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Chapter 118 Bloody Fight to the Death

A black smoke suddenly rose, like the evil breath rolled up from the abyss of hell, suffocating. As the footsteps approached, Mohu's figure gradually became clearer.

Everyone felt inexplicable pressure, as if they were facing an enemy from mythology.

The scarlet robe was in pieces, and the armor stomach underneath it became rusty and full of cracks. There was flesh and blood slowly squirming in the gaps. They were like vines, spreading all over it, and some had armor stomachs.

Outside, on the surface of the metal, sarcomas and nodules were formed one after another, with little blood stains dripping down.

Boluogo looked at his face. Under the hood, there was only turbid darkness.

The stench of blood filled the air, and at the same time, like a hound, Boluogo discerned from this smell the familiar meaning of the devil's madness.

"First seat..."

A low and hoarse voice came out of Boluogo's throat, as if all his strength had been exhausted.

The moment the sound reached the ears of others, the boiling blood quickly cooled down, and everyone's heart was grasped by the sharp claws of the extreme cold.

The first seat was silent, like the incarnation of death, holding a skull scythe with blood on the blade and skulls hanging on it.

He walked forward slowly, and a sticky sound came from the soles of his feet. The first one seemed to be stepping on some kind of flesh and blood creation, like dense, fat insects, trampling them until their skin and flesh were ripped open, and dirt was scattered everywhere.

The real sound of the wind came from the mist, like the roars of the dead and the chorus of the roars of ghosts. The sound pierced people's hearts and made people's hair stand on end.

The appearance of First Seat completely cooled down the battlefield. His presence was enough to determine the outcome and no one could shake it.

Boluogo tried to lift the saw axe, but this time there was no restlessness from the ax blade, as if the furious spirit residing in the ax blade also fell into a cold sleep with the arrival of the first seat.

His mind was tense to the limit, and a faint silver light caught Bologo's attention.

His eyes fell on the skull scythe, and he saw one head among the piled heads. It wore a badly damaged silver mask. The mask was half cracked, and the flesh and blood under it had completely dried up.

Only the pale skull remains.

Boluogo recognized the mask and whispered, "Shadow King..."

As if he noticed Boluogo's voice, the first officer raised his hand and took off the Shadow King's head, then threw it towards the center of the battlefield.

The head rolled to Boluogo's feet. After a closer look, he could confirm that this was the head of the Shadow King, the second seat.

The Shadow King is dead, died in the decisive battle under the Great Rift.

"give it to me……"

The first person raised his hand, and an armored hand protruded from under his sleeve. His fingertips were long and sharp, like sharp daggers.

His purpose was very clear, pointing to the iron coffin behind everyone, where Xilin's body was stored.

Weird laughter sounded, and the red dog moved his body, his eyes full of ridicule. They still won this game...the lady will always win.

Red Dog knew that no one could defeat her, not the first king, not the king of terror, let alone the second one.

This world is the devil's chessboard, and the chess pieces have no hope at all.

In the silence, Boluoge was the first to speak. He has never lacked the courage to fight. The saw and ax of the Cruelty was extinguished, but Boluogo still raised the fury in his heart and said in a loud voice.

"I reject!"

Boluogo has always prioritized actions over words. Similarly, he is not a madman who only knows how to slash.

The chain quickly extended and swung the Fazhu Saw Ax fiercely. During the high-speed swing, the gravel on the ground obeyed Boluogo's order. They gathered on the Fazhu Saw Axe, until it turned into a huge stone and smashed towards it.

First seat.

The first one just stood there, thick white mist billowing out from under his robe, as if the darkness under his hood was a tunnel leading to another world.

Just as Boluogo saw in the big rift, the fog is as corrosive as the plague of decay. The moment it enveloped the boulder, it began to eat away crazily. Before it hit the first spot, the boulder turned into a rolling ball.

The dust and smoke dispersed.

The saw ax broke through the smoke and slashed towards the first seat. The first seat seemed a little surprised. According to his strength, even the weapons would decay into dust under the erosion of the white mist.

With the support of Boluo Ge's ether, the snake scale liquid continued to multiply, thus counteracting the erosion of the white mist, and the saw ax was not affected at all in the mist.

The ax blade grazed the robe of the first seat and was quickly withdrawn. At this time, Bologo, who was originally in a furious posture, turned his back to the first seat and ran wildly.

Bologo is not a madman, but an expert.

