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Chapter 37 Liaison Officer

The blood of the Night Clan is not only the carrier of the immortal power, it is also an extremely precious alchemical material. But apart from that, what few people know is that within the Night Clan, in the strict class built by blood,

Blood also has many wonderful uses and is the actual embodiment of power.

Serei gently touched some blood with his fingertips. As he stared, he felt that his blood was slowly heating and boiling, and the beast hidden in his heart seemed to be trying to escape and was about to move.

"Where did this blood come from?"

Sere suddenly asked, and his voice echoed in the silent undead club. After a few seconds, the darkness began to creep, and a black cat that was almost integrated with the shadow came out.

"Bologo," Weier said, "Bologo just brought someone back, and this is the blood dripping from his body."

"Have you seen his appearance clearly?" Sere asked.

Weier said, "No, he was wrapped in black cloth. It seems he was afraid of being exposed to the scorching sun."

Se Lei's eyes became heavy, as if he was hesitating about something. At this moment, Weier advised, "Don't be like this, Se Lei, you have nothing to do with all this."

"It doesn't matter... people will inevitably have many bad curiosities."

Serei laughed helplessly. After thinking again and again, he no longer resisted his own nature. A strong thirst for blood aroused from the bottom of his heart. He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and gently licked the blood on his fingertips.


A little bit of blood entered the throat and was digested by Serre. As the son of the Night King, Serre's absolute pure blood power completely conquered the nameless blood at this moment and squeezed out a lot of information from it.

Blood is a gift, and it is also a carrier of power.

Closing his eyes, Sere instantly unearthed many illusions from the blood. First, he saw the appearance of the owner of the blood. He was a slightly weathered priest with a kind smile on his face. Sere could vaguely

I can really feel his character, which is pious and sincere, but under this beautiful character, he is also full of extremes.

"Then what?"

Sere murmured softly, as if giving orders to the blood, and then the blood obeyed Sere's order.

The surroundings suddenly became silent, and in the darkness with his eyes closed, Sere saw a faint light of thunder, and then he smelled moist vapor, and soon the sound of raindrops filled his ears.

"What have you been through?" Sere continued to ask.

As a pure-blooded Night Tribe, Sere has absolute dominance over his lower-level Night Tribes. He can distinguish each other's image, personality, and even memories based on their blood alone.

So in that scarlet memory, Sere crossed time and space and saw the memory of York's Mohu. As the rainstorm gradually became more intense, Sere saw the scarlet-eyed child in York's memory.

"You can call me... regent."

Se Lei opened his eyes suddenly, and the chilling aura was released from his body. In an instant, he was no longer the drunk man, but a monster about to break out of the cage.

The terrifying aura disappeared in an instant. Sere stabilized his emotions, stood up slowly, rubbed the blood on the ground with the sole of his shoe, and wiped it dry.

"What did you see, Sere?"

Wei'er has long heard about the unique abilities of the pure-blood Night Clan.


Sere shook his head, looking nonchalant, "Anyway, no matter what happens, the Order Bureau will solve it."

He said with a smile on his face and used Weier's previous words, "This has nothing to do with us."

"Is it really irrelevant?"

An unfamiliar voice sounded, with a mocking tone.

Serei turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, the smile on his face froze, and he saw a figure of Mo Hu standing in the darkness behind Wei'er, with those scarlet eyes like Serei's eyes from the blood memory.

As arrived.

"Really?" the figure asked again.


Sere's expression turned cold, and the violent desire to kill emerged again, but the other party was not frightened by Sere at all. He just let out a burst of noisy laughter and dissipated into nothingness in the darkness.

"who are you talking to?"

Weier asked doubtfully. It followed Sere's line of sight and looked behind her, but there was nothing there except shadows.

Sere blinked, and the regent's figure disappeared, as if what he just saw and heard was just his imagination.

That's not an illusion.

Blood is the carrier of power and the inseparable connection between the Night Clan.

When Sere spied on the regent from his blood memory, the regent also sensed Sere's existence, and used this to transcend restrictions and establish contact with Sere. At this moment, Sere couldn't help but guess the blood rank of the regent.

, and where did he get the blood?

"Are you okay? Sere."

Wei'er looked at Sere with some worry. Since the rise of the Night Clan, Sere's mental state has been obvious to everyone.

Serei didn't say a word, just ducked back into the bar, drank a few bottles of wine, trying to let alcohol save everything... but he couldn't get drunk at all.

Sere murmured, "It's really painful to wake up..."

The regent opened his eyes with a meaningful smile on his face. He had thought about contacting Sere, but he did not expect to do it in this way. He stood up and simply stretched his body. The regent looked into the room.

The other two people.

"What do you think of my proposal?"

After a moment of silence, a suspicious voice sounded, "You mean, you can help us liberate the beasts that devour the herd, and the price is... we must succeed?"

The eyes of Hammer and Yindel were full of doubts, and they were surprised by the regent's promise.

"Yes, I need to keep the Order Bureau busy. As long as it can consume their power, this little help is not worth mentioning to me." The Regent said.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yin Del didn't understand, "Just for...for the person you are looking for?"

"It's almost the same, but the situation may be more complicated," the regent said. "Now she doesn't know that I have arrived at Oath City Opos, and thinks that she is out of my control... I must act quickly, preferably

Once successful, once it arouses her vigilance, she may hide in a place that I can't reach, and then my purpose will fail."

"Hiding in the Bureau of Order?" Hammer asked.

"No, it is a more troublesome place than the Bureau of Order." The regent did not intend to say it clearly.

"So, do you understand my dilemma? I only have one chance, but the location of the operation is the enemy's base camp. This is really stressful."

