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Chapter 135 The Yang Family's Counterattack

Chapter 135 The Yang family’s counterattack

In the yard, the craftsmen are busy. The beams of the main house have been put up. Originally, putting up the beams was a big deal. Ordinary people would invite young and strong men from the neighbors to help them put up the beams, and then have a big banquet to celebrate.

Thank you, but Xia Xun's status in Moling Town is currently undecided. He is a person that no one dares to mess with and no one dares to touch. Naturally, there is no need to think about asking the neighbors.

Once the girder is mounted, the next thing will be easy. The glutinous rice juice is mixed with yellow mud and straw is applied to the roof. Skilled craftsmen build the ceiling in the room, and then pieces of bright red tiles are laid down from the ridge like fish scales.

, the bright and dignified main house took shape. The four beams and pillars of the main house have been painted with bright paint, and a faint smell of paint lingers in the yard.

Xiaodi and Peng Ziqi were squatting in the backyard. There was an area of ​​one acre. It was originally the backyard vegetable plot of the Yang family like an ordinary farmhouse. Later it was used as a cattle shed. Now it has been leveled out and there is a granary in the plan.

, mills, inner houses, pavilions and other buildings are designed, but there is still a lot of space that is temporarily vacant.

Xiaodi held the red skirt in her arms and said enthusiastically: "Sister, how about building a small pavilion here? Grow a few more bamboo bushes, build a big bathroom, and plant some flowers outside."

Peng Ziqi smiled and said: "You, do you want to move your home in Qingzhou? This yard is not as good as the one in Qingzhou. It is a bit smaller. It seems that the houses and courtyards here are not like those over there, with hundreds of acres of land enclosed and buildings built at will.

, the place is small, so the design must be careful.”

Xiaodi said: "Then what good ideas do you have?"

Peng Ziqi said: "Neither did I. When I was at home, there were so many uncles, uncles, cousins, and so many men. There was no need for me to worry about these things. Apart from practicing martial arts, studying, and being forced to be a female celebrity.

, basically nothing happens to me.”

Xiao Diwu rolled his eyes, and suddenly said happily: "Then... how about digging a pond here and building a rockery next to it? Build one here, one there, dig a bigger pool in the middle, and build a rockery on top.

Crooked Bridge.”

Peng Ziqi smiled and said: "Okay, it must sound very beautiful."

Carpenter Wang was passing by with a charcoal pen in his ear. When he heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Madam, Miss Xiaodi, you can't do that. There are rules and regulations in the establishment, and the court has its own laws. The master's current status,

If the flower pond in the house is built with double mountains, it will be against the rules and the house will be ransacked and beheaded."

Peng Ziqi stuck out his tongue and whispered: "It's so troublesome. How can I understand this? I almost caused a disaster."

Xiaodi was also a little frustrated, so she said: "Forget it, let's just build a pond instead of the rockery?"

Peng Ziqi thought for a while and said, "I still don't want it. Our house is not very big. If we build a pool, it will take up too much space. Besides... besides... in the future... there will always be children in our house. Come over."

I ran away, what if I fell into the water? It’s too unsafe.”

Xiaodi chuckled: "Sister Peng, you are so thoughtful."

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she looked at Peng Ziqi excitedly: "Sister, you... you won't have a child, right?"

Peng Ziqi pouted and said, "Where is it? I thought..."

Xiaodi touched her belly and licked her lips enviously: "Oh, it will happen sooner or later anyway, hehe, it must be fun to raise a baby, right?"

Peng Ziqi glanced at her and found that her gaze... was just like her expression when she was holding a puppy. He immediately became alert: "Hey, hey, hey, this child is not a puppy. You are not allowed to hold it and play with it."

Xiaodi said: "I don't know how." Then he immediately made a reservation: "But when you and the young master have a baby, you must let me hold it. Well, let me hold it every day."

While the two were talking, the servant ushered in a middle-aged man wearing a blue scarf. Peng Ziqi had seen him come here several times and recognized him as a dental practitioner, so he hurriedly stood up with Xiaodi.

"Oh, madam, you are here."

The man from the tooth shop smiled before saying anything, nodded and bowed: "Madam, your mansion's manager Xiao has entrusted me to find a piece of land for your mansion. I have been busy these days, asking around. What a coincidence, there happened to be a land.

An official let go of his foreign duties and wanted to move his family. The local houses and fields were all eager to be sold. When the younger one hurried to the door, several groups of people from other places had gone.

The little one said that the official heard that Mr. Yang of your house was a student and a scholar. He couldn't help but feel good about it, so he agreed to sell the land to your house. After talking about the price for a long time, the official

He promised to resell all the 20 acres of high-quality paddy fields in his house to your house. One acre of high-quality paddy fields will be worth ten guan. Madam, do you think we can still sell it?"

"Land deal?"

Housekeeping and financial management were Peng Ziqi's weak point. How could she understand these things? She turned to look at Xiaodi as if asking for help. Xiaohuo also had blank eyes. Peng Ziqi couldn't help but hesitate: "Is ten guan notes per acre of paddy field expensive or not? Is this expensive?"

Are there any untruths in what the dentist said?"

Seeing her hesitation, the man from the tooth shop said: "Madam, many people are vying for these twenty acres of paddy field. To be honest, even the smallest ones have three families wanting to buy it. It's just that

Each of their families cannot afford twenty acres of land in one go. If I want to transfer the land to them, I will have to break it up and sell it, which is troublesome. But if you don’t make up your mind quickly, then I will sell the land to them first.

