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Chapter 76 Diary

In Boluogo's understanding, jealousy often comes from envy and desire for others, and under the power of the devil, they distort these emotions and make them even crazier.

Now, Bologo felt it.

After frequently using Blessing and Soul Sucking, the curse broke out at this moment. Bologo felt a strong desire, a desire to kill, a desire to destroy all the powerful enemies in front of him.

This desire did not appear suddenly, but was generated during the continuous battles between Bologo.

Boluogo is not angry, nor has he lost his mind. He can still clearly formulate tactics and distinguish pros and cons, but like obsessive-compulsive disorder, he cannot control his next actions.

"It will strengthen a certain idea of ​​mine, and I will never give up until I achieve my goal."

Boluogo analyzed the impact of the curse on himself in his heart, and at the same time, his body reacted instinctively against his consciousness.

Holding the ax and sword blade in hand, Boluogo's body became light, and his movements were like a cheetah's, swift and graceful. With a fierce force, he cut through the air, and the hand ax whizzed down, accurately hitting the security guard's shoulder.

on the body, piercing clothes and tearing flesh.

The expected blood did not splash, but instead the radiance of ether rose up, like flowers blooming in the dark, beautiful and cruel.

The resentful bite danced in Boluogo's hand, flashing with cold light. He aimed at the heart of the security staff and stabbed out with his sword. The security staff quickly retreated to avoid this time, but a faint blue sword mark followed it.

Stepping forward, a crack in the winding path opened.

Boluogo passed through the cracks in the winding path and came out of thin air. The resentment bite followed the previous trajectory and penetrated its heart just right. The flesh and blood were torn apart. The protection and soul sucking soul were activated again, and the pure ether

Spray out and draw a gorgeous arc.

Boluogo's expression has never been serious. Now he seems to have lost control of his body. Everything is done to satisfy that desire. He doesn't want to activate the protection anymore, but with his body out of control, the protection

Protection is still active.

Will this deepen my desire? Will I continue to lose control?

Boluogo didn't know that this was the first time he encountered the curse of jealousy. It felt terrible, as if his consciousness was imprisoned in his body, and in reality, he was just a walking corpse.

What I am currently suffering from is the desire to kill, but what about other desires? What about some more precise goals?

What's more, Boluogo can be sure that the degree of curse he has endured is currently only at the lightest level, which is just the desire to kill.

Jealousy is not an independent original sin, it is based on the "other".

What if Bologg becomes jealous of someone else and is affected by the curse?

Boluogo didn't dare to think about it anymore, but his body was still moving, like an elusive phantom. Boluogo shuttled through the enemy's siege, unstoppable.

The hand ax and the sword are used alternately, each move is coherent and impeccable, and the intricate combination of attacks forms a violent dance.

Slashing from top to bottom, sweeping from left to right, every blow was full of fatal murderous intent. Boluogo's movements were cold and decisive, so fast that no one could see clearly.

The security staff tried to mobilize the forces in the ruins area to suppress Bologg, but even if they broke Bologg's bones and cracked his spine, they still could not stop Bologg's actions.

As long as it is ether, it can be plundered.

Bologo and the security staff actually formed a strange equilibrium situation. They summoned a steady stream of ether, and Bologo continued to plunder their ether, and the cycle continued.

His slashes were as dense as raindrops, and the security personnel could not resist and were chopped down violently. The sound of the wind caused by the hand ax and the sword blade became more and more sharp, and the scene of the interlacing of swords, lights and shadows was heart-wrenching.

Freya watched this scene from a distance, she thought Bologg was crazy, but when she noticed Bologg's eyes, she noticed something even weirder.

From the beginning to the end, Boluogo did not roar because of the battle, and his eyes were terrifyingly calm, as if a corpse was dancing.

Silence, the dance of death.

When Boluogo swung his last sword, he completely chopped the last security guard into pieces, and controlled the snake scale fluid to seal and solidify their broken bodies one by one, turning them into heavy iron coffins.

Throw it towards the forge volcano outside.

The desire was satisfied, and Boluogo felt that his body was under control again. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, followed by deep fear.

What if the desire is some kind of clear purpose? For example, when you are fighting the Regent and your desire is triggered, will you lose control of your body and try your best to kill the Regent, even if you fall on the road?

The hazy light was still staring at Boluogo, like a giant eye peering into the world. The overly bright light interrupted Boluogo's thinking. At this time, he noticed that the light was weakening.

