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Chapter 53 Power

When Boluogo opened his eyes, he saw the familiar scene again, the scene he would see every time he died.

The dead sun, the dead stars, the dead, lightless world.

Under this dead and dim starry sky, there is still a star that has not lost its luster. There is a dim fire floating on it. The fireworks are very tenacious and keep burning. One day they will ignite it again.

Outside of this gradually burning star, there are still countless broken rocks lingering. Boluogo looked at them all from a distance, and he was located on a gray land. Because of his own limitations, he could not

It's not clear whether what's under my feet is the same broken rock or some dim star.

After walking through the unbearable gray wilderness, finally in this desolation, Boluogo came to an open-air cinema.

Sitting on a small chair, he waited patiently. After a while, the movie started.

First there was a burst of exciting music, and then the name of the movie gradually emerged, but Boluogo couldn't see clearly the writing on it, as if it had been deliberately blurred.

The first thing that comes to mind is the director's name.


I still can't see the director's name clearly.

"Starring...Bologo Lazarus?"

Oh, I finally found someone I recognized. This is my name.

"Supporting Character, Albert Alfredo."

Another unfamiliar name.

"supporting role……"

Then it was just incomprehensible words until the movie started.

There was continuous artillery fire and smoke filled the sky. The soldiers advanced on the scorched earth, stepping over corpses one after another, but soon all the soldiers fell, leaving only one soldier standing alone in the scorched earth.

Gradually, the sounds of fighting all around stopped. The war seemed to be over. No one survived except the soldiers.

The soldier stood there for a long time, then he moved forward again.

Vaguely, something was following him. The countless souls of those who died did not disappear, but followed him in groups...

Boluogo stared at the screen, and at some point, tears streamed down his face.

There was a sound of swallowing, and someone was eating popcorn. Some of it fell out and rolled to Boluogo's feet.

Turning his head, there was another spectator in the empty open-air cinema. Boluogo could not see his face clearly. He was holding a large bucket of popcorn and a large drink at his feet.

Neither of them spoke until the movie ended and the subtitles rolled.

"I have never been interested in movies before."

The audience suddenly said.

"Until one day, my lazy brother told me that movies are actually great. They record a person's life. As long as there is an audience, that person's life will be eternal."

"So from then on, I had an idea."

The audience's tone became excited.

"I want to make a movie, my movie, our movie."

In the unknowable chaotic darkness, Boluogo could feel the gazes cast from it. The audience was looking at him, and he asked.

"This movie is great, right?"

Boluogo was silent for a long time, then nodded stiffly and replied.

"I'm looking forward to the moment it comes out."

"The soul has been liquefied and has begun to be implanted into the alchemical matrix."

Bailey waved the scalpel of nothingness, cutting the power of nothingness, and glanced at the "bathtub" beneath her.

Next to the bathtub, the instruments set up emitted endless alarms, and the water surface was boiling. But after boiling for a while, it would calm down, and after a short delay, it would boil again...

Bailey guessed that Boluogo had died many times in this short period of time.

Bologo's only soul was condensed, and the liquid soul was wrapped in liquid ether. Just like the theory proposed by some scholars, the soul is the purest ether, and the two blended together softly,

Keep the soul stable.

"He seems to be really tolerant. He stabilized so quickly." Bailey muttered.

"It's also possible that he died and is being resurrected."

TEDA is not so optimistic. This is just the beginning, and the most complicated steps have not yet been carried out.

He waved his hand, and the alchemical matrix floating in the sky, condensed by ether, began to sway. They gathered together and formed a seed. As TEDA's hand fell, the seed also fell into the calm water, falling.

In the heart of Bologna.

Teda closed his eyes.

Secret Energy·Fantasy Creation.

Countless, illusory palms were imagined, they gently stirred the water surface, and the golden liquid contained a shimmering body.

Hold the seed and send it to the critical point between reality and reality until it takes root in the heart.

After a brief delay, the seeds exploded like falling sparks, bursting out into a brilliant glow of starlight.

It grows wantonly, sending out countless branches and buds, with the heart as the origin, spreading towards the whole body, as if it is a skeleton made of light, trying to support this fragile skin.

The water surface boiled again, but this time it was not due to Boluo Ge's restlessness, but from the growth of seeds. It consumed a large amount of ether, and it seemed that there was a fire burning the cauldron, just like alchemists using cauldrons to smelt gold.

That way.

The golden liquid gradually became clarified, and all the power contained in it was turned into nutrients, extracted cleanly, and condensed into the golden tree.

Bailey gradually saw Boluogo's face clearly underwater. His expression was calm, as if he was asleep, and there were many golden lines growing on his body surface. The lines were not complicated, and even a little simple.

The area covered is not large. Compared with the "Glory One", this can also be seen from this point that the Sublime One is weak.

That is the implanted alchemical matrix. The strange thing is that it is not located on Boluogo's body, but floating on the condensed, liquefied, body-like soul.

