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Chapter 648 Narrative Level

The world is so dark, the endless clouds seem to have built a dark cover, completely covering the land and blocking all sunlight.

But even in such an extremely dark world, Boluogo could clearly see the things around him - there was obviously no light source.

Soon Bologo realized that this was the blessing from the power of stories. In the story of "Night Hunters", the hunters were strengthened by a magic potion called "Trial of the Night" and had strength and recovery far beyond ordinary people.

power, and also possesses certain night vision capabilities.

With the familiar attire appearing on his body and the return of Grudge Bite, Boluogo can be sure that everything he is experiencing now is the continuation of Happy Garden. For this reason, Asmodeus even thoughtfully kept the identity cards of several people.


No... maybe this has nothing to do with Asmodeus, but Irwin's words taking effect, but in any case, Bologo knows exactly what they should do now.

A sea of ​​daisies swayed in front of him. After getting used to the thick smell of blood, bursts of fragrance filled Boluogo's nostrils, giving him a strange sense of confusion. The towering castle was close in front of him, and it was far away.

It was even bigger than Bologg imagined, and bursts of light sprouted from behind the stone windows. Thinking of Irwin living alone in such a place, Bologg couldn't help but feel lonely for him.

"Do we need to kill Irwin if necessary?"

Palmer arranged his firearms while trying to call out the ether, "You also said that he is the narrator of the story. Kill him and all this madness will end, right?"

This is a difficult choice, but it is one that Boluogo and others do not hesitate to consider. What awaits them going forward is not only a twisted story, but also an evil devil.

Boluogo couldn't guarantee whether he could capture Irwin's soul in the hands of the devil.

"I don't know," Bologg shook his head, "I don't even know what would happen if we killed Irwin."

Will the fragmentation of reality stop here? Or will it expand completely and disorderly?

A shimmer appeared on the surface of Aimu's body, and the soft skin was no longer covered with a layer of cold metal. She said to Boluogo in surprise, "The power is greatly restricted, but it is not completely banned.


At this time, Boluogo also tried to evoke the ether. The strength of the ether of the believers was weakened step by step. Now, the power of Boluogo is only limited to the first stage of the Sublimation Master, and it is stronger than the normal Sublime One.


From a somatosensory point of view, Boluogo's own power intensity is close to the state where he only relied on soul fragments to drive his ethereal skills before the alchemical matrix was implanted.

But no matter how much it is weakened, it is still better than nothing. If they had possessed a certain amount of extraordinary power on the Dawn, the successive incidents would not have caused them so much misery.

Aimu has transformed herself into a body of steel, and she doesn't know if she will be able to use the gift so freely after continuing to go deeper. It is best to face the danger now with the most complete posture.

"Let's go."

Boluoge motioned to the two of them, took the resentment bite, and waded through the sea of ​​flowers that were as high as his waist.

"The hunters came to the outskirts of Daisy Castle. They were ready and moved forward vigilantly..."

The typewriter stopped typing, as if waiting for Irwin to continue writing. Irwin looked nervously at the sea of ​​flowers outside the glass window, but the wildly growing vines had completely covered the place, and Irwin could see nothing but darkness.

The story is still slipping towards the dark side. Irwin does not want Bologg and the others to appear here. This is a story destined to decline, and no one can survive.

His hands twitched slightly, Irwin tried hard to cheer up his will. He could be desperate, but he could not bring this despair to Boluogo and others. Irwin tried to believe them and placed his miracle on Boluogo.

"Daisy Castle was covered with mutated and overgrown plants. The hunters could not break in from the main entrance. They moved around the castle and encountered many wandering monsters."

Irwin stated in a low voice while typing the characters that his story was "real" and Irwin needed to write it based on the actual situation. The two influenced each other and completely tore the foundation of reality.

"Fortunately, the hunters solved these monsters, and then they discovered a hidden tunnel..."

