indeed rely on the "gift" to make trial and error, but just like Jeffrey said, Boluogo didn't want to rely too much on this power...

No, it's not so much dependence as it is bad self-esteem. It's just the first step on the road to revenge. For this first step, I need to continue to die to move forward. This undoubtedly makes me too incompetent.

Bologo is an expert. Experts cannot be so incompetent.

As for the identity of the opponent's condenser?

Boluogo doesn't care about this. He likes things that are challenging and make his dead heart burst out again.

"The Hidden One" provides himself with protection, and the vibrating hammer in his hand is Boluogo's ultimate move. This thing is easier to use than he expected. It is simple and crude. Under its fierce attack, the wall will only shake, and then

Completely collapsed.

Borrogo relied on this hammer to smash a way through the roof. He felt like an angry decoration worker.

Clenching the folding knife and vibrating hammer in their hands, a hoarse roar suddenly sounded, breaking the stalemate between Boluogo and Nomu. The hungry demons rushed out of the darkness, seeking the delicious food of their souls.

Perhaps due to the incompleteness of their souls and the protection of the "Hidden One", most demons did not discover the existence of Bologo. Most of them rushed towards Nome. Mania tortured them, leaving them with only beast-like appearance.


Eat, eat greedily and crazily.

Only a few demons seemed to have noticed the existence of Boluogo, and looked blankly at Boluogo's position.

Boluogo still didn't make any move. He completely ignored the demons, but looked at Nomu carefully to see how he would fight against these demons.

Gunshots resounded.

Nomu fired repeatedly at the demons that were charging at him. His marksmanship was very accurate, and every bullet hit accurately, exploding the demon's head into a ball of blood mist.

The ferocious figures fell to the ground one after another during the attack, and the corpses were piled together haphazardly.

But ammunition is limited after all, not to mention that Nomu is always wary of Boluogo, which makes him unable to concentrate on the battle at all.

After emptying the ammunition, the following demon rushed towards Nomu. He directly swung the short knife and chopped the demon's limbs accurately, then turned around and slashed their necks.

He wanted to hide his "secret power", but as the pressure increased, he could not hide it for long.

The faint light of the "alchemy matrix" on his body began to rise and fall, as if it was in sync with Norm's rapid breathing, but it was also like a blood vessel surging. Every time the light rose and fell, extraordinary power was poured into the body.

"Hi ha!"

Footsteps suddenly started, and another demon rushed out of the darkness and headed towards Nomu. Nomu put down his pistol and pulled out another short knife from his waist, vowing to kill it quickly.

The distance between the two continued to shorten, but Nomu's attention was not entirely focused on the demon in front of him. The corner of his vision was wary of the darkness to avoid being attacked by Boluogo.

It is unclear how Bologo blasted open the ceiling, but once such power hits a flesh and blood body, even if he has "secret power", he will be seriously injured.

The short sword was swung, and at this moment, Norm felt it.

As if wrapped in some dark, viscous liquid, countless sharp and tiny spikes pricked his skin, reminding him of the near-death horror.

Something is wrong, something is wrong.

His wandering eyes solidified, and he looked at the approaching demon in front of him. The hideous figure began to break, revealing the evil spirit with a green glow behind it.

"Score first!"

Bologg laughed wildly and threw out the folding knife, and the sharp blade swept towards Norm. Norm could only reluctantly raise the short knife to resist the blow, but the next second Bologg let go of the folding knife and avoided it.

The short sword blocked his body, allowing his body to rotate greatly.

Swing the hammer.

Norm saw a hammer flying towards him, and as he swung it, a ghostly light appeared on it.

The shock hammer slammed on the dagger, and the "shock" attached to it was stimulated, and the already violent hammer blow was strengthened and expanded. The dagger fell apart at the moment of contact, and the broken blade ejected like shrapnel, and then the shock hammer continued

downwards, hitting Norm in one fell swoop.

Like being jacked up by a raging bull, Norm's figure stagnated for a second, and was knocked out of the falling light by the roaring hammer.

He was swept into the darkness, and Bologger kept waving, taking his place and standing in the light.

Severe pain, endless pain came from the arm holding the knife. The broken blade cut into the body. The arm that was hit was also twisted, the bones were shattered, and pale bone spurs protruded from the wound.

Nomu coughed up blood and quickly got up from the ground in a panic. His figure was swaying, as if he would fall down in the next second.

what happened?

Pain and thoughts collided in his mind. He raised his head and looked at Boluogo under the light.

I saw that he was wearing tattered clothes, which were ripped off from the devil's body. Between the cracks, the gray and black windbreaker could be seen, like the hazy night, hiding all the edges.

Norm tried to see Boluogo's face clearly, but what he saw was another even more frightening picture.

Boluogo's face was dripping with blood. It was not his face, but a cut-off, corrupted and twisted face - the face of a demon.

The devil's face was like a mask, covering Boluogo's face. Blood condensed and dripped along his chin. The face that should have been wailing in pain was now wearing an indescribable smile.

Boluogo obscured his figure and misled Norm.

