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Chapter 455 Silver Poison

Bologo finally fell, and Zephyrin's hanging heart was relieved a lot.

"What the hell, where did this guy come from?"

Hai Qi walked over and gave the cold body a hard kick. His heart was still shocked, "There is no such person on the list."

If it weren't for the immortality of several people, Hai Qi would not have had the courage to face Boluogo like this. They were all second-stage believers, but this guy was undoubtedly too fierce.

The entire area was turned into a mess by Boluogo. Even if the four of them joined forces, Boluogo could still easily eliminate the two of them. If it weren't for Zephyrin's soul-breaking poison that was powerful enough, coupled with Haiqi's secret power and

Soul Breaker, they really have no confidence in defeating Boluogo.

This is not a fair duel, but a group of people attacking one person. Even so, it makes them exhausted.

Haiqi stroked the armor, and the absolute low temperature made the metal brittle. Zephyrin waved the armor, using the power of the Soul Breaker to break the solid shell.

When Zephyrin tried to drag Bologo out, Hatch still maintained a high degree of vigilance.

In the final attack, Hage used low-temperature air conditioning to freeze Bolog's eyes and inject poison into Zephyrin, but he always felt that this matter would not end so easily.

"This guy is dead."

Zephyrin grabbed Borogo's head and saw a cut wound on his throat. Borogo chose to commit suicide when he was injected with Zephyrin's toxin.

Zephyrin's expression was a little complicated, and he sighed, "How decisive."

"A worthy opponent."

Haiqi checked the injury. Bologg could no longer die. The wound was deep into his spine. It was unclear whether he wanted to keep the secret or did not want to be contaminated by the blood of the Night Clan. In short, he died like this.

Zephyrin threw Bologg back into the broken armor. For Bologg, it was a good grave.

There were bursts of sounds from the sealed sarcophagus, and with the death of Bologo, all the control objects also lost the support of the ether and turned into ordinary matter.

The bloody male servant crawled out of the sarcophagus with difficulty. His bloodline purity was not high, so his self-healing speed was much slower. But compared to the female servant, he was lucky. The female servant was still alive at the moment.

It was in the state of a headless corpse, with pieces of flesh slowly gathering everywhere.

Zephyrin walked to the minced meat, cut his wrists, and sprinkled his own blood on the section of the head. Soon the female servant's head began to heal itself at an accelerated rate, and the outline of the head was gradually pieced together.

She still needs some time to resurrect, and Zephyrin and Heqi also need some time to rest. The fight with Boluogo has made them exhausted.

"Thank you so much, Hatch."

Zephyrin thanked her. She had a strange feeling. If it weren't for Heqi, she would really die in the hands of Boluogo, even if Zephyrin himself was immortal.

"Nothing, I..."

Hatch responded with a smile, but halfway through his words, he was covered in whimpering and distorted noises.

Zephyrin looked at Haiqi suspiciously, wondering why he was speaking in the middle of his sentence.

Then Zephyrin saw a scene that she would never forget in her life. Even the undead who were insulated from death would be evoked the most pure and terrifying scene deep in their hearts.

I saw Hai Qi's mouth open, and something was squirming in his throat. It crawled out of his mouth little by little, cutting the soft flesh. The silver-white branches were covered with thorns, covered with sticky blood, and

A bloody rose bloomed in Hai Qi's mouth.

The flesh and blood from Hai Qi's left arm to his abdomen neatly collapsed, like a hot knife cutting through butter, half of the intestines and internal organs in the abdominal cavity spilled onto the floor.


These were Hai Qi's last words.

The scarlet eyes were full of confusion and turbidity, and the life force was quickly escaping from Hai Qi's body. Then his legs were cut off and chopped into pieces, but Hai Qi did not fall down. The cold and twisted iron spines supported his body.

After a few quick silvery flashes, Hai Qi's body was completely broken into countless pieces of meat, which were evenly hung on the savagely growing iron branches.

Boluogo slowly stood up from the broken armor, his blue eyes showing no warmth at all.

The unfolded iron spines and steel branches quickly gathered together, dragging Hai Qi's minced flesh to piece together an iron tombstone. The red mercury ignited, and the fire burned the tombstone, burning the flesh and blood, continuously damaging Hai Qi's body, causing

Death and resurrection are equal.

