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Chapter 131 A plan

Lebius glanced at the report and then at Bologo. He never imagined that the mystery of the original thing would be broken through here.

"The Zongge Orchestra works for collectors, and they want... to collect you?"

Facing Lebius's question, Bologo nodded in affirmation.

In fact, Boluogo already knows the history of the Zongge Band. They are an organization that was split and corrupted by the Unbound Poetry Society, and the so-called collector's true identity is one of the devils, the Desire Witch.

But Boluogo didn't say this to Lebius. He didn't know how to reasonably explain the source of this information to Lebius. He couldn't tell Lebius that there was a devil trapped deep in the room.

It was he who told him all this.

Too bad, a dedicated person like Lebius must have a fanaticism similar to belief in the Bureau of Order. If he knew that there was a blood contract between the Bureau of Order and the devil, it might be a blow to him.

This is the secret between Borogo and Nathaniel.

"Zongge Band...Zongge Band...if they attacked the tenth group..."

The mystery finally became clearer, but it became more complicated and strange. Lebius had a splitting headache and he couldn't understand it all.

The sudden appearance of the Zongge Band, multiple attacks, and the connection with the original thing...

Fortunately, Lebius was not a pushy person. He took out the paper and quickly wrote a report, leaving Bologg aside.

It took more than ten minutes for Lebius to finish writing the report, put it together with Boluogo's report, and stuffed it into the logistics capsule. A dull sound of air pressure sounded as the logistics capsule flew through the pipeline and reached the decision-making room.

The decision-making room is omnipotent.

When you encounter difficulties at work, there is nothing wrong with leaving the problem to the decision-making room.

"Is there anywhere else you need me?"

Bologo didn't know anything about the Tenth Group and the Original Things. He just felt that Lebius was a little overworked.

"It's nothing, you can leave," Lebius waved his hand tiredly, he was still a little worried, "pay attention to safety."


Bologo did not reject Lebius's concern, even though he felt that he should pay attention to safety as his enemy.

Standing up, the moment Bologg turned around, Lebius saw something, and he called to Bologg.

"Bologo, wait a moment."

Lebius suspected that he had made a mistake, but when he thought of his obsession with Boluogo, Lebius would not allow any deviation.

"What happened to your hand?"


Bologger looked at the palm of his hand, where there were scars from the sun and the mark left by Belphegor.

For a moment, many lies arose in Boluogo's mind. He believed that based on the image he had left in Lebius's heart, Lebius would not be suspicious of him...

Boluogo opened his palms and showed the brand of the sun in front of Lebius's eyes without saying a word.

Lebius remained silent, and the office suddenly fell silent.

If Lebius doesn't recognize the brand, he can probably prevaricate it by saying something casually. If Lebius recognizes the brand... Boluogo doesn't know what will happen next.

A long sigh broke the dead silence. Lebius leaned back hard and pressed his temples harder. His brows were wrinkled tightly together, making it difficult to relax.

"Trouble comes one after another..."

Listening to Lebius' sigh, Bologo realized that Lebius recognized the brand.

Lebius asked, "What did he say to you?"

"Ideals and the like," Boluogo continued, "he also told me about the information about the Zongge Orchestra. The Unbound Poetry Society is the predecessor of the Zongge Orchestra. As for now... the Zongge Orchestra no longer belongs to him.

It’s under control.”

"Ah...is that so?" Lebius murmured, "Yeah, how could I forget this guy."

With Irebius's calm look, it is not difficult to see that he is aware of Belphegor's existence.

Lebius knows that the devil lives deep within the Bureau of Order, and he even knows as much about this devil as he does.

Suddenly, Bologo felt that Lebius had become strange.

Lebius asked again, "Did you promise him anything? Whether it was a transaction or a bet."

"No, I rejected them all."

Boluogo hesitated for a moment, then said, "But I still feel like I'm in the game."

"Into the game?"

"It's like a conspiracy. If he tells me who the enemy is, then I will inevitably conflict with the opponent, and Belphegor will inevitably benefit from it."

When Bologger said Belphegor's name, Lebius showed no strange expression.

"Belfinger...is this the first time you've met?" Lebius smiled disdainfully, "He actually even said his real name."

"Well, when we first met, he said he was a fan of mine and asked me if I was interested in becoming his poet and writing infinite stories together."

Boluogo emphasized again, "I refuse."

Lebius waved to Boluogo, and Boluogo walked over and opened his hand to Lebius.

Lebius looked at the brand carefully and said, "Belfinger's mark."

"Will it have any impact on me?"

Bologo was extremely wary of this imprint that could avoid the influence of the Axis of Time.

"There is Belphegor's power contained in it, and I don't know what this power will produce," Lebius said, "It's just like his conspiracy without knowing the purpose."

Lebius tried to joke, "Congratulations, Boluogo. These days, debtors who can have connections with so many devils are different."

"If the world were a ball, you would be the beautiful lady who attracts all the devil's eyes."

Boluogo smiled awkwardly, "This joke is not funny."

Lebius's ability to joke has improved, "But I can't say you are unlucky with a sad face."

Boluogo sat slumped on the sofa nearby, his eyes wandering on Lebius's face, "So you knew this early on? There is a devil hiding in the Bureau of Order."

Lebius nodded candidly.

Boluogo continued to ask, "Ah... damn, how many people know these things?"

"I don't know," Lebius said. "If you know the regulations, if you know them, you know them. If you don't know them, you don't know them."

The Bureau of Order's confidentiality regulations cover all levels, but this confidentiality is one-way. Others cannot tell you information beyond your authority, but you can dig out these secrets through your own efforts.

Enjoy this horrifying truth all to yourself.

"If you have met Belphegor, he would tell you all this at this time..."

Lebius gradually sketched a vague outline in his mind, and then his eyes fell on Boluogo. Lebius said, "You can leave, Boluogo."

"that's all?"

Boluogo always felt that something was wrong with the development of this plot. He thought that the two would have a serious confrontation, but when it actually happened, it was like chatting.

It seemed as if what the two were discussing was not the devil, but just a troublesome guy.

"Otherwise?" Lebius said, "What do you think the purpose of the special operations group is?"

Bologna was speechless.

Lebius had a headache and a lot of worries. He waved his hand and said, "You have nothing to do today. Go and have a rest. Don't hinder my work."

Seeing Bologg walk to the door, Lebius added, "Take Palmer with you."

Boluogo left, his head a little dizzy. Something so important to the devil was... light and airy in Lebius's mouth.

Did he take it too seriously? Bologna couldn't figure it out. After waking up Palmer, Palmer jumped for joy, feeling happy for this sudden leisure.

Boluogo felt a little separated. On the one hand, it was the game with the devil, and on the other hand, he had a leisurely work life. He even had an invitation in the evening...

In the office, Lebius didn't care about Boluogo's whimsical ideas. The most important thing at the moment was the original thing.

Lebius had already expected the connection between Boluogo and Belphegor, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly, but he was also grateful that it all happened so quickly, and everything happened to come together.

After dialing the phone, Lebius picked up the phone.

"Guys, I have a plan."

(End of chapter)

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