When writing this part, Irwin suddenly stopped. The hidden tunnel also existed, but he now didn't know what the area that the tunnel led to had become.

Asmodeus sat on the extended steps, holding his head in his hands with a slight smile on his face.

At the other end of the steps, Belphegor leaned against the bookshelf and asked with confusion, "You can definitely warm his heart and promise all kinds of good things, so why do you torture him like this?"

"Why should I warm him?" Asmodeus shook his head, "Don't you think it's interesting to watch him struggle? He wants to completely destroy me, but he is also full of reluctance to let me go."

Asdermo laughed to himself, "His best and most painful memories all come from me."

Belphegor said, "Compared to the real you, I prefer your false identities, at least they are not so twisted and evil."

"Because they are human beings, but I am different. I am a devil," Asmodeus continued, mentioning the false identities. "And you also know that my identities are not false, but they are not real enough."

"In order to seek stronger emotional stimulation, you even split your emotions into different identities."

Belphegor whispered that this information was not a secret. He had already learned about it during the days when he and Asmodeus were fighting.

After all the emotions were separated, Asmode, as a devil, was left with only the evil side. No wonder she was so crazy and hateful.

"Belfinger, why do you love humans?"

Asmodeus suddenly asked again, and then a playful look appeared on her face, "Is it the reluctance to let go of the past?"

Belphegor did not answer, but Asmodeus laughed wildly. She taunted Belphegor wantonly, "You are indeed the most cowardly among us."

Asmode's laughter paused, and a strong arm grabbed Asmode's throat. With the force of the wrist, the sound of broken bones sounded. Asmode did not feel pain because of this, she

Her cheeks turned pink instead, her eyes were full of excitement, and she looked at Belphegor.

Belphegor's eyes were as cold as an ice cellar, but he finally let go of his hand. No matter how many times he broke Asmodeus's neck, he could not truly kill her.

Devils cannot be killed, at least not this way.

Belphegor looked at Asmode with pity. Her completely broken and twisted heart reminded him of the curse-like law.

"Actually, you don't understand the so-called emotions at all."

Belphegor murmured, "That's why you are like a biting north wind, running rampant."

The resentful bite traced a dark trajectory, and the strong tendons and bones could not stop it at all. The ferocious monsters fell apart and dispersed in a scarlet rainstorm, spreading evenly on the ground.

Another monster attacked Boluogo from the side, and then the glow of ether appeared on Boluogo's body. He drew his sword at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, splitting open the monster's head and shattering its internal organs in an instant.

Following the inertia, it hit Boluogo's shirt, and blood seeped into the fabric.

Palmer pulled the trigger and fired several precise shots. Before the monster could be killed, a fatal bullet penetrated its head. The corpses were piled on the ground in piles.

Bologg wiped the blood on his face and frowned. The wildly growing vines almost completely wrapped the Daisy Castle. Bologg tried several times to break through the window with force, but the vines quickly swung up.

branches to fight back powerfully.

After several battles, no matter how many vines Boluogo cut down, they still made no progress. Boluogo could only give up and look for other ways to enter.

"What do you think it will be like inside the castle?"

In the silence, Palmer couldn't help but ask. At this moment, he raised his head and could see the castle close at hand. The vines covered the surface of the castle heavily, and some had penetrated into the room along the stone windows. It was dark.

The howls of the monsters continued, and since they left the sea of ​​flowers, the attacks of these monsters have never stopped.

"I don't know." Boluogo didn't want to think about such distant things. He focused on the present as always. "It's definitely not a warm and beautiful welcome ceremony."

Aimu was amused by Boluogo's words. Palmer coughed a few times and couldn't help but laugh.

Palmer asked curiously, "Tell me, are our jokes also written by Irwin?"

"Compared with these, you might as well think about it, you, Palmer Cracks, do you really exist?" Bologo said, "Are you a fictional character in Irwin's writing?"

