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Chapter 350: The famous people in the world

It has to be said that Zhuo Li's words directly hit the most fearful point in the hearts of everyone present.

Others don't know. Don't they still know what will happen to them once the things they have done over the years are discovered by Jin Yiwei?

It can be said that Zhuo Li's words are not exaggerated at all, but if their actions are found out by the Jin Yiwei in two to three cases, then what awaits them is the end of confiscating their homes and exterminating their clans.

Zhuo Li, who had been paying attention to the changes in everyone's expressions, now had a smile on his lips. He picked up the teacup and sipped tea while looking at everyone.

He had already said the heart-wrenching words, and it could be said that he had expected everyone's reaction. He didn't even need to say anything more. If what he just said was not enough to move everyone, then even if

No matter how much he said next, I'm afraid it would have no effect.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Li was sipping tea, several officials raised their heads and looked at Zhuo Li.

One of them has a face full of anger, his name is Jing Kui. If you don't know:, you might think that the other person is the kind of robber who kills people. But this person happens to be one of the transshipment envoys of the Yangzhou Water Transport Bureau.

In this yamen, the power may not be much less than that of Zhuo Li.

More importantly, Jing Kui, the transshipment envoy, maintained a large number of water workers. It can be said that in a section of the Yangzhou Prefecture Grand Canal, there were no less than 10,000 water workers relying on the Grand Canal to beg for food, and these people belonged to

Jingkui is in charge.

In other words, Jing Kui directly controls tens of thousands of canal workers, and can steadily control tens of thousands of canal workers. Jing Kui is obviously not an ordinary person. Not to mention other things, if he does not have some means, I am afraid he will not be able to sit still.

This seat.

Jing Kui stared at Zhuo Li with cold eyes and said, "Brother Zhuo is so eloquent!"

When Zhuo Li heard this, he just smiled slightly and said, "Brother Jing was joking. Zhuo is just telling the truth. Or does Brother Jing think that Zhuo is exaggerating or deceiving everyone?"

Jing Kui shook his head and said: "You are right. Let alone others, none of us has dozens of lives on our hands. If this point alone is found out by Jin Yiwei, it will be difficult for all of us."

Escape to death, and if there are other things involved, with the ruthless temperament of the newly-promoted champion, he may be ready to confiscate his family and exterminate his clan."

An elderly official couldn't help but change his expression when he heard this. As the Warehouse Ambassador of the Water Transport Yamen, Liu Jing also had a lot of power. Over the years, he had his hands full, and he didn't know how much water supply he had corrupted.

After hearing what Jing Kui and Zhuo Li said, everyone couldn't help but panic and said, "What should we do? What should we do..."

Zhuo Li and Jing Kui just glanced at Liu Jing. Although they looked down upon Liu Jing's greedy and timid character, who let Liu Jing have his back against a big tree?

It is said that Liu Jing is the descendant of Liu Jin, the Superintendent of Ceremonies, and is closely related to Liu Jin. Maybe Liu Jin, the former emperor, may not take Liu Jing seriously, but no one wants to offend Liu Jin because of Liu Jing.

Although Liu Jin suffered a disaster in the previous series, who made Liu Jin come back again soon? Although the momentum is not as good as before, no one dares to underestimate Liu Jin.

Liu Jing's panic-stricken look made Jing Kui, Zhuo Li and others look down on Liu Jing.

However, no one wants to offend the other party.

At this time, Zhuo Li coughed lightly and said to Liu Jing: "Master Liu, is there no news from Mr. Liu in Beijing?"

Liu Jing was stunned for a moment, came to her senses, shook her head and said, "There is no news about Li Huan from Mr. Liu."

Hearing what Liu Jing said, Zhuo Li and Jing Kui looked at each other, feeling a little disappointed in their hearts.

If Liu Jin wrote to Liu Jing, they would be able to glean some useful information. Even if Liu Jin revealed his intention to protect Liu Jing, they might as well try to seek refuge with Liu Jin and hug Liu Jin's lap.

After all, if there was even a chance, they actually didn't want to take that step according to the wishes of those in Yangzhou Prefecture.

You know: attack

Attacking the imperial envoys would mean killing the nine tribes, especially when they had to deal with the fierce god Li Huan.

If he succeeds, that's fine. Once he fails, they don't have to think about it: what kind of fate awaits him.

