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Chapter 135 Lost

Snakes have a very special meaning in alchemy. According to legend, it was the snake that caused humans to be expelled from the paradise on earth. It is also the snake that gave humans wisdom and control over fire and steel.

Snakes are cunning and evil. They drag humans into endless darkness, but they also give humans the power to fight against the darkness.

Every time he recalled this information, those abominable existences always flashed through Bolog's mind.


Giving hope and then dragging it into despair, like a hunter with bad taste, watching the prey struggle in the trap until it dies.

The scarlet snake picked up its own tail, and the alchemical matrix was like a virtual realm, completing its own closure and cycle at the moment when the end and end were connected.

The ether is bound in it and controlled by these three trials. Similarly, at this moment of biting the tail, the possibilities of the ritual also reach infinite.

Evil and good, closed and infinite.

Contradictory attributes coexist with each other in Ouroboros, but also repel each other, until in the constant destruction and rebirth, all mortal nature is eliminated and sublimation is achieved.

"Hold on! Boluogo, all three of us come together!"

Bailey shouted and waved the scalpel, and the scarlet snake devoured its own tail. The ring formed by the snake's body continued to fall, and the stars were also squeezed, and merged into the only two stars.

Until the greedy snake ate the stars together.

The Scarlet Snake ate everything except the last thing.

The snake rose taller, its scarlet body surface glowed with brilliant light, fireworks and dark gold appeared one after another, and as Bailie waved the scalpel, the scarlet snake swallowed up Boluogo in one bite.

Rather than being engulfed, it was more like it crashed into Boluogo's body, and then collapsed into splashes of water. However, these water splashes were not restrained by gravity, and flowed to the earth, instead shrinking inside Boluogo's body.

The watch completely covered him in the blink of an eye, as if Boluogo had been sealed in red amber.

"First comes the salt...the trial of the body."

Boluogo whispered in his mind, he was ready, and the next second the turbid red liquid suddenly compressed, as if it had completely penetrated into Boluogo's body.

After a brief period of calm, heart-rending pain shot through Boluogo's body.

The power of the trial easily broke through the critical limit of the moment soul. In Boluogo's body, dense, dark golden crystals precipitated, covering the joints and soft bodies, and even broke through the skin, like sprouting seeds, revealing the body.


Destruction and rebirth coexist.

While Bologo's body was being torn apart, these dark salts were also constantly dissolving. After the collapse, the pure ether poured into Bologo's body, making Bologo one step closer to the secret source, and making his body bit by bit

of etherification.

Before he could take a breath, another layer of pain struck Bologg's heart, and a maddening invisible flame burned Bologg's will.

Boluogo knew that this was the sulfur test, which corresponded to the spirit of will, and the invisible fireworks tempered his willpower.

In severe pain, chaotic hallucinations flashed before Bologo's eyes, and noisy words rang in his mind.

There are enemies, there are friends, some are Palmer's bad words, some are the roars of demons.

Among the mixed music, the voice of the tyrant sounded.

"How do you show your devotion to a god?

Suffering! Endless suffering! Put yourself in that endless hell!"

It is rare for a tyrant to say something quite reasonable.

Wealth is not eternal, and oaths are not reliable. Killing enemies for the gods may lead to rebellion.

There is only one thing that will not change, and that is the believers themselves.

Precious, only one life.

Believers suppress their own reason and plunge themselves into pain. During this long period of asceticism, the more they harm themselves and their precious lives, the more they can prove their piety.

Boluogo suddenly had a strange idea. He was constantly dying and suffering, so what was the difference between him and these believers?

The only difference may be that I don't have a god to serve.

No... He has a god he serves, but rather than a god, Bologo prefers to use another word to describe him.


"The time has come to test you."

Bailey whispered, and at the same time, the last trial took place.

The Trial of Mercury.

The scarlet snake entwined around Boluogo's alchemical matrix. It crossed the boundary between reality and reality and directly interfered with Boluogo's soul. It continued to penetrate deeper and reached the damaged hollow.

This feeling was so bad that Bologg felt that there was really a snake burrowing inside his body, and this feeling was undoubtedly deeper than the body, which aroused Bologg's instinctive resistance.