As the security personnel were forcibly repelled by Bologo, the twisted building began to reset, and the originally open road was being closed.

"It's closing!"

Freya's voice sounded from behind. She held a large handful of documents and staggered towards the end of the corridor.

At the end of the road that was lengthened by the deformation of the building, the main laboratory was exposed. If they wanted to figure out what Mamo was studying, they had to go there.

Without any hesitation, Boluogo immediately turned around and ran towards Freya. Like a hurricane, he easily grabbed Freya and took her forward.

The slowly closing road stopped for a moment, and a high-pitched ether reaction came from behind Boluogo. The fallen security personnel stood up again, and the pure ether created a series of shining spears in mid-air.

They made a fierce attack, and then dozens of dazzling spears fell like meteors, dragging their tail flames.

Strong light covered the corridor, and Bologg felt like there was a heat wave burning behind him. The snake's scale liquid built a diamond-shaped shield, blocking most of the spears, but a few still caught up with Bologg.

Luminous beacons were left on the ground, and roaring explosions and etheric impacts were repeated repeatedly. Boluogo tried his best to reach the edge of the main laboratory. At this time, the surrounding walls suddenly closed and the door was closed.

An extremely narrow crack remains.

Boluogo turned his head, and he imagined that the security personnel made a mocking sound, and then they stepped aside one after another and disappeared into a hazy white light.

"Run...run away! Bologo!"

Freya suddenly screamed, her face was pale, her eyes were filled with fear, and even her body could not help but tremble.

"Where does the danger come from!"

Boluogo asked, and more and more diamond-shaped shields were formed, surrounding the two people.

Freya shook her head in despair.

"in all directions."

A high-frequency sound like a water piano sounded, followed by a warmth that enveloped Boluogo.

A dazzling beam of light was released from the hazy light, and many weak blue electric lights were restrained in it, as if it were an arc composed of pure ether. It was released silently, and then came into contact with matter.

All things are annihilated.

The venue seemed to be ignited, the light was dazzling, and the power released by the hazy light inevitably caused the surrounding materials to be burned, melted, and penetrated.

All materials seemed to be thrown into a huge furnace. Metal and rocks melted instantly, as if they were swallowed by the force of destruction. The air was squeezed to the limit, making a violent explosion.

The high-temperature environment caused the surrounding air to sizzle and sway, creating a distorted visual effect, as if time and space were completely subverted at this moment.

Boluogo just took a breath, and he felt that his throat and lungs were burned to ashes, and all parts of his body that were illuminated by the light were turned into pitch-black charcoal.

But Bologo still swung a crucial sword before being completely annihilated.

Blue sword marks passed by, and the winding cracks opened the way to the main laboratory.

"Let's go!"

Before the light spread, Boluogo kicked Freya into the crack in the winding path. The next moment, his vision was pure white, and then extinguished, returning to absolute darkness.

Bologo relied entirely on the inertia of his body to smash forward. After a moment of separation, he also passed through the crack in the winding path and fell to the cold ground.

At this time, Boluogo was like a burned corpse, with burning heat all over his body, his eyes melted, and his eardrums had already been penetrated. Fortunately, after tens of seconds, his lens began to rebuild, and his field of vision became

Mo Lake.

Climbing up with difficulty, Boluogo tried to call Freya. He was very worried about this poor guy. Under that deadly bright light, as an undead, Boluogo could fully survive, but Freya was different.

If she is tainted with the slightest bit of light of destruction, she will die.

Thinking of this, the feeling of guilt was about to penetrate Boluogo's sanity. She had been struggling to survive for so many years without any accidents, but she ended up dying after just a few hours with her.

Suddenly, a reassuring voice sounded.


The voice was very clear, and it seemed that Freya's respiratory tract was not burned, but judging from the tone, Freya was now scared, panicked, and a little... confused.

Boluogo rubbed his eyes painfully, and then blinked hard. His vision finally recovered, and then he saw Freya sitting on the ground.

Freya also raised her head and looked at Boluogo. From the outside, she was not injured. At most, her clothes were a little burnt, and many documents were burned into a ball of waste paper. But compared with her life, it was nothing.

It's not important anymore.

"Are you hurt?" Bologg asked.

"I was cut by a splinter, but it's okay, no problem."

Freya took off her coat and wrapped it around her arm to cover the wound. Bologger noticed that Freya's eyes were a little dodgeful. She might be shy or something else.

The current situation is very critical, and Boluogo has no time to think about what is and what is not.