The first moment the first seat appeared, Boluogo knew that this extraordinary conflict of order had been lost, and all he could do now was to reduce losses.

For example, escape from this place with an iron coffin.

"What are you still waiting for!"

Boluogo yelled at the others. He squeezed Amu's ether and squandered it to his heart's content.

The earth shook violently again. Under the impact of the plague of decay, the already broken geological structure of the Great Rift was filled with fissures. What Bologo had to do was to tear it apart completely.

Cracks spread on the ground, and then the cracks expanded rapidly. Bologg touched the iron coffin, and the snake scale liquid wrapped around it heavily. Although it was heavy, Bologg still tried his best to control the rocks and chains.

, and evacuated with difficulty with an iron coffin.

Lebius hesitated for a moment. He was not dominated by rage, but made the same rational choice as Boluogo. The silent blade-biting wolves were reawakened, and they rushed out towards the first seat and the red wolf.

The dog rushed away.

These alchemy puppets had no deterrent power in front of the two of them. The extreme power easily tore the body of the blade-biting wolf, and the white mist on the first seat also corroded them full of holes. When a blade bites them,

When the wolf struggled to reach the front of the first seat, the first seat suddenly swung the sickle, and a bleak white light instantly cut down, and the metal directly shattered into useless dregs.

Lebius tried every means to delay, but this could not stop them at all.

Suddenly, Lebius stopped and stood where he was.

"Let's go!"

Boluogo yelled at Lebius that as long as they took the iron coffin and escaped into the kennel, they would win. This distance was not a problem for high-level Sublimation Masters like them.

"You can't escape," Lebius shook his head, "That's the first seat, a noble and glorious one."

"Are you going to admit defeat?" Borlog asked.

"No, I want to win, but if I want to defeat the Glorious One, someone must make sacrifices," Lebius whispered, "This is my last chance, Bologo."

Boluogo paused. He understood Lebius, "Do you want to use such nonsense to acknowledge your own foolishness?"

Any last chance is just nonsense. Lebius never cares about the ownership of his soul.

Seeing that he had not deceived Boluogo, Lebius had a bit of a smile in his voice, "I have to admit, I was trapped in the secret war. Since then, I will always have nightmares... If I escape like this now

It’s gone, I think, I’ll never have a chance to escape again.”

Boluogo took a deep look at Lebius. Facing such a stubborn guy, there was no need to persuade him.

Jeffrey on the side had lost his hearing, and he couldn't hear clearly what the two were talking about, but Jeffrey still noticed a little uneasiness from the strange atmosphere.

"What are you going to do!" Jeffrey shouted weakly.

No one cares about Jeffrey.

As for Bologo...

"We surrender!"

Boluogo suddenly raised his hands and yelled at the first seat and the red dog.

Jeffrey was stunned when he saw Bologo's movements. He had never thought that Bologo would make such an action.

Boluogo raised his hands and slowly retreated to the iron coffin. Seeing his appearance, the approach of the first seat and the red dog also slowed down. The strange laughter of the red dog came, and he never let it go.

Any chance to laugh.

The iron coffin was opened, and golden light rose.

Boluogo looked at the god-like body soaked in the container. He closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep.

Ancient awe flashed through Boluogo's heart, and he smashed the container with his fist. The light weakened, and Boluogo picked up the wet cylinder from the container.

Even after so many years of death, Xilin's body still reflects the lines of the alchemical matrix... which is the projection of the soul onto the body.

Only when the body, mind and spirit are united can the secret power be awakened.

Boluogo picked up Xilin's body and faced the two people in the distance. Xilin, who was dreaming of his dream, was right in front of him. Even the two of them had a touch of ecstasy in their expressions.


Jeffrey roared uncontrollably. He couldn't hear clearly and couldn't understand. The lingering pain of the heart-eating song lingered in his mind, and his heart almost broke.

"It's fine."

Inadvertently, Bologo made a speech to Geoffrey, and then he stood next to Lebius.

"Team leader, you really trust me enough," Boluogo whispered, "I thought you would kill me first when I smashed the iron coffin."

"Article 1," Lebius replied casually, "I guess you should have figured out what to do."

"Yes, I am also an immortal anyway. It doesn't make much difference to me whether I can escape or not," Boluogo pretended to be very beautiful. He said as he stepped forward, "So you have to treat yourself as a person."

Make use of software tools and find ways to maximize benefits.”