But soon, all the pain disappeared.

More than just pain.

Boluogo looked at the golden dust that filled the air. They stayed still in place, reflecting thousands of lights.

Bailey stood in front of the operating table, holding a scalpel in her hand, her expression frozen, looking a bit funny.

Time... stands still.

Boluogo was a little confused about the current situation, but when it came to time, the first thing he thought of was his gift, the Axis of Time. But according to his own conclusions, it was not time to reset yet...

...not even dead himself.

This abnormality does not come from his own gift, but from these three trials.

The stagnant golden dust trembled, which did not escape Boluogo's attention. He looked at them suddenly, and then the trembling became more intense, as if time was about to break free from the power that bound it.

"You never said you would encounter this situation."

Boluogo said to himself, knowing that Bailey would not answer his words at this moment.

He has fallen into some kind of abnormality. Boluogo has never heard of such a situation during the triple trial. Or maybe he is doing the triple trial at the same time, causing an unknown?

Unknown, unknown and unknown, they come one after another, which is very annoying.

Before Bologo could take any action, the flow of ether was reset, and they surged up in an instant like a flood, breaking the stagnation of time.

But the world did not return to normal as Boluogo expected, but instead fell into another even crazier start.

The distortion started in the spatial dimension, and the golden dust was pulled into long and thin threads. To be precise, all matter was twisted and elongated, turning into glowing lines in Bologo's eyes.

It extends from one end to the other, with no beginning or end visible.

Even the operating table beneath him did not escape such distortion, and then there was Boluogo. He saw with his own eyes that his body turned into dense, pure-colored, infinitely extending lines.

Boluogo wanted to do something, but no matter how much he resisted, his body simply refused to obey his orders, like a corpse.

The gorgeous lines are woven together like a bowstring being tightened.

Let go and shoot the arrow.

The infinitely extending lines reset in an instant, and the afterimage of the reset reflected in Bolog's eyes, and then the things in front of him began to change rapidly and collapse.

A rumbling train passed in front of us. It smashed the golden dust, and then the streets of Opos were exposed from the collapsed walls. The ground began to collapse. After the collapse, turbulence emerged. The Rhine River flowed through land after land, and in the blink of an eye it was

It spread to the end of the mountains in the north.

Boluogo's mind began to go numb. Under this change, the space he was just in seemed to have been turned into a bowstring. With the twist and pull, he was shot out like an arrow.

Pictures constantly intersected and flashed back in front of his eyes. Within a few seconds, his field of vision reached the end of the Rhine River in the north. But before Bologger could see clearly, violent music came from his ears, destroying the tranquility of the green field.

Boluogo likes rock music, but this is really not a good time to listen to music.

It was as if his whole body had hit a wall. After feeling dizzy, Boluogo found himself in a carnival party. He turned his head and a black and white screen appeared in front of him. People in the movie were talking, and then they looked at him.

The palm stretches out from the screen, breaking the boundaries of the story...

Everything I saw was like a crazy montage.

The noisy sounds gradually faded away, and the chaotic scene began to dim, but after this decline, pairs of scarlet eyes emerged, and huge dark figures stood tall like mountains, surrounding Boluogo.

Boluogo is the delicacy on the table, and these unknown existences are the guests who attend the appointment, looking at themselves greedily, ready to use their knives and forks to eat all of themselves at any time.

In the maddening chaos, Boluogo could clearly feel that these chaotic beings were looking at him.

He was discovered, something terrible was about to happen, and Bologo was powerless to resist it all.

The fear that transcends death bursts out in Boluogo's heart. Just as all things are entering their end, a blazing white light bursts out, like the rising sun, destroying all the figures and turning them into wisps of smoke and dust, disappearing into nothingness.


His restless heart returned to peace, Boluogo looked towards the end of the dining table. Above the main seat, pure white and holy light overflowed with strips of light, like a flood of air, at the end of the darkness.

, gathered into a blazing storm.

Bologger stared at it for a long time, until the same brilliant white storm was reflected in his eyes.


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