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Chapter 59 Explosion! Explosion!

Neat gunshots rang out, and dense rain of bullets roared towards him. Bologg had no time to complain about why the private locker was like an armory. The diamond-shaped shield surrounded him at high speed, with crackling sounds and dazzling sparks.

Under the control of Boluogo, the diamond-shaped shields were not only a high-speed rotating defensive array at the moment, but also as Boluogo approached, they were like meat grinders and millstones, tearing the approaching enemies into pieces.

"The intruders broke through our siege."

The hoarse and distorted voice sounded again. Bologg looked along the voice and found that this time it was not the previous monster who spoke, but another one.

It was squatting half-crouched behind the fallen desk, using it as a cover, holding an iron pen box in its hand, and muttering to the iron box.

An unspeakable sense of weirdness arose again, and Boluogo realized that these monsters seemed to be imitating field staff. They wore stiff uniforms, moved neatly, and were well-trained.

Before Bologg caught their attention, they imitated human work and worked hard in their workstations. Even when they encountered Bologg, they pretended to be like humans and used communicators to call for reinforcements - but that was not the case at all. Communicator.

These monsters are imitating everything that used to be here, imitating the employees who have died and left long ago. Boluogo even suspects that there has always been some kind of "order" in this highly chaotic ruined area.

The monsters imitate the phantom order of the past.

But what they imitate is just an empty shell.

Boluogo felt that his cognition was being squeezed vigorously. After smashing a large number of monsters again, Boluogo struggled to move forward. He did not consider the movement patterns of these monsters for the time being, and just wanted to escape from this place quickly.

Hoarse dialogues come and go, without any emotion, as cold as machinery.

"Stop him, stop him."

"How long will it take for reinforcements from the Field Support Department to arrive."

These monsters even imitate their actions and exchange meaningless information with each other.

"Report to the decision-making room."

Suddenly, a monster said.

Boluogo was stunned for a moment. Due to the special nature of the decision-making room, Boluogo couldn't help but take another look at the monster. He saw it raised its hand to the side of its head and made a six gesture, as if it was answering a phone. continued.

"The decision-making room has received the message."

It turned its head towards Boluoge. On that blank and strange face, Boluogo felt that there were a pair of eyes looking at him.

"Reinforcements have arrived."

The moment the monster finished speaking, the ground began to squirm and deform, the cube rapidly cracked, space shifted and overlapped, and several gates suddenly rose from the ground.

Boluogo once praised the convenience of the room many times. As long as he has enough permissions, he can go wherever he wants in an instant. But now this convenient ability hits him like a boomerang, and this crazy ruins area can be destroyed at any time. Reinforcements can be summoned anywhere.

Many figures appeared inside the gate. They strode towards them, wearing the uniforms of the field department that Bologe was familiar with. The first time they saw Bologg, these monsters entered a fighting posture.

Their bodies began to swell and deform, like deformed creations stacked with countless weapons. Their bodies were burst by densely packed sword blades, and their hands, feet, and heads all turned into endless sword blades, or hundreds of muzzles.

The body broke out, the gun barrels were bundled together to replace the arms, and the astonishingly large muzzle occupied the entire head.

They are like the embodiment of weapons.


A calm, emotionless voice sounded, and was immediately covered up by the thunderous gunshots.

The hands of the gunnery staff were swallowing projectiles at high speeds like machine guns, and the giant cannon on the head fired slowly. Its ammunition seemed to be infinite. Bologo only saw endless flashes of fire, and then thousands of warheads formed a torrent of steel.

Then it swallowed itself up.

The rhombus-shaped shield quickly built an iron wall in front of him. After supporting it for less than a few seconds, it was torn to pieces by the terrifying firepower. Even if Boluogo continued to control the fragments and reassemble them, the snake scale fluid itself could not

The material has reached its limit.

During the high-speed impact, the metal heated up rapidly, and the broken edges burned red, making it glaringly hot.

There was a whistling sound above his head. Bologg raised his head, and thousands of sharp blades flashed in front of his eyes. This scene reminded Bologg of his first fight with the Blade-Bite Wolf, but the dominating creature

After all, it has a certain human shape. The sword staff that appears in front of Boluogo now looks more like a porcupine covered with sword blades.

