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Chapter 42 The twisted path

Close the door of origin and push away from the etheric realm to completely expel the devil, and the price of all this is... extraordinary extinction.

Boluogo sat on a chair with his head lowered. His mind was filled with huge intertwined thoughts. He tried hard to peel off his hatred of the devil and judge the pros and cons in the most rational way.

Ether, the foundation of all sublime beings, maintains the existence of the essence of the transcendent world.

Over the long years, this mysterious power from the sky has completely penetrated the material world and is closely connected with everything in human beings.

Once the ether subsides, what great changes will be caused in the world?

This will indeed force the ether concentration to decrease, thereby eliminating those deadly ether vortex points, but what will follow is the collapse of the alchemy matrix technology, and the sublimation ones will become more and more fragile until they return to mortals.

Not everyone wants to be mortal...

Whether it is the Bureau of Order, the King's Secret Sword, the Krex Family, or those devil's subordinates, everyone is a vested interest in the extraordinary power. No one will give up this powerful power, just like humans will not

In order to avoid disaster, we gave up electricity and returned to the primitive times.

Boluogo couldn't let go of this either.

"What should we do?" Boluogo thought hard, "Can we find a balanced point between them?"

"But what if we find the equilibrium point? The etheric realm always affects the material realm, and the devils will still be active in the mortal world. It is even said that because the two worlds are at the equilibrium point, the devils have achieved an almost eternal stable situation.

, no one can break the shackles they have on the world."

With his fingers stuck in his hair, Bologger felt so powerless for the first time and felt even more stressed about the current predicament.

Boluogo really longs to destroy the devil, but he also understands that he cannot go to extremes, destroy the devil to the extreme, and close the door to the origin, which will only lead to the destruction of the human order.

Moreover, no one knows whether doing this can really ward off the devil? All this is still Boluogo's speculation. What's more, assuming that the devil can really be driven away, what about those people who exist because of the devil?


Boluogo himself has long been awakened, and he is always willing to sacrifice his life to destroy the devil, but what about the others?

Everyone in the Undead Club? They were once heinous people, but now they are indeed the only few friends Bologo has, and... and...

"Oh? Boluogo, why are you here?"

A familiar voice sounded. Aimu was holding the tool box, his eyes full of surprise.

This is the depths of the Scholars' Palace, and few field staff will appear here, let alone Bologo.

Boluogo looked at Aimu blankly, his eyes moved from her face, and then focused on her chest, as if he wanted to penetrate the limitations of the metal and peer into the exquisite perpetual core.

Not only myself, everyone in the Undead Club relies on the power of the devil to survive, but also Amu, the reason why she can become a living person is because her fantasy comes true through the power of the devil.

The extraordinary is extinct, and the illusion is shattered.

Boluogo couldn't help but clenched his fists, and the muscles all over his body were tense. Aimu was a little frightened by Boluogo's look, and he took a few steps closer in confusion. The aperture in his eyes turned and tightened, and he easily moved under Boluogo's eyes.

Groups of dangerous data were swept away from his body.

"Are you...are you okay?" Aimu asked cautiously.

Boluogo struggled for a long time before he managed to exhale a breath and his body slowly relaxed.

"Yeah, not bad."

Boluogo stood up and showed a skilled smile, as if the person who was surrounded by clouds just now was not him.

"you sure?"

Aimu frowned. She always felt that something was wrong with Bologg, but she couldn't do it if she asked him to question him. After all, Bologg was always known for his stability and reliability. Over time, even if he lied, others would believe him.

No doubt.

"I just have a headache," Bologg said seriously. "Did you know? Vosilin came and came to the door. Before I came out of the house, she was torturing Palmer."

Tell a true story and use it to change the subject.

"Woxilin?" Aimu's eyes were shining. She didn't have many friends, Woxilin was one of them.

"She's here? What's she doing here?"

"Work," Bologo said, "She has joined the Bureau of Order and is still going through the formalities. You will be able to see her every day soon."


Aimu was a little fed up with Bailey, and it felt really good to have a new friend.

During the day, she had to work for her senior sister, but at night she kept harassing her, saying that she was getting closer to her. At first, Aimu thought it was okay, but later she felt like she was working overtime.

Just when Boluogo thought he could easily defeat Aimu, Aimu asked again, "Wasilin is here, it is Palmer who should have a headache. What are you bothering about?"

Aimu is no longer the easy-to-deceive girl before. At least, if Boluogo wants to deceive her now, he has to tell a more complete lie.

Burlogo was very good at telling lies. "Palmer's resistance was a bit fierce, so Vosilin had to give him a slap on his back, leaving the room in a mess."

This time, Aimu probably really believed it. He didn't ask any more questions and struggled to pick up the tool box, swaying like a clumsy penguin.

"You happen to be here too, come and help me."

Aimu greeted Bologg. Bologg's control power is very suitable for working here. He can easily lift heavy objects, and with his precise control of ether, Bologg is like a humanoid processing machine tool.

, he can temporarily rub some parts that are not too important.

Boluogo was obviously used to this positioning, so he followed up and helped Aimu build this huge instrument hidden deep in the scholar's palace.

While busy, Aimu asked again, "Have you seen Mamo?"

Mamo is the chief engineer here. Every time he comes to work, Aimu can always see him, but this time the old figure disappeared.

Boluogo simply answered, "His health is getting worse. After chatting with me for a few words, he went to find a place to rest."

Raising his head, Boluogo tried to search for Mamo's figure, but he could only see a vast darkness and faint spots of light in the darkness.


This is what Mamo calls this place.

The surroundings are dark and silent, and the rare light source comes from the flashing red and green indicator lights on the cables. Countless cables and mechanical structures are hung on the high dome, intricately forming a huge and complex steel mesh structure.