TEDA took a long breath. So far, everything has gone smoothly. The alchemical matrix has covered the liquefied soul. What is needed now is to return the soul to nothingness, and the alchemical matrix will be engraved on Boluogo's soul and body.


For veterans, the implantation ceremony is not complicated, or even a little simple, but TEDA does not relax because of this. He knows very well that the difficulty will come later.

Just like it's easy to build a car out of a bunch of junk, the trouble is to find a way to make it run safely and stably.

After doing this, he and Bailey both turned their sights forward, looking at the Overlord in the container. During the implantation process, they had been using the alchemical matrix on it as a reference.

The people in gray stood vigilantly near the container, not paying any attention to the vision implanted in the ritual.

"Then restore his soul."

Teda's eyes became serious. This step is very simple and can be completed by reversing the condensation. However, this is also the most likely place for problems in the implantation ceremony.

Their previous efforts to usurp the power of overlord also failed at this step.

He and Bailey looked at each other. Needless to say, this is the closest they have come to success. The former minister of the sublimation furnace core, the current minister of the sublimation furnace core, and a guinea pig who can't play well no matter how hard they play.

, there is no reason for them to fail.

"Start the reversal."

Bailey's voice sounded.

After a brief pause, the radiant soul in the clear water began to sink. It sank with the alchemical matrix until it overlapped with Boluogo's body again, and brilliant lines were engraved along Boluogo's body surface.


The golden light is mixed with green light, like floating silk, wrapping Boluoge, like the cocoon silk wrapping around a larvae, in which he transforms.

Both of them held their breath, as long as their souls returned to nothingness, as long as...

The piercing siren sounded, shattering their illusions.

"what happened?"

Bailey looked around and saw that this was the security alarm of the "Ken Room".

Someone invaded?

Invasion here? Deep within the core of this sublimation furnace?

Bailie's thoughts froze for a moment. If someone could really invade here, then how powerful he must be to be able to break through the heavy security of the Bureau of Order along the way.

Jeffrey took action immediately. Among the people present, he was the only field staff who was good at fighting, even though he had not been on the battlefield for many years.

Secret energy explodes.

In a trance, Jeffrey lost his ordinary appearance, his eyes were as bright as a torch, he put his hand on the gun bag at his waist, hunched over, and transformed into a ferocious tiger that chooses people for food.

"No... wait," TEDA thought of another thing, "There is another situation where the 'Kenshi' will sound an alarm."

Bailey also thought about it. She looked at Teda and then at the sleeping face under the clear water.

"I just said that the implantation ceremony should be carried out in the safe containment department!"

Bailey only had time to say this sentence, and then the howling wind covered up all the sounds and tore everyone's eardrums.

The entire laboratory was trembling and shaking. The solid surface was shaken with countless cracks, and the cracks continued to expand. Gravel and dust rolled up and hit the core.


Balder shouted, he rushed over and threw Baili down. The gravel and metal fragments jingled on the protective suit. Without Baldr, Baili might have been a bloody mess now.


Teda remained steady. He didn't even look away, and continued to apply strength to stabilize the progress of the ceremony. The strong wind blew his white hair, and he looked like a ferocious old lion.

He is old, but still has strength.

The void ether squirmed, creating solid iron armor out of thin air. The armor pieces were superimposed on Teda's body, completely protecting him in the blink of an eye.

The people in gray still had no reaction. A vacuum zone appeared around them. This crazy collapse could not affect this vacuum in the slightest, and they seemed to have no intention of helping. In their eyes, protecting the container was


The destruction continues.

The metal seemed to melt, pulling out slender spikes, all pointing in the direction of Boluogo, and then turned into fine dust and disappeared.

Scenes like this are constantly playing out all around, and the "kenshi" is constantly collapsing, with roaring collapses.

Jeffrey also came back to his senses at this time. He looked at Boluogo who was sleeping in the core. He raised his head slightly and could see the Overlord in the container behind him.

From this angle, the two present an extremely sacred composition. Xilin is like a god descending from the sky. He slightly opens his hand to lift the dead Boluogo from the earthly world.

"It's been such a long time no see."

Jeffrey whispered, he released the secret energy, raised his hand, and could clearly feel the ether flowing from his fingertips.

There is another situation that will cause "Kenshi" to alert, that is when "Kenshi" itself is attacked. If "Kenshi" is sane, then it will definitely feel familiar and nostalgic about this.

There was a tyrannical king who was cruel, tyrannical, indifferent, and conquered everything within his sight.

Whether it is soldiers or children, whether it is angry waves or strong winds, whether it is life or dead things, or even the ether and soul of nothingness.

As long as it is under his power, everything will be conquered by him and become a sharp blade in his hands.

That's why he is called "Overlord".

"Let's go! TEDA!"

Jeffrey roared with all his strength. At this time, TEDA also understood what Jeffrey meant. The iron armor on his body was withering. It was not that TEDA himself had removed the armor, but the ether supporting the armor was being pulled away.

Recruited by another, more tyrannical power.

