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Chapter 3 Demons and Jackknives and...Rock and Roll [Thanks to the wise leader of the new era]

Opening his eyes and lazily getting up from the bed, Boluogo breathed a big sigh of relief and looked out the window, still seeing the familiar scenery.

Thick smoke from the abandoned factory surged up from the factory and poured into the sky. It was so gray that it was difficult for any light to penetrate the dark clouds.

This is the normal state of Opos. With the advancement of industrial level, factories are spread all over the city. Amidst the sound of rumbling steel, toxic smog can be seen everywhere, coexisting with the city.

Outside the window there is the noise of machinery, the noise of the TV is heard next door, on the other side there is the sound of couples quarreling, and the sound of banging doors and quarrels coming from the corridor is endless, day after day.

This is the result of cheap rent, but Boluogo doesn't mind. Compared with the wailing in the dark cell, these sounds are simply pleasant, and they are also full of life. Sometimes he will even lean against the wall to listen.

What on earth are these people arguing about?

Get up, wash up, and get dressed.

Boluogo's room is very tidy, without too many clutter. The only special things are the sand table in the living room and the record player in the corner.

The sand table is filled with chess pieces, simulating the attack and defense of the legion. There are also a few stickers on the side, full of text, which seems to be the operator's experience.

The bedroom is also very simple, with only a bed, a table, and a radio on the window sill.

This is Burlogo's home. He has been living here since he left the sofa at Adele's house. Sometimes he would invite Jeffrey to his house for a drink or take him to Adele's house.

, eating cookies made by Adele.

She had been worried about herself, thinking that she would not be able to find a job because of her criminal record when she was just released from prison. In order to reassure her, he asked Jeffrey to pretend to be her boss, which dispelled Adele's doubts. Although it was said that a certain

In this sense, Jeffrey is really his own boss.

Jeffrey taught Boluogo a lot of things, and the knowledge about the devil came from him. Therefore, Boluogo always felt that Jeffrey was not that simple, but he would not tell him no matter how much he asked, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Who will be next?"

He muttered and opened the closet, which was neatly filled with identical white shirts.

Boluogo's "gift" gave him extremely strong resilience. For this reason, he always paid no attention to his own safety when hunting demons, because he would not die anyway.

The flesh and blood body will not die, but his clothes will be damaged. Apart from paying rent, Boluogo's biggest expense is to buy spare clothes. They are of the same style and are bought at cheap wholesale prices.

After cleaning himself up, he sat on the bed, facing the wall covered with black cloth.

I opened the beer can I bought last night, took a bite of bread, stood up, and lifted the black cloth, revealing the covered wall.

The walls are covered with countless sticky notes, many black and white photos, and some cut-out newspapers. They are fixed with thumbtacks and connected by red silk threads, entangled with each other like a spider web.

Looking at the corner of the spider web, the person in the photo looked familiar. Boluogo muttered his name softly, picked up the pen, and drew a red cross on his photo.

Doron Nord.

This was the last person on the list, and there was nothing to do until Jeffrey sent new information.

Sitting back on the bed, looking at this "remarkable military achievement", Boluogo felt very calm and began to think about the next thing.

And then...the end of the internship period.

Boluogo didn't know where he would go next, whether he would be imprisoned back in the dark prison or become a member of Jeffrey, but what was certain was that he could not be imprisoned back in the dark prison.

He bent down and put his face on his hands, looking thoughtful.

The isolated life in the black jail made Boluogo completely separated from the world. Even with a year's buffer, he was still a little at a loss. In this city, he had few friends or familiar people.

Normally, he would visit Adele, but with Adele's death, his last contact disappeared and he was left alone.

There are no demons to hunt, no relatives or friends to visit, and as for family...

Boluogo didn't think about it any further.

After a brief period of confusion, Boluogo returned to the living room, picked up a record and put it on the record player. Soon the singing started.

Probably due to his experience in the black jail, Boluogo is an easily satisfied person with very low material desires. His only hobbies are music and reenacting historical battles with sandboxes.

The soaring singing voice was full of noise and distortion, but there was nothing we could do about it. This record player was a second-hand item found at a flea market. It was a miracle that it could still run.

Humming a song, Boluogo thought, this weekend is the end of the internship period, and it’s time to decide whether he should stay or go. I have to say that he is still a little nervous. Even in this rare free time today, he doesn’t know what to do.

Do something.

"As expected, I still can't be imprisoned."

After thinking for a short time, Boluoge let out a long sigh.

Adele's hatred, suppression of mania, the possibility of replenishing one's soul... and the most important things.

What deal did Borogo make with the devil?

He couldn't remember clearly. It was as if that memory had been deliberately erased. Boluogo couldn't even remember the devil's appearance or name. He only remembered the existence of the transaction, and he didn't know the content of the transaction.

According to the recollection, when Bologo woke up, it was all over...