With a slight cough, Zhuo Li looked at Jing Kui, and Liu Jing said: "Everyone, if Duan continues to suffer the chaos, Li Huan's fleet will arrive soon. Let's talk about it, do we want to

Act according to those people’s wishes!”

Liu Jing subconsciously looked at Jing Kui and the others. Just from their reactions, it could be seen that Liu Jing was in a state of confusion and had no independent opinion.

Jing Kui took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes as he stared at Zhuo Li and said, "Besides assassinating the imperial envoy, do we have any other options?"

Zhuo Li slowly shook his head and said: "If there are other choices, who is willing to take such a big risk and do such a head-turning thing."

Jing Kui sneered and said: "That's it. Since we have no choice, we just assassinate the imperial envoy. In the final analysis, it is killing people. We have killed too many people, but this time we want to kill the imperial envoy. He Li

If Huan doesn't let us have an easy time, then we will send him to the west."

As he spoke, Jing Kui's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he glanced at the people present and said: "We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. We all suffer when we are prosperous. If we don't kill Li Huan, we will only die. We ourselves


Jing Kui suddenly grabbed the tea cup on the table, smashed it on the ground and said coldly: "Kill Li Huan!"

"Kill Li Huan!"

"Kill Li Huan!"

Immediately, several officials present stood up one after another, smashing the tea cups in front of them like Jing Kui, shouting slogans to kill Li Huan, their faces full of ferocious and crazy looks.

When Zhuo Li saw this scene, his face turned red and he said tremblingly: "Okay, if we work together, we can feed that bastard Li Huan!"

After everyone reached a consensus, Zhuo Li's eyes fell on Jing Kui and said, "Brother Jing, I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you on how to proceed."

Everyone also looked towards Jing Kui.

Among them, who can say that they can also mobilize some manpower, but if it comes to it, only Jing Kui's men have the strength and ability to destroy the imperial envoy and his party.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of laborers under Jing Kui, as far as they know, Jing Kui maintains a group of desperadoes. This group of desperadoes are not bad at all. It is precisely because of this group of people that Jing Kui can

Stable control of tens of thousands of irrigation works for his use.

After listening to Zhuo Li's words, Jing Kui nodded slightly and said, "Leave this matter to me."

Obviously Jing Kui also knew that he was the only one with such ability, so he did not refuse.

But Jing Kui glanced at everyone and said: "I can handle this matter, but you also know: this is a matter that will kill your head. The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. The group of brothers under me..."

Before Jing Kui could finish his words, Zhuo Li smiled and said, "What do you think it is? Brother Jing's words are true. Zhuo is willing to give fifty thousand taels of silver as a reward to the brothers who assassinated Li Huan and his party this time.


"Li is willing to give out 30,000 taels of silver!"

"Twenty thousand for me!"

"I'll also spend 20,000!"

The oil and water supply of water transportation is definitely not worse than that of the Lianghuai Salt Industry, and the few people present control the water transportation of a section of the Grand Canal, which is equivalent to guarding a mountain of gold and silver, each with a net worth of tens or millions.

In just a blink of an eye, everyone had collected more than two hundred thousand taels of silver.

If such a large amount of silver were used to hire desperadoes, not to mention letting them attack the imperial envoys, even if they were to assassinate the emperor, some people would dare to do it.

Jing Kui patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, everyone. If you can't come forward with Li Huan's head, then Jing will die to apologize."

On a pier near the Grand Canal, in a huge manor, when Jing Kui, dressed in brocade clothes, appeared in the manor, someone immediately came to greet him.

"Sir, all the brothers are here and waiting for you."

Under the guidance of the visitor, Jing Kui walked into the hall and saw a dozen strong and muscular men sitting there.

Seemingly seeing Jing Kui coming, everyone suddenly stood up and saluted Jing Kui: "I've seen you, sir!"

If there are people in the world who see these people, they will definitely be very surprised. You know: among the dozen or so people present, the aura on Gao's body is not weak, and there are even three or four first-class players, and even the strength

The worst ones also have second-rate cultivation.

The force gathered in this manor by the canal is actually comparable to the first-class sects in the world.

It's normal to think about it. Those first-class sects in the world rely on their own strength to dominate. In the same way, if they don't have enough strength, how can they control tens of thousands of workers?

The interests involved in tens of thousands of irrigation works are much greater than the interests controlled by those first-class sects. It is really impossible to protect such huge interests without enough strength.

