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The 109th chapter is the road

The speed of the cavalry was very fast. Some of the rioters at the edge of the camp had just sounded the alarm, and some were still looking around after hearing the alarm. Wu Shigong and other cavalrymen had already charged to the edge of the camp.

The rioters on the edge of the camp had no time to escape, let alone pick up weapons. Some of them were kicked away by the horse's hooves, and some were trampled into mud by the horse's hooves.

The rebels who were a little further inside the camp saw this situation and quickly moved out of the way. No rebel dared to block Wu Shigong and the others' charging route. Therefore, after Wu Shigong and the others ran for a certain distance, the speed of the horses was not the same.

Come down.

At this time, Xue Qiang had already discovered a target in the camp. He adjusted the direction of his horse and rushed towards the target. The guards behind him also followed Xue Qiang's horse, still arranged in a triangle formation and charged towards it.


When Master Mou heard the commotion in the camp, he pushed away the daughter of a wealthy family who had been tormented by him all night last night, got out of the tent, jumped on a cart, and walked towards the commotion.

Looking in the direction.

Needless to say, Master Mou still pays great attention to his own image, and his professional attire is very standardized. In such a short time as he got out of the tent and jumped on the cart, he had already put on his cassock and brought

Got the Tang Monk’s hat.

The direction of Wu Shigong's charge was from west to east, and it was early in the morning, and the sun had just risen from the east. Although the rising sunlight dazzled Wu Shigong and the others, the sunlight also shone on Master Mou. Whether it was

Master Mou's yellow cassock and Monk Tang's hat on his head both looked dazzling in the sunlight.

With such an obvious target, if Xue Qiang doesn't go to him, who else will he go to?

In fact, when Master Mou just jumped on the cart, Wu Shigong and his cavalry were still some distance away from him. However, when Master Mou focused his attention and saw Wu Shigong and his cavalry, he also saw Wu Shigong and his cavalry charging towards him.

When they came over, Wu Shigong and his cavalry were already very close to Master Mou's cart.

In panic, Master Mou quickly jumped off the cart and tried to escape, but was immediately trampled to pieces by the torrent of cavalry.

The glorious image of Master Mou was not only seen by Xue Qiang, but also by the nearby rioters from the Holy Spirit Society. When these rioters saw Master Mou being trampled into flesh, they all shouted in panic: "

The Archmage was killed by the army!"

These cries caused the entire Holy Spirit Church rioters' camp to become completely chaotic. All the rioters fled in all directions like headless flies.

At this time, Wu Shigong's triangle formation was actually a little scattered. The location where Master Mou was located was where tents and carts were concentrated in the mob camp, and it was also where the leader of the Holy Spirit Society lived. And for

The senior brothers of the Holy Spirit Society's protective team who protect Master Mou are basically concentrated in this place.

After Wu Shigong and his cavalry rushed over, although they also killed most of the leaders of the Holy Spirit Society and the senior brothers of the protective team, due to the obstruction of tents and carts, and because of the killing of those leaders and senior brothers,

The speed of Wu Shigong's cavalry also slowed down.

Although he saw the mobs running around, no one dared to approach Wu Shigong and the cavalry. Xue Yongli simply took back the command from Xue Qiang, asked the cavalry to stop their horses and organize their formation again. This time the formation was

The formation is the regular "wave attack" formation of the cavalry.

Wu Shigong and the others only had more than 200 troops. Of course, it was impossible for them to bloom in the center and spread out to chase the fleeing mob. They formed three rows and rushed toward the mob in one direction.

The first row of cavalry drove their horses at high speed into the crowd of fleeing rioters. The spears in their hands could even pierce three or four rioters at once. Then they dropped their spears, drew their sabers, and pointed them at the rioters around them.

Chopping and hacking.

After the horses slowed down, the first row of cavalry spread out to both sides and returned to the rear of the cavalry formation to line up.

At this time, the second row of cavalry also drove their horses into the crowd of rioters at high speed. Then came the third row...

Wu Shigong also wielded his samurai sword and chopped wildly, feeling as if a tiger had invaded the flock of sheep. However, these mobsters only knew how to run away, and none of them had the courage to pick up weapons to resist.

In front of the escape route of these rioters, there happened to be a river. Of course the rioters who could swim jumped into the river and swam to the other side. However, those who couldn't swim were crowded on the river bank. However, the rioters behind them were blocked by Wu Shigong.

They chased them. The ones behind pushed those in front, and those in front kept falling into the river. In no time, the river was densely filled with corpses.

The rioters gathered on the river bank became more and more dense, and the screams and cries resounded through the sky. I don’t know who among the rioters was the first to shout: "Grandpa, officer and army! Spare your life!"

As he begged for mercy, once, twice... Gradually, there was a cry for mercy in front of Wu Shigong and the others. Xue Yongli looked at Wu Shigong, and Wu Shigong nodded to Xue Yongli. Xue Yongli and the cavalry shouted loudly

Said: "Kneel down and surrender without killing!"

