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Chapter 481

Chapter 481 Pressing forward step by step

A fleet flying the flag of the Ming Dynasty appeared outside Shuangyu Island.

Since Shuangyu Island was surrendered to the imperial court and re-incorporated into the royal family, although there have been naval ships coming, this is the first time that such a fleet of warships has appeared. The officers and soldiers guarding the island did not know the reason and hurriedly sent a signal to the island.

The leader also signaled to the Ming Navy warships to stop.

The people in charge of the island now are two veteran generals, He De and Liao En. They were junior high schools in the army when Su Ying's father was a general. They went to sea with him to become pirates. Now Xu Hu and others are out suppressing bandits.

They were given the responsibility of Shuangyu Island. After hearing the news, the two old men quickly sent a boat out to sea to inquire about the situation. The Ming Navy navy replied that they were Taicang Guard officers and soldiers who had been out at sea to suppress bandits for a long time and requested to enter the island to rest and replenish food and drinking water.

Shuangyu Guard is already the territory of the Ming Dynasty, how can we prohibit the Ming Dynasty fleet from entering? Besides, the three guards with sea ships are like headless chickens looking for Japanese pirates at sea all day long. They know this, although Shuangyu Guard and

The relationship between the other guards was not good, but Xu Hu had been working hard to improve their relationship. If he refused at this time, he might not be able to refuse, but it would make the relationship between Master Xu and the other guards in eastern Zhejiang worse. Therefore, He De and Liao En

After some discussion, they ordered the Taicang Guard's naval fleet to be brought into the harbor.

However, as soon as the Taicang Guards arrived at the port, they immediately turned against each other. He De and Liao En, who rushed to the dock to greet them, had no idea that their teams would suddenly encounter each other. There were not many troops left on Shuangyu Island.

, a head-on confrontation may not be the opponent of Taicang Guard with such a powerful army, let alone that he has been deceived into his heart.

It only took less than half an hour for the officers and soldiers of Taicang Guard to occupy key passes across the island. Of course, such a fast speed was also closely related to the order given by He De and Liao En to give up resistance. The defenders on the island were originally pirates, although

I have been affiliated with them for a while, but my wild nature has not been tamed and I have no consciousness of being a submissive citizen. When I see them using force, I will resist immediately.

Seeing that the situation was not good, He De and Liao En unanimously ordered everyone to give up resistance immediately and surrender. They accepted Xu Hu's entrustment to preserve Shuangyu Island, rather than to die together with Shuangyu Island. At present, those with superior military strength

The officers and soldiers of the Taicang Guards have already entered Shuangyu. The only effect of resistance is to extend the time occupied by them, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Moreover, this gave the Taicang Guard officers and soldiers an excuse to massacre Shuangyu Island. There were so many old, weak, women and children on the island. Once they were caught in a melee, the consequences would be disastrous. The insidious killing intent in the eyes of Taicang Guard commander Ji Wenhe was not concealed.

After giving up resistance, the officers and soldiers are officers and soldiers after all, and they cannot commit such inhumane atrocities. There are tens of thousands of people on the island, and there are nearly 10,000 officers and soldiers of Taicang Guard. So

With so many pairs of eyes watching, no one can stop so many pairs of mouths. There are few officers and soldiers who dare to bear such a crime.

Ji Wenhe, the commander of Taicang Guards, was disappointed when he saw that the people on the island did not resist. He was not the leader of a team of a hundred or ten people, and this was not a mountain village with only a few dozen families. The Ming Dynasty's northern frontier army massacred the entire village and acted as Tatars.

The practice of pretending to take credit for rewards only began to appear in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. At this time, few people dared to do it. What's more, there are so many people here. Ji Wenhe's generals may not be staring at his position eagerly.

To bring about his downfall, without an excuse, Ji Wenhe would not dare to do anything that could be used to expose the deceased.