Boluoge suddenly stopped. Without any warning, a dark arm came out from Boluogo's chest. She grabbed Xilin's body, and then completely separated from Boluogo, affecting the strength of her whole body.

, picked up Xilin's body and ran towards the outside of the big rift.

Aimu, magical Aimu, the shadow existence that overlaps with Boluogo, she is always so unexpected.

When passing by Jeffrey, Aimu pulled Jeffrey hard and dragged him to run.

Some things don't require too many words. Jeffrey turned back and took one last look at Lebius, and then at the body on Aimu's shoulders. He took over Aimu's shoulder, carried Xilin, and then continued with more

Escape from the battlefield quickly.

As the two escaped, the red dog let out a low roar. They had been tricked by Boluogo, and when they were about to pursue them, stone walls rose up, blocking their way.

Boluogo and Lebius were in full formation, vowing to intercept them here.

The red dog took the lead and attacked with fury. The burst of extreme power swung the immovable sword, like a giant sword that split the world. Lebius then faced the sword blade and swung the bone-crushing knife. The wolf spirits gathered in

On the body, the overlapping powers collided with the extreme realm.

The roaring ripples spread, and the ghostly figure descended beside Lebius. The eerie and terrifying atmosphere enveloped Lebius, making people shudder. Lebius seemed to have seen the last moment of his life, and the God of Death raised his big gun.

The sickle struck at his throat.


The roar sounded, and Bologo suddenly broke into the first position of the offensive. The death intention passed Lebius, leaving only drops of blood falling on the ground and the stench lingering in the air.

The scythe was filled with blood and raised high. Boluogo's entire left arm was cut off by the scythe blade, and the resentful bite came out of his hand. Then the snake scale liquid turned into a silver hand and grabbed the blade, and then slashed it towards the third person.

a seat.

The Snake Scale Liquid is Bolog's extended limbs. As long as he is still alive, losing his hands and feet is not a problem for him.

Boluogo's eyes shone with the radiance of the ether, but there was also a strange sense of abyss, deep and ferocious. His heart was filled with self-fury, and sharp teeth were exposed at the corners of his mouth, and he let out a harsh roar, as if he wanted to tear away the fog.


The first officer was tired of this meaningless fight. The white mist eroded Bologo's body head-on, and his flesh and blood rotted away quickly. Then an attack beyond his sight arrived. Bologg only felt a lightness in his head, and then his head


After passing Bologo's body, the first person didn't look at Bologo and Lebius. His target was only Xilin's body, like the god of death chasing death.

A slight pain came from the ankle, accompanied by the roar of the engine and the repeated strangulation of the jagged blade. The first officer lowered his head and saw the saw-axe embedded in his stomach, gnawing at the flesh and blood.

Boluogo fell to the ground, and the snake scale fluid grabbed the broken head and stuffed it back into the broken neck.

The immortal body healed Boluogo's injuries, and the furious death battle brought about by the saw-axe made Boluogo unable to enter the true death. The two forces interacted with each other, causing Boluogo to enter the indestructible state.

Stop the cycle of fighting.

As the blood soaked in, the False Saw Ax revived again. The blood from the first seat was like a beautiful fuel, making it burst out with even more crazy power.

The saw ax was stretched out, and the mottled steel surface overlooked the particles of blood. Violent power suddenly exploded inside it, like a wild evil spirit being aroused, and the ax blade slowly trembled.

It stood up as if it wanted to swallow all the life around it.

The silver-white hands stretched out as much as they could, holding a handful of sword blades, and slashed towards the first seat. He waved the scythe lightly, and Boluogo's seemingly fatal offensive was not worth it in front of the first seat.


He kicked Boluogo away. Boluogo's chest sank directly and he rolled quickly on the ground. However, the ax blade soon penetrated the ground and pulled out a huge scar, stabilizing Boluogo's figure.


Boluogo slowly raised his head, and rage filled his eyes, which were blood red. The snake scale liquid was quickly recovered, and he pressed the broken arm back into the wound section, and the metal thread penetrated into the flesh and blood, forcefully

They were sewn together rawly.

A low sound of thirst for blood came from Boluogo's throat, and the blood on the ax blade melted into a bright red mass and boiled, as if it had completed some kind of powerful ritual.

Suddenly, Boluogo heard some kind of voice, he was praising himself.

As the master of killing, death-fighting, and blood, he recognized Boluogo's courage and rage in wielding his ax at the stronger one.

