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Chapter five hundred and twentieth team

"No harm."

From ancient times to the present, it has stood in the void, with the flames blazing behind it.

There was also a huge atmospheric ring with him as the center, spreading out in all directions, gradually becoming fainter.

He resisted the release of 10,000-ton equivalent nuclear fusion energy without suffering any damage.

It can't be said to be unscathed.

In order to maintain the strength of the rotating magnetic field, the cells in his body were operating at a high speed and suffered a lot of damage, which could be regarded as damaging some vitality.

But this kind of damage can be recovered in a short time due to the powerful self-healing ability of the innate beast.

"The real immortal who lives in this world is indeed so powerful that he can be called inhuman."

A heartfelt sigh from ancient to modern times.

And now...

He finally stepped into this important field.

He focused his attention on the spiritual world.

With the Chaos Astral Consummated, the power of the Eternal Oven is no longer uncontrollable.


But it's no longer the only option.

He felt that when it came to explosive power, attack power, and the rotation of the magnetic field derived from the chaotic astral body was stronger.

The only disadvantage is that if he exerts all his strength to explode the power of magnetic field rotation, the cells in his body will be overloaded and damaged, and it will not last long.

On the contrary, it is the eternal oven...

Although the output is not satisfactory, it is stable, endless, and consumes almost nothing.

In addition, if there is a powerful carrier to accumulate power, the destructive energy that can be erupted by the eternal oven that has accumulated enough strength may not be stronger than the chaotic astral body.

From this point of view, there are actually advantages and disadvantages between the two.

Just like humans being struck by lightning.

The temperature was tens of thousands of degrees in an instant, but...

But there is a chance of survival.

But if a human being is placed in the center of a flame, even if the temperature of the flame is only three or four hundred degrees, as long as the time scale is extended to one or two minutes, there will be no chance for this person to survive.

"One explosion, one stability."

Gu Jin then immediately thought of the path of "evolving stars" that he had previously imagined.

The eternal oven is used as the core of the star, and the chaotic starlight body is used as the magnetic field.

Next, you only need to continue to fill it with materials to strengthen itself.

Right now, there is indeed a basis for success on this road.

that is……

He was worried that his body would not be able to hold on.

When he stimulated the power of magnetic field rotation, he clearly felt the load of this power on himself.

"I have to strengthen my body."

From ancient times to the present, I have a clear understanding in my heart.

And this kind of strengthening obviously cannot imitate the true immortal and increase the strength of the energy body.

The power of magnetic field rotation comes from the characteristics of the children of the stars and cell friction, then...

We can only start with volume.

The reason why he manifested the body of a hundred-meter-long innate beast was because the intercellular spaces were filled with a large amount of energy, and the total number, size, and toughness of the cells did not change much.

At best, in the form of the innate beast, the electric current released by his cells is stronger.

If he wants to further improve himself and strengthen himself, he can only start from these aspects.

"In other words, I can't get rid of my flesh and blood body."

Tao from ancient times to modern times.

Compared with the energy body, the flesh and blood body has great disadvantages.


But there are also many advantages that energy bodies do not have.

To say that the flesh and blood body is completely inferior to the energy body is not necessarily absolute.

"The Chaos Astral Body and the Eternal Furnace are all perfect. My strength is already an out-and-out true immortal. If this kind of power is placed on the Blue Star, it will not be a problem to spread across the world. Even in this world, it will not be a problem."

Standing at the top of existence, but..."

From ancient times to the present, I think of the greatest enemies of the true immortals.

Ruin beast.

Spiritual life.

And demons...

This kind of creature directly attacks the soul of the cultivator.

If he continues to strengthen in this area, he will inevitably become like the predicament encountered by true immortals and innate beasts, beaten by ruin beasts, spiritual beings, and demons until they cry for father and mother.

Even if he cultivates to a level comparable to that of an Immortal Lord in the future, it will be of no use.

The Fairy Lord versus the Demon Lord...


Let alone a demon lord, even a high-ranking spiritual master can destroy an immortal lord.

It just takes time.


He set his sights on the "Three Realms".

"This is the way I want to go next."

The way of the heart from ancient times to the present.

If you want to practice the "Three Realms", the next step is to activate the spiritual skills and choose a Creator inheritance to fully perfect the orange skill of "Three Realms".

"Two golden skills."

Take a deep breath throughout the ages.

There is still a long way to go.

He "looked" at the amount of clear light left, and turned his attention to the Lihuo God's light.

Originally, because he couldn't perfectly control the power of the Eternal Oven, he didn't have this long-range attack skill fully topped up. Now...

Clear light perfusion.

This great magical power has been directly promoted to the level of perfection.

Look at these golden skills that are all filled up and sparkling.

The ancient and modern nodded with satisfaction.

This time, except for his defensive magical powers, his shortcomings are almost completely covered.

For a moment, his eyes fell on the golden skill - Void Projection.

This is a golden skill he acquired a long time ago, but...

It seemed useless and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

The next focus will turn to spiritual mechanics and the inheritance of the Creator.

"Two golden skills are added from scratch to perfection, let alone starting from a thousand clear lights, plus an orange skill..."

Thinking about it from ancient to modern times.

Unless he can overthrow the Holy Dynasty, it will not be easy to make up this number.

