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Chapter 88 Dark Clouds

Due to the particularity of the original school, for a long time, Yas not only served as the team leader, but also held part-time positions such as instructor and teacher.

In the sixth group, many members were taught Tai Chi skills by Yas. When these group members become old members, they will teach the new members. Among them, Hart is the most typical example. He is

Taught by Yas, then Hart taught Kemp and Xue Lai.

It can be said that each action group has completely different cultures and characteristics based on its different functions and composition.

The sixth group is like this. They are more like a strange master-disciple group than a relationship between employees.

"Ether amplification? The simple and crude power suits you quite well."

Yas leaned back, and taking advantage of Boluogo's interruption, he briefly escaped from the busy work, enjoyed a moment of peace, and let his brain rest.

"Speaking of which, I now understand why only those who have reached the level of authority can be qualified to become a team leader." Yas suddenly digressed.

Boluogo asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"Because those who hold power can become ethereal and can't die no matter how hard they try, so they can deal with these critical tasks day and night."

Yas complained in a low voice, and then he asked curiously, "Bologo, you have become the team leader, haven't you?"


Boluogo nodded. Due to the special nature of the temporary operations team, Boluogo only remembered that he still had the position of team leader when he was performing a mission. Normally, he only felt that he was just an ordinary member of the special operations team.


"Why don't you have these endless jobs?" Yas said, holding up a thick stack of documents.

"Maybe it's because I just finished the mission and am on vacation," Bologo added, "and also because of the special nature of the temporary action group."

Yas said nothing more, just sighed, envious of Boluogo's leisurely work.

"Let's go."

Yas suddenly stood up, picked up his coat and put it on his body, "We'd better hurry up, I still have a lot of work to do."

Borrogo asked, "Where?"

"Practice room, you don't want to use the ether amplification here, do you?" Yas rarely became humorous, "Although the room can heal itself, there will still be a deduction for damaging public property."

A hint of joy appeared on Bolog's face, he nodded, and followed behind Yas.

Although Bologg and Yas are both in power, Bologg still has full respect for Yas. He is a studious person, and he never lacks humility towards those who can teach Bologg.

Yas's thoughts on Boluogo were a bit complicated. As early as when Boluogo was first released from prison, Yas was strongly opposed to Boluogo, a dangerous person.

The devil's debtor, no matter how you think about it, Bologo is full of uncontrollability, but in the days that followed, Bologo used his actions to win Yas's trust.

Sometimes Aston almost forgets that he actually looked at Boluogo that way in the first place.

Arriving at the combat room, Boluogo controlled a series of stone pillars as targets. Yas took a look and said, "Let's demonstrate."

Boluogo nodded, faced the stone pillar with a serious expression, gathered strength, and then punched hard.

After the roaring explosion, the air flow rolled, and dense cracks covered the stone pillars. The gravel fell off one after another. At the same time, a huge crack opened along the middle of the stone pillar and collapsed.

Bologg's attack was much more powerful than that in the morning, but it still failed to reach Bologg's goal. He completely destroyed the stone pillar with one blow.

Yas is worthy of being the mentor of the members of the sixth group. He saw the problem with Boluogo at a glance.

He crossed his arms and walked to Boluogo's side, "You seem to be very familiar with this etheric skill. According to my perception, your ether flows with extremely high efficiency. When running in the alchemy matrix, there is almost no

A lot of losses.”

Boluogo nodded and carefully recalled that since he became a condenser, he has been groping forward on his own and rarely asked others for advice. This can be regarded as the first lesson of his extraordinary journey... It actually happened in front of him.

The rank of the powerful.

"Ether Chi Technique is the precise use of ether, and it not only surges in your body, it also needs to be controlled when it overflows, otherwise it will only increase waste."

Yas recalled the knowledge in books, and it was not an easy task to compose teaching materials of extraordinary knowledge. Due to various restrictions, the education system of Ninghuazhi is still an ancient apprenticeship system, rather than a modern comprehensive education.