I’ll look for a suitable land for you later.”

As the man from Yaxing said, he cupped his hands and was about to leave. Peng Ziqi became a little anxious and said hurriedly: "Wait a minute! Is this paddy field... really a top-quality paddy field? When we sign the contract, we have to see it for ourselves."

Is this a fair price per acre?"

The man from Yaxing smiled and said: "That's nature, that's nature. Madam, you must also know that I was originally an official, and if the land was not of good quality, how could he cultivate it? As for ten guan notes per acre, how could he cultivate it?

Let me tell you the bottom line. The price is not low. In our Jiangnan area, ten guan notes per acre of high-quality paddy fields is considered high. The most fertile and high-quality paddy fields can only be sold for 12 or 3 guan notes. But others

This land is the best land, close to the water source. Because I wanted to sell it, I gave you a price of ten guan, otherwise it would have been higher. If you buy it piecemeal, it is not impossible to buy it.

The land is cheaper than this, but... you also want the land to be connected in your house, right? Isn’t it convenient for management, how about two acres in the East Village and one and a half acres in the West Village?"

Peng Ziqi listened to his sincerity and sense of reason in his words, so he nodded hesitantly and said: "The master and the manager are not here. In this case, I will make a reservation with you first..."

"Ten guan notes can still buy twenty acres. This is not cheap!"

Xia Xun and Steward Xiao walked in from the outside. Steward Xiao whispered a few words to Xia Xun, and Xia Xun walked over with a smile. Peng Ziqi was overjoyed and immediately relaxed and called: "Officer."

Xiaodi ran over directly and asked impatiently: "Master, are you seeing the young lady?"

Xia Xun patted her little hand and said to the bastard: "It's really hard for you to travel back and forth. Yang is sincere in wanting to buy the land. As long as the price is fair, he will definitely buy it. Of course, you have worked hard for it, and you will benefit from it."

, I naturally can’t be short. But his twenty acres of water, regardless of whether it is really good land..."

The arrogant man slapped his chest and swore: "Mr. Yang, it's no mistake. Those who work in our profession are of course the masters who can cut the tofu with both sides and use clever tricks in everything. But there are some words that we don't dare to say."

Nonsense. If that land is good, go and have a look and ask around. You can't hide it from anyone. No matter how stupid you are, you won't dare to play tricks on it."

Xia Xun smiled: "Don't worry, I believe you are telling the truth, but ten guan for one acre of land is not too cheap. What's more, if I eat twenty acres in one go, it should be cheaper."

That's right. You have also seen that I have just returned to my hometown. There is a lot of construction work at home, and I am a little short of money. As the saying goes: "If you don't have enough food, you won't have enough clothes. If you don't calculate, you will be poor." You should be frugal when running a household. If you can save an acre of land, you will be poor.

Two guan of money, that’s 40 guan, which is the annual salary of a seventh-grade Zhengtang county magistrate, do you understand what I mean?”

The charlatan had just seen that the housewife was not good at managing money, so he pretended that the other party was in a hurry to make a purchase, and lured her in with just a few words. She was happily making a fortune, but when she heard what Xia Xun said, she

When Zhi met a tough opponent, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly: "If he comes back later..."

The arrogant man still refused to give up, and said: "But... I am only willing to sell it for ten thousand dollars per acre, and I have already done my best. This official is a foreign official and will take office soon.


Xia Xun smiled and said: "I'm not in a hurry. Look, my house is all sorted out. It's not until the beginning of August. What else can I plant at that time? I have a year, so you can take your time."

Look around, if this one is not suitable, then look for another one. You run a dental shop, you won’t just do one business a year, right? Haha, I believe you can always find a suitable piece of land."

Yaji agreed with a grimace and retreated dejectedly. He already knew Xia Xun's bottom line, twenty acres of prime land, eight guan per acre. If it wasn't for special conditions, it would be best not to live there.

The price is beyond this price.

Peng Ziqi patted his chest and smiled happily: "Guanren, fortunately you are back. I have never taken care of these things. No matter what people say, it all sounds reasonable. I just heard him say something anxious, and I was afraid that others would buy it."

I almost agreed to leave. Now that I think about it, I’m not going to be deceived by him.”

Xia Xun consoled him: "Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. How can anyone be omnipotent? Although I know the price of land, I don't actually know the market price of water acres in the south of the Yangtze River. It was Lao Xiao who just

Reminded me."

Seeing that he didn't blame her for making random decisions, Peng Ziqi couldn't help but smile sweetly and asked: "My lord, did your trip go well? But...have you met her yet?"

Xia Xun frowned slightly, and was thinking about how to explain the situation to Zi Qi. A strange voice behind him said: "Yang Xu, no matter how busy you are with your personal affairs, you can't care less about the affairs of the clan! Today!

I was yelling all over the street in the morning. Even if you didn’t hear it, there are so many people in your house, but no one heard it? You can’t just turn a deaf ear."

As soon as Xia Xun turned around, he saw Yang Yu and Yang Wenwu standing there. Xia Xun said with some disgust: "What are you doing here?"

Yang Yu said: "What are you doing? I'm asking you, a busy man. There are important things to discuss in the clan. There are people from all the houses, and they have already gathered in our Yang family ancestral hall. Now the clan leader, clan elders, and elders of each clan

, are all waiting for your arrival, Yang Xiucai!"

This chapter has been completed!
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