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Chapter 644 Destroy the Star Spirit Platform

Chapter 644: Destroying the Star Spirit Platform

The figure of Trayasa Lingzun was floating in the sky over a town not far from the Star Spirit Platform.

Sometimes I can't control my appetite and just pass over a person.

Good education and active thinking make each of these people more delicious than those ignorant and ignorant creatures in the immortal world.

As for whether the occasional death of ten or eight people would cause any panic?

With their ability of demon spirits to devour human beings silently and without leaving any trace, not only would they not arouse suspicion, the humans themselves would have come up with a good reason for him.

After all, too many people in this country die suddenly due to work or various accidents every year.

Trayasha Lingzun shook his head with regret, and his 100-meter body, which was so powerful that it was not inferior to his own body, wandered over the city, harvesting some delicious food from time to time.

Trayasha Lingzun looked at all the living beings in this city:

Soon, soon.

Under it, the star gate of this world is already under construction.

As long as the construction is completed, this world can become a hunting ground for the carnival of their demon spirits from the Chen Realm.

At this moment, a rapid siren came from a military base not far from the town.

Even though the military base was dozens of miles away from this small town, Trayasaur could still feel it clearly.

And through its understanding of the world, it knows that this alarm means that this human country has been attacked.


Trayasa Lingzun was not panicked at all.

It knows that this human country is the most powerful country on the planet. Unless there is a world-wide war, the war will not spread to the territory of this country. It can fully enjoy a show with a spectator mentality.

Upcoming fireworks show.

In fact, it's more than that.

The top officials of the Star Federation also have similar thoughts.

Although the Apocalypse Project Team is responsible for the construction and improvement of the Star Spirit Platform, its safety is directly responsible for the Defense Minister Jialisi.

And sitting at the command post is a five-star general Maher.

When the Chengying mecha was thousands of miles away from the Star Spirit Platform, the people below had noticed something unusual and reported the news to the experienced five-star general, cheering him up.

When the Chengying mecha realized that it could no longer hide its appearance, the general immediately gave the order to attack.

No matter what your identity is.

There is no permission to appear hundreds of miles around the Xingling Platform. Shoot it down first.

His orders could not be described as irresolute.

However, six missiles obviously underestimated the overall performance of the Chengying mecha.

As the pilot Xie Yusheng exploded at full speed, the Chengying mecha instantly soared from a slow speed below the speed of sound when diving to more than three times the speed of sound, and continued to climb, reaching four times the speed of sound, five times the speed of sound, and six times the speed of sound.

Speed ​​of sound······

This terrifying burst of speed directly left all six missiles behind, making them unable to even see the exhaust of the Chengying mecha.

That's not all.

Since the Chengying Mecha was only about 360 miles away from the Xingling Platform at this time, when the Chengying Mecha climbed to six times the speed of sound, the distance between the two had shortened to just over a minute.

Even Maher, a battle-experienced five-star general, was a little annoyed and confused by this sudden change.

Immediately, some talented people below calculated the flight path of the aircraft.

Maher issued the order at an extremely fast speed, and at the end, he said angrily:

The staff who received the order quickly issued the order.

It's just that they didn't know whether they heard it wrong or for other reasons, but they vaguely felt that there was a hint of uneasiness in the voice of their immediate superior when he gave the order.


Xie Yusheng and Gu Jinlai did a good job in the previous investigation.

In order to ensure the safety of the Star Spirit Tower, the Starry Star Federation maintains a fleet of more than forty-eight fighter jets patrolling a thousand-mile radius at all times.

For the Starry Federation's most advanced Falcon fighter jet, it can fly back and forth in an hour within a radius of thousands of miles.

Forty-eight or more fighter jets were allowed to patrol this area. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the area was completely surrounded.

As Maher issued the order, more than twenty close fighters simultaneously changed their directions and headed towards the Chengying mecha.

At the same time, a new round of missiles was launched from the defense facilities around the Xingling Platform.

The missiles fired this time, without exception, were the latest hypersonic missiles put into service by the Star Federation in 2030. They were specially designed to intercept and kill extremely fast flying targets.

The speed of these missiles reaches an astonishing fifteen times the speed of sound, far exceeding the reaction limit of the Chengying mecha.


Because the Chengying Mecha was approaching too fast and was less than three hundred miles away from the Star Spirit Platform, the Starry Star Federation was extremely reluctant to launch sixteen of them in one go.

Saturation interception is nothing more than that.

Xie Yusheng realized this immediately.

His mind immediately activated a special weapon located on the chest of the mecha, and the energy from the reactor was continuously injected into it.