"What is your tendency?" Yas asked.

"Narrow and sharp, extremely narrow and sharp."

"Then when the ether spreads outside the body, don't give up control of them, and don't swing them out like cannonballs. Try to imagine them as a sharp blade. The body to which the ether amplification is attached is the handle. You have to

Swing this blade and chop off the enemy's head."

Yas explained the secret of the technique to Boluogo, "Even if the ethers leave the body, they still need to be controlled. For a control school like yours, this shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"More than that, you have to try your best to compress the impact of force and reduce unnecessary losses...just like this."

Yas clenched his fists, and the radiance of ether clung to the edge of his fists. He then stepped forward and hit the stone pillar in front of him with one punch.

Different from Boluogo's violent offensive, the impact caused by Yasi was very dull, just a dull muffled sound, a little breeze stirred up, and even the smoke was not stirred up.

The power of the ether was tightly bound together, without any leakage. It was all poured into the stone pillar, like a scattered torrent, shattering the internal structure of the stone pillar. The next moment, the stone pillar collapsed and was completely shattered.

Yas waved his hand, "Did you see it? Every step you take requires consuming ether. Only by concentrating the ether can you achieve the most lethality."

He went on to say, "What I'm good at is not ether amplification."

Boluogo understands this. What Yas is best at is silence and prohibition. This is the signature skill of the Origin School, and it is also the ultimate move he uses to suppress the enemy.

Yas said, "You should ask the minister for advice."

"Minister Nathaniel?"

In Boluogo's memory, he should be the only one who can be called a minister by Yas.

Yas nodded and affirmed, "The minister's mastery of ether amplification should have reached an extreme level. Have you ever seen him kill an enemy?"

Without waiting for Boluogo to answer, Yas continued, "I was lucky enough to see him once, but that was during the Secret War."

At this time, Borogo's thoughts fell into memories because of Yas's words. He remembered Nathaniel's gesture. It was in the closed building that he took action to solve the speechless man.

It was at that moment that Boluogo intuitively understood how terrifying the power of the Glorious One was, and how the Silent One, the defender of the fortress, was killed so casually.

Combining Yas's words, Bologo suddenly realized something. This may not be the terrible gap between classes, but stems from Nathaniel's precise control of the ether.

"I have seen how the minister beheaded the enemy. He just hit the opponent, and the opponent turned into dust and powder."

Yas was full of awe for that magnificent power of destruction.

"Others may not understand, but I understand that with the blessing of ether amplification, the torrent of ether penetrates into the enemy's body, shattering his flesh and blood inch by inch, and eventually turns into blood mist and dust."

The scene of the Silent Man's death replayed before Borogo's eyes. Under Nathaniel's blow, the black-armored soldier turned into dust and dispersed. Except for the dazzling blood stains on the ground, it was as if he had never existed.

"Secret War had a great influence on the Minister," Yas was reminded of the memories and said nostalgically, "The Minister used to be a guy like you."

Boluogo felt incredible, "Like me?"

"Well, he is an excellent employee who loves his work. He is serious but also has a little bit of fun. He is not extremely dedicated and will become reasonable when necessary... He is simply like a natural leader."

Yas sighed, "The Secret War changed him."

He then glanced at Boluogo, "That war changed almost everyone."

After the Secret War, Lebius was injured and was living in the office. Jeffrey was transferred to the Logistics Department, thinking about his retirement life. Nathaniel became a moth who squandered department funds at will, without any of his former grace.

Everything is due to the secret war.

The secret war has a very special meaning to the returnees of these wars. The more he realized this, the more Boluogo felt an inexplicable panic.


What if they knew that this tragic secret war was just a trick of the devil?

What if they knew that their fighting was meaningless, all just to transfer this damn alchemical matrix to themselves?

An inexplicable feeling of guilt shrouded Boluogo's heart and lingered for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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