Ji Wenhe announced to the people on the island the reason for taking over Shuangyu: Xu Hu had liaison with Japanese pirates and had been captured and questioned. He was ordered to take over Shuangyu and seize illegal filth! The people on the island were shocked. They

I have absolutely no idea what happened.

On the back hill of Shuangyu Island, a small boat was put into the water. The sea area in front of Sister Su's residence is full of rocks and is not suitable for ships to navigate, but some small boats can still pass.

"Quick, quick, go to Yangjiao Mountain immediately and tell Third Sister what happened here!"

The speaker was a veteran brought to the island by Su Ying's father. After he realized that the situation was not good, he immediately took advantage of the officers and soldiers to control the entire island and used his familiarity with the cave to sneak to the back mountain and find a

The young man who was drying the fishing nets hurriedly told him what happened in the front mountain and told him to leave immediately.

The young man also knew that the situation was urgent and hurriedly ran away with his two oars. The exit of the sea channel had been blocked by the Taicang navy. He could not leave immediately. He had to hide under the caves at the end of the mountain and wait until dark before escaping under the cover of night.


Ji Wenhe stood at the dock and sent people all over the island to search for property. He was very satisfied.

Ever since the old Marquis gave the order, he began to deliberately create troubles with the intention of provoking Shuangyu Guards against him. He arbitrarily withheld the warships and firearms allocated by the imperial court to Shuangyu Guards, and gave broken ships and rusted muskets to Shuangyu Island, deliberately

Provoke the hostility and contempt of the coastal guards towards Shuangyu. Unfortunately, the series of measures against Shuangyu have been ineffective. Unexpectedly, Qiu Fu helped him a lot this time. This is really a flower planted with intention but not a willow tree.

Suddenly, someone came to report: "Sir, a merchant ship has appeared on the sea and is about to sail into Shuangyu. Do you want to intercept it?"

"Merchant ship?"

Ji Wenhe was moved in his heart and waved his hand: "Don't disturb them, let them come in!"

The merchant ship was controlled by Ji Wenhe's people as soon as it came in. The ship came from Luzon, and the owner was a Chinese living in Luzon, a native of Fuzhou, named Lu Mingzhi. Seeing that his merchant ship was controlled, Lu Mingzhi was shocked again.

He was angry again. Hearing that Ji Wenhe was the leader of the garrison on the island, he immediately rushed up aggressively and shouted: "What happened to your officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty? Why did you seize my merchant ship, Lu Mingzhi? I tell you, I and your Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers

Mr. Yang Xu, the auxiliary prince, has some dealings with me, but you dare to seize my ship!"

When Ji Wenhe heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he immediately asked: "What? Do you have any dealings with Duke Fuguo?"

Lu Mingzhi thought he was scared, and said proudly: "Yes, I have a very close relationship with the people who serve the Duke of your country. If you know the truth, let me go as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will make you go around without food!"

Ji Wenhe smiled and said happily: "Sorry, sorry, the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and one family did not recognize the other. Haha, I have been told by the Duke of Fu to provide convenience to Captain Lu from Luzon.

, because there was trouble on the island, I was so busy that I forgot to ask you about your identity. Someone, let the boat go, and don’t touch all the cargo on the boat!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Wenhe said kindly to Lu Mingzhi: "Captain Lu, sit down here, have a cup of tea, and let me apologize to you."


It's still that dark room where the whole picture can't be seen clearly.

The man was still sitting there, just coughing lightly from time to time. There was a bowl in front of him, and there was still half a bowl of soup in the bowl. There was a faint smell of medicine in the room.

He coughed a few times and said, "What a shameless person! You have been defeated and blamed, and you have been trapped in Pao Ze. You will die without atoning for your sins. Aren't the Shuangyu bandits always at odds with the Japanese pirates? What reason did you use to falsely accuse them of colluding with the Japanese pirates?"

"The banditry of the Shuangyu pirates is hard to change, and they are angry about the unfair treatment, so they collude with the Japanese pirates in order to take revenge!"