The garden is full of quiet mechanical structures and intertwined pipes like vines. Strong air currents come from nowhere. They sway the hanging cables, forming soft and mysterious waves in the darkness.

In addition to people's conversations and breathing, in this steel nest, there is only the slight sound of machines, filling the space with a mechanized atmosphere. The machines never tire or stop. For them,

Time seems to have no meaning.

Boluogo looked at Amu's busy back, and disturbing thoughts came to his mind again.

After the extraordinary extinction, Boluogo didn't mind becoming a corpse... He died many years ago, but as soon as he saw Aimu, all kinds of hallucinations came one after another.

Boluogo saw that Amu's smart eyes had lost their luster, and the flesh and blood were no longer there, leaving only the cold metal. But this time, even this cold body fell into deathly silence, unable to move.

She will age and be corroded under the urging of time, slowly turning into weathered scraps and broken metal fragments...

Boluogo suddenly felt sad. He really didn't care about himself, but he cared about the people around him and Amu. Such a possibility made Boluogo feel despair like never before, and what followed was a direct loss.

Anger in the mind.

"Aimu, I'm leaving first."

Boluogo tried hard to control his emotions, and his voice did not fluctuate at all.

"Oh? Are you so busy?" Aimu turned his head and asked.

"I'm going to go find Mamo. There's still something unfinished between me and him."

Boluogo explained briefly, and then quickly fled from this place. He was afraid to stay any longer and to see Amu again. Those strange hallucinations repeatedly washed over Boluogo's mind, causing him to flee.

"Stop thinking about these things, stop thinking..."

Bologg warned himself repeatedly, trying to get rid of these thoughts, but he was a person who liked to think, and he often fell into excessive thinking. In the end, Bologg was walking quickly in the darkness. He needed something else.

Things have come to cover up these troubles.

Such as work.

Mamo flattened the chair and fell on it with some difficulty. After relaxing for a while, he pressed a switch under his clothes, and the machine inside his body began to operate, automatically injecting medicine into his blood.


The pain in her body gradually subsided, Mamo took a long breath, and then her vision became blurry.

"It's so long..."

Mamo murmured to himself. He could clearly feel that his body was deteriorating step by step, but there was nothing he could do about it. Although he was a powerful Glorious One and his body was highly etheric, he was not completely upgraded after all.

For a nobler existence, it still retains some mundane nature.

As a Glorious One, Mamo is still powerful, but as a mortal, Mamo has long been scarred by the erosion of time.

There were knocks on the door, and Mamo frowned. After finally having a moment of rest, he was actually disturbed.

The other party opened the door and Boluogo walked in directly.

"What's the matter?" Mamo asked. The two had met more than ten minutes ago, and they didn't know what Bologo was going to do when he came back so soon.


Boluogo's voice paused and he sighed with difficulty, "I want to ask, regarding exploring the Sacred City, you said I can't enter directly from the Abandoned Land, is it because of that monster?"

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Boluogo seemed to have nothing to say.

"That monster is just part of the interference factor. The main problem is that after the fall of the Holy City, the remaining virtual realm of the Holy City has entered an absolute defensive posture. It was a creation of King Solomon. Even now, few people can cross it.

That high wall."

Mamo continued, "For us, the war has ended long ago, but the Void Realm of the Holy City doesn't think so. Its war is still going on, its master is dead, and it has no power left to fight back.

Able to mobilize all forces to defend against outsiders."

Although the Holy City has become a ruin, it is still difficult to explore the ruins. Even the Bureau of Order has not made much progress in such a long time.

"So what should we do?" Bologg asked again.

He had been informed of the operation to explore the Holy City a long time ago, but as the plan unfolded, everyone was prepared, except for himself.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Mamo glanced at Boluogo. Everyone said that Boluogo was a workaholic, and now he has seen it.

"If you can't enter directly from the outside world, just appear directly inside the sacred city." Mamo said lightly.

"Warping Path Breakthrough?"

Boluogo thought of the technology that forcibly tears apart space and reaches reality.

"It must be reluctant. After all, it is a sacred city designed by King Solomon. Even if it is in ruins, it cannot be invaded by a simple winding path, right?"

"Yes, that was designed by King Solomon," Mamo said in a different tone, "When did I say that we are going to invade? Wouldn't it be better to walk in openly?"

Boluogo was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "Do you have a way to directly reach the interior of the Holy City?"

If the method was so simple, the Bureau of Order would have evacuated the Holy City long ago. Boluogo immediately realized that this road leading to the interior must be full of dangers.

"Boluogo, the Kenshi we are in now was originally part of the Holy City's virtual realm," Mamo said slowly. "Although the two have been separated, they are still connected and have a certain degree of spatial overlap.


"That is to say..." Bologo paused and looked around involuntarily, "We are in the Holy City, a new city built based on its ruins?"

"Yes," Mamo affirmed, "As for the road to the Holy City, it was broken due to an accident a few years ago. Although the road is still there, trying to find and pass it has become more difficult than before.

It’s so dangerous, it’s even said to be a complete suicide action.”

"I guess that accident was a Xilin invasion?"

Boluogo gradually understood all this. He followed his own thoughts and continued, "And that road was also destroyed by the Xilin and was hidden in the isolated ruins area?"

The Kenshi can be roughly divided into two areas, one is the normal area controlled by the Bureau of Order, and the other is the extremely dangerous ruined area where the virtual realm was distorted and chaotic due to the invasion of Xilin, and it still cannot be restored to this day.

"Don't be impatient, Boluogo. We have spent a long time stabilizing the ruined area. Let's wait for a while until it becomes more stable. Then the action will begin." Mamo instructed.

This chapter has been completed!
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