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Chapter 208 Reunion

"What a terrible situation..."

Lebius stared at the chaotic battlefield. What worried him now was not the king's shield guards, but the huge wolf spider with a nest of flesh and blood.

The spider's legs are like a long bridge, crawling and advancing between the cliffs. As it moves, bursts of mist pass between the spider's legs, driving the wolf hairs attached to them.

Those were not wolf hairs, but slender scarlet buds, exuding thick blood and craving for more food.

Lebius heard the woman's laughter in a trance. Some kind of evil existence was coming. There was only a thin barrier between her and the world. As long as she applied a little force, she could break through the boundary.

"Uriel, where are the others?"

Lebius asked. The familiar voice did not ring in his mind, but was replaced by the chaotic and noisy sound of electricity.

The power of normalcy has been disturbed by evil, and the fragile reality is falling towards crazy illusions.

After calling several times, there was still no response. Lebius's heart sank, and he realized that an evil force had interfered with everything.

Everything happening now is like a grand performance, with those dirty beings sitting in the shadows, laughing non-stop at everything on the stage.

Lebius did not hesitate for too long, and soon he thought of his next strategy.

He did not take the initiative to attack, but took the initiative to retreat. This behavior was reflected in the eyes of the king's shield guards. Some people breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Lebius did not want to join the melee, but some people frowned.

, he believed that Lebius would not leave so easily.

that's the truth.

Lebius stood in a safe area, with two biting wolves wandering beside him, protecting himself. He closed his eyes tightly, and the chaotic scene came into his eyes.

For a moment, Lebius noticed the severe pain in his mind, as if a sharp scalpel cut his will into countless fragments, and these independent fragments began to form their own


While taking a deep breath to suppress the pain, Lebius was also trying to adapt to this state, holding the wolves in his hands little by little.

It is not easy for Lebius, the ruler, to control so many Blade Wolves at the same time and issue different commands to them.

For example, it's like drawing a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand, but this time the shapes he wants to draw at the same time will be more complex and numerous.

Fortunately, this did not trouble Lebius, but in such a focused state, it was difficult for him to take care of his own safety.

Usually Jeffrey would be with him, but the matter was urgent. Lebius sent a message to Jeffrey, and he didn't know how long it would take for him to arrive.

Lebius had no time to wait and just took the risk to make such a decision.

Under the command of Lebius, the wolves hunted towards the King's Shield Guards. Even with the repulsive wall created by Bakr, the wolves still brought huge pressure to them.

"He is not retreating, but is looking for a more suitable position to attack!" Bakker knew Lebius, his old rival, very well.

The Bladebite Wolves attacked tirelessly. Every time they advanced, they were pushed away by Secret Energy Rejection. Some were smashed into rocks, and some were pushed into large cracks, but they would return every time, as if they were immortal.

of the undead.

The loud roaring sound continued, and from the corner of his eye, Bucker saw the figure blocking out the sky. As the tarantula moved forward, every time it landed, it would cause a tremor.

A strong earthquake hit the great rift, and everyone felt like they were in the doomsday.

In the lair of flesh and blood, the delusional man continued to weave his crazy fantasies. A vague shadow could be vaguely seen beside him. It seemed to be a woman. She was lingering beside the delusional man, enjoying what he had.

The sacrifices brought.

"Scarlet Matron?"

The Silver Knight observed this, and the disaster caused by the loss of control of the Immortal Heart destroyed everything in its path, and this steady stream of sacrifices also awakened the gluttonous being.

This is a hell for mortals to struggle, but a paradise for devils to enjoy themselves.

Dodging the piercing tentacles, the Silver Knight landed firmly on a spider's legs. The moment he made contact, the clustered tentacles tangled towards him, but before he could get close, he was struck by the burst of ether.

Completely shattered.

These sporadic attacks had no effect on the Silver Knight. He gathered all his strength and ran up the spider's legs. In this battlefield, he was the only person who could pose a threat to the delusional man, and only he could seize the immortality.


Holding the blade in his hand tightly, after the cold flash, the thick spider legs were easily cut off, the section was neat, blood was spilled like a rainstorm, and the distorted buds kept growing wildly.