Palmer's laughter stopped abruptly. Burlogo's question brought countless questions to Palmer. Then Burlogo said to himself, "Do you think we are also fictitious?"


Based on the real world, Irwin is at the highest level of narrative at the moment, but at the same time, he is in a secondary narrative below this level.

Boluogo and others are not narrators, but characters in the story, so they are also in this secondary narrative level.

Palmer said, "Can you please drop some philosophical questions out of the blue?"

"Is this philosophical?" said Bologna. "It's just normal skepticism."

As he spoke, Boluogo split open the head of another monster, and then stopped in his tracks, "It seems that this is the path Irwin left for us."

Under the overgrown weeds, there is a wide, long-dried drainage channel. It is well concealed. If Boluogo hadn't been so close, it would have been impossible to detect its existence from a distance. The dark cave was enough to make the person aware of it.

As adults passed by, the darkness seemed to extend all the way to the interior of the castle.

"This is a two-way rescue."

Boluogo went straight into the dark cave, "Irwin can see us appearing in the story, so he will definitely find a way to help us."

After stepping on gravel and dry land, the deeper into the cave, an old smell hit his face. Palmer couldn't help but cover his mouth and nose. The smell of decay was extremely thick, like hundreds of corpses.


There was a crisp crunching sound, as if Palmer had stepped on something, and Boluogo snapped his fingers, and the flames of the cauldron slowly burned, acting as a torch to illuminate the surroundings.

The suppression from the shattered reality is getting stronger and stronger. The scope of the effect of Bologo's secret energy is very narrow and the intensity is not much left. However, it can still be done by releasing the radiance of the ether.

As a faint light filled the darkness, and with the hunter's excellent night vision, Palmer could clearly see what he had crushed.

That is a weathered bone.

"Does anyone remember what Irwin wrote in the first draft?"

While Boluogo asked, there were more clicking sounds in the darkness, the sound of tearing cloth continued, evil power surged wantonly, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the dark space, as if many people were slowly walking.

stood up.

"That bastard discovered the dungeon under the castle, and he used it as a garbage dump to dispose of the demons he killed."

As a loyal fan of Irving, Palmer remembers every line he wrote.

"The hunters arrived in the dungeon and encountered the mountains of corpses that I left behind. Under the influence of the King of Monsters, they are now standing up again."

Irwin typed the words, and as the words "Berlogo" and other words gradually increased on the page, he rarely felt a sense of security. Under this sense of security, he regained his sense and thought about what was going to happen next.

What's going to happen.

Irvin will not give in like this, and the Blue Jays will not give in like this.

"I'm at the highest narrative level, and I'm the creator of it all."

Irwin murmured to himself, his eyes gradually brightened, as if he had found the vitality of everything. He gathered his strength and pressed the typewriter with his fingertips stained with blood.

"Thirty-three years is still too far away for me. I can't remember her appearance or her voice, but I still remember the feeling and everything I experienced with her. It's like a brand.

Engraved into my soul.

She really existed, even if the King of Monsters said it was just a lie, what happened cannot be changed..."

Irwin felt more relaxed than ever before and continued writing.

"I remember her..."

The beauty of dreams bloomed in despair, and the smile on Asmodeus's face gradually froze. She felt the force squeezing from all around, her body twitched uncontrollably, and even her body gradually changed.

Asmodeus's figure was no longer illusory, but actually appeared in the material world, appearing behind Irwin. Irwin could clearly hear her breathing and sense her presence.

With the final narration of his memory, Irwin stopped and turned his head to look at the woman.

A magnificent light rose under the dim pupils, and the fire opal-like color filled her pupils again.

Invisible chains were bound to Asmodeus, tightly confining and restraining her. At this moment, she also fell from the highest narrative level, and she was in this evolving world with Irwin, Bologger and others.

Reality is shattering.

Belphegor said with a smile as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

"Don't forget, you are also in the story, Asmodeus."

This chapter has been completed!
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