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Chapter 142 Fantasy and Reality

Bologg leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes and meditated. Taking advantage of his current leisure, Bologg tried to recall his experiences before joining the army, and those days in Mohu gradually became clearer in his mind.

Just like the film dug out of the ruins, the dust on it is carefully wiped off to restore the true appearance of history.

Palmer leaned aside and read a book. In order to kill this boring time, he brought many books and read them one by one according to his customized reading plan. Bologna did not expect that he actually had a reading plan. Palmer saw that

A guy who wants to see whatever he wants.

Aimu sat at the back of the car, admiring the scenery along the way. This was her first train journey. The time that others found boring, for her, every minute and every second was full of novelty.

Jeffrey and Lebius stayed in their small room, studying their actions after arriving at the free port. The last trace of the tenth group was in the free port. They didn't know what difficulties they would face on the way to find it.

Uriel was in the deepest part of the carriage. As the communications officer of the action team, she was nervously responsible for communications, locking herself in the closed room day and night.

Uriel will rarely set foot on a frontal battlefield and avoids all extraordinary conflicts to stay away from the threat of death. However, this does not mean that Uriel's job is easy. On the contrary, she needs to turn herself into a hub to connect the huge

Information network, every time it is activated, it will cause a big burden on her spirit.

Time passed silently, a reddish tint appeared on the horizon, and the train drove into the dark night. Under the dark night, countless sparks rose on the distant horizon.

The sound of gurgling water came from the dark night, and the sound was so loud that even though Bologg couldn't see the river, he could still hear its existence.

He lowered his head and looked at the map. If Bologger's judgment was correct, the nearby river was also one of the branches of the Rhine River.

The great river named Rhine starts from the crest of the mountains, flows through the vast land, and finally reaches Freeport and rolls into the sea.

Washed by the river, the land Bologo passed through was flat and fertile, suitable for agricultural production, and was called a fertile land.

A fertile land...

When he noticed this title, Boluogo had a complicated expression. He recalled that when he passed by this place, it was completely a scorched earth, rich in death.

Sixty-seven years have passed, and the land, which is full of trenches and barricaded horses, is covered with crops. Everything has changed beyond recognition.

The train emits a loud whistle, interrupting Boluogo's thoughts. The scenery outside the window flies by, and the brightly lit platform comes into view. The train arrives at the next station and stops temporarily.

Passengers got off the train, and passengers got on. The crowd was bustling, and no one noticed the carriage at the end... and not everyone.

The man was afraid of attracting the attention of Boluogo and others, so he only looked at the carriage with his peripheral vision.

His expression was serious, and the wind blew by. The man wrapped his brown coat tightly, picked up his suitcase, and squeezed into the train with other passengers.

The train rumbled into motion, and the man sat quietly in his seat until the train entered the wilderness, and then he took action slowly.

Irwin woke up and rubbed his eyes vigorously. The passengers around him had changed, and now a strange man was sitting opposite him.

The moment the two people's eyes came into contact, the man avoided Irwin's gaze, but Irwin quickly looked at the man as if he didn't care at all.

This is Irwin's bad habit. He always likes to examine other people and imagine their stories in his mind based on their appearance, temperament, and style.

Even after arriving in the carriage, the man still did not take off the hat on his head, trying his best to hide his face under the shadow of the hat brim. In addition, he quickly averted his eyes. Irwin felt that the man might be a person who disliked social interaction.

He wrapped himself tightly, even his exposed palms were wearing gloves, and held the suitcase tightly in his arms...

Irwin felt that the man may not only hate social interaction, so he strictly protects himself and avoids the sight of others, but he may also be trying to avoid trouble.

Irwin started thinking, using the man as a model in his mind, and dreamed up stories related to him.

As a poet, Irwin needs to use reality as the cornerstone of his creation, and add some wonderful fantasies... Reality is too cold, and the stories he writes are also cold, and it needs gentle fantasy to temper it.

What's in the suitcase?

Irwin guessed that judging from the man's actions, the suitcase was very important to him. With his acting style and dress, Irwin imagined the man to be a bomber.

