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Chapter 114 Madness

Boluogo's roar was like a war horn being blown. The extremely oppressive atmosphere was released at this moment, and countless roars echoed his voice.

The ether rises and the power surges.

Even under the shroud of the plague of decay, when countless condensers called for power and released the secret energy that distorted the real world, the ether concentration in this area rose rapidly.

Just as the mortal body is sublimated by the power of ether, the material world that is the basis of reality is also distorted and changed towards higher dimensions under the accumulation of ether.

The dark clouds and mist become ghostly, and wisps of mist are intertwined and coiled. A storm is about to hit, thunder rumbles, and the wind stirs up weird rhythms and makes frightening sounds, indicating that a terrible disaster is coming.

The golden light was released from Jeffrey's eyes, and the tiger's eye gaze fired the first shot of the melee.

Several low-level sublimation practitioners who were too close to Jeffrey were directly frightened by the tiger's eyes and lost the ability to move. They stood motionless like statues. Then the field staff drew their guns and opened fire.

, the secret energy is released one after another.

On the other side, the King's Secret Swordsmen also drew their swords one after another, and the ether barrier rose from the ground, blocking rounds of volleys.

In this absolutely dark environment, everyone has lost the ability to contact the outside world. Driven by suspicion and hatred, all they can do is to use the most cruel, efficient, and deadly means to destroy their opponents.


The melee is about to break out, and an extraordinary war begins.

Lightning pierced the sky, briefly illuminating everything around it. In an instant, a storm came, and the wind roared, carrying strong energy and raging in the real world.

Sometimes electric current falls from the sky and hits the ground, triggering a series of explosions. Sometimes thunder roars, rolling on the ground like rolling stones, penetrating layers of mountains and peeling off the skin of the earth. Every moment caused by the storm seems to be distorted.

Time and space, the earth deforms, houses disintegrate, trees collapse, and the earth trembles.

In the wanton turbulence of the air, Red Dog and Lebius remained motionless, maintaining a high degree of restraint and staring at each other. They were like two sword blades waiting to be unsheathed and a bow and crossbow, waiting for a slight trigger.

A bloody battle that caused madness.

Suddenly, a smile of enjoyment appeared on Hong Quan's face. The two of them maintained a corresponding tacit understanding and remained focused in the melee. The other combatants did not spread the flames of war to them. Everyone

Both could sense the lethality emanating from the two of them.

The suppression of the low-level ones by the high-level ones is terrifying. Once they give up their tacit understanding and choose to attack the other party's low-level ones, it will be a brutal massacre.

The tranquility that the two maintained at this moment was just a confrontation that restrained each other.

While the two were confronting each other, the two sides were fighting in a melee, those with power versus those with power, those who prayed against those who prayed, and countless etheric currents intertwined with each other.

In the crazy battlefield, Aimu and Badr supported Mamo and protected him beside the iron coffin.

In order to offset the impact of the plague of decay on the city, Mamo, as a glorious person, has exhausted all his ether. In addition, he is old and has no fighting power at the moment.

Several people were on the periphery of the melee, trying their best to protect the iron coffin. The ownership of the iron coffin would determine the success or failure of this melee.

A series of sharp spears stood around the iron coffin. At the same time, more metal creations were created. Amidst the clanging iron sound, a strong armored stomach appeared out of thin air, clinging to Bader.

The heavy protective clothing on his body made him even more bloated.

Secret Energy·Forge of Cast Iron.

This is the secret power of the School of Illusion from Balder, which allows Balder to create many metal illusions and perform certain control and control.

Aimu became extremely nervous and picked up a strange-looking rifle to protect herself. This was given to her by Bailey before departure. It is said to be a new work of the sublimation furnace core, but it is still in the experimental stage and has not been passed through.

Practical test.

The field staff formed a front to block the King's Secret Swords in front. The battle has not yet reached here, but many King's Secret Swords have already realized that what they want is right here with them.

In the crazy melee, everyone seemed to be filled with anger, and no one noticed Bologo coming from the sea of ​​fog.

Boluogo also rarely suppressed his desire for war. He lurked in the thick fog and wandered around the edge of the battlefield, looking for opportunities.

In order to return from the great rift, Bologo continuously threw the phantom dagger above his head, relying on a funny method that was almost left foot stepping on the right foot, repeatedly shuttled through the winding path, and left the area with high concentration of the plague of decay.