The Regent then brought the topic to Hammer and Yindel, "As for you, are you engaged in a power struggle within the Orangutan Sect?"

Hammer and Yindel looked at each other, and had no choice but to confess, "The war is coming, and a new round of disputes will sweep across the continent."

"The Orang Rot Sect is gathering strength to make our loose group closer together again, so it needs a unified will to eliminate unnecessary impurities."

"You are a person with power. According to my understanding, your position is only a bishop at most, and you cannot touch the higher power," the regent guessed, "So are you going to be eliminated?"

Hammer fell silent, and the Regent knew that he had guessed correctly, "The little power you have left is about to be taken away by others. That's why you and him, the Disaster Waiter, did this in such a panic.

What kind of folly do you want to release the herd-devouring beast and regain the attention of that lady?"

Seeing the silence between the two, the Regent continued, "It should be more than that."

Hammer suppressed his emotions and said with hatred, "Zongge Orchestra and the Bureau of Order, they ruined everything for me."

"What happened?" the regent was curious.

"About a year ago, we carried out a mission, and under the order of the lady, we conducted a transaction with the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce," Yindel said slowly, "The transaction item was very important, but when we got the

After trading the items, we were attacked by the Bureau of Order and the items were snatched away. We were originally preparing to give chase, but the Zongge Band suddenly stabbed it in and disappeared with it."

Yindel glanced at Hammer, "Hammer and I were responsible for that operation. This huge failure made the lady very angry. In the days that followed, our status was extremely dangerous, and our power was constantly divided."

Speaking of this, Yin Del smiled bitterly, "In the end, those of us in high positions ended up like this."

If Bologo were here and heard this conversation, he would definitely lament the coincidence of fate.

The item that Hammer and Yindel traded was the original thing that Bologg struggled to pursue during his trip to the Happy Garden. After changing hands several times, it is now sealed in the sublimation furnace core.

"Then here's the question," Hammer asked calmly, not being dazzled by the Regent's promise, "What are you going to do?"

The Prince Regent smiled and took out a bottle from his arms. Inside the transparent glass, bright red blood was rolling.

"Few people can resist the temptation of immortality."

"I have already reported this matter to the decision-making room. You can rest now."

In the office, Lebius organized the documents, as always, in a meticulous manner.

"Where's York?" asked Borogo.

"He is being interrogated in the Crow's Nest," Lebius replied. "Don't worry, few people can hide anything in front of the Crow's Nest."

"No, I don't care about this. To be honest, I don't think he knows much about the details of the incident," Bologo explained. "I care more about him as a person."

"Oh? What, is he very interesting?" It can attract Boluogo's attention. Now, even Lebius can't help but become curious about him.

"It's quite interesting. I'm thinking, if possible, maybe we can absorb him into the special operations group," Boluogo glanced at the empty office, "Don't you think there are too few people in the special operations group?"

Lebius sighed, "He is almost fifty years old."

"But he is already immortal. From the moment he accepted the blood of the Night Clan, age can no longer restrain him," Boluogo continued. "What I am more concerned about is the flaw of his immortality and his inability to move during the day.

, this is too fatal.”

Burlogo then joked, "So, he's very suitable for the night shift."

Lebius smiled stiffly, "It's better not to think about these things now. Let's wait until the Crow's Nest interrogation is over before thinking about these things."

Now York is still in the state of a suspect. Bologo is very familiar with this process. It can be said that what York is going through is what Bologo went through at the beginning.

First there is review, then imprisonment and observation, then a long period of trust training, internship, and then work.

Fortunately, Boluogo is here this time. He can speed up all this through his own authority. Normally, Boluogo would not be so concerned, but now the entire Order Bureau is in a situation of urgent shortage of manpower. Even

The Special Operations Group, even Bologg feels deeply exhausted sometimes.

This huge organ of violence needs more new blood.

"Let's not talk about work for now...Why didn't I see Palmer? Did he not come on duty?"

Since returning to the Bureau of Order, Bologo has not seen Palmer.

As a determined salary thief, Palmer would never work more if he could work less, and never work full time if he could take time off.

Before, when Bologna was still a member of the team, he would have more or less agreed with Palmer's laziness, but now that Bologna is the team leader, to put it in more professional terms, he and Palmer are no longer in the same class.

As the team leader, Boluogo obviously cannot afford to miss work for his team members, not to mention that there is such a shortage of people now.

Lebius said, "He took a leave of absence to deal with some troublesome matters."

"What trouble? Night tribe invasion?" Bologo joked.

"For him, it should be more troublesome than the invasion of the Night Clan." Lebius sighed.

Hearing this, Bologg's expression turned serious. After all, Palmer was still his partner, and Bologg still valued his friends.

"What's wrong?"

"Shortly after you set off on patrol, his fiancée came, along with a letter of recommendation from Vonn."

Lebius coughed twice and cleared his throat, "Wosilin came to the Bureau of Order to apply for a job."


Boluogo's expression became awkward. He had discussed this matter with Palmer before setting off. Palmer had a gloomy look on his face. He didn't expect that the incident would progress so quickly, and he didn't give Palmer any reaction at all.


"Her job application...passed?" Bologo asked cautiously.

"Not yet, we are in the interview stage."

Bologg breathed a sigh of relief, but Lebius's next words once again made Bologg worry about Palmer's fate.

Lebius said, "It's said to be an interview, but it's just a process. With Vonn's recommendation letter and her identity, her position has been determined."

"What is her position?"

Boluogo suspected that his special operations team was going to have an extra member, and he didn't know what kind of chemical reaction it would produce.

"Liaison Officer."

Lebius revealed a position that was beyond Bologna's expectations.

"Liaison officer? Who to contact?" Bologo asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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