After looking at everyone, Jing Kui waved his hand slightly and said, "Okay, we are all brothers, no need to be polite."

That being said, everyone present knew Jing Kui's temperament very well, so after they all bowed to Jing Kui in a polite manner, they sat down cautiously one by one, and then looked at Jing Kui with solemn and respectful expressions.


Seeing everyone's expressions and reactions, Jing Kui nodded with satisfaction. He could be polite to these subordinates, but these people must abide by the rules in front of him.

After coughing lightly, Jing Kui said calmly: "I have called you brothers here today, but I have something for you to handle!"

After hearing this, everyone said almost as a conditioned reflex: "My lord, no matter what you ask, even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire, my subordinates will risk their lives to complete it."

He nodded with satisfaction, but Jing Kui still said solemnly: "This matter is of great importance. I think you have all heard about the case of the murder of thousands of families in the Yangzhou Jinyiwei Station. This time the imperial court sent an imperial envoy to investigate the case. Yangzhou Prefecture

Some of the gentlemen there had some evil intentions in their minds, so they asked me to send the imperial envoy back to the west."

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their eyes when they heard this, but they didn't lose their composure too much, which shows the strong will of the people present.

After taking a sip of tea, Jing Kui raised his eyebrows and said, "If this is accomplished, I will reward you with a hundred thousand taels of silver..."


As soon as the reward of 100,000 taels of silver came out, everyone present's eyes turned red. The worries that had arisen from hearing about the assassination of the imperial envoy disappeared in an instant.

So what about the imperial envoy, that is one hundred thousand taels of silver. Now even if the gods and Buddhas are in front of them, they will not hesitate to kill the gods and destroy the Buddhas for gold and silver.

A big man with a centipede-like scar on his face said with an extremely cold aura: "Sir, are you serious about what you say? Is there really a hundred thousand taels of silver available?"

Jing Kui glanced at the scarred man and snorted coldly: "How dare you question me?"

The face of the scar-faced man changed slightly, and he knelt down in front of Jing Kui with a bang and said, "I don't dare. It's just one hundred thousand taels of gold and silver. It was too shocking. I lost my mind for a moment. Please punish me."

Jing Kui sneered and said, "How have I ever deceived you? It's just a hundred thousand taels of gold and silver."

While he was talking, Jing Kui said in a long voice: "Come here, bring up the silver."

Soon they heard noise coming from outside. The scar-faced man and others looked around and saw a group of men in black walking in carrying large boxes one by one.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen large boxes were placed in the hall. After those people retreated, Jing Kui said to the dozen or so people present: "One hundred thousand taels of silver are here, you might as well take a look."

After a few breaths, someone stepped forward to open the boxes, and suddenly the white money appeared in everyone's sight.

Even though everyone present had seen a large amount of gold and silver, this was the first time that one hundred thousand taels of silver appeared in front of them, and everyone's breathing became rapid.

These are desperadoes and are extremely greedy for money, so they have no resistance to gold and silver. Some even couldn't help but rush forward with a look of madness on their faces.


The time for tea passed, and when everyone gradually regained some of their emotions, Jing Kui said: "As long as you kill the imperial envoy and his entourage from the capital, all the money will be yours."

At this time, everyone turned to Jing Kui angrily and said, "Don't worry, sir. Even for this money, we will not let the imperial envoy and his party go."

Jing Kui glanced at everyone and said, "The one who came this time is the Jin Yiwei commander Li Huan who was just named the Champion by the Emperor. He was accompanied by the elite Jin Yiwei..."

The scar-faced man said with a bit of disdain: "So what about the Jinyiwei? We have heard of Li Huan, but he is just a young boy who was lucky enough to be favored by the emperor. Kill him like a chicken."

Jing Kui couldn't help but frown, obviously dissatisfied with the scarred man's contempt for Li Huan and his party.

At this moment, he recited the swordsmanship: The dressed man stroked his beard and chuckled at Jing Kui: "The Jin Yiwei is indeed not to be underestimated. I heard that Li Huan is not weak in cultivation. I thought it was just in case, we can

Please ask some good people in the world to help."

When Jing Kui heard this, he looked at the man with the sword in surprise and said: "Mo Dao: Man, don't you have any good candidates?"

Carrying the sword: The man said with a smile: "So that you may know, I have recently made a new friend. He is a well-known person in the world. He can be ranked among the top experts. If he can help me, I can assassinate Li Huan and his party."

A little more protection.”

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