In that transaction, Bologo lost part of his soul and became the debtor he is today.

To this day, he still doesn't know what kind of price he paid. Is it really just this part of his soul? Or... there are more prices that he has forgotten.

Boluogo shuddered. This feeling was really bad. He didn't even know what kind of "debt" he had borne. He only knew that his soul was missing.

As for why he came to this world, that is an even more difficult mystery.

"So what's the result?"

Boluogo picked up the folding knife and started playing with it casually.

This weapon is very interesting. When it is not unfolded, it is a long metal handle. As the mechanical structure rotates, the metal cover on one side will bounce up, and then like a switchblade, the second section of "

The "blade" will pop out from the inside, and the first segment of the cover will be reset to become a "handle", and then the third segment of the sharp "blade" will slide out of the second segment of the "blade".

The cold metal lengthened section by section and was placed in front of him, carrying a heavy murderous intent.

Boluogo sighed, waiting is always annoying.

As night fell, Jeffrey stood on the rooftop. From here, he could see the building next door, where Boluogo lived.

The outer walls of the dilapidated building are covered with moss and vines, and most of the walls have fallen off and broken, revealing the red bricks and stones.

"Whether Bologo Lazarus can be hired depends on the results of tonight's assessment."

A voice sounded from behind Jeffrey, and a tall and thin man walked slowly over and stood with Jeffrey, looking at the lonely building under the night.

"I don't think he'll pass, Jeffrey," the man said.

"Why? Just because he is a debtor? Yas," Jeffrey looked at Yas and asked in confusion, "How good he is, I remember I mentioned it to you on the phone."

"I know, but excellence is one thing, and his status is another... I didn't agree with the idea of ​​hiring debtors from the beginning." Yas said unkindly.

Jeffrey didn't say anything. As an old colleague, he could understand Yas's aversion to debtors, or in other words, to everything related to the devil.

"But we do need people like this, people who go beyond common sense." Jeffrey said seriously.

Yas didn't refute anything, or in other words, at this point, there was no use in refuting, he could just wait for the result to happen.

"The 'Kenshi' has been completely covered. Now that building has become part of the 'Kenshi'. Now it depends on how Lebius wants to take the exam... To be honest, I hate Lebius more than the debtor.

Usse." Yas said.

"Damn Lebius."

Jeffrey also cursed, but it was just a curse. If "Lebius" did all this, he had no right to interfere with it.

"Okay, let's just watch the show together."

As he said this, he put his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders and said casually.

"I bet three hundred dollars that he will die in this test, and his weird self-healing ability won't be able to save him."

Hearing this, a strange light flashed in Jeffrey's eyes, he slowly raised his head, and the pressure on his face disappeared.

"I'll bet you, but I bet he will kill all the guys who get in the way and pass the test."

"Huh? Why are you so confident in that guy?"

Why so confident?

A smile appeared on Jeffrey's face and he asked.

"Do you know what Borogo's 'gift' is?"


Yas stopped mid-sentence and realized the problem.

He never knew what Boluogo's "gift" was, he just relied on the report and thought he was "self-healed".

Seeing his reaction, Jeffrey was extremely satisfied, "Yes, for us, 'intelligence' is the most important thing. Even you have no right to view Boluogo's files."

"What is his 'gift'?" Yas looked a little impatient.

Jeffrey remained silent and showed a playful look in his eyes.

"However, even if there is no so-called 'gift', I still think he can pass the test." Jeffrey said, recalling the scene not long ago in his mind.

That happened shortly after Adele's death.

Jeffrey suddenly received a notice that the debtor under his supervision was out of control.

At that time, Jeffrey was already ready to transform Boluogo and take him back to the dark cell. But when he came to the place where he lost control, everything ended.

There were corpses everywhere in the huge warehouse, and a few unlucky ones were hung from the beams. They died in a tragic manner, and it seemed that they had suffered a lot of torture before they died.

Jeffrey found Boluogo in the corner of the warehouse. He had turned into a bloody man. He didn't know what kind of battle he had experienced, but it could be seen that he was very tired. Even the speed of his recovery was slow.

It started to slow down, as if it was really going to die.


Seeing Jeffrey, Boluogo seemed very happy. The white teeth and the blood on his face gave him an indescribable sense of humor.

He raised his hand and handed Jeffrey a piece of paper.

The words on the list are crooked, full of pain and despair, and the black words are soaked in blood, light and heavy at the same time.

List, the list of demons.

Using knives and blood, Bologo pried out the list from the mouths of these villains. Each name was a potential demon who was involved in the smuggling of the Philosopher's Stone.

Getting rid of the memories, Jeffrey actually felt a little excited.

"Berogo will pass. Only by regaining his freedom can he move on, whether it is to avenge Adele or to repair his own soul."

Jeffrey murmured.

“The end justifies the means, no matter the cost.”