Bologo succeeded in escaping from death before he was completely corroded, but the price was that his ether was almost exhausted. Strong fatigue and pain tortured his mind, and the strange hunger and thirst of ether depletion made it difficult for him to move.


He originally wanted to inform Lebius of these things in a more secretive way, but the plague of decay affected all communications. Even the close-range sentry was ineffective. The toxin seeped into the body, and Boluogo did not know that he was

How long can it last? I can only remind everyone in the simplest and crudest way.

After a short rest, Boluogo accumulated a small amount of strength and watched the battlefield coldly.

The plague of decay not only eats matter, but also bites the ether. It can be said that wherever it goes, the ether will continue to become thinner, and even create an ether vacuum.

But in this case, a large number of condensers are calling for the ether again, which is like a vacuum area suddenly appearing in the deep sea. After the power to maintain the vacuum area disappears, tons of seawater pours in, smoothing the place.

of vacuum.

The same is true for ether.

Under the call of the Sublime One, massive amounts of ether tended to be summoned from the surrounding areas, and while reacting with the remaining plague of decay in the air, extraordinary phenomena also occurred as the concentration increased.

The laws of nature begin to distort, the foundation of reality gradually collapses, and the laws of physics are no longer reliable.

Under the collision of extraordinary power, it seems that all rationality is trying to escape from this distorted area. In this raging storm and the collapse of the earth, everything becomes small and vulnerable. In the distorted and deformed reality, the supernatural

The phenomenon seems to have taken on concrete form and life, cunning and cruel, howling and struggling mercilessly in this distorted world.

After the head-on collision, as professionals, everyone decisively chose to rely on the fog to hide their figures, and the chaotic light flickered in the hazy darkness.

The King's Secret Swordsmen were like swordsmen from the old era. The sword blades in their hands exuded the etheric power of pale blue light, and made a faint sound, as if they were calling something in a low voice.

Suddenly, a field staff member launched an attack on a secret sword. The ether kept swirling in the air, emitting streaks of lightning-like light. Their figures were intertwined, and the energy falling on the ground brought bursts of energy.

The storm was violent. The masks of field staff flickered in the darkness, adding a sense of mystery to this long war.

Boluogo walked quickly, looking for opportunities.

Hunting opportunities.

In the chaotic scene, countless ethers were flying in the air, making it impossible to identify the source of the attack. The waving secret energy was like a turbulent wave, moving through the darkness, making people shudder.

As the battle continues, more and more condensers join this chaotic war. Their existences like light flash past quickly, disrupting everyone's sight. Everyone is struggling hard not to let go.

Throw yourself into this endless chaos.

No one knows whether they can survive this war full of death.

Jeffrey approached the opponent's power bearer, and the bone-crushing knife and the secret sword collided. They slashed at each other with cold weapons and fought.

The battlefield gradually turned into a ruins, and everyone was moving quickly through the ruins, attacking their opponents so fast that it was dizzying.

Their attacks include both radiant etheric energy and sharp cold weapons that cut the air. Everyone is constantly displaying their own secret powers in pursuit of victory.

With the flash of cold light and the deep voice produced by the alchemy matrix, this space began to become weird.

The laws of real physics are distorted, and various supernatural phenomena occur frequently. Some people can move hundreds of meters in a few seconds, some can punch through solid buildings with one punch, and some even produce effects that are like controlling the flow of time.

The power displayed by these condensers is beyond human imagination, and the distance between them and the mortal world is only separated by a thick mist.

As the battle progressed, some condensers seemed to have lost their minds. They became full of rage and violence, eager to beat their opponents to pieces.

However, some people still remain calm. Their strength is not strong, but they respond to every attack in a controlled manner in the flickering light. In this dark, chaotic, and crazy space, they become a stable light.

, giving hope to others.

A field clerk was knocked down by his opponent. His opponent was not doing well either. His body was covered with injuries and he was panting.

Just when he was about to kill the field staff completely, the mist behind him surged, as if a ghost was approaching quickly.

When he noticed the abnormality, the sharp sword blade had penetrated his heart from the back. The next moment, the hand ax saw his throat, quenching the screams.

He tried to fight back, but then he discovered that the ether hidden in his body no longer obeyed his orders. It was like a huge hole appeared in the alchemical matrix, and a steady stream of ether leaked out from it.

Blessing, sucking the soul and usurping the soul.

Great fear erupted in his heart, and he could feel the evil spirit coming from the mist doing something to him. The evil spirit not only took away his life, but also sucked away his ether.

