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Chapter 64 Skills

"Grey fog! Industry! And...delicious shrimp crackers!"

In the foggy morning, Dudel's energetic voice sounded next to the slightly busy street. His voice seemed to always be like this, full of energy.

"Hey! Boss, you should also listen to this."

Burlogo asked his boss as he rummaged through the dusty shelves, listening to Dudel's signature opening line on the radio.

"Of course, there aren't many music stations in Opos."

The boss stood behind the counter and turned on the radio to make Dudel's voice clearer.

"You know, when I was young, I was a guitarist in a band."

As if to show off, he stepped aside and revealed the guitar placed behind the counter. The guitar was incompatible with this thrift store. Everything else was stained with dust, but it was polished and shiny.

"It looks good, can you let me touch it?" Bologo asked.

"Impossible, this is not for sale, just take a look." The boss smiled and rejected Boluogo.

Boluogo looked at the boss helplessly, complained a few words, turned around and continued to rummage through the miscellaneous items on the shelves. The messy things were piled together, and dust was raised from time to time.

This is a thrift store called "Charlie's House". The name of the store directly uses the name of the owner. This is also one of the places where Boluogo comes most often. The home's war sandbox, record player, and old records,

Got it all from here.

For Boluogo, this place is a wonderful garbage dump, and he will always find something interesting, so he will come here regularly to avoid missing it.

"Boss, have you collected any records or anything recently?"

"I collected a few items, but not many. Nowadays, everyone is using tapes. They are more convenient than records and are more resistant to wear and tear." Charlie picked up an ornament at random and wiped it with a rag.

"That's it..."

Boluogo searched for a long time, but couldn't find anything useful. He could only take a few records with shabby packaging and put them on the counter.

"Clearance? You bought all my stuff."

Charlie looked at the things that Boluogo had selected, and settled the bill with a smile.

"I can't help it. I can only afford such second-hand goods for the time being. When I have money, I will get some good things."

Boluogo sighed, he was still thinking about the advance payment of wages.

"Remember to come to me when the time comes. I have some in great condition, but they are just a little worn. The price is also very good. It will definitely be cheaper than buying new ones directly."

Charlie kept murmuring that the profit margin of the thrift store was not very large, and he had to hang on to old customers like Boluogo.

"Okay, okay."

Boluogo picked up the bag that Charlie had packed and said perfunctorily.

"I will definitely come to give you money then."

"See you then! Bologo!"

Charlie waved enthusiastically and watched Bologna leave the thrift store.

When we came to the street, we were surrounded by a familiar scene. "Charlie's House" was near Bologna's house, which was why Bologna often came here.

In his spare time, Boluogo wandered around the Shenbe District. He was very familiar with this place. It was during a wandering that he discovered "Charlie's House".

Silent pedestrians walked on the streets. From time to time, a language that Boluogo couldn't understand was heard, and there were also some unfamiliar faces. Most of the people living here were strangers who came from far away. In a sense, this city also

It's quite vibrant.

The slightly cold air filled his nose and mouth, and various advertisements were posted on the wall. Among the black and white papers, there were a few brightly colored ones that caught Bologo's attention.

It depicts a man walking on a fork in the road. He is terrified and at a loss about the future, but reality is constantly forcing him to make a choice.

"Oh, it's "The Wandering Rat"!"

Borogo recognized the poster on the wall at a glance. He also had a poster like this at home, and it had Kodenin's autograph on it.

It was also when he saw this poster that Boluogo was shocked to realize that the last scene of "The Wandering Rat" was about to be staged. According to the original plan, he wanted to keep his appointment and watch it, but now he has become a condenser.

Lebius also handed over the action against "Humanophilia" to himself.

The operation may begin in the near future, and Bologg doesn't know if he will have time to watch it by then.

At this point, Boluogo did not hesitate. His primary goal has always been revenge against "Human Addict". As for the performance, there will always be a repeat. It is just a pity that he did not see the first performance.

All that's left are some holiday celebration posters. Each store uses the holiday as an excuse to carry out various activities, looking cheerful.

"The Oath Festival is coming too."

Boluogo looked at the festival poster and murmured to himself.

It is now October, the end of autumn and winter solstice, and more than a month later will be the Oath Festival.

This festival is an exclusive festival for the city of Opos. In order to celebrate the end of the Wrath of the Scorched Earth and the establishment of the Oath City of Opos, the citizens celebrated the establishment of the Oath City of Opos by the Kogadel Empire and the Rhine League sixty-six years ago.

