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Chapter 11 Win again and again

"About Overlord Xilin..."

Lebius' eyes deepened. In his mind, all the memories related to Overlord Xilin were filled with painful blood and fire.

"Why don't you talk first about how much you know about Overlord Xilin." Lebius transferred the right to speak to Bologo.

Boluogo's understanding of Overlord Xilin came from the information that the Order Bureau could open to the outside world, and the second was the original communication with TEDA.

The past of Overlord Xilin, the tragic childhood shrouded in the bloody night.


This is what TEDA calls Overlord Xilin. He has spent his whole life trying to escape from the pillar of royal power that tried to imprison him. In the end, he succeeded. He stayed away from the radiation of royal power and continued to grow in the King's Secret Sword.

The sword is in hand.

Everyone felt that Overlord Xilin escaped from the throne just to return one day and challenge the King of Terror who sat on the throne.

But in the end, no one expected that Overlord Xilin would die so easily in the Secret War, and his body would be taken into custody by the Bureau of Order and sealed away like a trophy.

"Xilin Kogadel... there are many mysteries in his life, and I think you have already seen the biggest one."

Lebius stared at Boluogo and spoke calmly, with a sense of depression.

Boluogo didn't react for a while, and then he realized what Lebius was referring to.

"Are you talking about...the alchemical matrix I carry?"

Boluogo had an indescribable feeling. He came to seek help from Lebius just to find out the mystery of the alchemy matrix, but he didn't mention anything, and Lebius shifted the problem back to his own.

On the alchemical matrix.

"Jeffrey should have mentioned to you the gap in the research on the secret source between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword."

Boluogo nodded. He had heard this from Jeffrey before he became a Condenser.

Because the King's Secret Sword's research on the secret source is ahead of the Bureau of Order, the King's Secret Sword can create a variety of extremely powerful alchemical matrices, affecting the direction of the war balance.

Lebius asked again, "Do you know when we noticed the gap between the two sides?"

Boluogo shook his head.

"It's the secret war, this extraordinary war that breaks out in the shadows, it's the power of Overlord Xilin that easily breaks through the chamber..."

With just simple words, Lebius could imagine the time filled with war, and his spirit could not help but become tense.

"The power of Overlord Xilin exceeds our knowledge. From the side, we can see that the King's Secret Sword is far ahead of us in the research of the secret source.

For this reason, in the early days of the secret war, even though we killed the overlord Xilin in the kennel, despair still lingered in everyone's heart. No one thought they could beat the King's Secret Sword. After all, they were too far ahead.

But what happened next bothered us. Except for Overlord Xilin, the secret energy intensity of other secret swords was within the range that we could resist... We suspected that Overlord Xilin was a special case among the King's Secret Sword. He gathered

It combined all the researched power of the King's Secret Sword into one, and this 'experimental' power was killed by us before it was fully demonstrated."

Lebius's words made Boluogo feel relieved, and he said, "It seems that our old rival is not that difficult to deal with."

"It seems so, but no one knows whether another overlord Xilin will be born among them."

Lebius was silent for a moment, staring at Boluogo, and then said with a hint of admiration, "And before their next overlord, Xilin, was born, we already had an immortal overlord.


"You mean me? That sounds really scary."

Bologo clenched his fists. He was not delighted by Lebius's praise. He only felt that the unknown future would add more potential crises.

"Then there's another point. Since you know the story of the Bloody Night and Overlord Xilin's life as a fugitive, have you ever thought about how he grew into a terrifying Glory under the control of the Pillar of Kingship?


Bologo felt a little depressed. Overlord Xilin had been strictly guarded by the Pillar of Kingship since the Bloody Night, but until one day, he escaped from the Pillar of Kingpower, flying higher and higher like a bird escaping from its cage.

Until he fell down during the Secret War.

"This time point is very interesting," Lebius analyzed. "Not only did he gain freedom, he also obtained such a terrifying alchemical matrix...

We don’t yet know the purpose of the King of Terror in setting off the Bloody Night, nor do we know what his intentions are for controlling his youngest son, but what is certain is that when the King’s Secret Sword is completely loyal to the King of Terror,

He disobeyed his tyrannical father and embarked on a transcendent path, eventually becoming such a noble and glorious person.

Oh my God, Overlord Xilin seems to have received some kind of blessing, and his sad fate has been reversed overnight..."

Lebius did not continue speaking, he just looked at Boluogo silently, and their eyes met each other.

We are all smart people, and there are some things that don’t need to be explained too clearly. Boluogo already understood this in his heart.

