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Chapter 73: Standing Still

After twists and turns, Boluogo came to an internal office with a stack of documents. Unlike the mess outside, this place was not affected and was very well preserved. Everything was so neat, as if it were the owner of the office.

I just left not long ago.

The secondary goal has been achieved, and the Void Sword Oil for combat experiments has also been harvested. At this time, the secret laboratory is no longer important to Boluogo, but in order to avoid bumping into the security staff when going out, Boluogo

Ge decided to stay here for a while.

After being free, Bologg investigated the secret laboratory to see what Mamo was studying while hiding here before evacuating. Soon a word that made Bologg curious appeared on the whiteboard.

Raymond Guyton.

Bologg looked at the content on the whiteboard suspiciously. Most of the writing on it was blurry and intertwined with many professional terms. After reading for a while, Bologg began to feel that he was illiterate.

Combining the information on the whiteboard, Boluogo rummaged through the cabinet again, put together more documents and materials, picked some content that he could understand, and combined with his talent for overthinking, tried to reconstruct the scene that year.


A few minutes later, Boluogo sat on the chair sweating profusely, with a bitter look on his face.

He was indeed illiterate. Even if he tried to think too much, Boluogo didn't get much information. He could only barely understand that before the invasion of Xilin, Mamo had been secretly researching things related to the virtual realm.

Boluogo murmured to himself, "Raymond Guyton... is he studying Raymond Guyton?"

Raymond Gaiton is the name of the sacred city, but in the eyes of scholars, it is more used to refer to the huge virtual realm that envelopes the sacred city.

Scholars admire that sacred city, and Raymond Gayton, as its virtual realm, is a miraculous existence.

Boluogo is not a scholar, so it is difficult to understand their fanaticism, but judging from the piles of documents, Mamo has invested countless hours in the virtual realm.

I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all. It's obvious that Boluogo knows every word individually, but when they are put together, it becomes like some kind of strange spell. Boluogo knows that he is studying the virtual realm.

, completely incomprehensible.

Boluogo began to miss Aimu again. Relying on the secret power of Heart Overlay, Aimu was not only a partner who gave all-round enhancements, but also a companion who could relieve boredom, and was also a translator of "advanced knowledge".

"The Kenshi comes from Raymond Gaiton, and like its derivatives, it is secondary."

Boluogo read reluctantly, "Looking back at Raymond Guyton's design from the kennel, we can get a glimpse of the greatness of King Solomon."

Next are various praises for King Solomon. He is not a god, but in the eyes of scholars, he is close to a god.


The call came from the corridor, and then Freya came over.

"Oh, have you rested?" Bologg saw that Freya was in good spirits.


Freya nodded, noticing the documents next to Boluogo, "What are you looking at?"

"Some research information is related to the virtual realm," Bologo said again, "but I can't understand it. These things are too complicated."

Boluogo suddenly asked, "Can you understand this?"

From a few words with Freya, we can learn that Freya's internship is related to scholars, and coupled with her familiarity with the secret laboratory... maybe she really worked as an assistant for a respected scholar before.

Woolen cloth?

After all, being able to intern at the Order Bureau at such a young age, in addition to his outstanding abilities, should also be related to Freya's origin. Boluogo was considering whether to ask Freya's surname. As long as he knew her surname, to a certain extent,

You can tell her parentage by looking at it.

"Let me take a look."

Freya's eyes lit up, it's always good to feel needed.

"They are studying a virtual realm called Raymond Gaiton, and using this virtual realm to create... the Kenshi, which is the virtual realm we are in."

Freya was very surprised. She had no authority to access this kind of information.

"Continue, Frija translates." Bologo joked.

"This part of the study is about whether the virtual realm has consciousness."

β€œAre you self-aware?”

"Essentially, the virtual domain is to implant a large alchemical matrix into an area, turning it into an extraordinary area independent of the mortal world."

Boluogo nodded slightly. He had already understood this part, and even said that due to overthinking, he connected it with the devil's land.

Like some kind of wonderful mapping.

"Just like building a tall building, when the first beginners build the virtual domain, they lay the foundation stone and build the basic framework. The latecomers continue to add bricks and tiles on top of the cornerstone and within the framework, so that the virtual domain continues to expand.

There are more and more functions and their properties are becoming more complex.”