The same is true for the entire "Kenshi". As a "virtual realm", the "Kenshi" itself is filled with ether, and now all the ether is rushing towards the core, loyal to the tyrannical power.

At this moment, the people in gray finally faced all of this. The light shined from under their gray robes, but it was too late. The vacuum zone also began to collapse. Fine cracks crossed the boundary and spread to the container.

, creating a slight crack.

The god in the container was completely dimmed at this moment, deprived of all the ether, and returned to the shadows.

Dust covered the entire field of vision, and TEDA hid in the distance, watching all this with horror, followed by waves of panic.

It was not only the ether that was recruited, but also the souls of those dead things.

Cold iron souls.

This scene is common in alchemy, killing matter and extracting its soul.

The matter that was killed and lost its soul ended up like this, annihilated into endless dust.

"His soul is incomplete and cannot carry the alchemical matrix... Then recruit the soul to make himself complete again, even if it is only temporary."

Bailey understood what was happening. She was pinned down by Badr, and she reluctantly raised her head, stubbornly watching everything.

At the moment when the implantation was successful and the soul collapsed, between stability and loss of control, Boluogo instinctively exerted his power of overlord.

At the core of the Annihilation Storm, in the bathtub, the clear water had already turned scarlet. I don’t know how many times Boluogo’s body collapsed and how many times he came back to life in this short period of time.

The dust was mixed with metal fragments, which hit the bathtub, causing it to become tattered and twisted, like countless arrow feathers piercing it.

Under the scarlet, cyan light gradually flashed, and the alchemical matrix spread on the body surface, but it was still unable to completely cover it.

Those "cold iron souls" that were recruited are not enough, not enough.

Waves of green light lit up, and all the soul fragments collected by Boluoge emerged, like a group of released fireflies. They merged into the alchemy matrix, causing the stopped trajectory to move forward again.


Until you hold on to this authority until you reach the end.

The strong wind carries the dust, and they rush around in the constantly collapsing "kencha". The whistling sound is like thousands of roaring ghosts, and like the lingering sound of the organ, and the children in the choir make immature and ethereal sounds.

Welcoming His arrival in prayer and carnival.

The wind stopped.

All the dust accumulated under the bathtub, piling the broken bathtub high like a twisted throne built on ashes.

The scarlet will awakened, the bathtub tipped forward, a large amount of blood overflowed, and a long bloody ladder was washed out in front of him.

Boluogo coughed loudly and vomited out a large amount of fluid. Uncontrollable pain spread throughout his body, as if his whole body was thrown into a meat grinder, and every inch of his nerves were wailing loudly.

He tried to stand up, but fell down weakly, rolling off the throne in embarrassment, whimpering softly.

Everything seems to be over.

A heavy tremor sounded, and Bailey raised her head, only to see that the blocking door had completely collapsed. Under the conquest of the powerful, it became dilapidated until it collapsed.

Then bursts of explosions came from outside the door, more alarms sounded, technicians shouted, and there was chaos.

"It seems that the scope of recruitment is not limited to here, but the outside world has also been affected."

Badr helped Bailey stand up. Many tests were also being conducted outside. Under the conscription of the powerful, the ether vacuum phenomenon appeared in the nearby areas, causing various accidents.

Bailey looked haggard. She had succeeded and she should be cheering loudly now, but listening to the constant explosions, her handsome face twisted into a ball.

"Obviously there are still a few days until the year-end review, and obviously there have been no accidents in the sublimation furnace core this year..."

She muttered to herself full of resentment.

Teda sat in the corner without any strength, and the ether in his body was drained. This feeling made him feel very uncomfortable.

Looking to the side, the man in gray still looked the same, focusing entirely on the container. Then he looked at the guy in the pool of blood, struggling to stand up, and a relieved smile appeared on TEDA's face.

They did it, usurping the power of overlord.

"It's such a familiar feeling. All the ether has been drained out. It feels like the 'Ether Forbidden' of the 'Original School'."

A voice sounded from behind, and Jeffrey turned around. Unexpectedly, Lebius appeared here, leaning on a cane, looking at everything.

"Condenser is like a fish, and ether is the sea water that surrounds us. Not being able to sense ether always makes people feel uneasy," Jeffrey responded, "Why are you here?"

"It's hard not to get my attention with this level of commotion."

"Is it just you?" Jeffrey asked again.

"I alone am enough."

Lebius responded calmly, and the sound of armor sounded in the shadows.

Looking far away, he looked at the figure who was gradually standing up in the pool of blood. A strange green light flashed on his body, and bursts of painful breathing could be heard.

"Jeffrey, seven years ago, we executed an overlord."

Boluogo finally stood up. His figure blocked the dim light behind him, completely hiding Xilin's figure behind his ashes throne. His head was lowered, but his back was still stubbornly erect.

"Seven years later, we ushered in another overlord."

Lebius's voice finally had some ups and downs, and he was both excited and frightened.

"An overlord who will never die."

This chapter has been completed!
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