The despair did not last long. Bologg cut off his neck completely, and his head fell to the ground. Bologg was covered in blood, and the extracted ether surged in the dry alchemical matrix.

The field clerk who fell to the ground looked at Boluogo in shock. From his perspective, he only saw the figure of Mo Hu appearing, and then he killed the opponent. The next moment, the fog shrouded Boluogo.

It disappeared and merged into the mist again.

The evil spirits are scurrying around, coming and going without a trace in the thick fog, biting open the enemy's body, and emitting a sweet but frightening cry, which makes people fearful.

In the fierce melee, no one realized that an evil spirit was watching from the side. He was like a skilled assassin, assassinating the injured and lone enemies.

Boluogo has a strong and vigorous figure, like a ray of breeze, moving back and forth in the mist, disappearing and appearing.

One corpse fell down one after another, and then disappeared into the mist. Under the continuous hunting, Boluogo's dry ether was slowly replenished. Like a carrion bird, he relied on the death of the enemy to continue.

own battle.

Gradually, the King's Secret Swordsmen also noticed that something was wrong with the situation. They had quickly lost too many troops without realizing it. They immediately noticed that there were assassins lurking in the mist. In this severe environment, the atmosphere of fear was filled with fear.

The arrival of Logo becomes even more intense.

Bologg moved freely through the mist, lurking behind him, killing his enemies silently, and then quickly disappeared like a ghost.

His whereabouts are difficult to detect, and his hunting on the battlefield is almost silent, making it difficult for people to detect him.

Boluogo raised his arm, and the dagger made of snake scales came out of his hand. In the flickering light, the dagger stabbed the enemy's ankle accurately.

This blow only had a disruptive effect, but the field staff on the opposite side of the enemy caught the moment when his steps were disordered and opened fire, hitting him in the chest. Blood spurted out from his back and fell with the sound of the gunshot.


The body was swimming around, agile and fast, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.

In the current melee, the two highest-ranking defenders are Red Dog and Lebius. Now that the two are facing each other and are not acting rashly, Bologo, as the one with the power, is the most powerful existence.

Any target targeted by Boluogo is destined to be unable to escape from his grasp.

In a world of absolute darkness, no one knows when support from the Bureau of Order will arrive. Once it arrives, the situation of the King's Secret Swords will become even more dangerous.

In this case, morale is extremely important, and Borogo's assassination is corroding their morale bit by bit. Under the unknown death, even the bravest soldiers will feel scared. Because they know that Borogo

Ge is their god of death, and will kill them in the blink of an eye when they are wounded.

Boluogo lowered his breathing. At this moment, his ether had returned to normal. He did not continue to assassinate the enemy. It could be seen that the King's Secret Sword had gathered its formation. If he assassinated rashly, he would fall into their trap.

Under siege.

As long as you continue to hide in the shadows, you can continue to put pressure on them.

While remaining hidden, Boluogo also felt a little uneasy in his heart. Since he joined the job, this is the first time he has participated in such a large-scale extraordinary conflict, with different secret powers overlapping together, turning the battlefield into a...

In a crazy place, no one knows whether one of their actions will trigger some secret power of the enemy and lead to death.

The mist-shrouded battlefield, the smell of blood, wailing sounds, and creepy wind sounds intertwined together, making everything around it seem extremely weird and terrifying.

The high mental tension makes many people exhausted, but they must persevere. If they relax even a little, they will die.

In such a desperate situation, this became Boluogo's amusement park, and he actually felt a little comfortable.

This reminded Bologg of his first year as an intern, when Bologg was like this, hiding in the darkness, exerting constant fear on his enemies, and cutting off their lives amidst their desperate howls.

Due to the fierceness of the battle, the entire battlefield is constantly expanding, and the distance between the condensers is also gradually spreading out. Even if they gather their formation, there are only a few people hugging each other, and some people are still engaged in continuous fighting.

Approaching the edge area, not to mention, there are still people approaching the iron coffin, trying to seize the most valuable target on the battlefield.

Bologg had his eyes on them. Just by looking at the appearance of the iron coffin, Bologg could guess what was inside.

Xilin, the core of this whirlpool.

Dantai struggled to break through the defense lines of the field staff, and led several secret swords to successfully approach the iron coffin. As one of the few people in charge, he has an extremely important mission, which is to snatch Xilin's body.


The iron coffin was now very close, and the people guarding it were only two believers. As for Mamo, the ancient glorious one, Dantai didn't take it seriously.