The Silver Knight watched helplessly as the spider leg collapsed and stood between the cliffs. After being separated from the main body, it still carried terrifying activity, like a whale falling in the deep sea, quickly creating another bloody hell between the rock walls.

Crawling, covering every crevice with bloody moss.

Regardless of the success or failure of this operation, the Great Rift will only become more sinister and crazy after today, and the Bureau of Order will also need to spend a lot of energy to deal with the battlefield.

The Silver Knight broke through all the obstacles and stood up in front of the Delusionist. The vague shadow that had been lingering beside the Delusionist disappeared into the air with the arrival of the Silver Knight, and the Silver Knight could vaguely hear it.

Those waves of smiles.

"I've never liked her, but I have to admit that she has a lot more chips on the gambling table than we do."

In front of the TV, the tyrant looked at the disappearing figure and commented helplessly.

"She just entered the game earlier...Who could have imagined that that poor ghost who was afraid of death would actually build such a huge empire?"

Sai Zong does not have a good impression of the Scarlet Matron. To be precise, he does not have a good impression of everyone.

The reason why I can chat with the tyrant here peacefully is because compared to other people, the tyrant is more tolerant of Sai Zong's existence.

"Don't worry, she won't be arrogant for long."

The Tyrant mocked, as if he could already foresee the gloomy future of the Scarlet Mistress.

Sai Zong asked in confusion, "What did you see?"

"Nothing in this world is eternal. Even a huge empire will collapse one day, and that day is coming soon."

The tyrant pretended to be serious, like a fortune teller predicting the unknown future.

Sai Zong's tone was cold, "I hate the way you mumble your words."

The tyrant laughed loudly at this, "You know, language is magical. Some words that cannot be said will be noticed by a keen person."

Sai Zong was silent for a while, seemingly acquiescing to the tyrant's words, and soon he asked again, "Even so, I can't see any signs of the empire collapsing. She will not allow such a thing to happen."

The tyrant looked at Sai Zong with a playful look and said seductively, "Then do you want to make a bet? Sai Zong."

"No need."

Sai Zong shook his head. He knew the character of the tyrant very well. This guy would never suffer a loss. Since he was willing to bet with him, then the prophecy of the tyrant...

"Interesting..." Sai Zong said, "I have a strange premonition that the world is developing in a direction that I can't see clearly."

"Isn't this the world always like this?"

The tyrant said indifferently, "Chaos is eternal, order is just a temporary miracle."

Sai Zong silently agreed with the tyrant's words. Thinking of this, he felt a little uneasy...and uncontrollably excited.

"Another big reshuffle is coming, Mammon."

Sai Zong called the tyrant's true name, his tone without any emotion, like cold metal.

"I hope you and I are still drinking and having fun at the gambling table."

The tyrant looked confident, raised the wine bottle on the side, and greeted Sai Zong.

The picture on the TV began to blur, and then was covered by large flakes of snow. The chaos lasted for tens of seconds before it gradually became clear.

The wolf spider was still moving forward stubbornly, with a lot of broken spider legs. It was like a living cloud, sprinkling a large rain of blood as it moved forward.

On the body of the wolf spider, a terrifying scar emerged in the flesh and blood nest, as if a giant had swung a sword and split open the obstacles along the way.

For the first time, mottled blood stains appeared on the noble Silver Knight's body. In front of him, the delusional man was breathing heavily, and small cracks opened along the edge of the mask, revealing a corner of his decayed face.

The melee never ended. At this extremely bad moment, a few figures appeared on the edge of the battlefield, shouting with a hint of despair.

"Wait a minute! Are we going to face this kind of ghost next?" The unfortunate man looked at the huge wolf spider and covered his head in collapse.

"It's already here...you think so, right?"

The figure next to the unfortunate ghost comforted him, but even so, he still grabbed the unfortunate ghost to prevent him from defecting before the battle.

Aimu ignored the conversation between the two people, and nothing nutritious came out of their mouths.

She came to the edge of the cliff, her eyes penetrated all the obstacles, and she saw the figure confronting the Silver Knight at a glance, and a slightly sad voice sounded.



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