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Chapter 92 Safe Haven

Bologo sat on a bench and watched Lebius walk into the crowd on the street and return to the oppressive and closed high-rise building.

Lebius was in intense conflict.

In the conversation with Lebius, Boluogo had already noticed this. Lebius could not tolerate the negotiation between the decision-making room and the King's Secret Sword, but he could not violate his vocation, so Lebius fell into

In the conflict between personal love and responsibility.

Lebius was rarely confused. He couldn't figure out what he wanted to do. That's why he said this to Boluogo. As a person trapped in a whirlpool, it was difficult for Lebius to distinguish between right and wrong.

Wrong, only people outside the whirlpool can see clearly the predicament he is in.

Bologo hesitated whether to tell Lebius the nature of the people.

Bologo was also full of doubts about the decision-making room before, but after witnessing the truth, Bologo was deeply shocked by the greatness of the "Glory Sacrifice" agreement, and his doubts about the decision-making room turned into trust.

Because of this prerequisite, Boluogo always felt that the negotiation between the decision-making room and the King's Secret Sword was not that simple. The people must be planning something more terrible, but the real purpose was covered by clouds. Before the conspiracy succeeds, there is no way.

Man knows its nature.

The Secret Sword of the King will definitely not be the only winner.

In order to defeat the timeline chaos, Lebius got in touch with Belphegor. In order to prevent the interference of the devils, he was naturally excluded from the "Glorious Sacrifice" agreement.

Boluogo felt a headache. Lebius might make an out-of-control move during the negotiations. What should he do then?

The "Glory Sacrifice" agreement is just one of countless cover-ups. There are very few people in the Bureau of Order who know the nature of the people. Bologo realizes that besides Lebius, there must be other employees who are also interested in the secret sword of the king.

If they are deeply dissatisfied with the negotiations, will they act out of control like Lebius?

After realizing this, Boluogo discovered that hidden contradictions gradually emerged within the Bureau of Order. The decision-making room was so mysterious that no one knew about it, and it was so omnipotent that the staff

They are extremely convinced.

But when the decision-making room takes actions that confuse everyone, doubts will breed in the cracks, and they will fall into an endless cycle of suspicion.

Faced with such a situation, Boluogo felt deeply powerless. He could only pray that the emergence of internal conflicts was also part of the calculations in the decision-making room.

Boluogo never doubted the wisdom of the crowd, and maybe this was also in the crowd's calculation.

Taking a deep breath, Boluogo stood up and moved his body. The sun gradually disappeared behind the buildings, the sky also darkened, and night was about to fall.

Boluogo did not return to the living room. It was a bit too depressing for Boluogo. At least today, he did not want to return to that place.

Walking straight along the street, Boluogo arrived at the Immortal Club not long after. He opened the door and saw that the lingering aroma of alcohol was the same as before. There was no one in the bar, not even Sere.

After the infiltration operation in Mist Abyss Fortress, Hart and others were also on vacation, but no one came here to relax. Everyone was in a low mood because of Church's injury and had no time to think about these things.

After arriving at the bar, Boluogo poured himself a glass of orange juice and chose a quiet and melodious song. Accompanied by the music, he sat in a familiar corner and relaxed.

When he came to the Undead Club for the first time, Boluogo only thought that this place was a paradise for madmen and a cemetery for drunkards. He never thought that he would like this place, but now, this place is like Boluogo's third club.

The two homes are the same.

Here, Bologg could immerse himself in the alcoholic atmosphere and soothe his tense nerves. Bologg had thought for a long time why the Immortal Club would give him such a special feeling. Later, he gradually realized that the Immortal Club

The club is a place where there is no "change".

A hundred years, a thousand years? No one knows how long the Undead Club has existed, but judging from Sere's words, there hasn't been much change here since he moved into the Undead Club, and the same goes for the members here.

"I like it here, Bologg," Sere said to Bologg with a mouth full of alcohol during a hangover.

"This is the place closest to eternity in the mortal world."

Sere's words seemed to wake up Bologo, and he suddenly understood the charm of this place.

The world changes, the sea changes, high-rise buildings rise and collapse, the world is constantly changing, but the Immortal Club is independent of it. It seems to be completely separated from the influence of the world, eternal and unchanged.

No matter when Boluogo came here, the place always looked familiar in his memory, and so did the people here.

The immortals built this eternal paradise together.

Anyone would worry about changes, not knowing whether they would make life better or worse, but there are no such worries here. The Undead Club may become lifeless, but it will also become a safe haven.

It will always be as vivid in my memory.

Boluogo didn't have to worry about losing everything in the Undead Club. The stability without change brought him a rare sense of security.

The sound of footsteps came from the stairwell, and a lazy figure in pajamas appeared. Sere rubbed his eyes. One second he was still looking sleepy, but the next second he became energetic and faced Bo Luo.