"Holy Dynasty..."

From ancient times to the present, people have raised their heads and looked towards the direction of the imperial capital.

For a moment, there was silence.

Pushing the holy pilgrimage...

This is not something to talk about.

He must consider the consequences of doing so.

After he overthrows the Holy Dynasty, he must eliminate all evil in the Holy Dynasty. In this way, he will personally judge tens of thousands of people.

Once he actually kills thousands of senior officials of the Holy Dynasty with his own hands, it will inevitably cause panic in the entire Holy Dynasty. At that time, even if he can suppress the Holy Dynasty, the Holy Dynasty will inevitably collapse, and the world will be in chaos.

Countless people will take advantage of the chaos and make the people's livelihood miserable.

By then, I don’t know how many wives and children will be separated and their families will be destroyed.

"I don't have enough people on hand."

From ancient times to modern times, we understand the core of the problem.

"I don't have a strong enough team to take over the Holy Dynasty directly, so if I defeat the Holy Dynasty and the six caves behind them now, the chaos that will eventually result will be like the Tianji Emperor Rebellion that happened in Qiantian


It has always been clear in my heart.

What did the Tianji Emperor's Rebellion bring to Qiantian?

Hundreds of years of war and darkness!

If it hadn't been for his timely appearance, I'm afraid it wouldn't have taken a few decades, or even a dozen years, for the entire Qiantian to fall and become a hunting ground for demons after the death of Master Wushi.


"I should go back to Qiantian first! Cultivate enough manpower in Qiantian, and when the time is right, lead a complete team from Qiantian to return to the Holy Dynasty and replace them."

Tao from ancient times to modern times.

This is the correct approach.

Just focusing on destruction without caring about the consequences of destruction, how is this different from evil spirits and those who are out of control?

"Before we return to Qiantian, we have to make arrangements here."

From ancient times to the present, I think of the unresolved Star Mark Demon God and the six great caves of the Holy Dynasty that are eyeing him.

If previously he could only attack the Six Great Cave Heavens of the Holy Dynasty based on the fact that they did not die with him, then now...

He already has enough confidence to challenge the six caves.

With a movement of his body, he has transformed into a stream of light from ancient times to the present, walking against the wind and returning to Flowing Fire City.

There is a huge human country in a wilderness 60,000 miles away from the outer city circle of the Holy Dynasty.

This human kingdom numbers hundreds of millions.

There are not a few practitioners among them.

However, because the cultivator system has been harvested more than once, the true king of Yuanshen condenses the weakest Yuanshen. After breaking through to heaven and humans, the power of heaven and earth he can control is only a hundred meters around him. Even if he condenses the body of a saint, he can only It is the weakest kind.

In this case, the strong men in the human kingdom who want to resist the demons have no choice but to embark on the path of demon warriors.

Fight the monster with the power of the monster.

Over the past few decades, although a Martial Saint has emerged from the human kingdom, he has never been able to completely break out of the blockade formed by demons.

As a last resort, the human elites in this country had to pool their wisdom and find ways to develop a stronger warrior system.

In recent times, the "human immortal" realm, which is said to be the crystallization of the wisdom of human warriors, has emerged in response to the situation. Human beings hiding in the dark seem to have seen the dawn of victory.


What these trapped humans don't know is that the realm of human beings and immortals is basically shaped under the guidance of demons.

The final direction that every human immortal points to is the innate divine beast and the demon god of heaven and earth.

The forms of these innate beasts and demons of heaven and earth have been guided and modified by demons. In fact, they have become a form that is closer to and more suitable for demon spirits.

One day in the future, when the Spirit Lord comes, he can even completely transcend the weak stages of demons, big demons, demon kings, and demon emperors, directly obtain the body of a "human immortal", and then burst out with the power of the demon emperor.

Just like the top spiritual master will create a powerful demon body to walk in the world.

Human immortals are the new carriers of the arrival of those high-level demon spirits.

However, at this time, Xinghen Demon God, one of the main persons in charge of the "Human Immortal" carrier experiment, no longer has that much energy to observe the perfection of the "Human Immortal" realm by the human race.

It looked at the information about the fall of the Dragon Crying Demon Emperor and the rumors coming from within the Holy Dynasty, and its hideous and terrifying face was filled with solemnity.

After a while, it finally said: "Jin Que."

"Your Majesty."

A creature that was only the size of an ordinary person, but had three pairs of arms and a pair of wings flew from outside.

When he landed in front of the Star Mark Demon God, he half-knelt down and saluted: "May I ask what your orders are?"

"How is the casting of my second demon body going?"

"We have lowered the intensity of the war with the Holy Dynasty during this period, which has resulted in a decrease in the supplies that can be captured. Your second demon god's body... I am afraid it will take another three years to complete."

"Three years."

The Star Mark Demon God knew that it was too late.

"The progress on the Bloodpool Demonic Abyss is just short of the last point, and a new round of recruitment orders from the Demon Lord will be issued soon, so that all forces can be concentrated to occupy the Bloodpool Demonic Abyss..."

The Star Trace Demon God knew that at this time, he had to make a sacrifice.

"Send an order to abandon all territory thousands of miles around the Holy City and shrink the defense line."

This chapter has been completed!
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