When the sixteen Black Arrow hypersonic missiles were about to completely kill him like a dragnet, a circle of blue arc visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions with the Chengying mecha as the center.


Electromagnetic pulse weapons!

The moment the blue electromagnetic light spread out, it was like a big net, wildly sweeping dozens of miles around. The Black Arrow missiles that bore the brunt were directly destroyed, and sparks shot out.

Even if these missiles have undergone certain anti-electromagnetic pulse treatment, they still have no effect in front of this array.

Batteries of missiles exploded like flames under the blue electromagnetic pulse, lighting up the void.

Some of the instruments on the ground that were being transferred were all out of service, and some lines were even bursting with flames.

In fact, even the four fighter jets that happened to be within an attack range of tens of miles lost all functions in an instant, and all the instruments were dim, like lumps of scrap metal falling from the void.

The flying troops who were reinforced from a distance looked at this horrific scene and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Especially when they saw the kissing scene with their naked eyes, they couldn't help but scream.

An electromagnetic pulse will destroy all

After all the missiles were intercepted, the Shadow-bearing mecha was like a metal god, wrapped in the blue flames ejected by the power engine, and continued to advance towards the Star Spirit Platform at more than six times the speed of sound.

The speed was so fast that the command room was once again in chaos.

Especially when everyone saw the reconnaissance images coming from the front and saw the specific image of the Chengying mecha, all kinds of commotion spread rapidly.

Various exclamations and shouts continued to come from the crowd, one after another.

At this moment, everyone had the illusion of being struck across the ages with a weapon from a higher dimension.

Just like in previous years, they launched cross-restriction wars against other countries.

However, Xie Yusheng, who was driving the Chengying Mecha, ignored the exclamations of these people. At this moment, he was controlling the Chengying Mecha and was fully experiencing the pleasure of lightning speed.

Fighters, ordinary missiles, and more than 90% of the air defense equipment simply cannot keep up with his speed.

Even if a hypersonic missile hits him, he can easily dodge it.

The only things he really needs to be careful about are suicide interceptions by fighter planes and bombardments by hypersonic missiles.

Maher looked at the mecha getting closer and closer to the Star Spirit Platform, and couldn't help shouting orders, completely losing his composure.



The soldiers of the Star Federation can be said to be very brave.

Some pilots even flew fighter jets at extreme speeds of three or four times the speed of sound, trying to intercept the mecha by impact.

But as Xie Yusheng pulled out the ship-cutting knife behind him, all his methods were in vain.

Relying on the astonishing speed, before those fighter jets had time to launch a suicide attack, Xie Yusheng had already exploded, killing at eight or even nine times the speed of sound to the side of those fighter jets, and slashing behind him, flames and iron filings exploded.

All directions.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the sword, and the strong air formed by the compressed airflow of the blade blasted a few extremely high-speed missiles that hit him in the air, making these missiles unable to hurt him even half a cent.

Occasionally, some laser cannons would shoot out beams of light that illuminated the sky, but they couldn't stop it. This Thunder mecha was equipped with a plasma shield.

Throughout the ages, when this mecha was first produced, it was considered to use it to suppress Blue Star's existing weapons.

Laser weapons are naturally also considered.

The plasma shield released in a special way has a mediocre effect against those high-power laser weapons, but the laser technology on Blue Star...

It's still far from perfect.


Fire bursts.

Another hypersonic missile was chopped into pieces by the aura from the ship-cutting knife in Xie Yusheng's hand, which was vibrating at high frequency, and exploded into flames.

Xie Yusheng controlled this mecha, his expression full of excitement:

Tao from ancient times to modern times.

It is undeniable that the weapons on Blue Star have developed rapidly over the years, including neutron bombs, virus weapons, sonic weapons, and magnetic field weapons.

But this weapon...

It is very effective against human armies, but it is of little use to cultivators.

Especially after Xie Yu becomes a true spirit, he will be immune to radiation, viruses, sound waves, magnetic fields and other damage.

What we really need to be careful about are nuclear weapons.

Xie Yusheng calmed down a little after hearing Gujinlai’s reminder:

Ancient and modern times. Xie Yusheng looked solemn.

At this time, the Star Spirit Platform was less than a hundred miles away from him.

He could already clearly see the Xingling Tower, a building that was more than sixty meters high and full of alien and science fiction colors.

At the same time, as he arrived at the core area, countless artillery pieces and rockets intertwined into a dense rain of fire, filling his vision.

This kind of intensive firepower is enough to level mountains, rivers, and forests and turn them into a sea of ​​​​fire.


A hundred miles is enough.