Teda once told himself a similar conspiracy theory. He suspected that there was another force in the King's Secret Sword supporting the overlord Xilin. This force could not only protect him, but also be enough to confront the King of Terror.

At present, Lebius proposed an idea similar to TEDA, but Lebius made the vague existence more concrete.

Thinking of such a possibility, even a calm person like Boluogo couldn't help but breathe quickly. Then he felt a huge network of shadows covering him, and he couldn't see the boundary clearly even if he looked hard.

"Perhaps, the King's Secret Sword has never been ahead of us, and this power to summon all things is just a flash in the pan."

Lebius said quietly, and then he smiled in relief.

"However, no matter where this power comes from, what is certain is that the overlord Xilin is dead, and you are its successor and dominate this power."

Boluogo sighed longly, with a helpless smile on his face, "It sounds pretty good, but who knows whether this power is a blessing or a curse?"

"You are an immortal anyway. Even if it is a curse, you can easily resolve it."

"You also know about the Immortal Club. Don't think that being immortal is a good thing."

Boluogo tried to make the atmosphere more relaxed, but those deformed and crazy figures kept flashing through his mind, as well as the unstoppable words from the third seat in the chaotic timeline.

"They won and won."

Boluogo rubbed his head vigorously, feeling a dull pain deep in his thoughts.

Lebius understood Boluogo's troubles from the beginning, "You are troubled by your promotion ceremony now, right?"

"Well, I had a lot of ideas before. I came to have a detailed chat with Bailie. For a while, I couldn't tell whether I belonged to the Dominance School or the Construct School... People always have to know themselves clearly.

Only then can we decide the path we will take next.”

But do you really recognize yourself?

Boluogo asked himself this question. His life was filled with too many mysteries. Even though Boluogo felt that he had touched the edge of the mystery, he still didn't know how much time and dedication it would take to find all the answers.

How much does it cost.

Lebius said, "Want to listen to my advice?"


"Instead of hesitating about deriving sub-schools, you might as well continue to improve on this path and embark on the path of polarization."

"The road to polarization?"

Boluogo had some impression of this term, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"To put it simply, the path to polarization is not to choose any derivative sub-school, but to focus on your own secret school and promote the secret power to the extreme limit, so that you don't have to worry about who you are.

Just keep doing your best.

Just like being broad and blunt versus being narrow and sharp, you always have to choose one."

Lebius said he was a little tired, so he picked up the coffee and took a sip.

"The classical route followed by TEDA is the so-called path of polarization. It abandons all side effects and specializes in the only path, leaving only pure fantasy creations."

Seeing that Bologo still didn't understand much, Lebius talked about the history of the Sublime Ones.

"The path of polarization was very common a hundred years ago, because the research on the secret source was not as advanced as it is now, and there were not so many complicated branches. However, with the passage of time and the advancement of research, this ancient route has become less common.

If someone uses it, everyone will choose cumbersome branches to make their secret power even more bizarre."

Boluogo thought seriously and nodded.

"Of course, it's just a suggestion," Lebius mobilized his auxiliary arm, "Is there anything else you can do?"

"No...no more."

Boluogo hesitated for a moment, and then his voice became firm, "Then I'll leave first."

Coming to the empty corridor, there were only a few people in the Field Service Department, and the special operations team office was located in a relatively remote location. Usually only Boluogo and the others came to this corridor.

Boluogo walked very slowly, looking down at the reflection on the shiny masonry.

He was not thinking about his promotion, but kept thinking about the god-like figure and the conversation with Lebius.

One day in the gloomy life of Overlord Xilin, he suddenly grasped the power to change his name and destiny.

This is a power like a deus ex machina. Speaking of it will only make people feel whimsical. But Boluogo knows very well and Lebius also understands that there is such a being that can do all this. This is simply unbelievable to them.

It's just a piece of cake.


This is not the end of Boluogo's thoughts. What he cares about is not the possibility that Overlord Xilin made a deal with the devil, but the behavior of Overlord Xilin during the Secret War.

In such a critical war, a glorious man actually behaved so unreasonably and trespassed deeply into the situation of order.

Does he want to defeat the Bureau of Order in one fell swoop, or...do he want to die?

Was it a momentary negligence, a desire to die for some purpose, or... was it directed by some will?

Only if he dies can certain evil plans be carried out.

For example……

Bologg felt that his blood had turned cold. He turned around and looked at the shiny wall. Among the blurred white bricks, Bologg saw the figure of the third seat. He roared at himself.

Win after win.


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