At the same time, behind Boluogo, there was a sound of soft footsteps, followed by a whimpering cry.

Another figure staggered out of the darkness, waving its hands wildly, trying to grab some life-saving straw, but all it touched was dust moving in the wind.

The demon whined, its face was covered in blood and flesh, leaving only the sunken, dark eye sockets, the depths of which seemed to lead straight into the abyss.

The folding knife flashed past, and the demon's movements paused for a second, and then he fell straight down, ending this long period of pain.


Norm cursed, without hesitation, he no longer hid, the glimmer of light on his body rose, the broken and twisted arm seemed to be reinforced with steel bars, the muscles bulged, the broken bones were squeezed, and he was forced to re-

Molded together.

His body size increased dramatically in an instant, and he was as tall as a stag, and his body surface also had a reddish sheen.

Clench your fists.

"Is it a 'secret energy' that strengthens the body?"

Bologg judged, and in the next second Nomu popped up like a cannonball. He galloped all the way, and the other short knife in his hand waved a sharp blade and slashed towards Bologg's face, as if to tear apart this hypocrisy.

The mask makes it possible to see Boluogo's true face clearly.

The moment the shock hammer hit Nomu, Nomu must have guessed the power of the shock hammer. It would be difficult for such a trick to succeed a second time.

But Boluogo has always been a man who is good at playing tricks.

He swung the hammer, but this time Bologo's target was no longer Nomu. Instead, it crashed down towards the ground, smashing the ground into pieces in one fell swoop.

The ground shook violently, cracked, and the surface of the mud and stone began to collapse, raising dust.

The violent shaking caused Nomu to stagger a few steps, and the raised dust obscured Boluogo's figure. When Nomu arrived with a sword, the wind pressure blew away the smoke and dust, but Boluogo couldn't.

Long gone.

Norm growled angrily, he was being played, and he was in Bolog's rhythm from beginning to end. He tried to break out of the predicament, but he didn't know how to do it.

This place was obviously his home ground, but under Bologo's demolition-like offensive, it became Bologo's territory.

A whistling sound sounded from behind his head. Nomu lowered his head and leaned down, grabbing the chains scattered on the ground. This was originally used to restrain the demons. Now it was held in his hand and he swung it in the direction of the sound behind him.

Under the release of the "secret energy", Norm's strength and speed increased a lot, and the chain was like an iron whip in his hand, making a clear and shocking sound.

Blood splashed down, and what struck was not a sword, but a demon thrown by Boluogo.

The unlucky ghost was beaten to a bloody pulp by the chains, followed by a sharp low roar, and several flying knives passed by the demon's side and hit Norm's body.

The wounds varied in depth. Under the reinforcement of "Secret Energy", they were just superficial wounds. Nomu tried hard to calm down his anger. He needed to stay calm. He still had a chance of winning. As long as he hit Bologo, even once...

He took off the throwing knife from his body, which was stained with his blood.

Suddenly Norm woke up from the rage of the battle. He remembered something important, something far more important than the battle in his eyes.

Searching with his eyes, he found the suitcase, which was shaken to the demon's body under Bolog's shaking of the ground.

Norm immediately swung the chain up and tried to hook the suitcase over, but several more flying knives passed by and knocked the chain off.

Without pausing, he stood up and ran towards the suitcase. At this moment, a hook shot out of the darkness, accurately hit the suitcase, and was quickly recovered.

Looking in the direction where the suitcase was recovered, Boluogo was standing in the darkness, holding a grappling gun in one hand and the suitcase in the other.

"This thing looks important."

He said, still wearing the devil's face, and behind the cracked eye sockets, green will-o'-the-wisps flickered.

"You'll know when you open it."

Norm remained calm, not knowing what he was planning in his heart.


Bologg seemed to be interested. He let go of the hook gun and let it fall to the ground. But just when he was about to open the suitcase, Bologg stopped and looked at Nuo with a mocking look.


"They should all be philosopher's stones. They're not interesting."

He said, throwing away the suitcase together, and holding the folding knife and vibrating hammer in his hands again.

The two faced each other, just like knights dueling in ancient times, riding horses and holding lances high.

Norm held the chain and the flying knife tightly, which were stained with his blood. The blood was like some kind of strong acid, stirring on the surface of the metal, but all of it was obscured by the diffuse dust, and Boluogo could not see clearly.


Boluogo lowered his hands with a leisurely look, as if he knew the outcome of the battle from the beginning, and now everything is just enjoying the struggle of the villain before his death.

One second, two seconds...

At a certain moment when they could no longer bear the restlessness, the two men took action, galloping on their horses and thrusting their lances.

Bologo strode straight towards Nomu from the front without any plot or trick. Nomu waved his throwing knife and chains and tried his best to stop Bologo.

The chain turned into a dancing silver snake, lashing the ground and walls. The corpses in its path were whipped into bloody mist and minced meat, but no matter what, it could not touch Boluogo's figure. He was among them like a real ghost.

Walking through.

Swinging the folding knife, it rubbed against the chain, bursting out dazzling sparks, like riding a meteor.