Tall buildings were not built in a day. In the past years, through the efforts of countless scholars, the virtual realm today is completely different from the virtual realm back then.

"He...they are studying whether they can make the room more intelligent?"

Freya was shocked by Mamo and the others' thoughts.


Boluogo was also frightened.

Intelligence, in other words, self-awareness.

Bologo is very aware of the troubles that would result from giving a dead object self-awareness, such as the chaos in the timeline that Aimu caused at that time.

Aimu was a little better. At that time, she was just an alchemy doll, a child with a deformed heart who yearned for her father's love. But now Mamo's research is actually to give Kenshi intelligence.

This is a completely different concept.

Freya picked up a note filled with notes, flipped a page skillfully, handed it to Bologo, and pointed it out to him.

"Look at this."

Boluogo read the text on it, "The reason why the Holy City is so great is precisely because King Solomon seems to have given it intelligence. Even if King Solomon is dead and the Holy City is destroyed, Raymond Gaiton is still relying on his broken body.

, continue to resist.”

"No one thought that the holy city would be destroyed one day... So, what about Kenshi?

Will the Kenshi stand forever?"

Boluogo's heart was completely in suspense. He picked up the list of secondary targets and compared the handwriting of the two. At this moment, he was sure that these words were indeed written by Mamo.

"Oh my god..."

Boluogo sighed in a low voice. The nervous feeling revealed in the text was exactly the same as TEDA's back then.

Fortunately, many years have passed since the Secret War, and Mamo seems normal now. As the first minister of the Ascension Core, the Glorious One, he may have controlled himself.

"What are you thinking about? Mamo."

Boluogo couldn't help but wonder. He suddenly felt that Mamo had deliberately asked him to take back the group photo, so that he could understand this.

Why didn't he tell him? Mamo could have told Bologo before he sneaked into the ruined area that he had done reckless things many years ago, such as trying to give the kenshi intelligence.

"All of this is still in the theoretical stage," Freya interrupted Boluogo's thoughts. "They are all concepts and speculations without concrete implementation."

Boluogo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then he guessed why Mamo didn't tell him clearly.

"Wait a mininute."

Boluogo started rummaging through the cabinets again. To be precise, it was a general search. He stuffed all the documents, notes, records, etc. he could find into the office.

"What are you looking for?" Freya asked, "I can help you."

"I'm looking for an icon," Bologo said without raising his head. "The icon of the scepter and the sword. That is the symbol of the decision-making room, which means that the document has been approved by the decision-making room."

Although she was an intern, Freya quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"What do you think?" She couldn't help but cover her mouth.

"I don't think Mamota ever asked the decision-making room for approval when he was studying these things," Boluogo said in hindsight, "That's why this place is called a secret laboratory!"

"Damn, if the truth is like this, with Mamo's knowledge of the Kenshi, it is not impossible to avoid the eyes of the decision-making room," Boluogo continued, "The destruction of the Holy City stimulated him, and he was afraid of the Kenshi

room to repeat all this."

One piece of information pops up in my mind.

"The prototype of Kenshi is Raymond Gaydon. If King Solomon can do it, why can't he? Even a superficial imitation is enough."

Boluogo spoke faster and faster, and overthinking showed its power at this moment.

Suddenly, Boluogo stopped. He stood in a pile of messy pages. Boluogo still couldn't find the icon he wanted, and he couldn't help but murmured.

"The invasion of Xilin interrupted Mamo's research, and even caused the secret laboratory to fall into the ruins. Mamo's many years of hard work were lost."

Bologg looked down at the etheric line around his waist. It was first cut off by the security staff, and then escaped during the subsequent battle. Now it is reconnected to Bologg, but at this time it has become extremely unstable.

It keeps changing, as if it will break completely in the next second.

"What exactly do you want from me? Mamo."

Boluogo asked, "Are you taking back your research for you?"

Before he finished speaking, a ridiculous idea arose in Boluogo's mind.

"Or should I help you ruin it all and pretend that nothing happened? After all, you did this without hiding it from the decision-making room, and your purity and loyalty will be questioned."

Boluogo thought of the black and white photo of Mohu.

"You will not be able to reach the illusory kingdom of heaven in the crowd." a>vas>div>Scan the code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time.div>div>div>

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