In the distance, the "Reclamation Room" was activated, and the gray bricks began to move, blocking all the entrances and exits of the building. The fine and complicated textures emitted a shimmering light that kept flickering on the walls of the building.

Boluogo woke up leisurely from the sofa and rubbed his tired eyes with a slight headache. The room was dark.

He has never been in the habit of taking a nap, because Boluogo often sleeps the whole afternoon when he takes a nap. When he wakes up, it is a lonely night... This feeling is not good. Every time he wakes up, he feels like he has been abandoned by the whole world.

Same thing.

He stretched and took a deep breath. Before he could completely relax his body, he became alert, and every muscle was tense, like a fully drawn bowstring.

Boluogo smelled a smell of corruption.

Evil, twisted, and decayed, like piles of corpses soaked in stagnant water. The corpse water was mixed with blood and dirt, and it was covered with mosquitoes and flies, making a disturbing buzzing sound.

The taste was so bad, but when Boluoge sniffed it, it seemed extremely delicious. Just smelling this smell made him faintly excited, and even his blood became hot.


This is the smell of devil.

"The soul is our most precious 'origin'. All changes in the soul will be reflected on the body. People who lack the soul will appear sick, and people who have completely lost their soul, that is, demons, will have their bodies become empty bodies.

The shell is constantly decaying, just like a living corpse. Only by devouring the soul can the body's decay be stopped and the inner hunger satisfied.

So a lot of times, you can tell the presence of demons by smell."

Jeffrey's words rang in his ears. This was what he had taught Boluogo. Since then, Boluogo has been very sensitive to smells, whether it was incense or stench.

The devil will temporarily satisfy his empty hunger by devouring souls, thereby suppressing the outbreak of mania, but he will still have a faint smell of decay, which he will cover up with a lot of perfume.


Burlogo muttered, picking up the unfolded folding knife, his eyes alert.

He didn't know why the demon appeared here, but he knew that except for Boluogo, there were ordinary people in this building. These people had no resistance at all to the demon, and they would be killed and devoured.

Even though your neighbors are annoying, they shouldn't become the devil's food.

"Am I a savior?"

Boluogo muttered to himself.

Opening the wardrobe was like some kind of magical ritual. Bologna put on a white shirt, tied his tie, and arranged his appearance in front of the mirror, as if he was about to go to work.

Yes, this is indeed work, but to be more precise... it's overtime.

Opening the drawer in the closet, he found that it was filled with cold folding knives. Boluogo liked weapons like this, which were both deadly and easy to store. More importantly, they did not make too much noise.

Picking up a few folding knives, inserting them into the lined tactical strap, one after another, he picked up the black jacket and gathered up all the deadly edges.

Walking towards the door, bursts of rotten stench overflowed from the cracks in the door.

There was no fear on his face, but Boluogo was a little happy.

Others may be afraid of demons, but for Bolog, demons represent the fragments of the soul, the possibility of completing the soul, and suppressing the onset of mania.

More importantly, you can vent reasonably.

Leaving the bedroom and passing by the living room, he randomly picked up a record and placed it on the record player. The black record began to rotate slowly, making a rustling sound.

When he opened the door, the lights in the corridor flickered on and off. He had complained to the building manager many times, but this guy only thought about the rent and never thought about repairs.

The usual noise was no longer there, and the corridor was eerily silent. The yellowed walls were covered with messy advertisements. It seemed that for an instant, only Boluogo was left in the building.

In the old building, the folding knife scraped against the wall, making a harsh sound.

Boluogo looked at the doors of his neighbors, and saw that the "doors" had disappeared, replaced by gray cement walls. Not only Boluogo's neighbors, but all the doors except Boluogo's room were blocked.

The cement walls are blocked, even the windows are blocked.

The entire building was sealed and turned into a prison.

"Is the killing array only aimed at me?"

It's unclear how the "devil" did this, but Boluogo didn't feel nervous about it. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that he didn't have to spend his energy on taking care of his neighbors.

Having witnessed various extraordinary events, Bologo quickly accepted the current situation.

After all, devils and souls are real, so what else is impossible?

Dead silence and putrid smell, a strange coldness surged in the closed building, but at this moment, the low bass sound suddenly came from Boluogo's room, followed by the undulating drum beat and the increasingly exciting guitar sound


Hot rock music sounded.

When Boluogo first came to this world, he was in great pain. Entertainment items were sparse and "primitive", and his technological level was not too backward. But when he recalled his previous life, he found that the difference was too much.

It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. This is probably what Bologe felt at the time. But luckily among the misfortunes, there are still some things in this world that Bologg is interested in.

Such as rock music.

"Xie Yi follows you like a shadow! Xie Yi sleeps with you! Xie Yi calls out your desires!"

On the record player, the lead singer sang with all his strength in a hoarse voice.

Boluogo also hummed the same melody, holding the folding knife with cold light, like the god of death wandering at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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