Mamo's aging is not only the aging of his body functions, but also the aging of his alchemical matrix. He is like a rusty, old machine. Even if he carries the power of the Glorious One, in this era that surpasses him, his

His strength has also become weaker, not to mention that in order to weaken the plague of decay, he has fallen into ether depletion.

Dantai couldn't help but feel excited when he thought that he might be able to take advantage of his weakness to kill a glorious person. Once he succeeded, he would definitely gain the attention of the royal family, and one day in the future, he would have a seat and even obtain that title.

The Supreme Secret Sword.

Driven by desire, Dantai was full of motivation and strode forward. Even Lebius could not stop him at this moment. Although most of the Blade Bite Wolves had been awakened, they unanimously surrounded the red dog.

, as long as Lebius does not participate in the war, Red Dog will not participate in the war, but once the balance is broken, the disputes between the defenders will push this melee to crazy extremes.

For Dantae, this is the perfect moment.

"Follow me!"

Dantai said to the others, but after a few seconds, there was no response.

A strong sense of uneasiness surged into his heart. Dantai stopped and looked around him. All the secret swords following him had disappeared.

Under the cover of the fog, the visual distance is extremely narrow, and the plague of decay is still disturbing the power of the ether. For targets that are too far away, Dantai can only judge the location through the ether arc light of Mo Lake and the reaction with the ether.

With simple perception, he realized that there was no one within a few meters around him.

Dantai's heart suddenly became cold, and a terrible sense of crisis exploded in his mind. It was also at this moment that he felt something approaching from behind.

A sharp pain shot through his back and almost came out of his chest.

The blow of the saw ax almost cracked open Dantai's shoulder. The roar of the engine was beating hoarsely like an evil heart. Every time the engine breathed, it would send out a frightening hiss. Listening up close, these sounds were so...

It's harsh and makes you want to cover your ears.

It was obviously a cold metal creation, but at the moment of drinking blood, it seemed to have a mechanical feel. The jagged ax blade was like interlocking gears, like a high-speed rotating chain saw.

As the ax blade penetrates into the flesh, the roar of the chain saw gets closer and closer. Its sharp and piercing sound is scary. The constantly rotating and rubbing saw teeth emit a cold light. Once it starts to cut the flesh,

, that terrible sound spread throughout the space.

Dantai could hear the sound of flesh being torn into pieces, and the sound of precious bones being crushed, and the thoughts in his mind became blurred and confused under the gentle accompaniment of those sounds.

He also tried to fight back, but then he felt another, weaker wave of coldness piercing his spine.

Dantai was so overwhelmed by the ecstasy of desire that he didn't even notice Boluoge's approach, nor did he realize that in addition to the pain caused by the saw-axe, the resentment bite had already severed his spine.

Ether no longer listened to Dantai's call and became extremely silent.

When Bologo inflicts heavy damage to the enemy, Blessing and Soul-Sucking will cooperate with the Saw-Saw Axe, devouring the enemy's blood and absorbing the ether. Bologo gradually realizes that as long as he inflicts enough heavy damage on the enemy,

, breaking through the critical protection of Moment Soul, you can use such an almost infinite loop-like offensive to completely obliterate all the enemy's ability to resist.

For a moment, in Dantai's suffocated whine, the smell of blood and meat residue filled the entire area. This smell made people want to vomit. The mixture of muscles and blood was carelessly thrown to the ground, and blood formed on the ground.

A river of crimson formed, their smell like the scream of a destructive spirit.

Under heavy torture, Dantai felt that his soul was being wiped out bit by bit, and the terrifying appearance exploded. Horrifying hallucinations overlapped in his mind, and a series of powers overlapped, causing him to completely lose his ability to think.

Ability, and life.

Bologo casually threw away Dantai's body, his blood was sucked dry by the hand axe, and the ether was taken away by Bologo. At this moment, he no longer had any value.

Feeling the fullness in his body, Bologger strode towards Aimu and Badr.

Balder remained highly vigilant. The fog obscured his ability to determine the identity of the terrifying figure. When Bologo's figure gradually became clearer, his mind calmed down.

It was also at this time that Balder noticed that because he had been in the sublimation furnace core for many years, this was the first time he had seen Bologo's cruel methods. This made Baldr feel a little nauseous.

Aimu on the side didn't feel the slightest discomfort when she saw this. She didn't even care about the flesh and bone fragments on Boluoge's body.

This chapter has been completed!
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