Hmm? The identity of the bomber is very reasonable and can correspond to various behaviors of men.

After the fantasy ended, Irwin stretched his body vigorously to relax his stiffened muscles.

Taking out his notes from his pocket, Irwin quickly wrote and drew, writing down the contents of the character he had just imagined. At the same time, Irwin greeted the man.


Irwin likes to do this. After fantasizing about a man's story, he then talks to the man to see what the man's true identity is. He likes the contrast between fantasy and reality.


The man raised his head slightly and looked at him from under the brim of his hat. He remained silent.

Seeing that the man had no reaction, Irwin talked about something else, "Friend, are you going to the Freeport too? That's a really good place."

The man didn't want to talk to Irwin, so he simply nodded and remained silent.


Irwin wrote down various reactions of men in his notes, and then put a question mark on them.

During Irwin's journey, he met many people and created many characters based on them. Some were willing to chat with Irwin about their experiences along the way to understand their true side, while others were silent like the man in front of him.


Regarding this kind of thing, Irwin doesn't want to force anything, everyone has their own privacy.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Irwin smiled apologetically at the man, then got up and left. He was a little hungry after sleeping this time, and he was going to go to the restaurant car in front to get some food.

The man's peripheral vision kept staring at Irwin until he left the car, and then he shifted his gaze back to the suitcase in front of him.

If he hadn't repeatedly confirmed that Irvin was just an ordinary person, the man would have thought that he was exposed as soon as he got in the car. He breathed a sigh of relief. After relaxing for a while, the man became nervous again.

The man stood up with his suitcase, walked through the narrow aisle, and walked towards the back of the car.

With every step closer to the back of the car, the pressure in the man's heart increased, as if there were a group of monsters living at the back of the car, and he was about to step into the tiger's mouth.

As an alchemist, this is the first time for a man to be responsible for negotiation work, let alone negotiating with the Bureau of Order.

Passing through one car after another, the man soon arrived at the rear of the car, and the door was locked. This was as expected by the man. He knocked on the door and made a dull sound as if he was visiting a friend.

"Who are you?"

A cold voice came from behind, and a chill passed over the back of the man's neck. He took a deep breath and remained calm. He was truly a field employee of the Order Bureau. The man didn't even notice the other person's approach.

The other party reacted so quickly. He should have noticed him as soon as he got closer.

The man slowly put the suitcase on the ground, then raised his hands and said to himself.

"I am Dua Aqil, and I am here on behalf of the Brotherhood of Truth."

"Why did you come?"

Something slightly hard pressed against Dua's back. He guessed it was a gun. The muzzle of the gun moved slowly and landed on his heart. As long as he made the slightest movement, the other party would penetrate him from the back.


"For the original thing, you are also chasing that thing, right?"

Dewar knew better than to play tricks with the field staff, not to mention that he was not that capable. He was just an alchemist who was temporarily transferred. He was still playing with his experiments at home a few hours ago.

"The Truth Monk will have information related to it, and you will need it."

"Oh? So what? What do you want from us?" the other party asked unhurriedly.

Dua became tougher and said, "I need to talk to your team leader personally about this."

Afraid that the other party would not trust him, Dua continued, "The relevant information is in my suitcase."

The other party picked up Dewar's suitcase, but did not open it immediately.

In the silence, Du Wa felt the bulge in his back move away, and the other person put down the muzzle of the gun. This made Du Wa take a long breath, and then the other person picked up the suitcase and passed him.

If Dewar saw it correctly, the other party also had a banana in his hand.

Boluogo opened the car door and motioned for Duva to follow him. Several people in the room had long been aware of the conversation outside the door and sat in silence on their chairs, with depressive breaths blowing against their faces.

Duva already regretted taking on this mission. He usually avoided this group of field staff, but now he had to be in the same room with them, which made him feel uneasy.

"Sit down wherever you want."

Bologg looked relaxed. After handing the suitcase to Lebius, Bologg found a seat to sit down, peeled the banana, looked at Dewar, and took one bite after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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