Without much effort, Wu Shigong and others were kneeling in front of a dense crowd of rioters.

All the cavalry were very excited. They shouted loudly and shouted: "We are alive!", "We are all alive!"

In this battle, except for a few cavalrymen who were sprained due to excessive force while killing the mob, there were no other casualties.

Wu Shigong was also very excited, and even the war horse under him was very excited. The horse suddenly neighed, its front hooves lifted off the ground, and stood upright. Fortunately, Wu Shigong had also experienced riding training for such a long time, so he tightened his grip

The horse reins, combined with this showy war horse, give it a cool look.

When the horse landed on all fours, Wu Shigong jumped off the horse. The horse was still dancing around Wu Shigong excitedly. Wu Shigong patted the neck of his horse and said with a smile: "Looking at how crazy you are, I will call you crazy in the future."


At this time, Wu Shigong was soaked from head to toe. The blood of the rioters penetrated through the gaps in Wu Shigong's arm armor and soaked the cotton armor inside. Wu Shigong felt sticky and very uncomfortable.

Wu Shigong saw a tea shed next to him, and accompanied by several guards who also jumped off their horses, he walked towards the tea shed. When he encountered some rioters kneeling on the ground, blocking the way, Wu Shigong waved the samurai sword in his hand and slashed continuously.

There were a few of them. The other rioters quickly crawled to both sides to make way for Wu Shigong and the others.

At this time, Wu Shigong heard the cry of a child among the kneeling rioters, and looked in that direction. As soon as he saw Wu Shigong's eyes and looked over, the child's mother quickly covered her child with her hands in horror.


Wu Shigong looked at them and ignored them. He walked to the tea shed, found a clean spot, took off the iron arm armor and cotton armor on his upper body, and wiped the blood from his upper body with his bare arms.

While wiping the blood, Wu Shigong shouted loudly: "There is no road in this world. Stepping on people's heads is the road."

Just as Wu Shigong entered the tea shed, Qi County Magistrate summoned Yao Yuanwai and other local gentry to discuss together. The topic they discussed must be: what should be done about the defense of the county after Wu Shigong left.

Qi County Magistrate and others agreed that Wu Shigong's rescue of Guide Fucheng this time would definitely be a disaster. Just think about it and you will understand. Wu Shigong only has about 200 cavalry, and he has to face tens of thousands of people from the Holy Spirit Society. Wu Shigong

The leader is not a heavenly soldier or a heavenly general.

County Magistrate Qi and others judged that the best outcome for Wu Shigong would be to see the Holy Spirit Society's rebellion become so powerful that they could shrink and preserve their own strength. However, they would not be able to complete the mission of rescuing Guide City.

Now, County Magistrate Qi and the others are not too worried about the defense of the county town. Because now the second wall of the county town has been built, and the construction of the third wall has also begun.

In addition, the young men in the county have also begun to receive basic military training and have been added to the soldiers and strong men guarding the county. Magistrate Qi and others already have confidence in their hearts. With the Holy Spirit's siege ability that can cause chaos,

It is certain that we cannot capture the county seat.

As they discussed and discussed, the topic of discussion went off topic. They came to the discussion about the land confiscation issue of the rioters in this county who participated in the Holy Spirit Association.

Although the land of these rebellious people will definitely be confiscated by the government, after the government confiscates the land, it will definitely be sold to the people. Of course, it will be sold to local gentry like Yao Yuanwai. Moreover, as long as the filial piety is in place, the land will be

The sales price will definitely not be high.

At this time, some gentry asked whether Wu Shigong should be given less public land. In that case, they, the gentry, could get more land from selling it.

However, some gentry raised objections: after all, Wu Shigong had contributed to the defense of the county, and Wu Shigong had already reached an agreement with the gentry. Isn't this act of overturning the agreement somewhat dishonest?

At this time, County Magistrate Qi made a resolute decision: As long as Wu Shigong comes back in disgrace this time, Wu Shigong's merits and demerits will be equal to each other at best. Wu Shigong will not dare to make any excessive demands. Moreover, since he wants to do it, he will

To be thorough, not even an acre of land will be given to Wu Shigong. All confiscated land will be sold to these gentry.

Magistrate Qi will definitely make a fortune from selling the land. He is also preparing to make a fortune before leaving. Magistrate Qi sneered in his heart. He despised Wu Shigong's naivety. Magistrate Qi thought in his heart

He said: "I have never seen the government talking about credibility with anyone."

If Wu Shigong knew that the current thoughts of County Magistrate Qi were exactly the same as what he said to Dong Yun when he was the commander of the Army and Horses Division in the capital, I wonder if he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

However, Magistrate Qi and others did not expect that Wu Shigong not only won a great victory and quelled the rebellion of the Holy Spirit Society, but also that the more than 200 cavalrymen Wu Shigong brought with him suffered almost zero damage.

This chapter has been completed!
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