The man chuckled twice and said: "Well, this reason makes sense. In the army, the style of ranking based on seniority is to prioritize the near and then the distant. The emperor is a person who has led soldiers. Of course he knows that sometimes, when faced with distant and remote people,

For all kinds of unfair treatment, even a veteran who has been in the army since he was a child would be so angry that he would curse his mother. It is common to have riots and changes in military pay. Those are officers and soldiers recruited from the common people, and the pirates recruited are arrogant and unruly. This kind of reaction is not outrageous.

Haha, Yang Xu will also have something to do with Shuangyu Guard's bad luck."

The man on the other side said: "But Luo Yu and the others didn't kill Xu Hu. Are they so sure of controlling this matter?"

The man smiled and said: "It's not that they don't want to kill, it's because they can't kill. If all the culprits are dead, they point to a pile of corpses and say to the emperor that everything went wrong in their hands. Do you think the emperor is that easy to fool?



"When have you ever seen the emperor personally interrogate a case?"


"Xu Hu is a lieutenant general in the army. The case must be tried by the judge of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. If the matter involves treason and banditry, Jin Yiwei may be asked to serve as a jury. And these two yamen are in their hands. They are very calculated.

Jing Na. Besides, is what Xu Hu said important? The important thing is the evidence, I think... they will definitely concoct enough evidence!"

"Yes, the villain understands. Unexpectedly, before we had time to overthrow Yang Xu, they actually helped a lot."

The man opposite coughed a few more times, picked up the bowl, took two sips of the medicine, and said slowly: "Actually, I want to change my mind now. Instead of getting rid of one Yang Xu, it's better to get rid of a group of Peking factions."

military attache! However, the fight for the heir is now at a critical juncture. If Zhu Gaoxu’s power is greatly weakened, then no one will be able to compete with Zhu Gaochi. It’s inappropriate, it’s inappropriate..."

He sighed softly and said: "Let's put this matter aside for now. The evidence is always in hand and will be useful when the time is right. Haha, the traps in the world are all set for others in the beginning.

, but he often gets himself into trouble later. Let’s keep this hole dug by Qiu Fu for him first! Ask Ji Wenhe to keep the evidence of people like Luo Yu and keep it for later use!”

"Yes, then let's..."

"Right now, let's bring down Yang Xu first. Let's help Zhu Gaochi. Once he gets the upper hand, he will take action against Zhu Gaochi's group. The emperor loves Zhu Gaochi more, and Zhu Gaochi will definitely suffer. When Zhu Gaochi suffers,

After suffering a big loss and being at a disadvantage, let's give him the evidence of the Shuangyu group's thieves' fault for others. Zhu Gaochi will definitely fight back against Zhu Gaoxu. Do you understand?"

"The villain understands, haha, tell them dog bites dog!"

"Well, but... these charges alone can make Yang Xu fall out of favor, but they may not be able to bring him down. We have to add more fuel to him and help Zhu Gaoxu collect some other charges for Yang Xu. Only then can we be foolproof.

Let’s now…”

As soon as he said this, someone outside whispered: "Sir, the old Marquis has sent someone here. It's urgent!"

"Tell him to come in!"

Someone hurriedly walked in outside and whispered to him. He laughed: "Is this happening? Haha, Yang Xu, Yang Xu, you are doomed now!"

p: Do you still remember the story in "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" in which Yang Ling was imprisoned due to the water leakage case in the underground palace?

Wang Jinglong seduces Yutangchun,

Han Youniang saved her husband at the execution ground,

Wang Yangming is hiding from the sky,

Yang Shi read the sea...,

There are ups and downs, there are ups and downs,

Different emperors, different factions and forces are destined to have different stories, different solutions, and different excitement!

It's early morning, and we're number one! There's still some time before dawn...

For those who haven't fallen asleep yet, please hold your position first and throw down your precious eggs.

My comrades in Jinyi and I will come when the sun rises!

This chapter has been completed!
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