"I know how to deal with the undead."

Boluogo moved his neck, and the oozing wound had long since disappeared.

In the report about the Axis of Time, Bologo saw many wonderful ways of death, and also learned from these ways of death the impact of different ways of death on the immortal body.

Divide the flesh as much as possible and keep the distance between each piece of flesh. Boluogo thinks this should be suitable for the Night Tribe.

Zephyrin's eyes were dull, and the most disturbing thought in his heart finally became a reality.

What Bologo used was not a powerful alchemy potion. Like himself, he was also an immortal.

"No...how is this possible?"

What Zephyrin doesn't understand even more is that even if he is undead, his own toxins should still remain in Boluogo's body. How could he resume action so quickly? Being able to possess such a powerful immortal body is at least as good as that of the Lord of the Night Tribe.

First level.

Serre Villeless.

Zephyrin thought of the blood pact on Bologo. Damn it, how could he forget this? How could someone who could obtain the blood pact of Sere be a simple character.

Yes, he was indeed not a simple character. The four of them attacked him and barely managed to kill him, but it was obvious that even so, they still underestimated the terror of Boluogo.


Zephyrin tried his best to break through the shackles of fear, called to the newly resurrected servants, turned around and fled towards the high wall. Bologger was not eager to pursue, but watched their escape with interest.

A clear ether reaction came from the distance, and the sound of howling wind came quickly.

The female servant had just come back to life, with horrific injuries still remaining on her head. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in the distance, and then metal roared in under the pressure of the air, breaking her spine.

Just die again.

The female servant comforted herself in this way, but this time she did not feel the power of resurrection rising in her blood, but an extremely real death.

In the area where the metal hit, the flesh and blood began to corrode and turn black, and then carbonized like burned firewood. With the violent movement of the body, the carbonized parts shattered into ashes and flew.

The spine was broken, the nerves were severed, and her body fell uncontrollably. This time she failed to heal on her own. Her flesh and blood struggled and squirmed, but it was difficult to piece it back together no matter what.

Tilting her head, she saw the metal that penetrated her spine and was nailed into the earth.

A silver table knife twisted by the impact.


Tears of fear flowed from her eyes, and she scratched the ground with both hands, trying to move her body under the cover.

She was sheltered by the immortal body, but now she felt the real death, which was so terrible that it hurt her soul.

Fortunately, her fear did not last long. Another silver table knife came through the air and crushed her head into a ball of dirty blood. This time, she never came back to life.

Palmer stood in the gap in the high wall, his face covered with sweat. Unlike the undead like Bologg, who could reset his state after death, Palmer needed to slowly relieve the poison in his body.

After a short rest, Palmer gathered some strength and dug out a pile of silver table knives from the ruins. As an ancient extraordinary noble, the tableware of the Clerks family has always been luxurious silverware.

"You bastards!"

Palmer grabbed a silver table knife again and used the blunderbuss to shoot it out like a cannonball.

In this night-shrouded environment, silverware is the only weapon that can be powerfully lethal to the Night Tribe.

This time, Palmer aimed at the male servant. He relied on the secret power of the Body Ascension School to move his body quickly and avoid Palmer's blunderbuss. However, before he could escape from death, there was a louder sound coming from high in the sky.

Lots of screams.

The cannons were released one after another. Relying on the distance advantage, Palmer was like an angry coastal defense gun, constantly swallowing the cannons.

The silver table knife flying at high speed hit the ground, making a loud roaring sound and carving out deep pits one after another.

No matter how agile the male servant was, he still suffered cuts on his body in the face of this dense rain of bullets. Silverware is a metal poison to the Night Clan. His body did not heal and showed a gray-black withered color.


The speed slowed down until another wind gun hit his chest. The male servant's steps paused, and then more wind guns hit, tearing his body into pieces.

Palmer clutched his chest. Zephyrin's poison made it difficult for him to breathe. He picked up another silver table knife and prepared to bombard Zephyrin, but at this time, Palmer realized that he had lost track of Zephyrin.

Relying on the ether shield, Zephyrin shuttled across the battlefield like a ghost, but Palmer was not in a hurry, he knew where he would meet her.

Looking down at the burning battlefield, Palmer was rarely so angry. He vowed to make these invaders pay the price they deserve.

Holding the silver knife tightly, Palmer planned his revenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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