Following Xie Yusheng's thought, the energy in the reactor began to charge into the ion cannon, and the bright light condensed from the barrel on the shoulder of the Chengying mecha.

When the energy in it shone to a certain extent, a brilliant beam of energy suddenly shot out from the barrel, spanning the distance of hundreds of miles between the two with incredible speed, and accurately bombarded the main building of the Star Spirit Platform.



Interception system?


Under the bombardment of this plasma cannon beam which contains terrifying energy and is extremely fast, it is of no use.

As the Star Spirit Platform oscillated, a circle of azure radiance erupted from the main body of the Star Spirit Platform carrying ripples visible to the naked eye.

The huge sixty-meter-high building was directly penetrated by this cannon and collapsed.

Countless debris fell down in a large amount of flames and dust, and fell into the sea.

This scene caused the five-star general Maher, who was responsible for the safety of the Star Spirit Platform, and the members of the Apocalypse project team who had just received the news to react, to shout in reluctance at the same time.

And as the culprit of all this...

For the sake of safety, Xie Yusheng fired two more shots to ensure that the Xingling Platform was indeed destroyed, and then asked tentatively:

Everyone from ancient to modern times nodded with satisfaction at this investigation:

Xie Yusheng has personally experienced the comprehensive performance of the Chengying Mecha, which is almost a century ahead of Blue Star Technology, and is extremely confident.

At this moment, he felt as if he was flying a fifth-generation fighter plane to the battlefield of World War II and unilaterally crushing those jets.

I have seen this situation in ancient and modern times and have not urged it.

He also wanted to know what the limits of the Chengying Mecha could be on Blue Star.

If Xie Yusheng is really in danger, the worst he can do is take his place and control the mecha.


The collapse of the Star Spirit Platform directly caused chaos among the top brass of the Star Federation.

Since it was still early in the morning and the office was open, President Edward, Speaker Jonas, Vice President Robert and others quickly entered the video conference.

Their staff were analyzing the battle at full speed.

However, before the results of the battle analysis came out, after witnessing the destruction of the Star Spirit Platform with their own eyes, these big shots at the top of the Star Federation could not help but become angry.

Robert roared immediately.

Edward's face also looked a little ugly.

He is getting older and older, and if it were not for the success of his plan, he may not be able to be re-elected in the new term.

But as he approaches eighty, he has clearly felt his energy and remembered

Remember, things are not as good as before.

Sometimes while talking with other people, I forget what I want to say next. I am doing something and suddenly I don’t know how to continue.

All these made him feel his old age and even sense the approach of death.

Under such circumstances, the world of immortality has become his greatest hope for extending his life.

In recent times, they have been expanding the Star Spirit Platform at an extremely fast speed, intending to build it into a star gate.

To this end, the entire Star Star Federation has invested an extremely large amount of manpower and material resources, and even the people below have some opinions on what they are doing.

Although the opinions of the people are not important, they can indirectly show the pressure he faces.

But now...

The Star Spirit Platform, into which such a huge amount of money had been invested, was actually raided and destroyed. This made Edward angry, but also felt an unspeakable fear.

Time waits for me.

just in case......

What should he do if he can no longer enter the realm of immortality to seek immortality!?

Edward asked quickly.

Defense Minister Jialisi said with a stern look: Nuclear missiles, destroy the target."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the venue suddenly changed.

Torch missile!?

That is the most advanced weapon of the Star Glory Federation.

The space-based platform is also known as the doomsday platform. Once the weapons mounted on it are activated, it may bring the end of the world to the entire Blue Star.

Jialisi clearly understood what the big shots in the scene were most concerned about, and she said bluntly:

This sentence was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the big shots in the field immediately made a decision.

The possibility of their bodies having an accident within a few years is very low, but if this timeline is extended to ten years...

No one can guarantee it.

The key is that they cannot guarantee whether they will still be in high positions and have such huge power in their hands ten years from now.

Without power, they naturally cannot enjoy the top resources. Even if they really go to the immortal world, they may not be able to achieve anything in a short period of time.

As soon as he thought about this, Jonas immediately said:

Vice President Robert followed.

Several other big shots also nodded.

Edward himself means the same thing.

Now that he had received unanimous support from everyone, he nodded:

After speaking, he added:

Jialisi said:

After hearing what Grace said, Edward pondered for a moment and nodded heavily.

Soon, three men in military uniforms came to his office with a box.

Under the guidance of the three people, Edward opened the box after many verifications.

Looking at the red button above, the seventy-year-old President of the Star Federation took a deep breath:

After saying that, he raised his right hand and pressed it down resolutely.

--Go to check

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