He turned his head and inspected the closed wall. When he touched the wall, he could feel a burst of warmth. He put his ear against it and expanded his ether perception. At the other end of the wall, Bologo could vaguely detect several ethers.


They are security personnel. They have certain consciousness and logical abilities, but their intelligence is still relatively weak and they cannot handle information that is too complex.

In their cognition, Boluogo disappeared out of thin air. They were stagnant in place as if they had lost their target. In the past, they would have left after a period of vigilance, but this time the hazy light has arrived, and it serves as a guide for everyone.

The central nervous system of employees is obviously more intelligent than them.

Dim Light knew that Borrog was nearby.

An invisible wave spreads in all directions, like an echo. When it touches other ether reactions, it collides with them, turns back into ripples, and feeds back to the hazy light.

Bologomo Lake Land noticed the approach of the ether fluctuations. Because the distance was too close, he panicked and unfolded the ether shield, allowing these ripples to sweep across his body without any hindrance. Then Bologo quickly turned his head and nervously

Look at Freya.

It's over.

Boluogo didn't think that Freya, a first-stage condenser, could master the ultimate skill of etheric shielding. Just when he was about to open the crack in the winding path again and rush out to buy time for Freya.

In Boluogo's perception, the ripples actually passed through Freya's body without any fluctuation. At this moment, Freya's nervous expression relaxed a little, and she showed a tired smile to Boluogo.

As expected, he gave a thumbs up gesture.

Boluogo was stunned for a moment and then laughed. Yes, after living in this ghost place for so long, he could figure it out even if he wasn't blocked by the ether.

"They won't leave for a while," Bologg said to Freya, "We will try to find another way to leave."

In the eyes of security personnel, he should be the most hated and most wanted criminal in recent years.


Freya nodded vigorously. After experiencing many thrilling things, she had begun to accept the ferocious evil spirit in front of her.

Since the security staff can break through to the secret laboratory, it will not take much time to open the way to the main laboratory. Bologo must seize the time to collect all the information that can be collected.

Looking at the main laboratory, it was different from the tidiness of other areas. It seemed like a war had gone through. The room was in a mess. Tables and whiteboards were overturned. Broken containers were scattered everywhere. There were also eye-catching streaks on the ground.

There are traces, like corrosive liquid evaporating on it, creating a dangerous atmosphere in the silence.

Freya was sitting on the side, covering the wound on her arm. Under her calm appearance, Boluogo could smell the fear and panic on her body.

For so many years, she had been living like a mouse in a shadowed corner, and had several direct confrontations with security personnel, which almost destroyed her sanity.

Boluogo really didn't have time to take care of Freya's mental health this time. With the diamond shield guarding him, he quickly searched this place.

It was also in a secret laboratory, and everything was very neat outside. Only here, it seemed like a conflict had broken out, and it was in a mess. Boluogo couldn't help but wonder what he had discovered here.

In the center of the room, a type of spire-like mechanical equipment is intricately arranged. Each equipment exudes a strong metallic smell. Their internal structures and pipelines are directly exposed, and the black metal surface shines with a faint blue light.

Cables and connecting wires around the mechanical equipment are intertwined to form an intricate network structure. Electric light flashes through these cables. Even after so many years, the place is still powered.

The closer you get to the core, the more you can smell a suffocating smell. It is the strong smell of various reagents and chemicals that has not dissipated after so many years.

In addition, Boluogo also discovered an interesting corner.

Someone has lived here for a long time. He sleeps in a corner not far from the minaret. There is a layer of waterproof membrane on the ground, and a sleeping bag is placed on it. The surroundings are piled with various daily necessities, as well as many other things.

Empty can.

There are marks on the wall to record the date, as well as some random thoughts, some are complaints, some are wishes, and some are to encourage myself.

A large amount of information poured into Bologo's mind, and Bologo constructed what happened here.

All living utensils are single. He has been living alone. Judging from the date mark on the wall, he spent more than a year here. He could have lasted longer, but unfortunately

, the chaos in the ruins area completely sealed it off.

He was imprisoned here until he ate all the food and starved to death here.

"Foliya, have you seen the body?"

Borrogo asked loudly that if he died, there should be a body left behind.


The voice came back, and Boluogo continued to search this corner, and soon he found a diary under his sleeping bag.

It's interesting to say that, if necessary, keeping a diary is also one of the regulations of the Order Bureau. Even if an individual dies, he can still leave useful information for those who come after him.