Thousands of knives slashed down, and the black resentment slashed upwards in anger.

The thin sword blade was so small, but the next moment thousands of sword blades broke and fell apart.

Under the huge increase in ether, the resentment bite was as fast as a black lightning, cracking open a series of sword blades, flattening a piece of this sharp porcupine, and then sinking into the core of thousands of sharp swords.

No blood, no flesh.

Boluogo realized why he felt so frustrated. These monsters started slashing with no feedback, as if they were fighting against a group of ghosts.

"Get away!"

The sharp blades grew rapidly like thorn bushes, rubbing against each other and making harsh sounds, but before they were about to touch Bologo, Bologo detonated the ether. The strong ether impact pushed the sword staff, and the broken diamond-shaped shield pressed against it.

, forcing it back continuously.

After getting rid of this troublesome guy, Bologg quickly moved forward in the face of the intensive artillery fire. Seeing Bologg approaching, the firepower of the gunnery staff became more and more fierce. Suddenly, Bologg turned suddenly, and he gave up.

After launching an offensive against the gunnery staff, he plunged headlong into the office floor.

The green light sign not far away became more and more clear, and Bologo's goal from beginning to end was this safe passage.

"catch him."

The monsters communicated with each other, and more and more field staff walked out of the door. Like the sword staff and gun staff, their bodies expanded rapidly and twisted into pure weapon incarnations one after another.

Boluogo looked at the ferocious piece, and decisively controlled the remaining diamond-shaped shields to form a terrifying giant sword. Dots of scarlet appeared on the surface of the metal until the red covered most of the giant sword.

"Don't get in the way!"

Boluogo launched his giant sword, and like a cruising missile, it exploded towards the gathered monsters, and then little bits of fire burned from it, and even burned completely.

Burning scales explode!

A roaring explosion rose from the ground, and a dazzling light flashed, illuminating everything around it. Strong airflow emerged from the ground, forming a rotating storm. The storm spread rapidly, distorting the air with great power.

Like a wild beast being unleashed.

Accompanied by roars and rumblings, the shock wave of the explosion spread to all directions at an alarming speed. First, it was the ground. As the explosion point shook, the ground began to tremble, and gravel splashed everywhere. Then, in the air, the strong air flow caused by the explosion

Everything was involved, including desks, lockers, and the fearless monster was knocked to the ground.

The scorching shock wave brought high temperature and fire. It was like a wave that burned everything, raging in the explosion area, igniting all combustible objects, causing a series of explosions and blazing flames.

When everything passed, all that was left from the explosion were broken scenes and billowing smoke. The ground was covered with depressions and cracks, and charred traces were scattered in the air. The surrounding area was filled with a burning smell and smoke.

The monsters stood up slowly. This massive attack could not hinder them, but when they tried to find Boluogo, they found that there was no trace of him, and the flashing green light sign dimmed at this time.


Boluogo carefully closed the safety door. As the door was completely closed, all the noisy sounds disappeared, and even the depression in Boluogo's heart weakened a lot.

For this reason, Bologo couldn't help but let out a long breath. For Bologo's enemies at this stage, it was difficult for the Scorching Scale Explosion to produce any effective lethality, but this huge explosion was very suitable for concealing his whereabouts.

"it is finally over."

Boluogo said to himself that he seemed to have really gotten rid of those monsters, but he did not relax his vigilance because of this, but looked at the scene behind the safety door.

An even more troublesome scene emerged.

Boluogo seems to be in a void. There are no walls here, only the stairs extending under the feet.

It overlaps with another staircase. They are intertwined, extending and intersecting at different angles, some winding upwards, and some extending downwards to the deep underground, forming an intricate network.

Green safety channel signs can be seen everywhere. These signs are like green clues, guiding visitors.

At the end of each staircase is a security door. Each door represents a mysterious destination. Some doors are tightly closed, showing the mysterious sanctity. And some doors are half-open, revealing the secrets hidden within.

Boluogo was stunned for a long time. He felt that he had fallen into a weird dream, but he still moved forward regardless of his own safety.

This chapter has been completed!
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