Ge said hello.

"You came so early."

Serei wandered to the back of the bar, which was Serei's exclusive position. Bottles and cans collided with each other. After a crisp sound, Serei made a glass of wine for himself and drank it down in one gulp.

If Sere is an engine, then alcohol is his fuel.

After drinking, the whole person seemed to be completely alive. With full vitality, he raised his feet and stepped on the bar. Then he jumped out and accurately stepped on the table in front of Boluogo, and then like

Like a fish, he slid into the seat, stretched out his hand and put it on Boluogo's shoulder.

Sere showed the appearance of a caring big brother, with a strange magnetism in his voice.

"Have you encountered any troubles?"

Boluogo glanced at Sere with disgust and said nothing.

"Okay, okay," Sere sat up straight and became normal, "I heard from Palmer that you became the team leader, although it is only temporary."

Boluogo was slightly surprised, "Has he been here?"

"He was the only one who came here last night," Serei paused. "He seemed worried, something very serious. I asked him what happened, but he didn't tell me anything. He just said some useless words.

If so, then I’m drinking.”

"So what happened?" Sere asked.

Bologo hesitated for a moment, and then told Sere everything that happened during the operation.

Sere nodded while listening. His expression was dull from beginning to end, as if these stories could not touch his heart.

Come to think of it, Sere is a super undead. Who knows how long he has lived. In his long life, things like separation and death are simply not too normal. Even his wife, Sere, has been sent away.

How many Ren, let alone friends.

Looking at the stacked cups in the cupboard, many people drank and had fun with Sere, but they all turned into dust.

In comparison, Boluogo seems much childish. Boluogo feels that there is nothing wrong with such childishness. This proves that Boluogo is still full of vitality in his heart, instead of being like Sere, who is bright and bright on the outside, but has long been exhausted in his heart.

Feeling numb.

Borlog asked, "Has the new key been matched?"

Accustomed to the convenience of the Key to the Winding Path, Boluogo felt even more uncomfortable without the Key to the Winding Path.

"Oh, it's done."

Sere took out his pajamas and magically pulled out a key. The metal was brand new, and there were still small textures left on the surface when cutting.

"Is there a locksmith in the Undead Club?" Bologo asked curiously.

"To be precise, we have many, many members, and each member is good at different things." Sere said.

"Speaking of which, apart from you, I have never seen any other undead."

"Our lifespan is too long. For this reason, many undead are tired of the world and choose to sleep and go to the future. So you usually can't see them. They are all sleeping upstairs."

"To the future?" Bologo asked carefully.

"What does it mean?"

Boluogo became curious and found that he didn't seem to know enough about the Undead Club.

"This is an idea proposed by the undead about a hundred years ago. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, machines gradually replaced manpower, productivity was greatly liberated, emerging technologies emerged one after another, and countless new things appeared every day

...Do you know how exciting this is for us undead people who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years?"

Sere said excitedly, "Our numb hearts have been saved. In the old days, we had so few pastimes, but now countless movies, literature, and games are born every day. This era is great."

"It sounds like you are a group of parasites who live on the spiritual food born of modern civilization." Bologo accurately commented.

"The undead are like this. We are too familiar with this world, and we need some new things to make ourselves happy." Sere continued, "After the carnival, some undead feel that the things in front of them are not great enough, then

They are a group of greedy guys who imagine how brilliant human civilization will be hundreds of years from now if it continues on this trajectory."

Sere looked towards the stairs. In the endlessly extending corridor, countless old friends were sleeping.

"The undead couldn't wait any longer. They chose to sleep for hundreds of years, and then woke up when human civilization became more brilliant. From this short-lived dream, they arrived in the future a hundred years later."

Bologo was slightly shocked. He didn't expect that this was the future that Sere mentioned.

"The Club of the Undead is indeed a good shelter. Sleeping for hundreds of years is not a problem," Bologo said.

"Not everyone wants to sleep so hard. For example, I want to witness the development of the world with my own eyes," Sere said. "In addition to witnessing with my own eyes, I also assume the function of a night watchman. If something necessary happens,

, I will wake them up by force."

Borrogo said, "Is that why you became a bartender?"

He was said to be a bartender, but to a certain extent, Sere is the controller of the Undead Club today. Bologo once wondered how this guy Sere got this position. Now it seems that it is the sleeping of a large number of undead.

It made him find such a position.

"Don't say that. After all, I was once the Lord of the Night Clan, and I still have some management skills." Sere complained.

Boluogo narrowed his eyes. The last Eternal Night Empire, which was managed by Sere, was destroyed under the scorching sun under his control. What he said was really unreliable.

"Well... when you became a bartender, was there someone who offered you a job?" Bologo asked.