The saw ax seemed to be welded together with Boluogo's palm, and Boluogo became violent and bloodthirsty, sucking in the bloody smell that filled the surrounding air.

The fury was fully revived, and the fluctuations in murderous intent made everyone else feel great danger, as if an evil existence had awakened in Boluogo's body.


The first seat also noticed the special features of Boluogo, and there was actually a bit of envy in his expression.

Boluogo roared, and the arc light of the alchemy matrix suddenly appeared on the body surface. The snake scale fluid was shaped into iron spears one after another, and they were shot towards the first seat at high speed. On the way to the explosion, the red mercury suddenly ignited,

Turn into streams of fire, shining in all directions.

In addition to the immortal body, the first seat also noticed some other things, such as Boluo Ge's secret power, which inexplicably made the first seat feel a little familiar, as if he had faced similar abilities before.

The first person didn't think too much. He had already wasted too much time on Boluogo and he couldn't stay any longer.

The figure was twisted, and Bologg only heard a whistling wind, and then the surrounding fog continued to surge, and the first seat disappeared in front of his eyes. Bologg could only vaguely feel that the remnants of ether were pointing at Aimu and Jay.

Foley's direction of escape.

The scene that Boluoge was most worried about happened. Facing the Glory One, Boluogo's obstruction seemed so ridiculous. As long as the first one wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

He stepped forward and tried to pursue. When the extreme power came, Bologo waved his hand ax decisively. However, the moment it came into contact with the Immovable Sword, Bologo was still knocked away, spurting out blood.

When Boluogo stood up again, he felt that several of his bones were broken, but he could not feel the pain. There was only a thirst for blood scratching his heart.

Blood wiped the red dog's cheek, but he still smiled, raised the immovable sword, and sang a heart-gnawing song.

It's just that Red Dog didn't seem to realize that his hateful singing voice couldn't affect the two of them.

Bologg already possesses extremely high mental resistance, and coupled with the dominance of rage, the painful singing only adds fuel to the fire. Lebius relies on Belphegor's protection and completely ignores this.


Losing the target, Bologo roared and slashed at the red dog. Relying on the Furious Death Fight and the Axis of Time, as long as Bologo's ether was not exhausted, he would not fall. As for the ether...he could get it from the red dog.

Snatching from the hands of the canine.

Secret Energy·Government Edict.

The extremely aggressive ether attached to Bolog's weapon. Bolog ignored the Immovable Sword and opened his shoulder. Full of anger, he slashed the Absolute Saw Axe into the belly of the red dog. The sharp teeth were like the teeth of a beast.

It bites its prey like this, constantly trembling and bloodthirsty, and it makes a harsh scream, like a wolf trapped in steel, eager to be released.

The evil spirit has been awakened.

The red dog broke away from the bite of the hand axe, and then the resentful bite came quickly. Boluo Ge's attack was fast and sharp, like a wave, hitting repeatedly one after another.

At first, the red dog was able to deal with it with ease, but he found that Boluogo was like a mad dog that would not stop fighting. No matter how many times the extreme power broke Boluogo's bones and pierced his flesh and blood, Boluogo would always be able to deal with it.

When I was able to stand up, I threw myself at him again.

It would be fine if there was only Boluogo, but besides Boluogo, Lebius was also watching eagerly from the side. For a while, the red dog was attacked from both sides.

The jagged ax blades rubbed against each other, emitting an even more terrifying and painful scream. The sound was so sharp that it seemed to split the air in two.

Boluogo simply gave up his resentment, grasped the saw ax with both hands, jumped up, and struck the red dog head-first.

He failed to stop the first seat. With the speed of the first seat, he might have caught up with Jeffrey and Aimu Boluogo. He didn't dare to think about what would happen.

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Bologg felt that this was his own mistake and blamed himself harshly. However, in this desperate situation, facing a glorious person in full glory, Bologg really couldn't find any other solution.

Now Boluogo can only hope for the arrangements in the decision-making room. He blindly believes that the terrifying monster will not let the King's Secret Sword win easily.

In addition, Boluogo could only pour all his anger on the red dog.

kill him.

The blood streaks formed by the sharp steel teeth are like a reaper's cloak, fluttering in the air around it, and the evil power on the hand ax makes the living beings tremble.

Boluogo seemed to have seen many hallucinations, and countless lives were wiped out under the blade of the axe.