But in the wild dance of the silver snake, the deadly flying knives advanced silently. Bologo noticed the existence of these flying knives, but just like Nomu, Bologo didn't pay much attention to the flying knives.

He possesses the "gift", the terrible "resurrection from the dead".

This powerful healing power is enough for Bologo to deal with most non-fatal injuries, and there are also dead demon corpses and cyan soul fragments scattered here, providing Bologg with a steady stream of strength.

Bologg dodged most of the flying knives, but just as he was approaching Nomu, a flying knife finally passed by silently, and it cut Bologg's index finger.

It could be clearly observed that something began to spread along the wound, and the fine blood vessels turned from bright red to pitch black, and then all consciousness was lost.

Like instinct, Bologg turned around and moved away, giving up the attack on Nome. At the same time, he cut off the index finger that was starting to turn black with a folding knife, and quickly dodged, and the bloody silver snake came entangled, until Bologg

Back into darkness again.

The confrontation ended like this, with Bologg and Norm maintaining a safe distance, which was exactly the farthest distance the chain could extend.

He stuck the folding knife on the ground, raised his hand, and looked at the location of the severed finger. The blood was bright red and not contaminated.

"Is this your 'secret power'?"

After several battles, Bologo finally tried Nomu's trump card and whispered.

"Blood and poison..."

Seeing this, Norm admitted frankly. He took back the chain, inserted the short knife back into his waist, and touched the chain with his blood-filled palms, letting his blood evenly soak every corner of the chain.

"According to legend, dragon blood can make people powerful, but it also contains poison."

Norm said easily, the "Alchemy Matrix" on his body also burst out with light, and then the blood smeared on it seemed to be boiling, and fine bubbles emerged and burst on it.

Secret Energy·Dragon Blood.

This is Nomu's "secret power". The blood in his body will be converted into the highly poisonous "dragon blood", and strengthening physical fitness is only a part of the power of "dragon blood".

The chain seemed to have been quenched with poison. Boluogo had a deep understanding of the deadly poison. Just the moment it was cut, his index finger already showed the intention of death.

"So...that's it?"

Boluogo asked slightly disappointed.

He freed up his left hand and held the folding knife in his mouth, like a wolf holding a sharp blade.

The right hand dropped, grasped the vibrating hammer, and arched the whole body.

Boluogo could see those cyan debris wrapping around him. As they integrated into his body, Boluogo's strength also increased step by step.

The soul determines the body.

As the soul fragments fill up, it is like being able to temporarily strengthen yourself, increasing your strength.

Breaking out of the shadow.

Nomu only saw a flash of blue coming towards him. He struggled to swing up the chain, and the poisonous silver snake bit Boluogo. As long as the whip hit Boluogo, the poison would sweep through Boluogo's body along the wound.

, as long as he hits one blow, Norm can win.

The silver snake drew a curved trajectory and bit Bologo from one side. However, his speed increased suddenly and the entangled silver snake bit a piece of air. It turned around and pounced on Bologg again, entangled heavily.

The clattering chains surrounded Boluogo. He had no room to dodge, and there was no need to do so. Boluogo stretched out his left hand to clamp the chain, and then tightened it, strangling the dancing silver snake.


Nomu's eyes flashed with joy. Bologo was a mortal after all. The whipping and friction of the chains could easily break the skin, and the poison poured into his palms in an instant.

Within a few seconds, Boluogo couldn't feel the existence of his left hand, as if it had turned into a heavy lead mass, which was actually the case. The blood on his palm disappeared and turned into a strange gray-black color, but it was still there.

Grab the chain and render the poisonous silver snake useless.

Nomu's only long-distance attack method was limited. He knew this, but he also knew that the poison would soon spread along Boluogo's palms to his arms and even his whole body.

"Dragon's blood" can paralyze nerves, which is why Nomu has the ability to restrain those demons. They were paralyzed by "dragon's blood" and turned into lambs to be slaughtered. Soon Bologo became one of them.

The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart was heard.

Noam's eyes were dull, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At the expense of his left hand, Boluogo limited the movement of the chain. This caused the poison to affect only his left hand. When he advanced in front of Nomu, he clenched his folding knife and chopped off the dark left hand.


The palm of his hand broke, and the chains were freed again. Bologo used this to stop the spread of the poison. At the same time, he jumped high, swung the hammer, and the dark shadow enveloped Nomu.

Simply, decisively, without the slightest hesitation, as if what Bologo cut off was not his own hand, but just some kind of burden that hindered him from killing the enemy.

In the blazing blue eyes, there is only a dead silence like winter.

"It's time to read the verdict! Norm!"

Boluogo declared loudly.

Nomu roared and drew out his dagger, swung the chain, and made a final counterattack, but he knew in his heart that he lost. Boluogo was too close, and the hammer that shook the world had already been raised high.

The sound of wrath echoed through the darkness.

"Those who are punished shall be punished! Those who deserve to be punished shall be punished!"

Like divine punishment, the gavel settled by the presiding judge when he convicts.

Breaking chains, shattering daggers, grinding flesh into pulp, and tearing bones into countless pieces.

The final word.

This chapter has been completed!
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