The day when the oath was taken was set as the date of Oath Festival.

Everyone is preparing for the arrival of the festival. Even in Shenbei District, a desolate and remote urban area, the street lamps are covered with flying colorful ribbons.

Boluogo looked at all this with a somewhat hollow look in his eyes.

He remembered that he was released from prison around this time a year ago. After spending the Oath Festival at Adele's house, he left and came to Shenbe District to start a life alone.

It was a warm festival, a festival worth remembering by Bologg. Perhaps he was nostalgic for that time. Like a child, Bologg was unexpectedly looking forward to this year's Oath Festival, although he didn't know what it would be like.


After returning home, Bologo simply picked out the newly bought record. Although it was said to be newly bought, the record itself was already an old item that had been passed through several hands. Bologo was not satisfied with its sound quality.

What expectations.

The needle fell and the singing gradually began. Boluogo sat comfortably on the sofa, casually picked up a folding knife and unfolded it.

Holding the cold knife handle tightly, a green shimmer spread out on the back of Boluogo's hand, and the trajectory broke through the limitations of the flesh and spread to the folding knife.

The metal was twisted and shaped, and the cyan light burned like a fire in a trance, just like placing a folding knife in a forge of nothingness, it collapsed into a war hammer in Boluogo's hand.

This was not the end of the change. Driven by Boluogo's will, the warhammer continued to change and turned into a long and narrow sword.

Gaps appeared on the long and narrow sword. Boluogo's expression was tense, and he devoted all his attention to it, manipulating the ether and making precise changes.

Sweat slid down his forehead. After a few minutes of changes, Boluogo released his secret power. He exhaled heavily and felt exhausted.

Slowly raising his hand, the long and narrow sword turned into a rough chain, swinging in Boluogo's hand.

"It still doesn't work."

Bologger sighed.

As soon as he had some free time this time, he began to train his secret energy. After many attempts, Bologo gained a deeper understanding of the consumption of ether and the operation of secret energy.

Shaping a folding knife into a rough warhammer consumes very little ether, and the shaping speed is very fast. However, once the object he molds becomes complicated, it will greatly increase Boluogo's own consumption, whether it is ether or energy.


Fortunately, this can be trained. As Boluogo became familiar with the secret energy, his operation of the secret energy became more and more precise. At first, he could only shape a small section of chain, but now he can completely shape this slightly complicated chain.

Objects are shaped.

But that was not enough. He also remembered Baldr's "fantasy creations". Different from his own rough chains and sword blades, the weapons he created were very delicate and had patterns on them. From here, it can be seen that Baldr is secretly

In terms of ability control, he is still higher than Boluogo.

The same goes for Palmer, although this guy...

Boluogo was too lazy to continue thinking about it. If possible, apart from work, he didn't want to remember that he had such a partner.

Palmer can control airflow. It sounds like this secret power is quite weak, but under Palmer's precise control, he can use the airflow to control so many flying knives at the same time, and accurately penetrate Eugene's body.

Thinking of these, Boluoge felt a little pressured, but he also comforted himself that he was just a newcomer, a newly promoted Condenser, and he could just train slowly.

"But this power is still quite deceitful."

Bologg stood up and threw up the chain in his hand. During the swing, the chain was filled with cyan light and turned into a sharp sword. Then Bologg stepped forward and turned around. When he swung out again

By then, the sharp sword had turned into a hand axe.

With the help of the Recruiting Hand, as long as there is steel around him, Bologo can shape different weapons. One second it is a folding knife, and the next second it turns into a spear and is thrown.

In addition, Bologo also noticed a use of the Recruiting Hand.

Standing in front of his bedroom door, Boluogo closed the door, slowly stretched out his hand, and pressed against the wooden door panel.

A cyan light track flashed past, and the wood twisted and cracked in front of Boluogo.

This is another use that Bologg noticed. Bologg can easily conquer any door, wall, or even the enemy's armor. As long as it is touched by him, he can conquer it, shape it, or break it.

As Jeffrey said, Boluogo no longer needs a vibrating hammer. In the future, he can easily break in. Whether it is an iron door several meters thick or a solid rock, as long as it is a solid entity, he will be able to break through the door with great force.

Falling apart.

"I'm such a genius."

Bologg said confidently, recovering from his self-satisfaction. What awaited Bologg was a shabby door that was crumbling.

After being stunned for two seconds, Boluogo pressed his hands in panic, trying to restore everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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