The red dog shocked Boluogo again, turned around and slashed at Lebius with his sword. The gathered wolf spirits gave Lebius the capital to fight against the power of the extreme realm. His figure trembled and he withstood this attack.

one strike.

Boluogo was scarred and pounced on him again like a dying beast. The red dog did not notice that wisps of ether were slowly overflowing from his wounds and converging on Boluogo's body, supplementing Boluogo's strength.

Ether consumption.

The red dog became tired, and it was difficult to maintain his mind. At this time, a copper-colored ripple spread, and the stagnation of the time ring began again. This time, no outsider could hinder the red dog.

Time passed quickly from the red dog. Lebius, who was closest to the red dog, was controlled. Boluogo was also restrained by the copper ripples for a while. Once he continued to attack, he would definitely be stagnated.

The red dog's hair was disheveled, and it roared and slashed at Lebius's head. At the same time, Lebius' body moved strangely, as if he had transcended the limitations of stagnation.

Red Dog couldn't believe it. He didn't understand how Lebius did it this time, until he heard the collapse of the armor and stomach and the twisting of flesh and blood.

Lebius controlled his body and crossed the physiological limits of the human body. Since he was stagnated, he regarded himself as a wolf biting and forcibly controlled it.

I saw that Lebius's entire body was twisted, and the blood and pure ether were stirring, but he was still under the influence of the copper ripples, and he violently swung the sharp knife.

The stagnation was broken.

The red dog took a few steps back, leaving a ferocious scar on his chest. He raised his head and looked at Lebius. Instead of feeling pain, he laughed.

"I like the way you look!"

Lebius did not respond. His feet had been bent strangely, showing an angle that would never appear in the human body. He maintained this strange posture and strode towards the red dog.

"How long can you hold on?" Red Dog continued to yell.

His eyes wandered between Lebius and Bologo. Both of them used an almost strange method to engage themselves in a continuous battle. Apart from crushing them to ashes, nothing could stop them.

The snake scale liquid was like an extended tail, with a resentful bite tied at the end, slashing at the red dog, interfering with his movements. At the same time, Boluoge swung his ax again, and the sharp saw teeth tore apart the body fiercely, and countless spurts came out.

The bleeding blood spread all around.

Hong Quan coughed in pain. Under the attack of the two men, he could no longer hold on, but he still maintained his arrogant attitude as if he was not afraid of death.

In the end, the fighting became boring, just simple slashing, slashing, and stabbing. The three people suffered more and more injuries, and by the end, almost everyone was walking in blood.

At an inadvertent moment, the red dog seemed to be caught by fatigue. He neglected it, and the bite pierced his body decisively, and then opened a large piece of armor.

The fragments flew up, and what caught Bologo's eyes was the strange smile of the red dog.

The Immovable Sword was full of extreme power, and he swung a fatal arc. When he was about to completely crush Bologo's body, the arc quickly turned and slashed at Lebius on the other side.

From beginning to end, Red Dog's opponent was Lebius. As for Bologo, he never took it seriously.

The Immovable Sword opened Lebius' armor and stomach, embedded itself in Lebius' body, and penetrated most of his chest.

Bologo watched helplessly as Lebius was hit, and then fell down like a fallen leaf, immersed in a pool of blood. The red dog panted, and then laughed.

"I still win!"

Red Dog raised his sword and cheered loudly.

Lebius stood up again after falling, and his laughter stopped abruptly.

Looking at the bloody Lebius, Red Dog was a little confused. He asked, "Do you also want to win so much?"

The red dog knew that it was not Lebius who stood up, but the wolf spirit.

Lebius' flesh and blood has already reached its limit, and he completely relies on the wolf spirit to drive his body.

A hoarse voice sounded.

"What else? Red Dog."

Lebius took off his helmet. It was too stuffy for him, and a lot of blood poured out.

"You have ruined everything for me," Lebius murmured, "You have made me homeless."

The crooked arm struggled to lift the bone-crushing knife. The thick blade was now full of gaps and almost broken, but Lebius knew that it was strong enough to determine the winner.

To get to where he is today, Lebius has already sacrificed too much, and he has nothing left to give.

Lebius took off his armor and stomach as much as possible. Every weight of his body was a drain on his ether. The red dog raised the immovable sword and got into a posture ready to stab.

Luo Ge also struggled to stand up and grabbed the sword and ax again.

The three of them formed a triangle, and the next moment they roared and charged together.

Swords clashed.

The red dog didn't care about Boluogo at all. His ether and mind could no longer support him in high-intensity combat. The red dog only identified Lebius as his target.