When I opened the diary, the first thing that caught my eye was a cute rabbit head mark.

Boluogo couldn't help but sigh, "So it's you."

Mamo's apprentice, the scholar who took over the research on virtual domain intelligence, did not die outside, but hid here.

Although he had never met or known each other before, Boluogo unexpectedly hoped that she could survive.

When I opened the diary, I felt a strong sense of resentment.

"It's over! How come it's the end of the world as soon as I wake up!"

Burlogo's inner emotions were gone.

After briefly browsing, it was as Bologo thought that when Xilin invaded, the research on virtual domain intelligence was being carried out here.

"The space is completely distorted. It's like a maze, constantly changing. I don't dare to stay in one place for too long. Who knows if my body will get stuck in the wall when I wake up.

Damn it, for the sake of research on virtual domain intelligence, this place is completely isolated from other areas of the kennel. In other words, I am in the kennel, but I have lost contact with the entire kennel and the Bureau of Order."

Boluogo continued to read, and with overthinking, he could imagine everything that happened to her.

"I have been wandering around this maze for several days. No rescue has arrived, and I have not found anyone else. Where have they gone? Have they been separated by space?"

In order to keep the research top-secret, there are not many scholars here, and for a long time it did not exceed double digits.

Under complete isolation, the secret laboratory is independent of the Kenshi to a certain extent. As for the rescue she needs... During the period of time when she lost contact, the Kenshi under the influence of Xilin has begun to distort.

In order to avoid the expansion of the disaster, the Order Bureau drew a dividing line at that time and clarified the settlement area and the ruins area.

At the same time, a secret war broke out.

"No... we can't expect rescue. It's best not to have any rescue."

Her emotions stabilized and she wrote the opposite text, "Once I am rescued, the decision-making room will definitely discover the things we have studied. Not to mention being punished, the decision-making room will definitely ban our research.


Virtual domain intelligence makes you crazy just thinking about it.”

Even in a desperate situation, she still thinks about her research, which is very consistent with Boluogo's stereotype of scholars.

Upon closer inspection, when writing this part, this page of the diary had been torn off and re-attached.

"It stands to reason that I should have stopped recording in order to avoid the decision-making room finding out about me, but that's not right. The decision-making room couldn't find it anyway, so I wrote it as soon as I wrote it, not to mention Mamo is outside!"

When writing this part, Boluogo could feel the joy coming from the words.

"Mamo will find this and find me. Even if...even if I am dead when he finds me, at least there will be records left."

Her mentality is very strong, and it took less than twenty-four hours to clarify her thoughts and various possibilities.

The content after that was much simpler. In her description, the entire ruined area began to undergo chaotic changes. The buildings were distorted and distorted every moment, like erupting lava. She never stayed in any place for more than three hours, but

No matter how hot the lava is, it will solidify in a slow flow, and the same is true for space.

A week after the Xilin invasion, the space gradually stabilized, and she also mentioned in her diary that she encountered a monster, then a second one, and a third one...

"It should be the distortion of space that caused the secret laboratory to overlap with the outside world, opening the passage and allowing these monsters to get in.

Bad news, I don’t know how many monsters got in. Good news, since they can get in, I can get out too.”

Seeing this, Boluogo thought of Freya, and he felt a little uneasy.

"These monsters are very interesting. Their appearances are not consistent. They are all kinds of strange. Some are ferocious, and some are cute, but it is not important. I killed them all. The most indispensable thing in this laboratory is weapons."

One month has passed in the diary.

"No new monsters have appeared. I have checked this place several times, but I still can't find the way they came in. Did they appear out of thin air?"

The dates keep jumping.

"I started dissecting these strange monsters. I looked through the information, but there was no record of them. Did they emerge from the containment area?"

"I discovered something strange.

These monsters seem to have optical interference. They look very ferocious, but if you close your eyes and rely only on touch, they feel very similar... very similar..."

"I think I missed something. Where are the others? Why can't I find them? Even if they are dead, there should be bodies..."

Boluogo's heart skipped a beat.

"I had this unsettling thought, Oh my God, I, I don't know what to do, but I'm going to keep researching, I have to figure out what's going on."

Boluogo took a deep breath and turned over another page with a heavy heart. Short and neat words emerged, without any unnecessary nonsense, only simple, almost report-like descriptions.

"I was affected by cognitive distortions and I killed my colleagues."

This chapter has been completed!
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