"Are you asking if there is someone higher than us, the founder of the Undead Club?" Sere understood the implication of Bologo's words.

"I remember this matter, we discussed it before." Sere felt that the same conversation had happened once a long time ago.

"I know, I just experienced some things and thought of these things again," Boluogo said.

The last time the two of them talked about this, it was because of Sai Zong's departure.

Boluogo has become very familiar with everyone in the Undead Club. Even the indestructible sculpture and the mummy-like "old immortal" are quite familiar to Boluogo.

As for whether they were familiar with Boluogo, Boluogo didn't know. At least he greeted them properly every time.

But Sai Zong was different. The contact time between Bo Luo Ge and Sai Zong was not long. In addition, Sai Zong's obviously neurotic dog-playing attitude made Bo Luo Ge feel uncomfortable. Until Sai Zong left, Bo Luo Ge did not talk to him.

How many interactions has he had?

After he left, Boluogo and Serre speculated that Sai Zong was older than Serre, and maybe he knew something. More speculations were based on the long lifespan of the undead and the time span changed.

Extremely far away.

Bologo thought he could figure out the secrets in the Undead Club, but judging from the undead's concept of time, it would take him at least several decades.

"As I said, no one offered me a job, and when I realized it, I was already a bartender."

Sere looked around the Undead Club, "Just like the room in the Bureau of Order, you must have had a similar illusion. The room seems to be alive and possessing vitality.

Sometimes, I think the same is true for the Undead Club. It is a twisted and deformed life form. It provides shelter to us undead, and we have to pay the corresponding price. When it needs me to be a bartender, I will be like

Like a subtle influence, he unknowingly became a bartender, serving to maintain the club of the undead."

"That sounds scary."

"Fortunately, I'll just use it as rent." Se Lei looked indifferent.

"When you are tired of this world, you can also live in it," Sere then said in a subtle tone, "reach the future."

Boluogo smiled when he saw this. He thought Sere's expression was very stupid, "I won't waste time sleeping."

"I can only say that you are still fresh about the world. It will be fine when the freshness wears off."

Bologg raised his feet and put them on the table. It was quite interesting to chat with Sere, just like talking to a worse Palmer.

"Sere, have you ever thought about who the owner of the Undead Club is?"

"I have thought about it, but I can't think of it," Sere said. "The Club of the Undead seems to be able to influence us and make us perform our duties, so the real master never needs to show up."

Sere's tone gradually became serious, "Have you ever raised a hamster?"

"no, what happened?"

"Sometimes, I feel that maybe we people are the hamsters he raises, and this club of the undead is the hamster cage. He hides in the dark, watching our daily lives, and the things we experience, just like...

It’s like a live sitcom.”

"It sounds like a voyeur, but it's really something the undead can do."

In order to kill boredom, the undead seemed to do any stupid thing. At the same time, Sere's description also reminded Bologg of Belphegor.

Sere looked at the stairwell again, "I don't know if there is an owner of the Undead Club. If there is, he must be in a certain room in this infinite corridor."

"Have you tried to find him?"

"No, the stairwell extends almost infinitely. Only when you get the corresponding door key can you find your room. Otherwise, it will just be an endless blind advance. This is very similar to the nature of the winding path door."

Se Lei paused and said with an embarrassed look, "Okay, I tried to see if there is an end to this stairwell. The result is that I walked for several months and still couldn't find the end. But as long as I want to turn around

After leaving, I returned to the starting position almost instantly."

"It sounds really weird."

"Fortunately, as long as you don't care about these things, this place is no different from an ordinary hotel."

Sere continued, "That's the only good thing about being undead. A lot of things don't matter. Anyway, just sleep in a haunted house."

Bologg coughed twice and cleared his throat. As he explored the secrets of the past, Bologg gradually realized many things. These things did not even need to be told to him. He could infer them bit by bit just by relying on the appearance.

come out.

"Let me put it another way, Sere."

Boluogo asked with a serious face.

"Who do you think has the ability to create the Immortal Club?"

Sere guessed Boluogo's little thoughts, and after giving a wry smile, he asked, "Do you really want me to speak so clearly?"

"Definitely, a definite answer," Boluogo said, "I believe you must have thought about this decades ago."

"Well... the Club of the Undead, this is a magical place, a safe haven that can accommodate all desperadoes."

Sere sighed.

"I can't think of anyone but the devil who could have created a place like this."

Hearing the answer he wanted, Boluogo's mind was slightly shaken, and then he asked a more in-depth question.

"Which devil do you think created the Club of the Undead?"

Bologe is a guy who likes to think. More importantly, Bologe can often iterate and make progress based on existing information in his thinking.

Just like Sere said, a safe haven that can shelter all desperadoes...

Boluogo said softly.

"Which devil's land will this be?"

The mystery of madness finally appeared before Bologo's eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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