The Immovable Sword slashed at Lebius at high speed. Lebius did not give way, and was unable to do so. He raised his left hand and bent it, trying to block the Immovable Sword.

The extreme power wrapped around the blade and easily cut through Lebius's flesh and blood, embedded itself in the bones, and even the blade broke across, cutting off Lebius' entire left arm.

At the same time, Lebius also sent the bone-crushing knife completely into the red dog's chest.

Blood overflowed from the red dog's throat. He knew he had won. Just when he was about to apply force again to completely cut Lebius in half, a sharp sting hit him from his side, and the resentful bite penetrated the red dog's waist and abdomen.

, and then the saw-axe cut off his calf, forcing him to kneel down.

The red dog was stunned for a moment, and saw that the fury in Lebius's eyes disappeared, leaving only water-like reason.

He knew that he had been deceived.

Lebius's anger was just a sheep attack. He lured himself to complete the duel, but the real killing move was Bologo, a man in power who did not take it seriously because of his arrogance.

Blessing, sucking the soul and usurping the soul.

The red dog suddenly felt that he was controlled by an invisible force, as if he was grabbed by an evil hand, which peeled off his skin and hollowed out his internal organs.

It's like a hole has appeared in the body, and the ether like a sea flows out of it and penetrates.

Boluogo's voice was low and hoarse, "The defender's moment soul limit is really difficult to break through..."

In order to kill the red dog, Boluogo teamed up with Lebius to carry out a series of attacks, and then managed to poke holes in the critical moment of the red dog, allowing Boluogo to find an opportunity to cross the ranks and kill the red dog.


Red Dog's expression became distorted, and he seemed to be in a huge void, with only sharp whistles echoing in his ears.

The crazy evil is devouring the red dog's mind bit by bit until all the ether and blood are drained away.

Bologg let go of his hand, and the defender's ether replenished his body, continuing Bologg's battle again. The red dog fell heavily to the ground, and the ether was drawn out by Bologg's secret energy and protection.

The hand ax embedded in his body was like a bleeding trough, continuously sucking his blood.

No one expected that the crazy fight to the death would end like this.

Lebius took a few steps back and fell to the ground, his breath weak.

After a long time, a hoarse laughter sounded. The red dog looked at the foggy sky and murmured, "It's so boring, Lebius."

Lebius did not respond. He took out a few injections and injected them into his body. Even though he had etherization, the injury would still expand rapidly under the attack of another ether. The entire left arm was drooped, only

Some skin and flesh adhesions.

"It's so boring..."

Red Dog lay flat on the ground. As he spoke, a look of despair and exhaustion filled his eyes, "No matter how hard we struggle, we are just pawns for their entertainment."

He seemed to be crying, and there was a slight sob on Flesh Mold Hu's face.

Red Dog murmured to himself.

"Where do we go from here?"

Faced with the call of the red dog, Lebius did not respond. He tried to control himself and stood up again, but Lebius could no longer do it. He stood up and fell down again, like a toddler.

Boluogo came over and said, "It's time for you to rest."

"It's not over yet."

"I know."

Lebius raised his head and glanced at Boluogo. He grabbed Boluogo's hand and said, "Continue."

Bologg hesitated for a moment, probably because of the similarity between the two. Bologg knew what Lebius meant without overexplaining it.

A pulling force rose from the bottom of Lebius's heart, and he could feel that his ether was being plundered by Boluogo, and then filled into the opponent's alchemical matrix.

Bologo did not completely take away Lebius's ether, but left a lot of it for him to maintain his own etherification.

After another sound of friction of flesh and blood, Boluoge pulled out the sword and ax from the red dog's body. The wound was no longer blocked, but no blood flowed out, and it was just exposed to the air.

The red dog became even more depressed, and when Bologg left, he continued to laugh strangely.

Gradually, the red dog lost its voice.

When silence returned to the earth, Lebius's consciousness gradually faded. He heard footsteps approaching. He raised his head and saw a familiar figure standing next to him. He was wearing blue pajamas.

The faces are ever-changing.

After kicking the red dog's body, Belphegor clapped vigorously with both hands and smiled at Lebius with satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Lebius, you won."

In the blink of an eye, Belphegor disappeared, like an illusion.

Lebius fell in a pool of blood, and he vaguely heard the laughter of the red dog again, roaring and mocking.

"It's just a boring game."

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